Mayor Bill Finch news release:
On Monday, Mayor Bill Finch will recognize City Council member Richard M. Paoletto Jr., who has been invited to become a member of the State, Local, Tribal and Territorial Government Coordinating Council (SLTTGCC), a panel which works together with the Department of Homeland Security and state, local, tribal and territorial governments for the national goal of critical infrastructure protection.
The Council plays a role in the development of a partnership among all levels of government and the private sector that is “committed to coordination, communication and collaboration for State, local, tribal and territorial governments with the Federal government.”
Members commit to serving a one-year term, which is subject to renewal at the close of the first year.
Paoletto is the Deputy Director of Housing and Commercial Code Enforcement for the City, and serves as the point person for the City’s critical infrastructure and key resources in the Emergency Operations Center. In addition, he has completed courses in Threat and Risk Assessment, Enhanced Threat and Risk Assessment and Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources through the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service, and several certificate courses through the Emergency Management Institute.
Nice CV without any military experience or terrorist prevention training. Does anyone on the city council have any military background?
Bob Barnes claims to have military background and where did it get him? Just another crab.
I hope this Finch yes-man spends more time on this new assignment than he does handling issues in his district. This guy is completely in the dark on what goes on in his district.
And you’re the brightest bulb in the socket?
Anna: You can take that to the bank. Hey anna, when did you become a Finch kiss ass?
And how long have you been Mario Testa’s water boy? You sit back, count your sweetheart city pension and crank all day and night without a positive word about anyone. Crabby boy.
anna, you seem to have a problem dealing with someone way smarter than you are. I do have a city pension from the FD that I earned. I received that pension for being shot at, caught in riots and injured. I earned that pension at a time the city was burning down. I also paid a portion of that pension. I am a friend of Mario’s and proud to count him as a friend. Water boy, really; I guess that status has changed since I am no longer a registered Democrat. It’s too bad you just decided to follow Bridgeport politics; I spent the last 40 years with many of the people I write about and what I write can be backed up with facts. Can you say the same thing? anna, it’s time for you to get back in your favorite position which is hanging upside down in a tree.
Just another outstanding appointment by Bill Finch. With the exception of Kooris, Finch has trolled the depths to staff his administration. His record on commissions would be worse but so far in year 5 he still hasn’t bothered to populate most of them. Not only is Paoletto challenged intellectually, physically and utterly lacking in civility, the guy has a shady history in his employment records at City Hall. If this is the protection we’ve got, run for the hills …
BiB sounds intellectually challenged with all these insults.
anna, of course you are right. Hurling insults at this administration is like shooting fish in a barrel.
Just one more slug in the 30 years of Testa’s feedbag.
Don’t we have someone on the city staff charged with Homeland Security? Scott?
We sure do–Scott Appleby, who is actually qualified.
I agree with your assessment of Paoletto. This is another BS position for him to hide behind.
I want to know since he is city councilman, does he vote on his salary as a city employee?
I cannot feel secure so long as Richard Paoletto has anything to do with Homeland Security.