Shadow Wants More Light, And Foley’s Guber Announcement

That was quick.

Statement from the shadow committee monitoring Mayor Bill Finch’s task force reviewing safety procedures at P.T. Barnum Apartments.

We are members of the PT Barnum “Shadow Task Force” established by Donna Fewell.

We attended the Mayor’s Task Force Committee meeting held on November 30, 2009 in the Mayor’s Conference Room. Several of our members were unable to attend.

We wish to thank the Mayor for allowing us to join him and his task force ‘at the table’ considering that we were not originally invited to be members of this committee.

We were quite surprised to learn, however, that according to the Mayor, this committee is an “Invitation Only Task Force” that does not record its discussions, nor does it allow the press or public to enter during the meeting. One camera man was allowed to enter the room for a few minutes to photograph the people in attendance.

The administration’s take on what transpired during the meeting was provided to the press at a press conference following the meeting.

The undersigned members of the task force respectfully wish to inform the Mayor, and the residents of the City of Bridgeport, that in our view, a municipal government should not create a task force to examine an issue of such great concern and restrict the public’s access to the information discussed in the meeting. Although two of our members took minutes of the meeting, these are not official and therefore not appropriate nor sufficient to meet the standards set in Connecticut law.

Accordingly, until the meetings are open to the public and the press, we will not participate in any future meetings of the Mayor’s Task Force.

Respectfully submitted,

Carmen L. Lopez, Ron Mackey, Craig Kelly, Donna Fewel, John Hernandez, Tawanda White, Esther Lindsay

Statement From Tom Foley

Thank you for coming, particularly those of you who have taken off time from work or traveled a long way to be here for this announcement.

A little over a year ago, I sat down with my then 17-year-old son to talk about his future. I had an easy time with the part of the speech about working hard, being financially responsible, and not underestimating the importance of good luck in everyone’s success – principles that worked well for me and my generation. But when I got to the part about preparing yourself for opportunity when it comes, I had a harder time. We were in the midst of last year’s financial meltdown and it wasn’t clear what the opportunities would look like in its aftermath – particularly for young people.

That conversation brought home to me how frustrated and concerned I had become about where our government – both in Washington and here in Hartford – has taken us. So I began speaking to people I know well and whose judgment I trust about how I could apply my skills, my experience, and my good fortune to make a difference in Connecticut. They said if I really wanted to make a difference, I should get on the playing field and run for public office.

They suggested that the Governorship was the office where my experience and interest in serving Connecticut would have the most impact. At the time, though, Governor Rell, whom I respect very much, was preparing to run for re-election. I talked with my friends and my family and decided to enter the Senate race against Chris Dodd, an office for which I believe I also have the required experience and could serve Connecticut well.

Since June, I have traveled all over this great state visiting more than half of our 169 towns. I have now heard the concerns, in many cases fears, of thousands of our citizens. Their message is clear. They are afraid of what will happen to them and their families in the current economic crisis. They wonder – and with good reason – why our government isn’t doing more to help keep and create jobs, to shore-up our economy, and to cut-back the reckless spending. They feel we have drifted away from the responsible policies and principles that made this state and our country so great. They are skeptical of career politicians. They long for leaders who are in tune with their concerns and who they can trust to fix their problems. And they want someone who can show them a way forward to prosperity.

Three weeks ago, to the surprise of many of us, Governor Rell announced she would not seek re-election. Her decision throws even more uncertainty into Connecticut’s ability to navigate a way out of our current crisis.

Since her announcement, I have reconsidered whether I should run for Governor. Many of the same people who a year ago said the Governorship is where I could best serve Connecticut, have called to re-iterate that to me.

In the last week, I have received hundreds of e-mails and have spoken to more than one hundred people – including many who are currently serving in our state government. They, too, have overwhelmingly encouraged me to run for Governor.

They believe that Connecticut’s next Governor must be an experienced executive ready to take immediate action to solve the state’s problems and improve our quality of life. They believe that my 25 years as a business owner and executive meeting payrolls, turning-around businesses, and creating jobs is an ideal background for our next Governor. They believe our next Governor should be someone who can lead our legislators to better policies and more responsible handling of our state’s resources and our citizens’ futures. They believe our next Governor should be someone who is new to Hartford; someone who will bring new ideas, new energy, and a new approach to managing our state; and, someone who will come with no strings attached – accountable only to the voters.

I can be that Governor and I want to be that Governor.

