Senator Gomes, Marilyn Moore Endorse Foster For Mayor

Ed Gomes
State Senator Ed Gomes

Democratic mayoral candidate Mary-Jane Foster has received endorsements from State Senator Ed Gomes and community activist Marilyn Moore who spent a short time as campaign manager for mayoral candidate John Gomes. Senator Gomes, as John Gomes, is a key figure in the city’s Cape Verdean community. Ed Gomes did not make an endorsement in the Bill Finch/Chris Caruso primary battle in 2007. From Foster:

Two Bridgeport Titans Endorse Foster for Mayor
Two high profile and well-respected Bridgeport leaders have announced their support for Mary-Jane Foster in the upcoming Democratic primary for mayor today. State Senator Edwin Gomes and community activist Marilyn Moore have offered their full support to the Foster for Bridgeport team.

Marilyn Moore
Marilyn Moore

 “The issues at stake in this election affect the basics that every family is struggling with,” Gomes stated. “Good education, creating jobs, and protecting working men and women. They’re not easy to tackle but you can do it when you have leaders whose values are similar to yours. Respect, honesty, playing fair … all those things matter and they all apply to Mary-Jane. She’s a hard worker and keeps her word. That’s the kind of person you want leading your city, especially through difficult times like these.”

Gomes has dedicated his life to fighting for the residents of Bridgeport. While working at Carpenter Steel, he became active in his local union, going on to serve in local and regional leadership positions with the United Steelworkers of America. He revived the Bridgeport Black Democratic Club and was elected as a vice president of the Connecticut AFL-CIO executive board. As a civil rights activist, he challenged the racial inequity of Bridgeport’s City Council districts and also helped pave the way for Connecticut’s open primary system. As a member of Bridgeport’s School Building committee, Gomes was a vocal proponent of new school construction, which had not occurred in Bridgeport in nearly a quarter century. His efforts helped to ensure the building of five new schools in recent years. Mr. Gomes served 12 years as a City Council member and has been a State Senator since 2005.

Moore is a political force in her own right. She has championed women’s health issues and fought for civil rights for more than 30 years and currently serves as the executive director of The Witness Project. In 2008, Moore challenged State Senator Anthony Musto and came within striking distance. Moore briefly joined the campaign of John Gomes for mayor with the intent of organizing the campaign and garnering more support for Gomes but recognized the alliance was not a good fit as her vision for Bridgeport was more in alignment with Foster’s. She wants to support a candidate who will listen to the people and bridge community and business so everyone benefits. Ms. Moore believes Foster is the candidate who can best accomplish that challenge.

“Mary-Jane brings the business and community experience that we will need to make progress in Bridgeport. She has demonstrated to me that she can work across all segments of the community and she understands the issues that hinder progress in Bridgeport; not just for business but for the people who live here. For 20 years she has been here fighting for victims of domestic violence, providing financial literacy to young people, and working to prevent homelessness,” explained Moore. “It is time for a strong woman to take the reins, shake things up, and get the city moving again. We cannot afford another four years of missed opportunities, broken promises, and backroom deals that undermine the will of the good people of this city.”

Foster, who has long respected the decades of public service and community activism that both Gomes and Moore have devoted to Bridgeport, saying, “I am thrilled to have two leaders of the African American community rallying my candidacy for mayor. I have had the great privilege of working with both Ed and Marilyn over the years on many important social and economic justice issues. Together I know we can mobilize and empower residents throughout Bridgeport to send a strong message to this administration that enough is enough. It is time for fresh leadership that will build a Bridgeport that works for everyone.



    1. Marilyn Moore has been identified as the ultimate flipflopper … a mind that easily swayed is prone to unwise decisions. Besides, her critics think her political chops are overstated and unproven. She reminds me of a mediocre ballplayer with a fantastic contract.

      But the real fire & brimstone is saved for State Senator Gomes who failed to endorse his homeland or even his own last name.

      But don’t worry, there’s an app for this:


      total time: < 4 minutes.

      1. Once again Local Eyes localizes everything and needs his vision checked in order to see the bigger picture.

        I am sure it was very difficult for the good senator to align himself with Mary-Jane Foster but it is what everyone has been blogging about; it is time to come together behind the candidate with the best chance of beating Finch. As the billboard says, Anybody But Finch.

        1. Grin Reaper’s awesomeness is yet undetected. His vision is blurred by the cobwebs of convention. While he derides the local, my vision is global (snicker, snicker).

          Here’s my point:
          The billboard is wrong. Just because the copyright is non-existent doesn’t mean P.T. Barnum is endorsing Finch’s demise. It just means you can get away with it. Hint: character is who you are when nobody is looking. Here’s the problem: Everybody is looking.

    2. Yahooy,
      They possibly thought of backing Bill Finch but didn’t want to hear “Guess who’s coming to dinner?” two more times. (Remember Obama?)

