State Senator Marilyn Moore’s campaign for mayor came tantalizingly close to taking out an incumbent in a Democratic primary. Her Plan B for general election relevancy evaporated when her operatives botched the signature process to proclaim the Connecticut Working Families Party line, a disclosure that came to light just a few hours before the primary polls closed.
The night had shaped up for Mayor Joe Ganim exactly how he did not want it, losing the machine totals rescued by absentee ballots providing a platform for Moore to engineer a second-chance battle cry for justice.
Team Ganim breathed a sigh of relief primary night when it learned Moore’s path to the mayoralty had hit the skids.

Tuesday night, standing on the stage of the Bijou Theater, Moore thought she had a general election avenue on the New Movement Party line that supporter Tony Barr assured he had locked up. Barr announced he’d cede his ballot spot to Moore.
Barr would be the most popular guy among Moore’s minions had he also followed election law guidelines. He did not. His effort also required petition signatures to occupy that line in November.
What other line is available to Moore in lieu of a long-shot write-in candidacy? The Republican line owned by John Rodriguez who won a three-way GOP primary for mayor.
The weekend chatter centered on Rodriguez possibly ceding his Republican line to liberal Democrat Moore.
Republican Town Chairman Mike Garrett and Rodriguez both shared that there’s a lot of “talk” about this but if anything’s in the works it’s news to them.
“I saw Marilyn on Saturday,” said Rodriguez Sunday afternoon. “We had polite conversation. She never said anything to me about that.”
Is there a circumstance Rodriguez would give up his line to Moore?
“I like Marilyn, she’s a good person, but I am a Republican with conservative values.”
Rodriguez, retired at 67 years old, is going about his business courting voters in a long-shot win.
“If Marilyn wants to talk I would listen,” he says “but understand she’s a Democrat and I’m about breaking up the Democratic machine. Maybe she should come to me to support me.”
Some Moore supporters have encouraged her to approach the Republican standard bearer in the cause of city unity to take out the political establishment.
Even if Moore wanted to approach Rodriguez in the cause of city unity it comes with trap doors.
She’s the darling of the political left–labor unions, minimum wage increases, gun control, family leave pay, government health care, corporate warfare–anathema to Republicans.
To that crowd it’s like dance with the devil and the devil changes you.
For Moore supporter Bob Walsh, a former city councilman, running on the GOP line is a no-brainer, considering the options.
“If she wants to be a transformational figure, be a transformational figure,” says Walsh, adding she doesn’t have to sell her soul to city Republicans because … what do they have now?
What could Moore offer the GOP? An enhanced voice in government, including minority-party representation on the City Council that would require a City Charter change by voters. Yes, jobs for this one and that one, but then she becomes everything she’s railed against, right?
What’s the process for a candidate to relinquish a ballot spot in this case? From Gabe Rosenberg, spokesperson for the Connecticut Secretary of the State:
The candidate would have to notify the Town Clerk in writing that they were withdrawing. Then the local party, pursuant to their party rules, would select a new candidate. The deadline is 21 days prior to election day but, realistically, there is a practical deadline of making sure the ballots can be printed in time to begin distribution on October 4th.
Then, there’s the Trump factor.
Moore’s base loathes Trump.
What does Rodriguez think of Trump?
“He’s doing his job.”
Lennie, my intuition tells me that someone from the Ganim camp formed a party just-in-case Joe Ganim lost the primary to Moore. I can’t picture Ganim or Testo walking into a primary situation without covering all the bases with a back-up plan. I doubt if Ganim or Testo recruited the car salesman for this.
Joel, good point, maybe Ganim and Testa had someone planned in Moore’s campaign to see that the petitions failed.
Did you mean to say: Maybe Ganim and Testo had planted someone in the Moore campaign? One person on the Moore slate told me that it felt and smelled like they were infiltrated. I’m not sure that if it was, the person/s was responsible for the botching of the WFP petition. They’re pointing fingers at each other as we’ve been informed.
Dilemma. What dilemma?
Marilyn Moore doesn’t have a dilemma until the Republican slot is offered to her and that hasn’t happened yet.
