UPDATE: Bob from BePo has posted the layoff list of city employees the city released today. See his post below. Thanks Bob. (You’re right. It
Read moreTag: Rob Russo
Finch To Prune Police To Close Budget Gap, Plus: Shays Hits Executive Pay
I do not recall in my 30 years covering the city, a mayor eliminating cops from the workforce, but that’s what Mayor Bill Finch announced
Read morePress Release Me, Let Me Go: Pelosi Stumps For Himes
We’re backed up on a bunch of press releases so I’ll leave four of them this weekend for your reading enjoyment. As we close in on November, campaign
Read moreBoard Of Ed Dough, Plus: Russo’s Viewpoint
Get a load of this: late Tuesday afternoon I spoke to Bob Curwen, co-chair of the City Council Budget and Appropriations Committee, and he says
Read moreThe Poop On Palin, Plus: City Council In Bondage, and Polenta With Pelosi
John McCain didn’t enlist a running mate, he hired himself an attack dog from Alaska leading a sled over a cliff. Tacky, surly, mean, nasty and strident
Read moreLieberman’s Barack Confusion, Plus: Machiavelli’s Layoffs
This is just too good to pass up. Uncle Joe Lieberman serenading Barack Obama two years ago with Yiddish superlatives becoming of one Dem to
Read moreCockfight Over The Budget
A feather-flying game of chicken is playing out between Mayor Bill Finch and city unions, particularly the police union, and the question is which one
Read moreMusto Steps Into Pol Pod, Plus: Shays Talks City Development
Democratic State Senate candidate Anthony Musto is in the Pol Pod. Musto won a close primary over a feisty Marilyn Moore of Bridgeport on Tsunami
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