    3. To Ms. Foster–you seem to be big on transparency–do you have the balls to tell us the salaries of your newly acquired “African American” team? Whether the photos were in color or black and white don’t you think we could have figured that out alone? Your candidacy is no better than Finch’s–you are reaching out for community support that knows you are “white bread.” We need to be colorblind in Bpt.

      1. Ronin, those comments are unwarranted. There are no salaries for Gomes & Moore. In fact Moore was working for Gomes first but you say nothing about that. What do you call someone who is reaching out to all communities in Bpt? It seems you are never happy. Ever been involved in a campaign? I doubt it.

    1. Dear Chosen 1,
      There are 3 sides to every story. His side, her side, and the truth …
      I enjoy your barbs and devil’s advocacy. Keep up the good work.
      Hey, no comment about the union supporter Ed Gomes who has done NOTHING for the good of Bridgeport except get himself kicked off the city council to take over Finch’s senate seat?

      1. Bob–You bobbled the ball. Gomes took over Newton’s seat. Actually there are four sides to every story. People like you who talk out of your ass.

      2. Thanks Bob, LG needs me. If not it would be four of MJ’s people under six different names posting to each other. And they all drank the kool-aid and buy the hype.

          1. If there was no me, you’d have ten of the same MJ pom-pom posts LG. I add spice. Where’s Gomes’ commercial he sent you?
            MJ’s got posted.

  1. For too long the machine have been taking black voters for fools. Let’s wake up and vote for Foster!!! Even though in 2007 I feel more blacks voted for Caruso as he got big wins in black neighborhoods such as Wilbur Cross school and Finch won white neighborhoods such as Black Rock. Foster for mayor!!!

    1. Local Eyes’ Rumor Mill:

      donj to become MJF’s new speechwriter replacing the current speechwriter who advances to higher duties within the campaign.

  2. These are two significant endorsements for Foster that will add to Foster’s momentum. Ed Gomes and Marilyn Moore seem to have great respect for John Gomes. They, too, came to the realization John Gomes can’t win. It’s not personal, it’s politics. Will Max Medina be next? Stay tuned!

    1. UOB,
      I sincerely hope Max Medina put in a resume & an application for the State BOE takeover of BPT’s mess. I feel certain this would never have happened on his watch.

  3. Bridgeport politics never ceases to amaze me. Seven weeks and four days to September 13th and the two best challengers to the status quo are still not working together. Most voters in Bridgeport have no clue about the primary and those who do “will vote for the Democrat.” This mentality will allow the current mayor to slip back into office and we will still have terrible schools, a dispirited electorate and our continued reputation as the worst-run city in the state.

  4. Really wish the MJ campers would stop the blame Gomes game if she loses. The whole premise of her campaign is to get Gomes to come to her and obviously he feels he can win this himself. Since the OIB poll said Joe Ganim would beat Finch, blame him too for not running. Blame Fabrizi, blame Bucci, blame Mandanici. I blame Rick Torres for not backing Gomes, he backed Caruso. Hey, who is Caruso backing, maybe MJ can buy him too. Her payroll is becoming the NY Yankees of politics except the Yankees usually play for their money and win. MJ’s payroll has a lot of smoke and mirrors and no one who will do the work.

    1. Chosen 1, just read your post and it’s too bad it does not contain one truthful statement. Name those you think are on MJF’s payroll. Come to one of MJF’s meetings and note the tremendous amount of UNpaid volunteers who show up.
      John Gomes is a good guy and one day he may be mayor. Gomes at this time does not have the experience to be mayor. I believe a few more years in government service will round him out and give him a leg up to be mayor in a few years.

      1. Hey tc,
        Americo and Marilyn don’t come cheap, and certainly don’t earn their pay. Ed was promised help with his senate seat by MJ, something JG couldn’t or wouldn’t promise. Actually tc, you’re probably the only fool who isn’t getting paid by her.

        1. Chosen, why don’t you stop acting like you know what is going on in MJF’s camp? You don’t know squat. Americo was not getting paid and left to go to Finch months ago. There are many, many volunteers working for MJF for free, in fact the numbers grow every day. Can Gomes claim that? BTW instead of posting all this BULLSHIT, why not tell us what is the Gomes platform?

          1. tc,
            She left Gomes’ camp over salary issues. If you are going to tell me she is working for free please do me a favor and provide me with some documentation.

  5. Does Foster drives a BMW? I could have sworn I saw her today. I wonder, if Dems knew that would they vote for her? Would they think she represent hardworking middle class citizens? Anyway I’m still voting for her.

  6. I don’t care what she drives. I care about what she has done and what she says. Birdbrain drives a taxpayer-paid car that’s worth more than what Foster drives. Finch is a political pauper. Foster is a bridge builder who knows how to get things done.

