More from government watchdog Jonathan Pelto on the school uniform issue involving Board of Education member Hernan Illingworth:
As a member of the Bridgeport Board of Education, Hernan Illingworth took actions that directly benefited him and the company that he works for.
That is an ethics violation.
It is a serious ethics violation and it requires action.
Mayor Finch, the state is waiting to see how you handle this issue.
The Bylaws of the Bridgeport Board of Education: Policy 9270: Conflict of Interest
(1) No member of the Board shall have any direct pecuniary interest in a contract with the school district, nor shall he/she furnish directly any labor, equipment, or supplies to the district. It is not the intent of this bylaw to prevent the district from contracting with corporations or businesses because a Board member is an employee of the firm. However, in such instances the member may be expected to declare his/her association with the firm and will refrain from debating or voting on the question.
The spirit of the Conflict of Interest rule is simple enough.
If you are a member of the Bridgeport Board of Education and your job is with a company that is connected to the functioning of the school system, you are expected to declare your association with that company and abstain from discussing or voting on issues related to the products or services provided by that company.
Hernan Illingworth works for Uniformz. He sells uniforms to students and families who attend Bridgeport’s schools.
Read more here.
Not only did he use his position on the BOE to create an opportunity to profit from, he used his position on the Parent Advisory Council and its members to further his financial agenda.
Let’s see what Board of Education President Rev. Ken Moales Jr. has to say.
Moales has already stated he does NOT see a conflict of interest with him being on the BOE. Ron, if you believe that I have a bridge for sale.
Reverend Moales does not see a conflict because he doesn’t see a conflict running his own private school. His wife works for Dunbar, one of the worst performing schools in the city and his head is stuffed up Finch’s ass. Now let’s start from that premise as to why he does not see a conflict!!!
Moales has even more conflicts than Illingworth has … for instance he is applying to start a charter school.
BlackRockMisinformedGuy, Moales withdrew his application. He has another plan with other friends.
Joel, regardless of how many phantom partners he produces, if he is somehow involved it is still a conflict of interest. No?
By the way, not necessarily related to this, the next Bridgeport Ethics Commission regular monthly meeting is scheduled for Wednesday May 8 at 6pm Wheeler B conference room. Someone asked if the commission ever commented on the BOE.