LE. You are a nervous Nellie. The chances of Moore getting the Republican line are like .5 percent. But even those odds scare you
Frank, 05% is meaningless. Whereas .5 is 50 percent. Conclusion: Frank Gyure is a mental midget who should refrain from blogging because it harms his reputation.
There was no need for a back up plan for Joe,as John Gomes said “ We got it covered”.With Mario’s AB operation,they knew they couldn’t lose the primary. I guess you could say, the AB’s were the back up plan.
Figure this, if Moore somehow got on the Republican line or even ran as a write in, there is no way she could beat Joe unless she was able to gather about 1200 AB’s.And considering her team couldn’t even gather 200 some odd signatures, how the hell would they gather enough AB’s??..
Corrupt elections is how it’s done in Bpt.
Moore a Repulicrat (????)
Who was it who went and visited Trump when he was in Bridgeport four years ago?
Not Marilyn Moore.
Who was it who stood in the way of making Bridgeport an Asylum City because it might make Trump mad and Bridgeport wouldn’t want that?
Not Marilyn Moore.
Who was it that forgot to include again language that would pay union scale wages on the theatre deal thereby cutting out union jobs on the theater / apartment deal downtown?
Not Marilyn Moore.
Who is it that year after year after year refuses to give education its fair share of the Bridgeport budget thereby punishing the vulnerable children of Bridgeport?
Not Marilyn Moore.
I would rather have a real Democrat who runs as a Republic because the election was stolen by so called Democrats who believe winning is the only thing for four more years.
Great assertion, Robert. Moore should reach out and run on the Republican line
This nothing new in politic, John Lindsay ran as a Republican in New York City and won the seat as Congressman, then in ran for mayor of New York City as a Republican and he won. After a number of issues Lindsay switch to become a Democrat and Lindsay ran again for mayor and he won as a Democrat for New York City mayor. I’ve suggested for years on OIB that the Republican Town Committee switch and join the DTC as a different wing of the DTC because who would know who they are when they run in the DTC election. There would be no need to disband the RTC .
Garrett is not going to hand over the GOP nomination. Not this year.
That will be a hard sell. This president as a Republican did say WHAT do BLACKS Have to LOSS VOTING For HIM! and the republican party. First The local Republican party would have to get the blessing of the Republican state central Committee secondly the Democratic party Leadership would not buy into it. I have a great suggestion Bob you and Ron switch over to the republican first! Then i’ll believe its a great idea.
Ernie, let me ask a few questions to four of the black district in the DTC political leaders in Bridgeport, I’ve known Ralph Ford a long time, Steve Nelson, I like and respect Steve, Wanda Geter and you Ernie I love both you guys. Ernie, we have our disagreements but it’s never personal but Ernie I don’t understand how the four of you guys keep supporting Joe Ganim and Mario Testa base on results. What results, what the hell has Joe Ganim done to improve your community since 1991? The black vote elected each time that he has run for mayor and what dividend has the black community received from Joe Ganim? We are truly not represented in the Ganim administration especially in the top decision making positions. Ernie, you are a first and you understand what it is to be the first, you were the first black Common Council President and we have in 2019 well over 30 years since you were the Common Council President and the fact that we have never had a black mayor and we have a chance to elected the first black to become the mayor in Senator Marilyn Moore and you and the three black DTC district leaders believe that Joe Ganim is the best to be relected candidate mayor although he hasn’t done shit for blacks. It’s hard enough in life for black females especially in politic and we have black leaders not willing to back a black woman. Ernie maybe you can tell why and don’t give me that answer that she didn’t ask me because we all should want what is best for Bridgeport and if she didn’t come to you then as a veteran politician I would think that you would ask Senator Moore what’s going on and why are you running for mayor.
I didn’t have to put in amendments because i Voted to put money in the budget both years for education plus transportation dollars so children didn’t have to walk extra miles to school.
unlike you, i can count to 11 votes needed to pass anything on the city council.
Remember i supported MJF over Bill Finch Because he didn’t want to support me because of my past as an ex- felon running for office and Mary Jane Foster in braced me. Ron some people cant handle the truth. I will give you a call or see you in church or maybe we’ll have lunch and I let you know my feeling. i wont do it on OIB!
