More than 61,000 electors are eligible to vote in Tuesday’s historic mayoral election, 42,107 Democrats, 3,579 Republicans, 15,415 unaffiliated and 265 other, according to the most current registration summary. The Democratic primary turnout when Joe Ganim defeated incumbent Bill Finch was about one-third, the highest raw turnout for a mayoral primary in 30 years. If the general election percent turnout is about the same, roughly 20,000 will vote. Is the general election intensity equal to the primary?
About 1,000 new voters have enrolled since the primary, a large majority Democrats. About 1,200 voters have cast an absentee ballot, according to the latest figures from the Town Clerk’s Office.
In the primary, Ganim defeated Finch by about 400 votes. Wily policy wonk Jeff Kohut won the OIB primary contest for selecting the winner (Ganim) and by the margin of victory over the closest opponent.
So let’s try this again for the general election, who’ll be Bridgeport’s next mayor and by what margin of victory over the next closest rival? The winner receives dinner on OIB at your Bridgeport restaurant of choice plus a copy of the book Only In Bridgeport. Already have a copy? It makes a nice holiday gift. Or feel free to use it as kindling for a toasty fire. After this mayoral election, we have a few more chapters to write.
Ballot lineup for mayor: Democrat Joseph Ganim, Republican Enrique Torres, New Movement Charles Coviello Jr, petitioning Tony Barr, petitioning Christopher Taylor, petitioning Mary-Jane Foster, petitioning David Daniels III. Steve Miller is a write-in candidate for mayor.
Torres, 9500; Ganim, 7000; Foster, 5700.
DB, now let’s say all the 3579 Republicans come out for Torres, well where are the other 4421 voters coming from? The majority of voters in Bridgeport are black and Hispanic voters so are you saying these two groups will be voting Torres or are they staying home and not voting at all? Okay, you can wake up now because you had a bad dream about Rick winning.
It’s a prediction, not a rhetorical statement. All you want to do is argue for the sake of arguing. Shut the fuck up and get over yourself.
DEREK BROWN, I don’t know who the fuck you think you’re talking to, you tell your children and your wife to shut up because you are fucking with the wrong person. If you don’t like what I say, then fuck you.
Take a pill and get over yourself, Mr. Mackey. Your criticism of Rick Torres’ campaign is baseless and completely lacking in substance. In more colloquial terms, you sir, are full of shit. Plain and simple, just a loudmouthed bag of shit. Don’t do anything you’ll have to explain to a superior court judge during an arraignment hearing.
DB, I was a firefighter for four years in the Air Force and I retired as a Bridgeport firefighter so firefighters know what danger is but they keep going. You are no challenge to me, punk. You go through life scared of something happening to you but I don’t, punk. When you see my name just move on and don’t read what I say, I think you will be happier, punk.
Whatever, blah-blah-blah.
Rick has risen to 8255 votes in a general election. 9500 with a split Democratic ticket is not unreasonable. He has far more recognition than when he gained 8255. Only the fact under Finch voter turnout plummeted is a problem. We need to get back to the good ole days when 20,000 or more decide Bridgeport’s political future, not 12k or 13k like under Finch.
If, based on your turnout prediction of 21K or so, Rick doesn’t have 7K 1’s and 2’s banked right now, then he’s probably not going to be competitive. Do a gut check.
I know Halloween is Saturday night. All the candidate camps have their fair share of Fun Ghouls!
Stuck between Foster and Torres but my predication Ganim 8,400 Torres 3,300 Foster 2,400, 20,000 people voting. That’s a lot.
Your arithmetic comes up short, donj.
Hahah, when I said 20,000 is a lot I’m referring to what Lennie said if the trend was like September 20,000 will vote 1/3 and I said that’s a lot for a mayoral election.
I agree with donj even if he can’t add.
donj, I appreciate the fact you are the only constant every election. I hope you will consider supporting Foster. Row G.
Here is a statistic to ponder. In 1981 each of the major party mayoral candidates got more votes individually than all of the mayoral candidates in 2011. Will that trend be reversed?