So I am announcing today that I am a candidate for Governor of this great state. In the weeks ahead I will be assembling a policy team including employers, workers, and interested citizens to evaluate options and make recommendations for solving the problems we face. We will prepare ‘A Plan Forward for Connecticut’ which I will share with you when it is complete.

I look forward to campaigning with the help of my growing group of supporters to convince voters that I am the right person to lead Connecticut into the future. And if I am successful convincing those voters, I look forward, with the help and support of all of Connecticut’s citizens, to taking-on the challenge of fixing our state’s problems at a critical time in it’s history.

Trolling For Decision

I hear City Attorney Mark Anastasi has finally issued an opinion (with Mark even the patience of Job could be tested) regarding City Councilman Bob Troll Walsh’s apoplectic phone call to his council partner Evette Brantley after they differed on the value of the city moving forward with Robert Christoph as the Steel Point developer.

Troll maintained Christoph’s proposal was a bad deal. Evette, joining the majority of her council peers following Mayor Bill Finch’s recommendation, said endorsing the Steel Point proposal was the best chance the city had to revitalize 52 languishing acres.

Walsh, never afraid to leverage rhetoric to make a point, maintained in a phone message to his African American partner on the council that she had been submissive to the “massa” developer. Evette was not happy. She presented the audio to City Council President Tom McCarthy who turned it over to Anastasi for an opinion on how to handle disciplinary action.

If my council partner had done this to me I might have opted to punch him in the nose versus making it public. These things can take on a life of their own. Walsh is not a racist. Yes, a flamethrowing big pain in the ass, but not a bigot.

The city needs to be careful how it handles this, otherwise every single word uttered by a public official could be scrutinized insufferably. In the rock and roll world of city politics an awful lot of phlegm is puked up. Let’s hope we don’t get too much on ourselves, eh?

But hey, we can settle all of this at the OIB holiday party Monday, 5:30 p.m. at Épernay Bistro, Fairfield Avenue downtown. Come on down, first cocktail on OIB, plus tasty stuff from Chef Wroe. Ya never know, maybe a few surprise guests.

From the staff of The Hartford Courant

Even as a young seminary student, Raymond Pcolka’s psychiatric problems caused doctors to question whether he should be a priest.

Early in his studies, seminary officials sent Pcolka home for a year to “recover control of his nerves.” But after returning to school, a Bridgeport psychiatrist deemed Pcolka to be suffering an “obsessive compulsive type neurosis.” Another doctor diagnosed a neurotic reaction and “adjustment problems of late adolescence.” Still another recommended further psychiatric examination for the “uncommunicative” Pcolka.

“If there is any question of this man’s stability or ability,” one doctor wrote, “I would recommend psychological testing before final vows.”

Despite his odd behavior, Pcolka was ordained in 1965 by then-Bridgeport Bishop Walter Curtis and assigned to St. Benedict’s Parish in Stamford. Within months, he allegedly fondled an altar boy at the church.

By the time then-Bishop Edward Egan relented and removed him from the priesthood 28 years later, Pcolka had left behind a trail of victims, both male and female, who claim they were molested in churches, in his private quarters at church rectories and at a home he owned in New Hampshire.

One of those victims, George Rosado, eventually sued the diocese in 1993, triggering a deluge of lawsuits against the diocese that led to secret settlements costing millions of dollars and a seven-year court battle to keep those files secret.

From Michael Mayko, Connecticut Post:

Law, attitudes toward sex-abuse claims have changed

Revelations from long-sealed records chronicling the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport clergy sex-abuse scandal unleashed a new round of nightmares for Barbara Oleynick when they were released by court order Tuesday.

Not only was the Housatonic Community College adjunct professor sexually abused by a priest at Our Lady of Good Counsel in Bridgeport when she was 5 years old, but decades later she learned that her son had also been abused by a popular Fairfield priest.

Nearly a decade ago, Oleynick found herself driving to Holy Family Church in Fairfield, where she confronted the Rev. William Donovan and listened to him confess that his sin was, not sexual abuse, but alcoholism.

Although Donovan, who also had been a teacher at Fairfield College Preparatory School and chaplain of the Fairfield Police Department, went to prison for five months in 2002, the crime was not assaulting Oleynick’s son. It was his admission to three drunken-driving arrests.

Donovan “resigned, but he still collects a pension,” said Oleynick, an author, nurse and English teacher. “That’s the greatest tragedy.”

None of the 23 priests in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport accused of sexual misconduct in civil lawsuits was ever criminally charged or prosecuted for their offenses, mostly against children.

That wouldn’t be the case today, according to legislators, police and former prosecutors.