Just keep on kissing Joe’s ass and Mario’s ass and tell your people everything’s gonna be alright.
Who cares if Bridgeport education goes unfounded. Who cares if Joe is closer to Trump than he is to Biden. Who cares if jobs in Bridgeport go to the suburbs.
Ernie has the mayor’s ear. That’s all that matters.
I kiss no ones ass yours included, Bob did you fund education at the level it should have been funded at I do recall you served about 10 years on the city council. Remember when you point a finger at someone you have four pointing back at you! Bob move back to bridgeport than you can get on your soap box.
I’m not getting into a back and forth with you and I do not recall each and every budget amendment that I place before the council and forced the full council to vote but if it was only one it was far more than you have submitted.
Correction, Bob: Joe Ganim has Ernie’s ear, as in fetch, roll over, play dead.
Peace, This was Grrrreattttt!✍🏽👨🏽💻💯💪🏾🙏🏾
Who You Gonna Call?
Marilyn Moore is determined to get on the ballot and she’s not afraid to cross party lines to do it.
Greetings Local Eyes,
Are you the masked blogger?
Local Eyes is the “influencer” sponsored by Gilbey’s Gin.
DB, I want to add on to this OIB Platform. Smartphones 📱 and emojis 🤥🤡(= joe ganim) are gonna be the new wave 🌊 😁👨🏽💻👋🏾.
Ps. JLM is someone I want to meet here. Time will tell ⏳💡🙏🏾
At Marilyn Moore’s insistence All absentee ballots were investigated for validity and authenticity. Here’s what they found:
3 of Ganim’s ABs were invalidated. All 3 were underage grandchildren of an enthusiastic Ganim supporter. However,
17 of Moore’s ABs were invalidated for reasons including age, location and party affiliation.
Conclusion: Results are unchanged. ABs are not second-class votes.
Local eyes,
since you seem to have an inside scope what happened with the WFP petitions?
According to printed stories 14, 16 or 20 pages? What’s the FACTS?
Why so many signatures invalidated?
your RELIABLE source is ?
Rumor Mill!! What a joke😩👀😎
The WFP petitions were fumbled by the candidate’s handlers.
RUMOR MILLS never have a reliable source-that’s why they’re rumors!
Wanda Simmons asks too many questions -what a joke!
If you don’t ask, you won’t know
I wish I would’ve known all I had to do was create 9 abs when I ran in the 139th
I’d be council women Simmons😂😂😂😂
I’m learning!!!!
What you say SlimFly😍😍😍
I hope you don’t represent Marilyn Moore because you’re doing a lousy job representing yourself!
Does that make you feel good?
I was trying to keep this cordial but what I won’t do is get sucked into a meaningless debate with you!!
My slimfly comment was directed to an OIB reader.
He knows who…
I’m not as angry and bitter as some of you who seem to get very brave behind a keyboard….
Must really suck!!!
As a longtime blogger, I know that anger and bitterness rarely replace bravery which is a cornerstone of politics and persuasion. Bravery is about action over emotions.
Your version of cordial doesn’t match mine but that’s a difference I can accept.
Here’s the rub: You don’t have to worry about a debate with me until I ask you a question and I haven’t done that yet.
Wanda woww its good to see you chiming in. Hope all is well. SlimFly saids it would have been interesting! lol You creating your own Party!
Hey Slimfly!!!! I knew you would like that comment. 😆
I’m observing.
Got some real characters on here.
NOBODY gives former inmates or those with disabilities a better chance than MOD Pizza. https://modpizza.com/we-are-mod/ Wouldn’t it be great if Career Resources spearheaded the effort that brought a franchise to Bridgeport? Their agenda is righteous and uplifting.
