State To Probe Ayala, Finch PAC Affiliate–PAC Officials Pledge Cooperation

From Ken Dixon, CT Post:

HARTFORD — The State Elections Enforcement Commission has launched an investigation into Registrar Santa Ayala’s rejection of Democrat Mary-Jane Foster’s mayoral nomination petitions and into a political action committee that gave thousands of dollars to Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch and his chief of staff. from Foster camp re ballot complaint:

According to the complaint: “Bartlett asked Ayala to review the application for the petition and to offer any guidance as to whether it was acceptable. Jason Bartlett indicated the campaign’s willingness to revise the application if needed … Santa I. Ayala took some time to review the application and indicated it was acceptable.”

Statement from Gloria Beccaro and Bill Beccaro, officers for People for Excellence in Government

For Immediate Release–Response from People for Excellence in Government PAC regarding the actions of the State Elections Enforcement Commission:

People for Excellence in Government welcomes the investigation by the State Elections Enforcement Commission, and promises rapid and complete cooperation with them. We look forward to a fair and impartial review which should dispel many of the misstatements and incorrect “facts” which have been circulated in the media. As this is a closed and confidential process, we will respect the process and will not comment further.



  1. “I have lawyers working for me to keep it legal and this guy’s a failed restaurateur,” Finch said of Kelly.

    “You don’t have to be an attorney to see the quid pro quo,” Kelly said. “This is a conversion of money into a personal benefit.”

    Chalk one up to the “Failed Restaurateur” Lobby!

  2. This is one step in the right direction. How long will it take to investigate? What happened to complaint/case/file #2009-131? It’s been what, two years? I hope this doesn’t mean MJF must wait for the SEEC in order to seek remedy from the court–I’m confident this is not the case.

    1. The long and the sort of it is this:
      Santa Ayala, knowing the petitions were flawed, issued them anyway. Mistake #1 (not counting the ballot shortage clusterfuck). She then used the flawed petitions as the reason she rejected them. Mistake #2. Mistake #s 1 & 2 could lead to criminal charges. Mistake #3: trusting Paul Ganim for legal advice.

  3. Both Judge Ganim and Ayala should be held in Contempt of Court.

    Contempt of Court
    An act of deliberate disobedience or disregard for the laws, regulations, or decorum of a public authority, such as a court or legislative body.
    Individuals may be cited for contempt when they disobey an order, fail to comply with a request, tamper with documents, withhold evidence, interrupt proceedings through their actions or words, or otherwise defy a public authority or hold it up to ridicule and disrespect. The laws and rules governing contempt have developed in a piecemeal fashion over time and give wide discretion to judges and legislative leaders in determining both what constitutes contempt and how it is punished.

  4. She will need Judge Ganim and the entire city attorney’s office on this one. She’d better have a real good criminal defense lawyer on the side as well.

  5. Typical Finch–change the subject! Methinks it’s time to change the mayor!

    Ayala better find another lawyer–someone who is well versed in constitutional law. Being a probate judge does NOT make one knowledgeable in constitutional/election law … oh and that idea for a good criminal defense lawyer is wonderful … just ask Joe Ganim who HIS lawyer was!

    1. Joe didn’t take the offer of a lower jail sentence because he was arrogant enough to believe he was going to be found innocent. All this with 100s of hours of audio tapes and the testimony of Paul Pinto and others that proved his guilt. Ganim’s family only stood by and watched while the Lebanese John Kennedy went down in flames …

    1. yahooy, Santa Ayala is a City of Bridgeport elected official. She was on City time when the petition process was being handled. The City Attorney’s Office represents its employees in situations like this. But since they are so darn busy trying to derail the Foster Train, they had to hire outside counsel for Santa. Thus, she got Paul Ganim. In the near future we can FOI all city records related to the cost of all this mess created by Finch, Ramos, and now Paul Ganim.

  6. Wait a minute … Jason Bartlett asked Sandi to review the petition … she took some time … then responded it was acceptable. She outright lied. She is just digging her hole deeper and deeper.

  7. chs,
    Keep the prayers flowing for MJF’s people. If she gets back on the ballot, she will defeat the mayor in a landslide. Bridgeport will be taken off life support and the city we love so much will begin to emerge again. Everyone, say the rosary–all day!


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