Makes me wonder what happened over the last 30 years to cause such a decline in voter turnout.
Lennie, could you post the general election results from 2007 and 2011? I need them for my crystal balls.
Careful, we don’t want your twins to crash!
In 2011; 3344 Torres, 8435 Finch. 2007 Torres did not run, Republicans had an unknown candidate and Finch trashed him.
2003; Torres 8255, Fabrizi 11,816
Stats here:
www .ct.gov/sots/cwp/view.asp?a=3179&Q=528074&sotsNav=|
Does anyone know the GOP turnout in the 2003 general election? Balls.
It is right here, CB.
www .ct.gov/sots/cwp/view.asp?a=3179&q=392174#15
Torres got 8255 votes against Fabrizi’s 11,816. Lennie knows this, he may not want to expose Torres and his great shot at winning this split election.
Based on the calls I have made, it will be a tight race. Foster’s position will make it difficult. It is definitely a two-woman race.
I understand a Quinnipiac poll comes out this weekend. Mary-Jane Foster has been picking up Huge Republican and Independent support. I only spoke to one Republican who when I asked if he would or could consider Foster, he gave me a lecture on Ganim and said he wouldn’t support a F#-%-^g Democrat if his life depended on it. I put down a Torres supporter but not sure. If a beautiful day and Foster gets out the vote of all voters, she will definitely be victorious. Otherwise Ganim will be as he has definitely run a steller campaign. Congrats to Danny Roach, I have only met him once. I think the Foster campaign has picked up steam. Tom Swan has been doing a fine job for Foster’s resurrection campaign. After the Finch endorsement, she was elevated to a strong contender. I believe there is going to be record turnouts at all the polling locations. If not, it will not be surprising. Joe Ganim is positioned perfectly on the ballot. However, his commercials incessantly on WICC that have been well-produced have angered many. Unless of course you support Ganim. I know Torres supporters are passionate about Rick, however his signs on public properties with Dave Daniels have surpassed Ganim. Very disturbing. With four days to go, I believe Foster will pull it off. I do not want to say anything mean about Torres. May the best woman win.
If you have only met Dan Roach once then I wonder where you have been. Are you calling Torres a woman? That is surreal but whatever. Torres and campaign have not sanctioned putting signs on public property and I have not seen any. What I see is very very few Foster signs and multiple Ganim signs on any lawn they can find. As well as public. Not to say there are lots of Ganim signs, more like lots on each lawn they can populate. The same camp Ganim is in had the public works department take Caruso signs to the public works building on Housatonic Ave. I accompanied Pastor Bill off Boston Ave when he gave the guys a real talking-to for stealing them on orders. I think that made the news. Public works guys drive by Torres’ shop and honk and wave this election. Take a ride in your own car, or the bus or a walk. Caruso said signs don’t win elections when I asked him once, but Torres is plenty visible and not on public property in numbers that would indicate it was planned. Torres has run a campaign of ideas.
So Torres signs on public property surpassing Ganim on Boston Ave. Price Rite by Main St. Ganim signs replaced by Torres on Esplanades up and down Main St. and Park Avenue. Of course they are not sanctioned. People acknowledge it is public property.
Steven, I think you can read. I said, “Torres and campaign have not sanctioned putting signs on public property.” It is plain to see there has been no dirt on Torres because he is the honest hardworking candidate, for transparent, open, people-first government, who will win this election with high voter turnout. Low voter turnout is what has kept the results in the bag for many elections, nothing more than that. Sorry there is a sign in the esplanade. Glad to see there is nothing else to say. WE have agreed Torres or Foster is the forward-moving choice for Bridgeport. Torres has no baggage, Foster packed a lot of it for this trip.
Caruso is correct, signs do not vote. We do like seeing our candidate especially on huge billboards by supporters. Btw, Say No To Joe, Vote Torres is priceless.
No it’s not priceless, but pretty good for working with 6% of Ganim’s campaign money and 15% of Foster’s. If money buys elections, then passion and ideas will buy this one for Torres, because, as you know, he is just as visible without buying it.