I’m formally introducing myself to many all these masked pundits. They will all soon scatter 😁💯🇺🇸👨🏽💻🙏🏾
Bob Walsh- You destroyed MJF with your Bullshit advice. Now you are looking to destroy Moore’s. What about Alma Maya and Chris Caruso- Is it all about Moore as it always was. You lost again- add this to your Moore ass kissing column as a loser. A Republican Moore? a Write in Moore
? You couldn’t raise money last time and now?? Seriously- Stick to Branford Politics. You can call us ass kissers- etc. Bottom line you lost the election. You nshould Thank G-d for Mary Lee Mcbride that made this ma racial issue. Moore was not popular in her community and Ganim was expected to be a landslide. You should be planting your lips on the ass of Rev. Mary Lee Mcbride. Now that unfortunate commentary will be forgotten. My Senator, Marilyn Moore would be best to get rid of you as an adviser, go back to Hartford and bring the bacon back to Bridgeport. That’s what we elected her to do. The fact that she announced her run for Mayor the day after she was sworn in as Senator may be forgotten. Most likely not. So while you insult all Ganim supporters and refer to us as Mario/ Ganim ass kissers. Remember that Moore’s slate had City Employees on it. That were hoping to be the future ass kissers of a Mayor that was invisible up until 5 day prior to the election. Thank you to the Rev. Mary Lee Mcbride for giving her front page news and dividing the community.
Still talking about Ganim and Trump- Seriously, there was time everyone thought Trump was great. That was then this is now. Maybe Marilyn can run as a Republican and Trump can come to Bridgeport and endorse her.
Thank G-d for Tony Barr. His election day suit was spectacular. I think he’ll need Marilyn to maintain his seat on the Town Committee. Maria Pereira will slaughter him .
BTW- great job Maria Pereira- If it wasn’t for absentee ballots it would have been Smith and Jackson. Lesson learned!! Good luck!
Congratulations to Mayor Joe Ganim and the entire Top Line team of endorsed candidates. Jim Fox I apologize for blocking you.
The week before the election I had 40 friend request all from Moore supporters. I guess their strategy was to troll all of the Ganim supporters. Kelvin, Jason, Joe S. etc was about enough. The negative cloud hanging over them was like a cancer spreading. Thank G-d the candidate they supported lost. Bridgeport is poised for great things.
Stop crying! We move forward. Perhaps after 5 years Moore may want to address the absentee ballot issue. Funny it wasn’t an issue until now.
Stevie A, keep doing what you do best, keep KISSING Joe and Mario ASS.
Ron Mackey attended The Wanda Simmons School of Blogospheric Mannerisms.
Steven Auerbach // Oct 20, 2015 at 9:28 am
“I don’t dislike Joe Ganim, but I voted for Bill Finch in the primary and now I am supporting Mary-Jane Foster because I am dead set against another Ganim Administration riddled with corruption, greed and Mario Testa. I felt after 11 years of Ganim the people have had enough. I figured after he destroyed the reputation of the city, the city had enough. I figured it took two administrations to wipe away the black eye given to us by Ganim, the people would have learned. They did not. Joe Ganim has done an amazing job while enjoying $500 bottles of wine, fancy clothes, home enhancements, cash in his pocket to let the little sycophants of Bridgeport think he was one of them–he isn’t a snob, just a wealthy suburbanite who hasn’t paid a dime in taxes to Bridgeport for 15 years.”
How a job can change one’s mind.
LOL..And then Joe beat Mary-Jane Foster,and the narrative changed to “Joe is the right man to turn around the city and fix the damage Finch did”…It would have been the same thing this year if Moore won the primary,Stevie would have been kissing her ass by now.That’s why he isn’t taken seriously.Joe,watch this guy,he’ll turn on you in a second.
Again Donald Day, you are just a loser – You will forever be going into Lennie ‘s archives to use my words against me. Sorry loser it won’t work. Everyone knows I was awful to Joe Ganim in 2015== The good news I never took those words to anyone on the street. I supported Finch – His folks were the beneficiary of my negative comments. So those words are in the past .Lets talk about your candidate she lost.