“A lot has changed since then,” said state Rep. Michael Lawlor, D-East Haven, a former state prosecutor and co-chairman of the General Assembly’s Judiciary Committee. “The respect people get because of their position in life, be they clergy, politicians, professional athletes even police, is not automatic anymore.”

In the 1960s, ’70s and even early ’80s, said Lawlor, who also teaches criminal justice at the University of New Haven, it would be difficult to believe that someone supposedly close to God would commit an offense as egregious as sexually molesting a child. And, he added, even more difficult to convince law enforcement or a prosecutor to take on such a case.

“Even if parents believed their child, they might have second thoughts about going to law enforcement,” Lawlor said. “Police and prosecutors would be reluctant to take on such a case.”

Santa Time, From Mayor Finch

Holiday Tree Lighting Set for Sat. Dec. 5

Mayor Finch and family to light tree;

Yale’s Whiffenpoofs and Park City Pride to Entertain

The annual Downtown Holiday Tree Lighting is set for Sat. Dec. 5 from 4 to 6 p.m. on McLevy Green

Entertainment begins at 4 p.m. with the Yale Whiffenpoofs, an all-male a cappella group serenading attendees with carols of the season. The Park City Pride Alumni Drum & Bugle Corps also will perform and provide the fanfare for the arrival of Mayor Finch and his family, and Santa Claus. Mayor Finch and Santa will flip the switch to light the tree at 6 p.m.

Other activities include:

· From 1 to 3 p.m., the Barnum Museum celebrates the holiday season with crafts, caroling, hot cocoa and cookies. Children and their parents can create Victorian ornaments, holiday cards and snowflakes. Free with museum admission.

· Special performances of “The Knight Before Christmas” at the Downtown Cabaret Theatre and “White Christmas” at Playhouse on the Green.

· The Read’s Artspace Gallery will be open from 4 to 6 p.m. for holiday shopping.

· Mrs. Claus will host refreshments at City Lights Gallery.

The event is sponsored by the City of Bridgeport and the Downtown Special Services District.

More From The Mayor


Gathering of the Vibes Funding Kids’ Water Park in Bridgeport

Festival Donating $75,000 for Additions to Park Adjacent to Muñoz Marin School

WHAT: On Friday, Dec. 4 at 11 a.m. in the park adjacent to Luis Muñoz Marin School, Gathering of the Vibes Music and Arts Festival owner Ken Hays will present Mayor Bill Finch, Public Facilities Director Charles Carroll, and Board of Parks Commissioners President Mark Marko with a check for $75,000 to be used toward the construction of a splash pad and water park in the City’s East End.

WHO: Mayor Bill Finch; Gathering of the Vibes Owner Ken Hays; Public Facilities Director Charles Carroll; Board of Parks Commissioners President Mark Marko; Board of Parks Commissioners

WHERE: Park adjacent to Luis Muñoz Marin School on the Boston Avenue side of the school.

WHEN: Friday, Dec. 4, 11 a.m.

Gathering of the Vibes Music and Arts Festival is donating $75,000 to the City of Bridgeport Department of Parks and Recreation to help pay for a splash pad and water park to be installed at the park adjacent to Luis Muñoz Marin School. Hayes recently announced that the Gathering of the Vibes recently announced that the four-day festival will return to Seaside Park July 29 – August 1, 2010.

You should see the stuff that’s sent to me like this from the National Republican Campaign Committee:

They say the only two things in life that are certain are Death and Taxes — well you can add to that Democrats’ attempts to tax the dead.

Tomorrow, Nancy Pelosi and her puppets will bring to the floor a bill to raise the Death Tax on hard working Americans. This double dip tax penalizes small business owners and American farmers for succeeding – even during the Pelosi Recession.

Stop the Death Tax and retire Nancy Pelosi.

It should come as no surprise that Pelosi and her puppets would attempt to raise taxes. How else will they pay for their out-of-control spending on failed government programs and attempts to take away your healthcare?

In the past eleven months, Pelosi and her puppets have PROPOSED HUNDREDS OF TAX INCREASES on hard working Americans. Some examples include:

· Allowing the 2001 and 2003 Tax Cuts to expire
· War Tax
· Tobacco Tax
· National Energy Tax
· Stock Tax
· Securities Tax
· Health Savings Account Tax
· Health Insurance Tax
· Business Healthcare Tax
· Personal Healthcare Tax
· Eliminating middle-class Making Work Pay tax credit
· International Business Tax
· Small Business Tax
· Gas Tax
· Mileage Tax
· Payroll Tax
· Reducing Personal Income Deductions

Together, we can stop Nancy Pelosi and her puppets’ tax-and-spend agenda which is quickly bankrupting our country. You and I both know we cannot tax our way to prosperity; unfortunately, Pelosi and puppets have not learned this lesson.