Taxes go down, with 2016 reval. Only candidate to pledge.
Government openness, wrote and passed transparency resolution through council.
Stop tax abatements to huge companies. Use them only sparingly.
Close the coal plant. Wrote resolution, unanimous council support.
End conflicts of interest on council. Your city job or public position, not both.
Fully fund education. Kids left behind and sold out.
Crime. Add police, strengthen neighborhood partnerships.
Tell me how he will close the coal plant, that one is a lie. Just what are neighborhood partnerships? Where is the money going to come from for the BOE?
Tell me about the unicorns grazing in your back yard, Andy. Tell me how Mary-Jane Foster is going to make Bridgeport safe for truth, justice and the American way.
Just as I thought, no answer. Shame on you, Bpt Kid.
Mailers don’t lie, Andy.
www .bridgeportct.gov/releases/?FeedID=1729
Do you believe the council has that kind of power? If you do believe that, there is a rubber room waiting for you.
Say no to Joe, say yes to TORRES, ROW B!!!
Are we cutting this off before the poll is released? I want some Ralph and Rich’s on Times-darling Grimaldi’s tab.
I fired up my Balls and Claude for an answer. I’m assuming Ganim is still working and not being complacent and Stafstrom is still working MJF’s campaign hard with Finch’s IDs in the face of what he knows will be a decisive and humiliating defeat:
Turnout: 20K. Ganim 41% 8,200; Foster 32.5% 6,500; Torres 21% 4200; Coviello, Et Al. 5.5% 1100
I’m so glad I’m not MJF right now. I’d hate to have Stafstrom and Caruso clawing at my balls.
I will only say Torres got 8255 against Fabrizi’s 11,816. That is a turnout of 20,071. = Recent elections have been 12k and 13k turnouts. I believe this one will be back up around 20k with pro- and anti-Ganim sentiment. If Torres can gain his 8255 again, that leaves 12,000 or so for Ganim and Foster to fight over.
Here are the election states from the state.
www .ct.gov/sots/cwp/view.asp?a=3179&Q=528074&sotsNav=|
Ganim–12,500 (48.2%);
Torres–6,400 (24.7%);
Foster–6,200 (23.9%);
Coviello–300 (1.2%);
Daniels–200 (0.8%);
Taylor–200 (0.8%);
Barr–100 (0.4%);
Miller–10 (0%)
Jeff, a poll coming out this weekend may shine a light on the situation. I do not think you will win a meal this time. First, you have grossly underestimated Chris Taylor. I think Coviello will wish he gave his place to Finch. I believe Foster will win by a small margin and Rick will lose both Mayor and Council. Chris Taylor has been campaigning and we have not seen the last of him. He is a good guy. I think if Ganim fails to take the day he is still a winner. Foster will serve the city very well.
At the height of popularity, Ganim got 14,700-plus votes on a turnout of around 18,000. Your turnout numbers at 25,000-plus will only happen if the anti-Ganim vote is huge.
This is very optimistic, Jeff. There’s video documentation Ganim has been paying people to vote for him. That’s somewhat illegal under state and federal election law.
Sheesh, you guys think 20k will vote in a mayoral election? When Obama came last year, 21,500 voted in a midterm.
The last two mayoral elections in BPT did only 12k and 13k.
