Rick Torres isn’t exactly receiving welcome-wagon attention at City Hall. The Republican City Council-elect says he was trying to introduce himself to department heads on Monday as he prepares for his seat on the city’s 20-member budget and legislative body. The reception, he says, was more like man from Mars.
The outspoken owner of the popular Harborview Market in Black Rock says he wasn’t trying to throw his weight around as a new elected official, he simply wanted to make introductions and learn about the information flow from departments to the City Council, something that has been a source of concern for some council members throughout the years.
Torres was particularly nonplussed when he visited the office of Finance Director Anne Kelly-Lenz whose duties include preparing monthly financial reports on the fiscal condition of the city. “I just wanted to introduce myself and they told me to see Andy Nunn,” says Torres, referring to the city’s chief administrative officer.
If nothing else, Torres learned about the city’s tight chain-of-command structure. Kelly-Lenz reports to Nunn who reports to Mayor Bill Finch. Maybe Rick should invite the mayor to Black Rock for a sandwich and conversation. That would be some give and take, Torres discussing government reform while the mayor educates on reducing the carbon footprint. Translator, please!
Torres says he’s contemplating throwing his hat into the ring for City Council president even though he knows he’s a long shot against incumbent Democrat Tom McCarthy who’s had the position for six years and should have the votes lined up for another term as leader. The new council will be sworn in December 2.
Torres says he will be a reform-minded watchdog on the council. “I am really looking forward to this.” Torres also ran into city employee councilman from the East End, James Holloway, the longest-serving member on the council. Holloway, according to Torres, provided some sobering news. “You’re not going to change a thing.”
Welcome to the City Council, or in other words, “Round Up The Usual Suspects.”
“Torres says he will be a reform-minded watchdog on the council. ‘I am really looking forward to this.’ Torres also ran into city employee councilman from the East End, James Holloway, the longest-serving member on the council. Holloway, according to Torres, provided some sobering news. ‘You’re not going to change a thing.'”
How awful. Shame on you, Mr. Holloway.
Rick Torres meet James Holloway, now Rick tell James all about your “ministry” then you can change his mind and then he can help you work as a reform-minded watchdog on the council.
Rick, exposing them is the first step. Thanks, Lennie!
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you and then you win.
At least Holloway was upfront with you. Much better than others who will encourage you then ignore you and then laugh at you behind your back.
A few words of advice, Rick.
Pick your fights wisely. Every issue is not worth the fight. They will wear you. Waste a lot of your time. Frustrate you. Discourage you. And hopefully they look for you to walk away.
Build alliances where possible. Reach out to other council members and create agreement on mutually acceptable issues.
Small victories add up. Going all out right away on every issue will not work.
And yes there are moral victories but don’t be satisfied with just them.
Bob Walsh, that’s great information for Rick to follow but he will have some issues with black council members because of his “ministry” which looks down on them but makes him seem like he knows what is best for them.
I was quoting Gandhi.
That’s excellent advice to Rick and to be effective, he should pay heed.
Would that somebody had given you that advice!
It always seemed to me from the newspaper coverage and your postings, you were much better at being the last angry man.
Not at all the case. But I always was what I needed to be, given all of the circumstances.
I always said I did not need the limelight. I encouraged others to speak up. I never submitted an item to the council without seeking co-sponsors and probably 90% of the time I had some. However, if others would not sign on and I felt what I was offering was a good idea I was never afraid to go it alone.
And for a lot of the time I was on the council, I was the only voice. So if the CT Post wrote it as the last angry man, so be it.
Mr. Torres’ enthusiasm for his upcoming job is a good reminder of David Walker’s winning strategy. He’s a successful unelected politician. In one year he masterminded a plan that defeated all BOE incumbents and then won those seats during the election. He’s transformed Bridgeport and placed a voice where one was never heard.
I might be misplacing credit. What do other blogger think? After all, he’s not the only member of the Harborview Market coalition.
Local Eyes, either you didn’t take your meds, or you are just crazy. You missed your calling because you can tell jokes like what you said about Dave Walker, what a joke.
It seems as if you’ve had too much medicine. Your typing suggests you’re celebrating Wednesday on a Tuesday afternoon.
The DW stamp is the stamp of victory.
