Port Talk In Bridgeport

Dan Malloy, the Democratic nominee for governor, was in Bridgeport Tuesday morning to discuss port development. From the Malloy campaign:


Democratic nominee for Governor Dan Malloy today announced a plan for developing Connecticut’s three major water ports. During stops in Bridgeport, New Haven and New London, Malloy said the plan has the potential to “create jobs, increase economic growth and trade flow, and improve transportation infrastructure – all without any fiscal impact on the state.”

The plan calls for making port development a strategic transportation priority by allocating up to $50 million in previously authorized Special Tax Obligation bonds, Urban Act and Manufacturing Assistance Act funds toward port development, including dredging to protect the integrity of the deepwater channels. It would also create a State Port Authority comprised of unpaid gubernatorial appointees, representatives of DECD, DOT and representatives of Connecticut’s three deepwater port authorities. This Authority would work to market the ports, coordinate capital projects, jointly pursue federal funds, and more. The full plan can be read here: danmalloy.com/PortDevelopment.pdf.

“The economic potential for the development of these ports is enormous,” said Malloy. “By establishing a real partnership with port cities, we can leverage private sector investments, foster economic development and create jobs. We don’t have to look any further than Rhode Island, where their recent developments have made Providence the fastest growing commercial port in the Northeast, with an economic impact estimated at $200 million per year. Once again, Connecticut’s neighboring states continue to eat our lunch.”

Malloy’s running mate, State Comptroller Nancy Wyman, joined him in New Haven and New London. The pair said the proposal is part of several larger plans that would create more jobs in Connecticut, which they unveiled in June.

“The importance of port-related development in Connecticut and its potential for job growth are especially significant given that each of our deep water port cities are listed among the state’s most distressed municipalities,” said Wyman. “This plan can make our state more competitive and an integral part of the emerging global economy.”

As nominees for Governor and Lt Governor, Dan Malloy and Nancy Wyman have toured the state in recent months sharing their plans creating jobs and growing the state’s economy. More details on their plans can be found at www.danmalloy.com/policy.



  1. How will Malloy achieve his stated goal to increase capacity without having the ferry moved? Any development of the port should get the ferry out of the way, since the “Inter-Modal” point made by downtown folks only benefits a small number of people and not public at large. There is no economic multiplier effect of having the ferry stay put instead of moving over to Seaview Ave off exit 29. Let’s bring in a booming restaurant business and nightlife environment.

    After all, our ports are unused (except for that one ship-building company doing well) and our bridges are broken … and they call it Bridge-port? Malloy should bring money to fix the Congress Street bridge and connect that part of the city again.

    Here is Malloy’s quote and what he says seems to say move the ferry:

    “Create a … State Port Authority [that] will actively work with the State’s ferry operators, and other interested parties, to encourage development and seek federal funding to increase capacity, improve infrastructure, promote and create incentives in order to greater utilize Long Island Sound for moving vehicles, trucks and freight.”

    Meanwhile … “Bridgeport Now” live at 8pm on Ch 88, we open phones for your comments and feedback … tonight’s topic: Mayor Finch, how is he doing?

  2. Responding to Bridgeport Now

    I hope you have a seven-second delay or a dump button when you ask that question tonight.

    The state of the city address was last night and the room was empty, crickets were heard in the council chambers and the laser daggers from Adam Woods’ eyes aimed at John Gomes were very noticeable.


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