This is very well written, regardless of who it was written for. Let’s see some personal testimonies of the candidates that can rival this one from George Boland:
Caruso backing MJF definitely helps Rick. She and her campaign are on fumes, regardless of her endorsements and money raising. Anyone who saw that debate knows she is acting a part, and not doing a good job of it. The last couple of questions posed to her, I couldn’t even hear her response because of all the talking in the audience; people weren’t talking about her, they were indifferent to her presence. She cannot and has not connected with Bridgeporters, all the endorsements and money will not help that. She is simply a “don’t vote for Joe” vote, yet Rick Torres has been flying high lately, he clearly won the debate and won over numerous D’s and unaffiliated voters in the process. He is channeling their pain, fears, hopes and dreams. His platform, ideas and truly spiritual journey to do the right thing, and bring honor and integrity to city government, while being the vehicle that disenfranchised citizens who have been taken for granted by Democrats for generations can ride to begin to lift themselves with the helping hand of government. He feels more than a responsibility, he feels a spiritual mission to lead the city. Everyone at that debate who loudly cheered half a dozen times with Rick’s thoughtful and passionate responses found out what Rick supporters have known for awhile, he is completely connecting with people. Joe Ganim as a politician also has a way of connecting, but he’s lost tremendous steam in the past few weeks, evidenced by his dismal debate performance filled with regurgitated rhetoric and talking points, and it’s obvious he’s become a spiritually empty shell. He thinks he can cruise to the finish, but he’s sadly mistaken. MJF has no true believers, Ganim has some true believers whom he’s connected with, but they are likely coming to the conclusion his passion and energy are for personal gain, ego and glory and not for their welfare. All Rick’s supporters quickly become true believers and know he is on another level than these posers, and his selflessness and competence are obvious and genuine. Bridgeport may not even deserve Rick Torres.
The only part I don’t agree with is Bridgeport DOES DESERVE RICK TORRES! Come on, let’s see your testimony.
I believe in Mary-Jane Foster. Her campaign is riding high! She may not connect with people as easily as other bullshit artists but this is not a personality contest. How does Caruso supporting Foster help Rick? You may be correct, Bridgeport may not deserve Rick Torres. Btw, when did Enrique change his name back to Rick? I have noticed on his literature and signs it is Rick. His ideology on Black America is disturbing to African Americans and his Black power tattoo is disturbing to everybody else. If he had that tattoo done in his youth it would be understandable; he did not. Park City too, I do agree a successful campaign needs passionate people. Four years ago I first supported MJF with a passion. By a twist of fate I am back and passionate with four days to go. You are aware Republicans are supporting her as well as independents in record numbers. She has the majority of Finch votes. I appreciate your passion and enthusiasm for Rick. Wake up and smell the coffee!
Caruso or any other endorsement helps Rick by taking votes away from Ganim. His are nearly in the bag, she being nearly impossible to find on the ballot needs the help. Let’s see. None of her numbers have proven this vote-getting ability you mention. Rick, Enrique, has proven it. Good luck, you have worked hard. Still days to go.
Mary-Jane has not connected with the majority minority vote. The only votes she’ll get in the East Side are the AB’s Lydia is stealing.
Hey Lennie, why are my comments on my prediction who I think is going to win being deleted? It’s bad enough most of them can’t be seen unless you’re logged in. If my comments are just going to be deleted then there’s no reason to be on this blog. Bridgeport will win and vote your conscience, let it guide you from the hand of the devil. God Bless. Good luck on your “Voting day.”
Please post your prediction.
Bridgeport will win, I think Jeff Kohut would like that prediction. Since he is always rambling on about how Bridgeport has been taking advantage of by Stamford and the Gold Coast for decades. Isn’t that what we all want? or are we cutting off our nose to spite our face? Bridgeport will win.
The primary was ten weeks ago. That’s given voters ample time to consider the ramifications of re-electing a crook. Anyone who would vote for this year’s Democratic nominee will be exercising poor moral judgement. The weasel already stole more than a few chickens. Why would anyone believe he could be trusted to guard the henhouse? A segment of the Greater Bridgeport community believes Joe Ganim is some sort of folk hero, as if he is some sort of Robin Hood character, taking from the rich and giving to the poor while skipping through Sherwood Forest. He takes from the rich alright. Fifteen years ago it was a dollar per square foot; adjusted for inflation he’ll be charging $4.75 now.
He took from the poor too, displacing thousands of residents and dozens of small mom-and-pop businesses and the oldest yacht club in Bridgeport, seizing property through eminent domain to make way for Steel Point, a development that ended up costing the city’s coffers about $200,000,000 in lost revenue. The shady deals he undertook to enrich himself and his shameless cronies ended up in court and delayed the project for more than a decade. And the community that was most affected wants to give him another chance?
