Schools Closed Wednesday–Finch Jabs UI

News release from Mayor Finch:

 With downed trees and debris in the road and more than 30,000 customers in Bridgeport still without power following Hurricane Sandy, Mayor Bill Finch is urging residents to stay in their homes tonight, unless it is absolutely necessary.

“It is extremely disappointing that United Illuminating has not been able to restore power to more areas of our city,” said Mayor Bill Finch. “UI promised the Governor, City officials and I this morning that power would be restored for the entire city by the end of the day, but it has not occurred. I have let officials at UI know of my disappointment and have asked them to speed up their repairs.”

Bridgeport Public Schools will be closed on Wednesday, October 31 due to power availability and traffic safety issues. Updated information about school openings for Thursday, will be made via the Board of Education school email system.

Bridgeport Police Chief Joseph Gaudett ensured residents that there will be a strong public safety presence in Bridgeport tonight, including double the police force, in addition to Connecticut State Troopers and National Guard who will continue to work in tandem with the Bridgeport Police Department to ensure safety.

“We appreciate the patience of all of our residents as all of our departments and local and state agencies are working hard in the restoration and recovery following this unprecedented storm,” said Mayor Finch. “We’re urging all residents to please stay home this evening, as many areas of the City are still without power. Public safety remains the highest priority.”

Three of the City’s four shelters were closed on Tuesday evening, with the remaining evacuees being transported to Cesar Batalla School.

The City began clearing roads of downed trees and debris on Tuesday. During this time, Mayor Finch advises all residents to stay off of the roads.

Storm Sandy statistics:

· The EOC has received over 400 storm-related calls

· Nearly 100 calls relating to trees and wires down.

· Five tree cutting crews are out all over the city, working with UI to clear downed trees and wires.

· Several areas of the City still have roads that are closed because of flooding.

In the event of power outages, Fire Chief Brian Rooney asks residents to practice caution:

Be prepared with working flashlights, and an extra supply of batteries in your home

Never touch downed power lines. It is safe to assume that all fallen lines are live electric wires. If you see a downed power line, report it immediately to the Emergency Operations Center at 203.579.3829, or call United Illuminating at 1-800.722.5584.

Do not operate generators indoors

Do not use gas stoves to provide heat

Do not operate grills indoors

For storm-related incidents call the Emergency Operations Center at 203.579.3829

To report a power outage call 1-800-7-CALLUI.

For emergencies call 911



  1. Lennie, UI is using the storm as a pretext to take this opportunity to repair the jet engines the Main Street plant produces electricity with. The water surge was not sufficient to cause the damage they claimed it would do if they did not shut the engines that run the generator. It’s all jumpsuit folks. I challenge UI to release videos of water flooding the critical areas or let the media tour the whole facility if what I was told is not true. I wasn’t able to get in today.


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