Local Eyes, you said, “Mr. Torres’ enthusiasm for his upcoming job is a good reminder of David Walker’s winning strategy. He’s a successful unelected politician. In one year he masterminded a plan that defeated all BOE incumbents and then won those seats during the election.” Do you REALLY believe that? Tell us what was David Walker’s winning strategy? Then it gets worse, now you are saying, “In one year he masterminded a plan that defeated all BOE incumbents and then won those seats during the election,” Walker masterminded a plan that defeated all BOE incumbents, that is where you get real funny because you are not dealing with the facts, instead you are now just worshiping David. You act like the WFP had nothing to do with the BOE election and the mailing, their get out the vote and their poll operation. You forgot about the League Of Women Voters debates, the views that were posted on OIB and the countless articles in the Post about the WFP and the Democrats they supported. Now tells us all what did David Walker do besides having CW4BB put out a questionnaire?
Blah blah blah. Squack all you want. When push comes to shove, DW picked the tri, quad and penta-fecta. The man pushes the button on where the votes fall. You just can’t fight it. All that without having a picnic for PT.
BOE SPY, there is no doubt Dave Walker is a great man, all you have to do is to ask him, but where’s the beef? I will go on a walking tour with you to the East Side, the East End and the South End and you can ask the voters do they know who Dave Walker is and what do they know about him.
Hey Ron,
Glad to hear your surgical rehab is working out for you. I want to take you up on a walking and talking tour anytime you are ready. Then we can stop for coffee and conversation. Let me know what day works for you, OK? 203-259-9642. By the way, Walker plus another ten supporters or so of CW4BB approved the candidates for support after discussion that had included candidate forms and interviews. One-man rule: NOT. Time will tell.
John Marshall Lee, are you also BOE SPY? JML, do you believe this? “Mr. Torres’ enthusiasm for his upcoming job is a good reminder of David Walker’s winning strategy. He’s a successful unelected politician. In one year he masterminded a plan that defeated all BOE incumbents and then won those seats during the election. He’s transformed Bridgeport and placed a voice where one was never heard.”
Just to be fair, if you want to be fair. Also ask the people you talk to if they can name ANY of their elected representatives and what they know about them.
BOE SPY, BINGO!!! You made my point, thank you. How anyone can give so much credit to one person who just arrived here is ridiculous.
What I don’t understand is why David is getting dragged into this post. This is about Torres. The potential candidates for mayor post was not about him either. It is NOT always about David. What is the point in trying to use every opportunity to try to discredit this man even when the subject matter has nothing to do with him? Good Lord, give it a rest.
The subject matter isn’t relevant to those who use diversionary postings to discuss what they feel like discussing. Subject be damned. This isn’t the first time and I’m betting it’s not the last.
*** Mr. Torres, a bit of advice I hope you will consider while on the council. Remember, in order to get things done for your district regardless of how big or small, you must be able to be a “team player at times” and not go into the city council with a gangbusters attitude ready to change city government at a tip of your hat! Because, as you probably know and Mr. Holloway also stated, you’re not going to change a thing (not right away anyway) in the way the current admin does things, and he’s right! However, by taking the low road approach at first, like taking notes, recording important committee meetings, and never letting them know what you’re really thinking too soon, you could in time “make a dent.” You could in time arm yourself with facts that can become transparent to the public at the right times. But to do some of these things, you must form a trust and professional relationship with other fellow councilpersons and be willing to listen first without responding with anti-admin feelings or showing your true political poker-playing cards too soon! *** POLITICAL POKER FACE ***
I can’t help but wonder what Mr. Torres’ attitude was like when he attempted to approach these people; was he combative, arrogant, ominous? Having read previous comments about him on this blog and having met him only once in a social setting, it would seem he can be rather abrasive. Seems as if he’s already made it known to all he intends to be a thorn in the side of his fellow council persons.
The City Charter states a Councilman is entitled to access for information from City Departments. Period.
The City Charter actual refers to “City Council” access to information in more than one place.
Does the reference mean “one member of such body” or the entire City Council membership?
If it is the latter, if the type of info requested is commonly available from local government units to citizen request,
if information flow by a municipality is relatively limited and not provided in cutting-edge technology form (while a Mayor “tweets” to his heart’s content) …
Then perhaps there is a reason for secrecy and silence. And a reason for defensive behavior by “public servants.” And City policy for gaining permission from certain authorities before access is granted. And an antiquated and broken system of “checks and balances.”
Time will tell.
Was he officially sworn into office yet? I agree, information should be accessible, but my point was the manner in which he may have approached them. Not that we’ll ever know, but was he behaving like a bull in a china shop?
The more things change the more they stay the same.
*** Rick will find it takes time to warm up to people in City Hall who usually don’t pay much attention to Bpt’s pols in general, especially if they don’t have to! However come budget time if you’re on the B&A committee, then you can make some of the dept heads pay better attention! ***