Pelto Hits Moales On Corporate Elite, Charter School Supporters

From Jonathan Pelto


It won’t come as any surprise to those who have watched the on-going effort to undermine and denigrate the people of Bridgeport that the very same individuals and groups that worked so hard to take away democracy in Bridgeport and keep Paul Vallas in charge of Bridgeport’s School are now working overtime to put Moales–a Malloy/Finch ally and disgraced former chairman of the Bridgeport Board of Education–into the Connecticut State Senate.

The corporate elite, education reform industry and charter school advocates know that Kenneth Moales Jr. will be a safe vote for their anti-public education agenda, even if it means hurting the people of Bridgeport.

Jonathan Sackler, whose pharmaceutical company makes OxyContin, is a founding member of Achievement First, Inc., the large Charter School Management Company with schools in New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island. Sackler is also the corporate education reform industry advocate who formed ConnCAN, the charter school advocacy group. Sackler was one of the largest donors to Finch’s anti-democracy effort and now he tops the list for Moales as well.

Full story here.



  1. Good catch, Jonathon. I don’t know how I missed Andy Boas and his wife from Wilton, CT. While these same elitists snicker at Moales’ ignorance, they contribute money to his campaign just so they have a vote to help further line their pockets. I know they laugh at him around the dinner table.

  2. Must be nice for them that the Sacklers and Boases can afford to laugh, Maria. But as you know, we live here. How about the school system that suffers thanks to Moales? Can you imagine the damage Moales could do to our city–already so dependent on the state–if he were one of Bridgeport’s state senators? That should be very scary to us all. And yet look at Bridgeport residents who donated to Moales’ campaign. What are you thinking? Should we really take any candidate you back seriously if you are now on record financially supporting Moales for state senate?

    1. Thank you, Pete.
      “And yet look at Bridgeport residents who donated to Moales’ campaign. What are you thinking? Should we really take any candidate you back seriously if you are now on record financially supporting Moales for state senate?”

      Please say it again and again–hopefully door to door!

  3. Maria and Peter, Moales isn’t in the race to win, he’s in the race to stop Ed from winning. He’s there to split the black vote; do that and DeJesus will win. This is the strategy that was used so well when Ayala ran the first time.

    1. Donald, Moales is now Finch’s guy. He will not publicly come against DeJesus because he cannot anger them before his election, however he is 100% with Moales at this point. If the millionaires and billionaires want Moales, Finch will not go against them. He needs and wants their money for his re-election campaign. Supporting DeJesus does nothing to deliver Finch financial support. DeJesus has become a sacrificial lamb whether he realizes it or not.

      1. No no, Maria, I’m not saying Moales isn’t Finch’s boy. I’m saying Moales and Finch don’t think or believe he can win and he’s there to split the black vote so Ed doesn’t. Moales or DeJesus is a win for Finch.

  4. Also Pete–did you ever get an answer as to which candidates running for office have signed the petition for HOUSE BILL 5886? I would love to see who puts it in writing.


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