Can we talk about signatures for lust a moment loser day- I won almost every race the other day. I know you were hoping to drive Ms. Daisy for 4 years but it just wasn’t in the cards. About the signatures that we were kind enough to not brag about— Marilyn Moore on her own got signatures. Did you know that most of her signatures were all thrown out??? Did you ? did you Donnie Day? You did not so let me tell you. After the investigation is ver here is what they will find. Signatures from Fairfield, Waterbury , West haven — Getting signatures from Stop and Shop is not too bright from the would be Mayor. The smart money would have been knocking on doors . Too Lazy for sure. Because of you Donald Day and Ronald Mackey Marilyn Moore lost. You 2 were the worst surrogates anyone could ask for. Worse than Ed Gomes and Bob Walsh– I am so grateful you will have 4 years of misery. I guess Ronnie Mackey will talk about my Huuuuuuuge job four 4 years and you will continue to have your dream job of driving Marilyn Moore– You may have criticized Rev. Lee but she helped Marilyn Moore -more than any of Moore’ s supporters . It is so ironic that Alma Maya and Christopher Caruso got nearly 1000 votes less than Moore. How is that? So I am glad Donald Day you have all of the time in the world looking up the archives looking for my past post. It means you hold on to every word I say. I wouldn’t waste my time looking up anything you said. Ever. All of that wasted time, you could have made phone calls , knocked on doors- Urged people to send checks to
666 ——The number of the beast
Cleveland Ave
Bridgeport, Ct 06604
You may respod but You got to know I will not respond to you– Just needed to remind you idiots that neither the Mayor, Mario, Dunn or anyone ordered me off Grimaldi’s blog- It just became a real bore listening to 6 people blowing smoke up each others asses and alienating everyone else. The only one who suffers for that is Lennie Grimaldi.
BTW Ms. Simmons- my facts did not come from Local Eyes- though I am certain he knew about the signatures. So very sad.
Now- Let Ms. Moore or any one of her surrogates, Maybe Kelvin Ayala dispute anything I just said. Unlike Maria Pereira being meticulous with her facts. I am not meticulous, however these facts you can take to the bank. It is called transparency.
Now lets stop the whining- Great things are happening around the corner! We can chat – mid November. Until then . I wish everyone well. Including my adversaries. As always – Thank you Lennie.
Thanks. I guess that’s about the closest answer I’ll get
Don, Stevie A has always been with who ever the incumbent is, he supports NO challengers, that’s why he support Mayor Bill Finch over the challenger, Joe Ganim but now that Ganim is mayor Stevie A can’t kiss Ganim’s ass enough. Stevie A was a big time ass kisser of State Senator Anthony Musto until Marilyn Moore kicked Musto ass and became the State Senator.
Steven Auerbach says:
April 30, 2015 at 1:06 pm
Ron Mackey, only in Bridgeport. My favorite candidate? I wouldn’t trade Herbst for Musto. Instigating a conversation is just like your usual race baiting. Better you concentrate on the here and now. Focus on Foster, Ganim and Finch. I am supporting Finch, isn’t that where you should focus your attack? You know the Fake supporter. Maybe you need to be knocking on doors for your candidate. Who is it today, Ganim or Foster? Don’t worry about Musto. He is political history by his own choice. Mary-Jane Foster could have run for his seat. Honestly, anyone could have run for his seat. I did not support him for his political acumen, I supported him because he supported our Mayor. To me that was a big deal.
Steve, oddly enough Samia and I got exactly 484 votes on the machines. Nessah Smith received 494 on the machines. Karen Jackson lost on the machines and was not even within recount range.
Nessah and Karen had a massive amount of help with tons of canvassers and paid AB operatives. Not a single person was paid on our campaign and Samia and I only had three volunteers.
I received 179 ABs, Samia received 172 and Nessah Smith received 79 ABS and Karen received around 69 ABs.
What’s troubling you,Steve? Is it that I got better at playing the DTC’s AB game than they did?
Mayor Ganim and the DTC had a massive operation in the 138th District and we beat them with just five of us working on our campaign.
I always tell people it is not about quantity. It is about quality. Five good canvassers can beat 20 canvassers if they are intelligent, can articulate the issues, know the community and treat voters like human beings instead of just a vote.
I had voters call me frantically when there were 6,8 and ten canvassers at a time in Thomas Hooker. People were nervous when Jackson and Smith lawn signs started popping up.
