Hey, wake up. Presidential primaries in Connecticut take place April 26. Connecticut is a closed primary state, which means only electors registered with a party can vote, but there’s still time for unaffiliated voters to register with a party to cast a ballot April 26. Sunday afternoon, supporters of Hillary Clinton opened a Downtown headquarters at 100 Fairfield Avenue.
U.S. Senator Dick Blumenthal, Democratic Town Chair Mario Testa, State Rep. Chris Rosario and City Council President Tom McCarthy were among the Hillary Clinton supporters in attendance. Hillary is tracking for the Democratic nomination, but Bernie Sanders is like a chihuahua nipping at her heels. Hillary organizers will need a large turnout of African American voters to lance Sanders in Connecticut and other northeast states.
On the Republican side, Ohio Governor John Kasich, the adult in the GOP battle royal, campaigned in Connecticut last week. He’s trying to position as the alternative to Donald Trump in Connecticut, and the strongest against Clinton in a general election, as the GOP appears headed to a brokered summer convention. Despite a delegate lead over Ted Cruz and Kasich, Trump’s hemorrhaging poll numbers among women has the GOP establishment freaking out over the potential outcome of a national election with Trump heading the ticket. Trump has damaged his so-called authenticity with hair-pulling gaffes over military torture and women’s issues leading to multiple position changes.
When it comes to an adviser briefing message discipline, Trump is like riding a bronco. Okay DT, remember, waterboarding is torture. So then Donald enters debate and proclaims we should go beyond waterboarding. Please, says handler, stick a needle in my eyes. What part of what we just briefed you on did you not get? (Full disclosure: I’ve been there with Trump.)
Okay DT, here’s our position on a woman’s right to choose (appealing to Republican primary voters): It’s the law of the land, you’re not crazy about abortion and support it only in cases of rape and to protect the life of the mother. So then Trump declares if abortion were illegal we should punish women for having abortions. Please, will someone hand me a whiskey bottle and a revolver?
Often when it comes the art of spin, Donald tries to demagogue his way through it. Generally it works just fine in his business world, not so well when running for president. At some point it catches up. And then voters ask, in Trump’s case especially women, does this guy have the temperament to be president?
Male voters are pretty basic to figure out: raise my taxes and I punch you in the nose. Female voters process information different. And right now they are processing Donald like dry tuna, washed down by a hardboiled egg.
Benghazi and e-mails.
The United States will not elect a Socialist. The socialist will be torn to pieces in the General Election.
I dunno Frank, this is an older poll, but Sanders stays pretty strong.
www .dailykos.com/story/2016/2/20/1488200/-LATEST-POLL-Bernie-Sanders-is-MUCH-more-electable-than-Hillary-Clinton
The Clinton Campaign has handled Sanders very gingerly and really has not used the “SOCIALIST” label with Sanders. The campaign has gotten a little testy over the last week but the Democratic race has been fairly mild. However in a general election, the Republicans will go after Sanders in a no-holds-barred manner. Every piece of literature, every ad, would be using the word Socialist (a term the Clinton campaign has NOT used). Moreover, the Republicans would go after the cost and accuse Sanders of needing to RAISE TAXES to pay for the programs he is promoting. RAISE TAXES and SOCIALISM would be the mantra the Republicans would use.
The Clinton campaign has given Sanders an easy ride so Clinton would not antagonize Sanders supporters who would therefore gravitate back to Clinton in the general election. Where else would Sanders supporters go to? If the Sanders supporters were antagonized, they probably would just not vote.
If the GOP convention is brokered, who better than Trump to seize the day? And if he’s on the November ballot, I expect women to vote for him because he represents the powerful male figure missing among the candidates. Hillary it’s-my-turn Clinton cannot fulfill that role. Trump is the tech antidote, too. He’s the analog man running for President in a digital world. In 2016, that’s what America wants.
LE, come on now, we both know Joe Walsh is the true analog man in a digital world.
www .youtube.com/watch?v=NEoWaP4skv8
Yes, but there’s a big difference between releasing an album four years ago and running for President today! No one talked about Joe Walsh then but everyone’s talking about Donald Trump now.