Thank you,
Guy Harrison
NRCC Executive Director



  1. *** Now that it’s out in public & the council leadership is reviewing the matter, I believe a simple public apology without any sarcasm would be in order. Bob may fly off the handle now & then at committee & council meetings when trying to hammer in a point & is known to have an anti-admin. attitude @ times. But just because he’s a member of the “dark side” does not make him a racist! It’s “his” district council partner & they both want their ways @ times & disagreements are bound to happen. I don’t know what exactly was said on the phone message, but the matter should have been handled in-house between Bob & Ms. Brantley and not dragged on like this. Sometimes people say things without really thinking about how their words may be taken & the reaction afterward? Also remember, in “some” cases depending on what is actually said, it will sound worse coming from a white person than from a black person! But regardless of the outcome, Walsh’s record shows that he has supported more black &/or minority issues than any other council members, since his time on the city council & that has to stand for something. *** FORGETABOUTIT ***

  2. Well it did not take long for the Shadow committee to start moaning about access to the press and the public. I thought they were upset with the mayor for having the press on site when he visited PT. Now they want the press and the public at task force meetings.
    I thought this was about improving fire safety at PT and not posturing.
    In these type of meetings a lot of ideas are kicked around and discussed. Some will be good some will be bad and some just not practical.
    I can see having the press there but the public need not be there as they are represented by the shadow committee and the city.
    In reality the mayor did not have to do anything as these apartments meet the state fire code and are in compliance.
    I urge the mayor to go forward with the task force meetings. Invite the shadow committee and if they show great if they don’t so be it.

  3. TRANSPARENCY is an overused word. People on these committees tend to keep their ideas to themselves when the public and press are at the meetings for fear that their input will be ridiculed or taken the wrong way. Look I understand the public’s need to know and I am all for it. There should be a public hearing when the task force has put together a working document. The public meeting should lay out the preliminaries of the task force meetings and should also listen to public concerns and ideas.
    I know what I am about to say is going to be taken the wrong way but here goes. To be honest the public has very little knowledge about what is necessary for Life Safety issues. If anything people with a broad range of fire code experience should be on this committee. I would suggest that the city contact the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) as they are the true experts and write the fire codes.

  4. I’m bored with serious matters. Let’s have some fun with Tiger jokes in honor of Lennie’s suspended-for-the-season golf game …

    What’s the difference between an Escalade and a golf ball? Tiger Woods can drive a golf ball 400 yards.

    What was Tiger Woods’ wife doing out at 2:30 AM? Clubbing.

    Tiger Woods drives well on the fairway but doesn’t fare well on the driveway.

    He crashed into a fire hydrant and a tree because he couldn’t decide between an iron and a wood.

    New Nike motto: Just do me.

    What does Tiger have in common with a baby seal? They’ve both been clubbed by a Norwegian. (Note: Technically, Elin is a Swede. But it still works!)

    Tiger’s new movie is out: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Hydrant.

    Apparently the police asked Tiger’s wife how many times she hit him. She said “I don’t know exactly … but put me down for a 5.”

    Tiger Woods is so rich that he owns lots of expensive cars. Now he has a hole-in-one.

    Phil Mickelson contacted Tiger’s wife to pick up some tips on how to beat Tiger!

    1. Tiger told his wife that he was going out to the Driving Range. He didn’t think that she had any skin in the game. Man was he surprised when she yelled “Fore-Skin” with that iron.

      I’m so sick of everybody talking about Transparency. You can see right through it.

      The Wizard of Oz is getting ready for a Guber-Run.

  5. “town committee,” You are right, what you are saying is being taken the WRONG WAY; why, because you took what the Shadow Task Force said the WRONG WAY.

    Andy, you stated “There should be a public hearing when the task force has put together a working document. The public meeting should lay out the preliminaries of the task force meetings and should also listen to public concerns and ideas'” Andy, I agree with that, but there were no working documents and no one from the mayor’s task force took minutes of the concerns of the residents who are members of the Shadow Force.