I told every single one of them to calm down. I assured them everything was under control . And it was. 🙂
Let’ s get Machiavellian. The Bridgeport Republican Party is at it’s nadir of influence and even getting votes. Is this interesting. Damn right it’s interesting. As of today,the Republican Party is DOA in Bridgeport. Maybe, by ceding the line to Moore,the Bridgeport Republican Party can start start coming out of the desert. I will throw out two names. Nick Panuzio.Len Paoletta. Garrett and Rodriguez need to make decision and make it now. Will the Bpt Republican Party remain in oblivion or can this be the first step for BPT Republicans to get out of their deep hole. I am a Marilyn Moore supporter. I am willing to support a COMPLETE PURGE of Testa/Ganim whores.
This is the fact.. Garrett and Rodrigues have a choice. Either be relevant or get lost. We are possibly looking at an election in Bridgeport that goes beyond party labels. I think many many many of us agree. A complete purge of TestaGanim whores is in order..
Frank, I agree with your comments. As a former member of the BRTC I can say that many of Bridgeport Republicans are not Republicans because they believe in the platform. They are anti establishment and refuse to even put their names as Democrats as long as the routine continues in Bridgeport. They vote Democrat, financially support Democratic candidates and canvas for Democrats. I also feel that Rodriguez has a great opportunity here, not as a candidate, but, as a man that stepped up for the greater good of all residents of Bridgeport. Rodriguez will not win. He will not get the money to even be competitive. I can honestly say that the majority of people of Black Rock have no idea who he is and if your going to run as a Republican, you need Black Rock locked up, at the least. There are many opportunities for history to be made here in Bridgeport. First Black Female Mayor and Garrett and Rodriguez would be forever remembered as the two hero’s that stepped up and helped get Moore over the line and put Bridgeport on the healing path. I have all respect for Garrett as he has been nothing but slaughtered as the leader of the BRTC and he continues to keep putting a foot forward everyday to strive to keep the party relevant in Bridgeport, that is honerable however, he will not go down in history for it. I know for a fact that their are a good portion of Republicans willing to support Moore and would have done so if she made it through the primary, Republicans that are just as disappointed and feeling defeated as Democrats right now because they were holding out for Moore. If you really look at it, I am not so sure that voters in Bridgeport vote based strictly on party line. The majority of people I have spoken to have always just voted against the “Machine.” Maybe its my generation, maybe we have seen the destruction and we are the ones paying big for past errors and are just not willing to let it continue. We are willing to get rid of the corruption by any means necessary and desperate times usually call for desperate measures. Moore wanting to take the crazy chance is another story but, I think it would serve three people well, Moore, Rodriguez and Garrettt to at least have a conversation. When you have nothing, you have nothing to loose. If this election moves forward as planned Rodriguez will loose by a landslide and he will be remembered that way so will the BRTC.
Mary Filo, I understand your point about Bridgeport voters who are Republicans and their reasons and that’s why there are over 20,000 voters who are register as Independent and would easily vote for a Democrat like Senator Moore. I’m one of those who has no problem in voting for a Republican, I have in the past and would in the future but not the type of Republicans who are like the three blind mice of the Republican Party in Congress as the follow the head mouse, President 45. The Bridgeport Republican Party has chance to break the mold and to expand their Party by reaching out to the best candidate for mayor in Bridgeport.
Ron, I am with you on every word you just stated. I am hanging on to the one big thing Senator Moore has ALWAYS given me, Hope!!!
Mary, HOPE, that’s such a powerful word and that’s what the Witness Project does, it serves underserved women in Bridgeport, Norwalk and Stamford and provides culturally sensitive breast health education, patient navigation services for uninsured women and sponsors mammography screening days in the community. All of these efforts combined help facilitate early detection which is key to survival of breast cancer. The Witness Project provides education, screening, diagnostic and treatment advice, and support service for African American women throughout the state of Connecticut. Marilyn Moore role as the director gave HOPE to women about efforts to help save their life and unfortunately the story didn’t get out to a lot of voters.
Hope as a tactic is a bad strategy. It’s like trying to land an airplane before the fuel runs out.
You loss Hooker School and ESMS to Nessah Smith on the machines wow
I was the top vote getter at Thomas Hooker on the machines, in ABs and in total.
You are not only illiterate, you clearly cannot do basic math as well.
Great CT Post article by Attorney Pete Finch: Reform voting laws to clean up absentee ballots
Great article.
Cant wait until transformation actually takes place.
