The Ballot Screw-up

In the end, Election Day was all about the ballot shortage. They didn’t print enough freaking ballots.

The Connecticut Post has released the results of its sponsored recount and although the paper claims “Recount shows widespread miscalculations” (of photocopied ballots) there’s no evidence of fraud, as the paper also notes. And that’s the biggest thing the recount resolves. No evidence of fraud. Voters want to know their vote wasn’t rigged.

The answer isn’t printing one ballot for every voter, as the befuddling outgoing Connecticut Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz declares. That’s a myopic response. The only election turnout that will eclipse 50 percent in Bridgeport’s current voting trend is a presidential cycle. Are we going to print 68,000 ballots for the 2011 mayoral election or one ballot for every voter in an obscure town committee race? Is a little common sense too much to ask? How about the Registrar’s Office submitting a report to the City Council notifying the legislative body about its intended ballot printing? Then at least someone can scream if the number seems low.

Check out the Post’s precinct calculation results here and full coverage at



  1. For those of you who read this Enquirer type story from the Post please don’t try to tell me this was worth anything. They try to come over as investigative reporting, this was all a waste of time. I stopped counting the what-if scenarios after they said what if one of the other towns had a 9000 vote swing towards Foley it would have caused the vote spread to be under 2000 votes which would have caused a recount. This reminds me if the queen had balls she would be the king or if my aunt had balls she would be my uncle. Sorry CT Post there will not be any literary awards for this waste of time. We already blamed the two registrars of voters hundreds of times. The horse is dead, let’s work on the next time, and about the person who reminded the voters about what happened in Florida with Bush it really did happen it wasn’t a bad dream.

  2. Here is the bottom line.
    Look at the Registrar of Voters budget.
    There is not a line for Ballot Printing.
    There is not even a line for Printing.
    There is a line for Fringe Benefit Take Home Car.
    This is the perfect follow-up to the blog on Sherwood.
    Their budget is totally screwed up.
    And yet the mayor and Sherwood will claim otherwise.

  3. *** So the moral to the story is nada; a plus or minus of a few votes overall that made no difference in the win or loss column in the election. So what else comes from this “Doing the right thing” newspaper report? We know that not enough ballets were ordered; not enough attention to election details before, during & after; lack of training for all poll workers; and maybe the ROV’s elections budget, but most important, “no fraud!” Well now that that’s over it’s back to the same old song & dance, no? *** FORGETABOUTIT ***

  4. It’s been awhile since I’ve been here. I’ve been disgusted with politics in general. My answer to the problem is do not vote in the mayor primary Sept 2011 or the Mayor’s race Nov 11!!! I’m staying home and this gave me more evidence. I voted on a photocopied ballot on Nov 2nd there is a 50% chance it was not counted and when mayor Finch said every vote was counted he lied!!! Ballots that were photocopied were not counted in three precincts and we call this a democracy. I certainly do not blame Bpt voters for not voting and you can add me to the list of them no more voting for me until 2012. For your information if you want precinct-by-precinct results in Bpt here is the link:

  5. Dunbar school 146 votes were not counted for Malloy, now that precinct was screwed. How the hell do you not count 146 votes after the city did??? Thank you CT Post for showing how rigged Bpt is.

  6. Normally I would admonish donj for saying he is so disgusted he will not even bother to vote but I am at the point that I am so disgusted with Bridgeport I want to move! I keep hoping for change but nothing ever does. The corruption and incompetence is exposed for all the world to see but will it matter at all? The mayoral primary needs to be overseen by the state. If the last election has proven anything it’s that the city cannot be trusted to conduct valid elections. The Testa and Stafstrom machines will do anything to get their candidates elected. Finch has already shown what he’s all about. Mary Jane Foster would be no different. Another rich person catering to rich people and beholden to the people who propped her up and handed her the office. Candidates like Gomes and Caruso, who would really provide change, haven’t got a chance unless the primary is overseen by the state or the Feds.


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