  7. Dear OIB,
    Since the decision to only print positives about MJ and not allow any negatives, unless it’s about Finch, Gomes or Ganim you have set your website up for failure if MJ loses. Just sayin’.

  8. Chosen 1 (or Mr. John Gomes). If you think you are the Chosen 1 and you are not everyone will blame you if Finch wins. Just like many people blame Ralph Nader for Gore losing, haven’t really heard much from Nader since then. It takes a smarter person to live to fight another day. Otherwise you are just a hothead whose ego stood in the way of a bright future.

    Blame Gomes, will live in infamy. Things like cars, houses, clothes are arguments you make when you have nothing else. A person who brought in and owned a professional sports teams, knows job creation, economic development, management, budgets, human resources, and how to maximize private and grant funding. She brought in the Sports Arena too. Can you imagine Bridgeport without these things, it would be a hundred times worse than what we have now. What can Finch or Gomes point to that is even in the same realm as those improvements?

  9. RE: Connecticut politics
    Gaining union concessions is like repealing a tax increase. Here’s the best part: it was done by negotiation and not by legislation. I hope this becomes a new trend. Kudos to Governor Malloy. I hope his brilliant budget gets credit for the favorable outcome.

    And in a completely unrelated subject, readers here gave too much credit to the recent poll which gave MJF instant credibility. When she announced, she quickly came within striking distance of the top and way before that received admiration and encouragement.

  10. No fly, I’m not Gomes. He wouldn’t lower himself (as I do) to even read this MJ website. Any good press releases of his are not published here. And the ones that are he is trashed. Why would he go on here?

  11. Because oh chosen one, it is human nature it is simply irresistible not to read your own press, good or bad, in a quest for power. If you have the power already you might ignore it, but not if you don’t.

  12. To the John Gomes’ commentators, why hasn’t John released his slate yet? It would say a lot about his appeal to voters outside the party apparatus if they were out with him knocking on doors with petitions. I admire your defense of John’s campaign but where are his other supporters, why aren’t they rallying to his cause? I am asking you since you seem to have the inside scoop on his campaign operations. You and I know who John’s voters are but the big question is can he turn them out in an election without any other races at the top of the ticket.

  13. He will turn out his voters, guaranteed. No one’s going to beat their head against a wall (besides stupid me). MJ’s followers remind me of the Republicans who can’t discuss, they attack.

  14. I propose neutrality; both MJF & Gomes have great campaigns. It is sophomoric to attack each other at this time. Bill Finch is their opponent.

    I propose a truce on this site. Let’s see what happens with the DTC nominations. The following morning all opposition candidates will go down to the Registrar of Voters office and file their paperwork. The required number of signatures to get on the primary is substantial. Maybe one or none of the challengers survives this Herculean task. It is conceivable one failing challenger will willingly throw their support to the surviving candidate. We need to look at the big picture here. Finch is the opponent, keep that in mind.

    1. Right now there are three major opponents. It’s not fair or right for people to demand Gomes backs off and joins MJ when Gomes is younger and has worked in city hall and MJ hasn’t. If this were a fair and balanced website and not Fox news MJ, there would be calling for her to join Gomes as her only popularity is in Black Rock which she will split with Finch.

    2. I agree the real opponent is Finch not other challengers. If you believe your candidate has the best vision for the future of Bridgeport, help them get on the ballot. 2000 to 2500 legitimate signatures is a daunting task. MJF has a volunteer network, Gomes has the Cape Verdean community, Charlie Coviello is an old has-been desperate to be considered a player, and Jeff Kohut’s organizational strength has yet to be seen. So who will be seen as a contender or a pretender, the last two weeks of July will be very informative.

  15. Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner was the story of a successful black man brought home to meet his proposed new family. Consequently, it was the perfect, appropriate and righteous thing for Mayor Finch to say as President Obama prepared to address a full crowd at Harbor Yard.

    Maybe that’s why he was chosen …

    1. Local Eyes if you were any dumber you would be a plant–That was a racist movie about bringing a black man into a prejudiced white family. That was discriminatory for Finch to say to president Obama. You defend Finch–you are a plant.

    1. Ron–you are missing my point. I am colorblind. I don’t care about about your national origins. If we are to advance as a country we need to drop the physical & the mental chains that bind us. If my son brought home a black girl I would love her as I love him. Prejudice will keep us oppressed. Look at us as allies, not enemies.

  16. Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner galvanized an entire generation of ambitious people. I doubt there were any black firemen in Bridgeport before this movie was released.

    Yes, it was an intentionally racist movie made by hardcore liberals. CONTRAST was a common technique used by moviemakers to portray the changing society.

  17. Local Eyes, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner was made in 1967 and Bridgeport had two black firefighters, the first George Clarke and the second Al McCalla.

    At that time I was a firefighter in the US Air Force in North Carolina where I saw “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” and the movie could only be shown on the Air Force base and not in town.


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