Simon Says (Or Asks), Will Sonny Fox Run For City Council?

Sonny Fox radio

Jim “Sonny” Fox is rarely at a loss for words, especially with his Black Rock Radio 102.1 FM. Ya just never know what Sonny will say or write, on his radio waves or OIB. So if you’re in Black Rock or driving through the area, tune into 102.1. The larger question: will Sonny Fox run for City Council this year? Sonny, let us know!

Fox resides in the city’s 130th District where Sue Brannelly, co-chair of the Budget and Appropriations Committee, and attorney Steve Stafstrom represent the city’s most affluent and highest taxed neighborhood Black Rock, including businesses along the Fairfield Avenue corridor and residents in the public housing units of P.T. Barnum Apartments.

How Brannelly and Stafstrom vote on the city budget within the next few days will determine what kind of challenges they receive in a September Democratic primary and November general election by Republicans. Black Rockers are noisy. They show up to pubic hearings on the budget, lobby legislators for regulation of massage parlors and adult entertainment establishments, participate in neighborhood cleanups. And they vote.

Fox is no stranger to city elections. He’s been involved in several of them either as a candidate or a campaign operative. The retired electrician has a twisted sense of humor that can get under the skin of opponents. So if nothing else, he’d make for an entertaining campaign.



  1. I like Jim Fox, a real nice guy. He would be great on the City Council! No BS when it comes to taxes and the budget, he’ll kick some ass. Go, Jim!

    1. Fox would be a welcome addition to the City Council but he’d burn out from doing battle with the entrenched interests (city employees, Tom McCarthy, Mark Anastasi, Mario Testa, etc.).

  2. Sonny is the only candidate in the 130th district to actually tour and campaign in areas of the district other than the Black Rock section. I hope he has a victory as sweet as Sonny Delight or is it Sunny Delight?


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