Piranha Politics, Pereira Sinks Teeth Into Establishment

District 138th Fundraiser w/attribution

Baby it’s cold and snowy outside, but inside the corridors of city politics it’s heating up nicely. Democratic Town Committee primaries in several districts will take place March 1 that could bring a number of new faces to the party apparatus. School board member Maria Pereira, the self-styled piranha of city politics, wants to take a bite out of the political establishment. She has assembled a slate of candidates in the Upper East Side 138th District with “no conflicts.”

“None of these candidates have city jobs,” she wrote in an email to supporters promoting a fundraiser. “Neither do their parents, spouses or children, therefore the powers that be in the Democratic party cannot tell any of us how to vote and hold city jobs over our head.”

Town committee members endorse candidates for public office and select a chairman. The 138th District could have 27 candidates covering three different slates. It’s not winning slate takes all. The top nine vote producers are elected to the town committee so a district could end up with a schizoid slate of antagonists. Voters take note, here’s your chance to create chaos.

Slates must secure signatures from five percent of registered Democrats in the respective districts to make the ballot. Elections officials are currently reviewing petition sheets that have been turned in. These contests are as local as local retail politicking can get. Identify a friend, knock on their door, drag them out to vote.

Voter to candidate: “What in hell is a town committee seat?”

Candidate to voter: “Please come out to vote. Do it for me!”



  1. That is a very polished piece from a determined individual. I have witnessed first-hand Maria Pereira’s style of campaigning. I may not agree with a lot (most) of her political positions. I know any opposition should be very scared! Her requirements for her slate resonates with most of her constituents. She is consistent and her rap does not change. Politics makes strange bedfellows for sure. The icing on the cake on her slate would have been her neighbor Andy Fardy just for a few fireworks! Like myself, Maria is like a one-person army. She is sincere and her constituents are loyal. She is determined and her delivery as well as her slate will be simple, consistent and most likely will motivate many to vote!!! Although I have friends on other slates in the 138th, I think Maria PEREIRA WILL TAKE THE DAY! That is of course my opinion. Good luck to all the candidates. The 138th should be exciting! Did the other slates even think about a slick piece of marketing or a fundraiser?

    BTW, in advance Happy Birthday to Jessica Martinez running in the 137th? And Chris ROSARIO RUNNING FOR RE-ELECTION AND HAVING A HAPPY Birthday Fundraiser this week at Pinhiero’s.

    Everyone else enjoy the snow.

    1. This is a fundraiser invite. A very polished piece from a determined individual? What does that mean?
      No info about the candidates. No info about no conflicts of interest. No info about who they have supported in the past to provide voters a hint as to what they might do in the future. A very polished piece from a determined individual!!! That’s for sure.

  2. Grin Ripper, as a Catholic I thank the heavenly Blessed Mother and ask her to bless Maria for her effort to set an example for the rest of the City. I know it will never happen in my lifetime, but with more people like Maria, it may someday get close. If your reference is to her position on the BOE, it’s a thankless, time-consuming job that requires sincere interest in the children of Bridgeport. This is not a springboard for her, she’s the real thing.

    1. I too admire the BVM and Maria. Politically she does not understand, like you do, the concept or the art of compromise. She has made no secret she is on a world-beater tour. Let’s see if she springboards her way into an August primary.

      Personally, I think it’s also a conflict to serve on the TC and serve as an elected official.

      For my penance I’m going to say three Hail Marys, one Our Father and make a good Act of Contrition!

      1. Grin Ripper, thank you for admiring the BVM, I speak with her now and then and she helps. However I agree with you 100%, holding two or more positions of authority is wrong. It’s been a practice since I can remember, and that’s a long time. Sometimes, it really becomes difficult to find someone willing to do public service (I mean without compensation) and it becomes necessary to go that route. I don’t believe it should become the norm. Some Council members and TC members want the title, but don’t want to put the work in. If it’s handed to them, they’re fine, but otherwise they’re too lazy or afraid to lose. You’re right so you’re excused from penance.

    2. Maria is full of BS/ What has she done for the kids of Bridgeport in her two stints on the BOE? She is one of the nastiest people I have ever met. Maybe if her boyfriend moves he will take her with him.

  3. Although based on comments I’ve read, she isn’t on too many peoples’ lists of favorites, but one thing for sure about this Maria, you have to admire her tenacity. Seemingly it’s better to have her with you rather than against you.

  4. Grin Ripper, I agree with you–compromise is a very important component.

    Godiva, I agree with you, I love being on the outside looking in. But if there were a war, I would want her in my foxhole.

    Lisa Parziale, asking the Blessed Mother to bless Maria is asking her to curse the other candidates! 🙂 I like the other candidates, some of them I consider friends. (Political friends of course, because I have been blessed with real friends and there is definitely a difference.) 🙂 I think the other candidates have a need to worry because she has taken her act on the road and people apparently are listening!!!

    BtW Lisa–Good Luck with your efforts. What do you do when you are sitting at the same table with those you crucified? Your race is going to be exciting!!!

    1. I know it’s hard to understand Steve, but in politics I believe you should never make permanent enemies or expect to make permanent friends. I’m a pragmatist.

      1. Lisa, as Donald Day and myself tell our members, from The Godfather II, Michael Corleone: My father taught me many things here–he taught me in this room. He taught me: keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Or from Henry Kissinger, “America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests.”

  5. Okay. Considering her track record with those she supported in the past (Ganim, Bradley, Hennessey, Baker, Paoletto, Smith, P Fardy, Barney, M Jackson, Morton), how many on this slate will she fall out of love with by the time of the election or shortly thereafter? 🙂

  6. Bloggers, there yo have it! Eric Alicea, another member of the slate in the 138th. They are aggressive and making noise. I think this is a very good slate. I have no idea who is running on the other slates, but I am certain Lennie will advise us soon enough. Good luck to all!

    1. Eric, you have a lot to learn. Maybe three from your slate or four, that’s it. The last time the queen of voting pushed for two council people they ended in a tie. No power there.

  7. What Steve is saying is since he doesn’t know anyone on the other slates he will suck up to this one for the time being. Then once he learns of other candidates he will suck up to them.
    Good luck, suckers.

  8. Andy Fardy, Bob Walsh, I do know Anthony Paoletto is running. I’d vote for him if I were in the 138th. Andy Fardy, you do not think Maria is a great campaigner? I am sucking up to whom? For what? Your insults to me are getting so tired it is no wonder the local political conversation is so much more refined on Facebook.

  9. Maria,
    Losak’s brother is still a Bridgeport cop. LOSAK, JOHN POLICE SERGEANT P 150,571.07. So you are wrong again. Steve, Maria is a very hard campaigner but a poor politician, just like you.


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