Mary-Jane Foster’s credibility was compromised the moment she joined forces with Bill Finch. Finch lost the primary because more than a few people thought a convicted felon was a better choice (some of them still think that way, sadly). Before setting up housekeeping with Finch, Stafstrom LLC, Ms. Foster released a list of miracles she will perform in her first fifty days in office. Along with more mundane tasks (like parting the waters of Long Island Sound and taking the five loaves and the two fish, breaking and giving them to the disciples to distribute to the people), she promised to rid the city payroll of no-show and patronage jobs. Lo and behold, an amended list appears post-Finch and the elimination of no-show and ghost jobs is not included. Guess that was a promise she couldn’t keep. That or she was lying in the first place. (Speaking of truthfulness, Ms. Foster has issued a non-denial denial of weasel words when asked if Bill Finch will have a job in her administration. “No deals were made” is all she’ll say. No one asked about any deals, Ms. Foster. A simple yes or no about Mr. Finch’s continued employment with the city of Bridgeport is all we are asking.)
Based on my intel, MJF will come in third. Mary and I have already voted and we voted for Rick Torres.
Your INTEL may have been the same that requested you run for office. It’s a little off by 7 thousand. No? You voted for Torres like a good Republican. Most Republicans in Black Rock are supporting Foster. I have called them. Oh wait, then there are the Republicans supporting Foster who are calling them. Oh yeah, then there are the canvassers who are talking to them. They know the future of the city is at stake. At St. Ann’s this summer the attendees were excited about Finch and now they will support Foster. It is good you and your wife voted by absentee ballot. Are you both ill? Going to the polls too much of an effort?
Steven, this is your most cogent post yet. Most of them wander around a bit, but I think you are sincere, and would expect a good verbal slap like the one above if you could find it. Problem is, absentee ballots are ballots still, they do not serve refreshments at the polls, so a person does not have to stand in line to vote if they don’t want to. Is this an “unwashed masses” metaphor? It would be more accessible just saying it. You might ask, if I said I called most Republicans, “so, if there are 3500 Republicans and you spent a half minute calling and talking to each then you spent 29 hours on the phone lately? And that is without unanswered calls, which is the majority of calls for any campaign, so you spent countless hours redialing until you were able to speak with most Republicans? I hope you at least told them we said hello.
www .torresforbpt.com
Twenty-nine hours on the phone may be a slight understatement. I have been working the phone and the streets at least six days a week. I have more than touched enough people to know where we stand realistically. Very very excited today. Yes, Republicans know what their reality will be with a Torres vote in Black Rock.
Yes, this is the crystal ball post, you have a crystal ball complex maybe. Foster’s support in the primary was not much of a rallying cry. But Republicans are smarter and have seen the light, they want Foster as their maven. Well good luck, we will see in a few days. I will spend most of the rest of my time on here inviting Foster and Ganim supporters to give the city councilman and two-time previous mayoral candidate a chance to serve them with cooperative open government of people before political insiders. We have all been in Bridgeport for a long time, we all know the games. Hit the reset switch and give Torres a chance to let everyone peer behind the curtain to see who the wizard is in Bridgeport. You all know he is serious about giving you access to information on your government. This will generate the conversations needed to allow residents to guide the future of the city.
I’ve met you in person, Steven. People will lie just to clear an unwanted visitor like you from the porch. You “predicted” Finch would win the primary by a landslide; he lost, to The Crook, by 400 votes. You “predicted” he’d win the general election and he shot himself in the foot yet again–there’s a reason he is known as a lame duck, limping and quacking as he does.
Those 400 who voted for The Crook were protest votes, sending a message to Finch: get out, you suck. Now you really expect anyone to believe the endorsement of a deeply unpopular mayor is going to benefit a late starter who garnered a measly 9% of the primary vote? Quack-quack-quack. Her lack of sincerity coupled with bald-faced compromises and evasiveness and unwillingness to answer questions directly has had a negative effect on her credibility. Ganim’s popularity peaked September 16th. It’s been downhill ever since. Voters have had time to consider the ramifications of hiring a crook to do the city’s bidding. Ms. Foster is just another cog in the machine at this point. She sold herself out in pursuit of an ego fix.