    Andy, you also said “I know what I am about to say is going to be taken the wrong way but here goes. To be honest the public has very little knowledge about what is necessary for Life Safety issues.” I agree with you. You also said “if anything people with a broad range of fire code experience should be on this committee. I would suggest that the city contact the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) as they are the true experts and write the fire codes.” I agree with you, the Shadow Task Force does have “members with a broad range of fire code experience” who have attended the the National Fire Academy. In fact a centralize monitored hardwired alarm system with a backup battery suggestion never came up with the mayor’s task force but it was suggested by the Shadow Task Force. It has NEVER been about publicity, it is about the health and safety of the residents of PT Barnum apartments and Mayor Finch and Fire Chief Rooney still have not answered the question of “how do the residents escape tonight or tomorrow night if there is a fire in their apartment and how do they get their babies out?”

    “town committee,” you do the residents of PT Barnum a disservice by making statements when you could have just asked them a question.

  6. Ron; I was not doing the residents a disservice. I was responding to the statement from the shadow committee. Look, in reality the building meets the fire code.
    How do they escape tonight? There has to be a concerted effort to make sure that the existing smoke alarms work. That is the responsibility of the tenants and the housing authority. Did the FD finish their inspection of these alarms? Part of the educational process should have told people when the alarm sounds get out of the apartment. You hear an alarm call the fire department even if you don’t see fire.
    You may not believe this Ron but I do worry about the safety of the people at PT and all of the people in this city. Ron not to be argumentative but there is only one fire fighter on the shadow committee that has Code experience. In either case I know that you and the other firefighters on the committee are there for the good of the residents. I like you do believe a central station smoke and heat detector system is the fastest and more practical way to go when protecting the residents of this complex.

  7. Ron: One more thing, has the investigative report been completed? I think that is important in protecting the residents. I know in the paper a stove was mentioned but that’s it. Just a few questions:

    1. Was the fire caused by food on the stove?

    2. Did the stove malfunction? If so, how?

    3. What was the exact cause of this fire?

    Knowing the answers to these question could possibly help protect the residents from future tragedy.

  8. “town committee,” There are many more members on the Shadow Task Force but their names were not on the letter that OIB printed. Andy, you have listed some of the same questions and concerns that the Shadow Task Force has.

    Andy, just like you have experience with talking with elected officials and the police chief at your community meeting you find that you leave the meeting with more questions than what is answered.

  9. Ron I thought about what you just wrote and you are 100% right. We had 2 meetings with the police chief and his deputies and I did walk away with more questions than answers.
    Look all I give a damn about is that the facts of the fire come out and that fire safety is improved at PT. If that is accomplished with a minimum of BS that’s even better.
    I just hope that all parties concerned come up with a practicable solution, one that will save lives and one that HUD will be willing to fund.
    Good Luck, I hope it gets done.

    1. Transparency is not an overused word, it is misused. Finch should be taken to task for exploiting a tragedy for personal (i.e., political) gain. The shadow committee wants the residents of the apartment complex involved in the task force. The residents live there; their thoughts, opinions and observations must be given all due consideration.

      1. No one gives a farthing about the poor folks that live in subsidized public housing. I know a few people that have lived or still live in P.T. None of them chooses to live there. They want a better life. A woman and her three children perished from smoke inhalation. The city’s housing authority has the law on their side; officials can rightfully claim that the buildings met all local fire code conditions. But that does not ease the pain of those grieving over the loss of human life, and that is what led to the creation of a “task force” and a shadow committee.

  10. Here’s Chief Rooney’s legacy, at least as far as a situation like the present. The first action he took as chief was to reduce the Fire Marshal Department by demoting four inspectors, then closed an engine company, a busy one. He also got rid of the fire prevention officer, has not offered much help to the community during fire prevention week, and on top of that stopped the Fire prevention poster contest, which was in place for many many years and worked directly with teachers and the 4th and 5th graders in public and private schools.
    Now, he is playing catch-up. He is at fault more than anyone else in this administration, don’t you think?

  11. “BARF,” let’s not forget that Chief Rooney is a high school graduate. One of his more celebrated decisions was to close the firehouse on Ocean Terrace and to relocated Engine 7 and Ladder 11 to the Wood Ave. firehouse while repairs were being done to the floor at the firehouse. Chief Rooney did not inform the residents of that district of the decision to relocate that fire apparatus. Two weeks after that relocation 4 people were killed in a house on Fairfield right behind the Ocean Terrace firehouse fire on Fairfield Ave. There is more about Chief Rooney.