As a person who came very close to winning an election by eight votes my first time, I believe this would also inspire those that are new to the political arena to pursue elected office instead of turning them off.
I was once enthusiastic about getting involved in politics and elected office but MY experience totally turned me off.
Thanks for sharing
Harvey, you know it. Mackey, you got it. WOW, Ernie, lost on the machine like Ganim? And to that other fella, don’t write it if you want to ever forget it!
Steven Auerbach // Aug 10, 2015 at 2:06 pm
And this is why I think the Rev. McBride is a poor excuse for a minister and an embarrassment to her community and why politics and religion do not mix. This is a racist effort on Ganim and McBride’s part to divide the community. She has no shame. She is a bad politician hiding under the cloak of a minister. Religion and politics don’t mix.
I won on the machines in 2012 beating Ed and Andres both. Andres won with Abs
I am making a special appeal to John Rodrigues and Mike Garrett. This is the ONLY way to get rid of Testa. Please think of Bridgeport before we think of standard political parties. NUMBER ONE PRIORITY;GET RID OF GANIM WND BPT DEMOCRATS WILL HAVE TO START GETTING RID OF TESTA. This is the only way for General Election 2019.
John from Black Rock, great editorial and it says it all, clear and concise. We know that, the DTC knows that, the State of Connecticut knows that, so now what?
Again Donnie Day thank you for holding on to every word I say. You got me under your skin- and you can’t stand it- Furthermore, You can not stand that the Reverand Lee and I ave campaigned together. People change- People move on and you and Mackey just can’t stand it- Your candidate lost. Her signatures came from Fairfield and Waterbury and West Haven. I’ll tell you what – If the seasoned folks on her ticket – Alma Maya and Christopher Caruso looked at the petitions or Sauda Baraka The top gun for the WFP , Marilyn would be on the ballot just ask the simple question- Are you a registered Democratic voter in the city of Bridgeport she might have a path. But alas, Like Bill Finch no plan B. I understand Fellas. We all get disappointed when a candidate we support loses. But we move on and surprise- life gets even better. Look at the bright side. You can spend the rest of your sorry existence Mr. Day looking up my past rants. They are interesting :-).. It’s when you start reprinting JML posts – I shudder to think.
Please enjoy my new show on MSNBC- The Last word with Steve not to be confused with StevenL . Lighten up Donald- you do not pay taxes in Bridgeport, You do not live in Bridgeport maybe you should spend your golden years paying attention to your local politics.
“Ass Kissing for Dummies 101” by Steven Auerbach is now being reprinted by popular demand. It’s one of the top books that is strongly suggested by the Unemployment Office for those seeking employment. Stevie A demonstrates how to spin lies and how not to answer questions but to flip questions into asking those who seek the truth to defend their comment instead of the lies that you put out and more importantly how to kiss ass and to be loyal to all Democrat incumbents. Also there’s a section where Stevie A shows you how to be loyal like AJ Perez is to Mayor Ganim and how you too can be rewarded for your loyalty. Stevie A also shows you how not to burn bridges like Maria Pereira and how it’s more valuable to kiss ass.
Good question Don. It appears the answer has to come from he Sate Legislature so maybe it’s time to put some pressure on our State delegation..
Stevie A’s mendacity, rears its ugly head again!
Steven Auerbach // Oct 20, 2015 at 9:28 am
I don’t dislike Joe Ganim, but I voted for Bill Finch in the primary and now I am supporting Mary-Jane Foster because I am dead set against another Ganim Administration riddled with corruption, greed and Mario Testa. I felt after 11 years of Ganim the people have had enough. I figured after he destroyed the reputation of the city, the city had enough. I figured it took two administrations to wipe away the black eye given to us by Ganim, the people would have learned. They did not. We have two weeks to educate. Joe Ganim has done an amazing job while enjoying $500 bottles of wine, fancy clothes, home enhancements, cash in his pocket to let the little sycophants of Bridgeport think he was one of them–he isn’t a snob, just a wealthy suburbanite who hasn’t paid a dime in taxes to Bridgeport for 15 years. He will meet and greet anyone but always go home to the comfort of his Easton home. Personally, I do not care. I am supporting Foster for the Future of our city.