Torres is the only one of the front three runners who is in the race for altruistic reasons.
Steve, this campaign is laying waste to the old saying “expect the best and get it.” I think. Let me assume you have read the requirements that are allowed before using an AB? One of them happens to be if you will be away from home on Election Day. So if you know it is impossible to meet your citizen responsibility for that or any of the other listed conditions, using the AB is a good thing. Why are you questioning this individual’s motives and good will at this moment? Does it help your candidate for those who may still be deciding? Does it make you feel better, more important, etc.? Time will tell.
It makes me feel better. It makes me feel important. It makes me wonder how the Republican party wanted Rick to run so Ganim would win and make the city look ridiculous, it makes me wonder about David Walker. Apparently, Black Rockers know what’s at stake and will not waste their vote on Torres. Yes, it does help me and my candidate. Rick has beautifully been positioned to lose both bids.
They are going to be out of town.
The only Republicans in Black Rock supporting Foster for sure are her husband and Kathleen Pierce because she is being paid to raise $$ for Foster.
Jennifer–try adding Donna Curran as an MJF supporter. She knows both Rick and MJF well, and has come down firmly for Mary-Jane. She of course is a Republican former city councilwoman. I could go on, but why give away our strength to someone who’s had an overdose of Rick’s Kool-Aid?
Of course.
I guess some people forget people they know and people who have helped them.
Foster and Torres will split the anti-Ganim vote.
Yes Velez, and Foster will get the Finch and Foster vote and the Republican vote and the women vote. Did Foster go after the women vote? Hmmm.
I think every one of the anti-Foster vote is praying for a miracle. There are moments I think their prayers are being answered. But today, I think G-d doesn’t listen to those prayers and Foster will take the day.
There is no anti-Foster vote. We are too far into this to start over. There is an anti-Ganim vote Rick and Mary-Jane are looking to get. The only anti-Foster vote is one that stays home out of boredom.
You know Steven,
We all knew Finch was gonna lose the primary. The more you talk up the successes of the campaign du jour you’re working, the more it comes across like just so much hot gas, like methane seeping from a crack in the earth. Or a fart.
What will you do after your horse comes in show? 9% is not much to work with. She dropped out of the race after that, which turned into a lie when she jumped back in. She misrepresented her past, painting herself as a single mom struggling to make ends meet. Talk to the single mothers struggling to make ends meet. More than a few of them know hardship. Ms. Foster had plenty of support from a medical school professor stepfather and a mother who owned a jewelry store. It’s it is laughable that anyone would believe she worked her way up from welfare, food stamps and a phonebooth-sized apartment in a housing project.
Bill Finch is not well-liked in the East End and East Side, quite a burden to overcome with voters skeptical of a petitioning candidate.
Prediction. Voter turnout 20,750. Torres 7400, Ganim 7200, Foster 5200, Others 950.
It’s going to be close.
Turnout: 18600
Foster: 8200
Ganim: 7950
Torres: 2500
450 Everyone else
Frank Underwood,
I do not agree. I think Mary-Jane Foster is going to have a much stronger finish, even though it seems to everyone there is nothing happening as Ganim was hoping. I believe her campaign has some bombs to drop in the next three days. If not, it will not be like they haven’t been told repeatedly. I know the best is yet to come. If someone has heard of Foster, she wins. There are so many Democrats who just vote the line even if it was Daffy Duck. Imagine even Daffy Duck would beat a Republican in Bridgeport. I think a massive turnout and a strong finish for Foster.
Ms. Foster is going to finish a dismal third, barely making it onto the scoreboard. There’s not going to be a last minute, “come from behind” sprint. She doesn’t have the voter appeal of Torres (or Ganim, for that matter). Even Chris Taylor is a more attractive candidate. He’s offering cell phones, laptops, a chicken in every pot and a TV in every room. What’s Mary-Jane got? “Mommy always told me ‘Never tell a lie’ and ‘don’t make a promise you can’t keep.'” She’s lied to us already and broken several promises. Being an attorney she’ll probably say “Oh, that was campaign rhetoric” or some such nonsensical bullshit.