  12. Ron now you are getting personal. You have a long-standing feud with Rooney and now you are putting it to work. Blaming Rooney for the deaths on Fairfield Ave is wrong. You do not know all of the circumstances on that fire nor do I. On hindsight it was wrong to relocate 7-11 to Wood Ave.
    You know that 7-11 was in quarters when this latest tragedy happened. It made no difference that they were in quarters. There was a delay in notification that led to these deaths.
    So the question should be were there circumstances that led to a delay in notification of the FD on the fire that killed the 4 people.
    If Rooney has a fault and it also goes to the previous chief who does have a degree it was in effect disbanding the Arson or Investigative unit. Rotating people in and out of that unit for a week at a time does not allow them to get the training they need. Bringing in the State Fire marshal’s office should be considered an insult to the professionalism of our FM office.
    Let’s concentrate on making conditions at PT better more work in that area and less finger-pointing will get things done. Remember how the fire at PT started. It was accidental (based on news reports).

  13. “town committee,” You said, “Blaming Rooney for the deaths on Fairfield Ave is wrong. You do not know all of the circumstances on that fire nor do I. On hindsight it was wrong to relocate 7-11 to Wood Ave.” Andy, I agree with this part. Andy, there is really no differences in the technical issues of the fire service between us. You know that the lack of Rooney’s communication skills with the public are terrible and a number of decisions were not helpful. We agree that the relocation was a bad decision. Not informing the residents of Engine 7 and Ladder 11 district of the relocation and informing them that the time to respond to their call for help will take twice as long and you know that response time is critical, well these decision didn’t help to save those four residents on Fairfield Ave. Andy those are facts and nothing personal.

    You also said, “If Rooney has a fault and it also goes to the previous chief who does have a degree it was in effect disbanding the Arson or Investigative unit. Rotating people in and out of that unit for a week at a time does not allow them to get the training they need. Bringing in the State Fire marshal’s office should be considered an insult to the professionalism of our FM office.” Andy, once again we agree, what actions did Rooney do to correct those decisions and what did he say or do to help that division and thereby helping the taxpayers of Bridgeport? He did nothing.

    You said, “Let’s concentrate on making conditions at PT better more work in that area.” I agree. But I don’t agree that less finger-pointing will get things done. Remember how the fire at PT started. Andy, come now, you know that you would want to know exactly what happened and who was at fault; well I feel the same way.

    Rooney made this statement that was printed in the CT Post on Nov. 14, “The buildings are up to code,” Rooney told a Friday press conference at the fire scene. “The windows are close enough to the ground that you don’t need fire escapes–I think the code says 20 feet.”

    Rooney also said that the third-floor bedrooms have windows overlooking porch roofs, making it possible for people trapped upstairs to escape to safety, if necessary. Andy, that is what Fire Chief Rooney told residents of PT Barnum at a press conference at PT, that the answer for Tiana Black and her three babies was to jump two stories for their safety and that current residents at PT was do to save their life. Great answer, right?

    Andy, maybe because you and Rooney were assigned to Rescue 5 maybe you cannot see his faults because you are tight with him, maybe.

  14. Ron you know me better than that. In fact Rooney was my driver when I was the LT on Squad 5. I don’t feel that I was defending Rooney in anything I said. Was the move to Wood Ave a bad move? Yes it was. Was it responsible for the deaths on Fairfield Ave? I don’t know and neither do you. We agree that if they were at 7-11 water would have gotten on the fire quicker but would it have saved those lives? I don’t know because I have not read the investigative report.
    What Rooney told the residents was the truth, we may not like & I don’t like what he said but per the code he was right. I have always felt that the Fire Code was weak and really ineffective when it came to structures like PT. I remember when NFPA 101 was accepted by the State (Legislature) along with the Connecticut addendum to the code there were attempts to strengthen the means of egress from structures like PT, we failed to get that done.
    Ron don’t ever confuse things, when I say Rooney was right it does not mean anything other than on a particular statement he was right. I know that the Fire Investigative unit is basically ineffective as no one has the practical experience necessary to develop the proper expertise. The crippling of this unit started with the previous chief and has been carried over.

  15. Is there anyone who has had their fill of Tiger Woods? Enough already, does anyone really give a shit about his dirty laundry and the skanks he has had an affair with? Give the guy a break. It’s as annoying as having to listen to those absurd ads sponsored by the Church against gay marriage in a vain attempt to take the spotlight off the abuse in the Church. Oh and a word on Walsh–the writer and artist–kudos–for the elected official–well we all love a Maverick and helping the checks and balances but for crying out loud why are you always on the wrong side?–Let Bridgeport thrive and stop fighting the Mayor.


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