Prepare For Road Paving

News release from Mayor’s Office:

The City of Bridgeport has announced that the Department of Public Facilities will begin milling and road paving throughout the City beginning Monday, October 7, 2024. Milling and paving will begin in the 139th District and will continue throughout various neighborhoods, finishing in the 136th District.

Please note, “milling” is the process of grinding and removing the current top layer of pavement.  Drivers are advised to use caution during the milling process.

During this time, drivers are advised of the following:

  • Adhere to “No Parking” signs: all areas will be enforced 24 hours ahead of paving; cars will be towed if interruption to paving occurs.
  • Follow any “Detour” signs: drivers may need additional time to reach your destination so please plan accordingly.
  • Drive carefully: drivers should be mindful of raised structures, manhole covers, and rough edges or bumps at paving limits.

For more information on district information and paving & milling schedules, visit the 2024 Milling & Paving webpage at



  1. Road paving, otherwise known in springtime each year, as “pothole priorities”, is once again a subject of communication from the City. It is good news, but if there is a ‘start in the 139th and a finish in the 136th how much milling and filling with new asphalt be accomplished before the asphalt plants close? With milling dates shown for only a week or so, what assumption can one make, about the fall 2024 project?
    Bridgeport residents who read this message, pay taxes regularly, and regularly drive on City streets deserve full info for their questions. The website shows all ten districts certainly with locations requiring attention. But there are two blocks on State St. where the northern most lane challenges car and driver following repaving. Not the only location in the City to require a remedy. “See something, say something.” Time will tell.

  2. John, “See something say something” on what philosophical human level?

    Considering the turmoil in the current state of world events. Does anyone find the media’s and government’s “take” on Iran’s missiles fired on Israel that seemingly the majority got through their defense system, Iron Dome, and seemingly hit populated areas than those shown to have been shot down?

    Yet the world reporting has been only one person reported killed, a Palestinian who got hit by hit-down missile debris.

    See something say something, Perhaps see something say something else.

    Jesus if he stood in that spot for a second more he wouldn’t have been hit, and alive. JS

  3. RT
    “See something, say something.” And you question that proposition?
    It may be the power of Only in Bridgeport in putting out a message, and such power is applied by people who listen and speak up, on occasion.
    Or it may be a strict coincidence, or a set of work orders responding to complaints about the stretch of State Street whose road surface was so far from level that it was a rolling ride that tested shock absorbing mechanisms….
    But this morning the trucks, and back hoes and manpower were at work on this stretch. Likely without any international observers or religious mentions. Time will tell.

  4. John, “See something, say something.” And you question that proposition?

    You are the question man. So it would seem you are the anointed one to question, butt others are not?

    The only strict coincidence in”see something say something” is whatever level that “see something say something” they then to “say something else” codedly, levelly speaking. Do you disagree with the assessment? Please DO NOT use your education-coded ring 🙂

  5. BTW was your assessment of OIB was that initially a “question” or complaint”?

    At any rate, I believe I made that same “assessment” here on OIB about upper Main St. “rolling ride that tested shock absorbing mechanisms….” passed Vincellette and Main, up to the end of Stop and Shop.

    I believe my assessment went unanswered. That shit is still F-ed up. So perhaps you are the anointed one. Good Job. 🤣

    P.S be careful, you don’t want that anointed oil coming from P Diddy. 🙂


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