Jimfox, again, what a ASSHOLE & LIAR Steven Auerbach is and the question is which one is the truth? Stevie A doesn’t have the ability to rethink a position and make a change, no Stevie is firm on his comments and we know that what Stevie A said here is the real truth because there’s no way that he could change, not Stevie A, the word of truth.
Steven Auerbach // Oct 20, 2015 at 9:28 am
I don’t dislike Joe Ganim, but I voted for Bill Finch in the primary and now I am supporting Mary-Jane Foster because I am dead set against another Ganim Administration riddled with corruption, greed and Mario Testa.
Ron, That last statement said it all, I”ll keep reposting it every-time he comes on OIB!
The local party has put at least one Democrat on the Republican ballot in the past without State Central approval.
Under cover Republican Michelle Lyons was on the 2015 Republican ballot for City Council for the 134th district without the blessing of the State Central Committee. She was the endorsed Democrat for that district, maybe Garrett offering and Michelle accepting the Republican slot was just a way of publicly displaying their love for each other.
I was told that Michelle and Garrett were seen dining at Vinnies Pizza Friday night. Could Moore’s endorsement possibly have been the topic of their conversation?
The Democratic leadership has been very generous to the Lyons family for many years. Will it continue?
CT Post gave Senator Moore a Thumbs Down today on her WFP debacle. It wasn’t a ringing endorsement.
CT post is a total Rag, it should be a weekly like the old Town Cryer!
Brother Newton, I know you won the machines during your Senate run. My comment was for Maria who won a Joe and Mario election, AB’s! That $1000 from Ricci came with an education on how to win an election in Bridgeport.
Ernie, do you ever tell the truth?
I didn’t believe your assertion that you won on the machines in your senate primary was true, therefore I requested a copy of the 2012 23rd Senatorial Primary tally sheets from the Town Clerk’s office.
YOU did not win on the machines in the Democratic Primary against Andres Ayala.
Andres Ayala won on the machines with 1,598 votes. You only received 1,385 votes on the machines.
You are just a liar. Plain and simple. You may not have remembered the exact vote count, but I don’t believe for one minute that you didn’t remember you lost on the machines.
Apparently Mr. Day doesn’t “know” what you did and didn’t win.
Mr. Day doesn’t care if Ernie won or lost on voting machines almost ten years ago. Nope, what Mr. Day was alluding to was that you lost on the machine’s and then won the election via the same route that Mayor Ganim won his, even though I’ve heard you rail against many time on this venue. What Mr. Day was further alluding to is that the $1000 contribution from a loyal team player of the DTC and now you are winning elections like the devil.
That’s what I’ve seen in Bridgeport politics for over the last fifty, At Any Cost!
Don, the devil is in the details and Maria doesn’t mind taking a $1000.00 from the good friends of the devils she can’t stand. Don, think about this, Mayor Joe Ganim has not funded the education budget the way it should be funded and thereby actually hurting the 20,000 plus Bridgeport school students but Maria has more disdain for Senator Moore than Mayor Ganim. Maria said right here on OIB that she didn’t care who became the next mayor of Bridgeport, think about that, she didn’t give a damn who would be running the City for the next four years, Maria is showing the voters in her district that she doesn’t care about their taxes, education or anything about the management and the direction of Bridgeport.
No one gives a rat’s ass how the votes tallied ten years ago.
Hope is just the first step:
noun: hope; plural noun: hopes
a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
aspiration, desire, wish, expectation, ambition, aim, plan, dream, daydream, pipe dream; More
longing, yearning, craving, hankering
a person or thing that may help or save someone.
“their only hope is surgery”
optimism, grounds for hope, promise, light at the end of the tunnel
grounds for believing that something good may happen.
“he does see some hope for the future”
hopefulness, optimism, expectation, expectancy; More
confidence, faith, trust, belief, conviction, assurance
a feeling of trust.
verb: hope; 3rd person present: hopes; past tense: hoped; past participle: hoped; gerund or present participle: hoping
want something to happen or be the case.
“he’s hoping for an offer of compensation”
expect, anticipate, look for, wait for, be hopeful of, pin one’s hopes on, want;