Okay, Frank. Don’t look at any statistics if you don’t want to. I wish you well and hope you’re dreaming.
The facts are Foster is head and shoulders ahead of Torres with three days to go. Are you serious?
MJF is going to win and then you can still have your croissants for four more years
It’s simple: Take the 20 bucks Joe’s paying and vote TORRES, line B.
In military parlance, you want “boots on the ground.” In political terms, you need “voters in the booth.”
Modern voting procedures makes finding ROW G easy. That’s where we find out the oval is mightier than the DTC nod and Bridgeporters discover how easy it is to vote for Mary-Jane Foster. Think of the future.
Bonus: www .Only1canbethebest.com
Mr. Eyes, that was proven during the primary when the PEOPLE voted for their candidate Joe Ganim and not the DTC-endorsed sitting Mayor. The Oval is definitely the more powerful one.
Just remember:
Mary-Jane Foster said she would never tell a lie, and would never make a promise she couldn’t keep. She’s already failed on both counts. She promised to rid City Hall of patronage positions and no-show and “ghost” jobs. She reneged on that one. When asked if Bill Finch would have a job in her administration she and Gage Elliot Frank, her campaign manager, have said “No deals were made.” That doesn’t answer the question, and an omission is still a lie.
Joe Ganim took advantage of his position as mayor to enrich himself, leaving higher taxes, displaced residents and lawsuits in his wake. Like he told supporters, “I did it before, I can do it again.”
Vote Torres, line B.
With all the jing flowing into Foster and Ganim’s coffers, they will still lose. Ganim because he’s a crook who ought to find redemption in the private sector. Foster because of an obvious lack of sincerity–for an experienced professional actress she comes up short in believability. Her campaign is running on ether and money will not be able to change that. Steven Auerbach will need company this afternoon. The Klein is a big place for one little foodie all by hisself.
What, a party and I wasn’t even invited? Maybe because they want me to make calls? Maybe I will crash the party. 🙂 Bridgeport Kid, it would be nice to see you there. You will see many Black Rockers there like yourself. Republicans Democrats and independents. All supporting Mary-Jane Foster Row G. There are council people running who made more than Torres. So with three days left to go, stop being nasty and join the party. Ron Mackey would love to meet you. I still cannot believe with all the hours and mileage I have worked on Fosters campaign, I have not yet met Ron Mackey. Guess we are all working autonomously for the common goal of getting Foster elected.
We are not against Ganim supporters either, please excuse the oversight. Torres is a vote for your ownership of city hall.
Ron Mackey is an argumentative thug. I do not associate with men like him, limited intelligence and poor problem-solving skills.
Foster 9,322; Ganim 8,622; Torres 3,001; others, total of 501.
You’ve given Torres a lot of credit. He spent all his campaign cash on buttons, shirts, signs and croissants. Looks like he’s got no greenbacks to hire any workers.
Ganim’s East Main Street HQ is deserted, closed and locked. Either the paid goons are out bullying for votes or the campaign is saving money to buy them on November 3rd. Joe fucked up the Park City. “I did it before,” he said, “I can do it again.”
Foster’s joyless professional smile, the same one worn by careerist politicians and movie actresses, is all over Facebook. She wants to postpone the revaluation for the same reason Bill Finch put it off: political appearances. If it is left up to her, the reval will be postponed for another eight years, until abandoned and dilapidated properties will be taxed at a rate a hundred times more than they are actually worth.
Rick Torres, the only other candidate on the board, is also the only major candidate with no connections to Mario Testa, John Stafstrom or any other wheel in the corrupt party machine that has run our fair city into the ground. It’s a good thing we love this place. So many homeowners are stuck here, unable to sell their houses because of high taxes (stand up, Mary-Jane Foster). Rick Torres, of all the people running for mayor, is the only one with solid, practical plans to put the city back on the road to prosperity. No more 100-year abatements, no more no-show jobs on the city payroll, no more failing school system, no more reactive law enforcement, no more predatory tax collection. Of the three front runners, there’s a crook, a liar and an honest man. Vote for the honest man, Torres, ROW B, for the future.