Yes, they’re talking about Trump’s imploding poll numbers.
Every winner has a backlash before victory.
Government is The Dragon and Donald Trump is The White Knight. He wants to be a local hero in 50 states.
LE, yes he’s the White Knight those certain white males who feel some black, Hispanic, Muslims, woman has caused them to lose their pay raise, their job. Women won’t vote for Trump because doesn’t even understand their wants and needs. Trump can’t win with just white voters and Ted Cruz is worse.
Leave it to Ron Mackey to inject racism into politics.
LE, surely you jest. Donald Trump started his campaign by accusing Mexicans of being rapists and saying he will keep Muslims from coming to America, so let’s start there. Now tell where I’m wrong.
You’re wrong from the beginning. If you want Local Eyes to obey, Ron Mackey had better learn how to command.
Donald Trump’s Most Idiotic Moments
Here’s the first iteration of the comments, from when Trump announced his run for the presidency earlier this month:
The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems. … When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
When Trump was asked to explain those comments over the weekend by CNN’s Jake Tapper, he basically reiterated the stance. “I like Mexico. I love the Mexican people. I do business with the Mexican people, but you have people coming through the border that are from all over. And they’re bad. They’re really bad,” he said. “You have people coming in, and I’m not just saying Mexicans, I’m talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists and they’re coming into this country.”
The Fourth of July is an annual reminder of Ron Mackey’s feelings toward America. Find a way to equate America’s birthday with your status and you might realize how stuck-in-the-mud you are.
You’re marinating in the juices of yesterday while ignoring the issues of today and tomorrow.
LE, once again, surely you jest. What is your point about the 4th of July?
LE, here are some of Trump’s most outrageous quotes to date:
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.”–Trump’s shock statement about Mexican immigrants while announcing his candidacy for president in June 2015.
:I will build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.”
Obviously some people here need to travel west of the Hudson River and meet a big chunk of the American People. Quite different from the Fairfield County type.
Everything has an expiration date, including people.
The label on Frank Gyure’s forehead has expired and that will not change no matter how many times he renews his passport to New Jersey!
*** I like Bernie instead of the same old political status quo who is so polished, every time she lies, Dems cheer! The Clintons of today are so far removed from the life of average Americans, they really don’t have a clue. Whatever ex-president Clinton did in the past is just that, “the past!” *** VOTE BERNIE *** The People’s Candidate!
Connecticut Post
“Bridgeport could be difference maker for Clinton”
By Neil Vigdor Updated 6:02 pm, Monday, April 11, 2016
Hillary Clinton is building up her infrastructure in Bridgeport, where her ability to mobilize minority voters could be the difference between winning and losing Connecticut’s upcoming presidential primary for the Democratic front-runner.
If it’s good enough for Hillary Clinton then it’s good for the three black state elected officials who are being challenge by two white candidates and a Hispanic who have done nothing. Mario Testa is supporting McCarthy and Bradley and Mayor Ganim’s silence shows he doesn’t support Stallworth, Moore and Gomes. These blacks must target most black voters and get them out to the polls and target whites and Hispanics who support their positions. What little power blacks have is now being challenged with the support of the white DTC chairman and mayor who are showing they have NO respect for the black voters unless they do what they are told to do. Those days are over.
Bravo, Dan Malloy. Four years ago, Connecticut’s Governor promised no layoffs for state employees. Those days are over, too as promises become harder to keep and tough decisions need to be made.
“We have an obligation as elected officials to tackle the full scope of our challenge,” Malloy said in a statement. “That means we must align our spending with the revenue we actually have, not the revenue we wish we had. Our expectations need to change–we cannot afford to fund everything we always have. And we need to change the way we budget,” Governor Malloy said. “If we are to do what’s right for the state, if we are to put Connecticut on a better path for the long term, then we need to make tough but necessary decisions now to adapt to our new economic reality. That’s what this budget does.”