Poll: Dick Extends Lead

From Rasmussen Reports:

State Attorney General Richard Blumenthal again holds a double-digit lead over Republican opponent Linda McMahon in Connecticut’s U.S. Senate race.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Connecticut shows the longtime Democratic state official with 56% support, his best showing since early June. McMahon claims 43%of the vote. One percent (1%) prefer some other candidate, and another one percent (1%) are undecided.

Less than two weeks ago after the candidates’ second televised debate, Blumenthal posted a much narrower 51% to 46% lead. But the new findings shift this race from Leans Democrat to Solid Democrat in the Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 Senate Balance of Power rankings.

Despite the ups and downs of the contest, including the New York Times’ disclosure that Blumenthal has embellished his military record in public comments over the years, the Democrat has led consistently in polling since January.



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