Come back to earth, you are way out there.
Andy, do you know Derek Brown?
I do.
You know OF me, Steven. We’re acquaintances, that’s all.
NO I don’t, and I don’t want to know him.
Feeling’s mutual, Andrew.
Ganim and Foster campaign workers are motivated but voters are not excited about voting for either of them. Torres voters on the other hand are truly excited about the possibility of bringing real change to Bridgeport.
I agree, the very few Torres voters there are need to be excited because there are so few of them.
Speaking of crystal balls, I remember when I was 17 years old I fell head over heels for this gorgeous blonde from Fairfield, she was a year older than me, with a set of knockers you could have fashioned a pair of Titan missiles after.
Anyways, I never got to fire those missiles, but I did have a case of blue balls for about three weeks!
Most of the guys reading this will know what I mean!
So I try to stay away from anything like Crystal balls and things of that nature.
Joe Ganim will beat his nearest opponent by two to one!
Joe Ganim is the only one with a zero-based tax plan for this city, and will hold the line on taxes!
On November 3rd, vote for Joe Ganim!
Sonny, you’re completely warped. Please take your meds.
Andy, Steven,
Tell us why Mary-Jane Foster is claiming in the latest campaign mailer she has been endorsed by Barbara Kelly? Ms. Kelly withdrew her support quite some time ago to endorse Torres for mayor. The Foster campaign used her name and likeness without permission. And Mary-Jane claims to be the “honest choice for change.” Yeah right. If pigs had wings they’d fly.
I have no idea who this women is but if what you say happened it was without MJF’s knowledge. There are many small details a candidate IS NOT INVOLVED IN AND THIS MAY BE ONE OF THEM. Seems like the Torres camp is getting desperate and are coming up with this kind of stuff.
It’s the truth, Andy. She used Ms. Kelly’s name and likeness without authorization.
Here it is: Torres–7001, Ganim–6900, MJF–6600
Rick is a completely different candidate than he was eight years ago, four years ago, and even one year ago. He’s connecting with people and it’s lifting him; he’ll be getting 75% of the people he talks to in the next few days. Joe Ganim had not only reached his peak a month ago, he will get the most defections in the next few days when people will finally wake up and say: “do they really think I’m that much of a sucker?” MJF will get about 4000 Finch votes; she hasn’t connected and won’t in the next few days. Rick Torres is always authentic, slightly eccentric and is not doing this for money, power or ego. Rick has lived his life true to himself, his friends and his family. But he is now noticeably more spiritually open and can empathize with everyone; and he is being embraced by his supporters because they feel his embrace and passion and know it’s real. He can humbly and quickly ignite the spark in everyone, which will transform the city.
George, you’re right on about Rick. You can see the sparkle in his eyes. The joy on his face when he’s showing both kids and adults alike how to ride the Segway. The hugs and the smiles on people’s faces after they converse with him. He is working his butt off but it doesn’t seem like work to him. He’s truly enjoying it, he truly believes in himself and he’s incredibly genuine.
It’s obvious to me Quentin, Rick is completely spiritually open, while keeping his feet firmly planted in reality; while his stated platform and ideas are clearly articulated, they are original; yet while Rick has been a doggedly consistent person in many aspects of his life, he will never be held hostage by his past words or deeds, he is evolving and will continue to evolve. That’s huge! And rare to have this guy in your midst, with an opportunity to vote for him to lead the city. I’ve known Rick for 20+ years and have always liked and respected him (while strongly disagreeing with him on endless topics like religion, God and politics) but his spiritual evolution has been stunning. To have the opportunity to vote for someone who very prepared but more importantly spiritually generous and spiritually centered is amazing- and I think Bridgeporters will know that by Tuesday.
Turnout: 18,900
Foster: 8,289
Ganim: 7,994
Torres: 2,155
all others: 462
You can always hope. It’s good to have hope if you don’t have Jesus in your heart.