Funny how things shake out.
Former Acting Police Chief Rebeca Garcia, who charged that Mayor Joe Ganim selected Roderick Porter over her in the latest top cop search because of politics, is telling pols she wants to be a candidate for City Council running in the North End 133rd District.
When Ganim tapped her acting chief following the test-cheating scandal of Armando Perez, making her the first Latina to lead the department, the politics did not concern her.
The internal racial politics Garcia created in the police department, including the marginalizing of Captain Lonnie Blackwell and the retirement of then-Captain Porter were factors in Ganim’s decision.
Now retired, Garcia also felt no obligation to communicate with her resident constituency, punting every significant police issue to the mayor’s office. (Please, answer for me.)
The notion that Garcia was under a gag order is a complete fallacy spread by Ganim haters.
Chief, how about a Facebook live session to share with residents the inner workings of the police department? Nope.
Neighborhood meetings to build relationships? Nope.
Promoting your rank and file officers? Nope.
Providing media access? Nope.
Porter is doing all the above when Garcia shunned it. Porter’s been a godsend to Ganim while stating publicly I’m not contributing to your campaign, or anyone else for that matter. Let me do my job, I’ll not stick my head in the sand.
Porter has been true to his word.
Where does Garcia align?
She’s not exactly a Dem insider favorite.
Ganim opponent, State Senator Marilyn Moore, backed Ganim’s Porter pick.
Garcia certainly knows John Gomes who spent nearly seven years as a top Ganim official.
Run with Lamond Daniels?
All of this is a work in progress, depending on the configuration of the race.
Garcia cannot be dismissed as a credible council candidate given her name recognition, service to the city and Bridgeport roots. She has something to offer. She loved being called “the boss lady.”
Still, it begs the question: she was not a community person as chief, why now as a candidate for public office?
She didn’t like politics then, now she likes it if it gets her elected.
Not judging here but was it possible that the “please answer for me” may have been a directive given to her by her boss? We all know how politicians want messages relayed the way they want it said. With all the political manure thrown about as protections/diversions, it’s possible that he told her to be as quiet as was possible. (And then suffer the consequences of not being vocal enough?”
Especially in light of the fact that her predecessor was under indictment etc. And as we all know, the mayor played no part whatsoever in the fiasco with A. J. Lol 😂
Yeah right!
Again I ask: Defilippo’s trial was postponed until January of 2023. What is the status? Was it quietly taken care of???? What a scandal that would be!
Lennie’s being a bit harsh on the ladies, Boss Lady, Queen. 🤣
I’ll answer my own question! Did a little investigative work. The trial is scheduled for next month. We shall see.
Come on Lennie, that’s an easy one. Playing politics as Chief of Police may not be an appropriate thing to do but as a retired Chief of Police, running for city council, yes I think politics is perfectly appropriate. It comes with the territory whenever you run for office and Chief Garcia has every right to run for office. Good luck chief. Or am I missing something? I don’t know Chief Garcia and I have no opinion of her one way or another, I just think that if she’s running for city council and wins, I’m going to start going to city council meetings. The last victim lasted only two meetings. It will be interesting to see how she handles herself right from the start. It will be historic if nothing else.
Remember that your reference to a “two meetings with the Council and resignation” cycle was unusual even in ONLY IN BRIDGEPORT journalism.
What is it that retired Chief Garcia running for CC and winning and then attending a Council meeting brings to that group that would initiate your promise to start attending Council sessions? How do most long term or newby Council members handle themselves with the Mayor presiding over their balancing municipal governance body, and his political appointees as ever present “go-to-guys” on finances, legal and administrative management?
The questions Rebeca Garcia, you, or anyone considering a run may consider:
**Do I believe in democracy enough to practice it locally for at least two years??
**Do I have the energy and time to do a good job, week in and week out, by listening and oversight??
** Do I care about my neighbors of all cultures and colors, but especially about City youth?
That’s a start for a realistic gut-check in front of a mirror!! Time will tell.