A fundraiser for Democratic candidate for State Senate Marilyn Moore will take place on Monday 5 p.m. at Miss Thelma’s Restaurant, 140 Fairfield Avenue. Moore is challenging incumbent Anthony Musto in an August primary. Connecticut’s 22nd Senatorial covers all of Trumbull and portions of Bridgeport and Monroe.
Moore is raising funds through the state’s Citizens Election Program of publicly financed races. She must raise $15,000 in donations from $5 to $100 among at least 300 donors from Bridgeport, Trumbull and Monroe to qualify for a public primary grant of $83, 550.
Moore and Musto squared off in a close primary in 2008. Former City Councilman Bob “Troll” Walsh and 2011 mayoral candidate Mary-Jane Foster are serving as the Moore campaign treasurer and deputy treasurer respectively.
The Bridgeport portion of the district covers the North End, West Side, Black Rock and West End.
Well, I have to admit I love Miss Thelma’s food and go there often. I wish all candidates well and would still love to hear Marilyn Moore’s support for Bridgeport development.
I am writing this post 12 hours later. I was hoping Marilyn Moore would have responded to my request. I’d even appreciate a response from Ron Mackey, Bob Walsh or Mary-Jane Foster. Are you supporting Marilyn Moore because she has ideals to push Bridgeport into the 21st century with support of major development and ultimately reducing the taxes of city residents? Is the support for Moore just an anti-Musto vote? Lennie Grimaldi, I’d even like to hear what you know regarding Marilyn Moore’s support for Bridgeport that will effect the taxpayers. Actually, I’d be interested most in Mary-Jane’s position. She currently pays in the neighborhood of $42,000 a year in property taxes; I would be most curious to hear how she feels she as a taxpayer will benefit from Moore’s candidacy. That would set the tone for the campaign in Bridgeport, no? Surely, somebody will respond? In the words of the famous John Marshall Lee: Time will tell.
Or you could attend the fund raiser, ask the questions and contribute if you like the answers.
Jennifer, or one of her surrogates and regular OIB contributors can offer some insight; you know, the way Ron Mackey demands information from David Walker. Mary-Jane Foster can certainly answer for herself as well as Bob Walsh but most important I’d like to hear from Marilyn Moore. I already find her to be a most eloquent speaker, all I want to hear is what she SUPPORTS for Bridgeport’s future.
I have a surrogate? So Steve, does it take a Republican with their hand in the cookie jar 😉 to get you from behind the keyboard and into a public event to find out more about your candidates? 🙂
Steven Auerbach, good point. I would like know what Ms. Moore has done to those in her district and if she has reached out to those in the white community.
You need to think and do at least a little research before posting. Maybe you and Steve can attend the library together. Moore is not the incumbent. It’s the incumbent who must do some explanations as to what he or she has done. If you understood Mary-Jane Foster and Bob Walsh are involved in Moore’s campaign, then you must have been looking at them as being black or as non-members of the “white community.”
Tell us what have we’ve heard from Musto. Has he ever posted anything on this blog is response to anything? Maybe you can speak for him and tell me what happened to Solar Exchange and the 32 jobs it was going to create. What was the return on the $250,000 State Grant to Solar Exchange? Both buildings–Lenox Avenue and Howard Avenue–where they were located are empty.
I am not a spokesperson for Anthony Musto. Marilyn Moore is running to unseat him. It is her responsibility to explain to me and the voters and not her ass-kissing fan club to just assault the incumbent without giving her credentials and vision. Joel, you have become disappointing.
Mary-Jane Foster and Bob Walsh are African American and/or Hispanic? Who knew? 😉
Bob is a Troll.
I was hoping this blog would be a venue to extract information. I have requested information on this blog on many different occasions. I will say it is most embarrassing to say the least that many of the individuals I have mentioned could not respond. I know Jennifer, when I support a candidate I am thrilled and immediately respond to any question. The lack of response will let you know how strong her support system is. I think giving people a choice during an election is great. When a non-incumbent doesn’t have a platform or answer a voter’s question, most likely they miss a very important opportunity. I may be but one individual but I talk to the 134th district. So far, I do not know of any candidate who has a platform. So far, Anthony Musto has nothing to worry about.
I am sorry you are embarrassed Steve, but you pointed a finger at some people demanding a response, and some of us don’t have anything to tell you. I am not on Ms. Moore’s campaign staff, and as such, I doubt she would be sharing her campaign strategies with me. Ask her.
Thank you Mustang for at least acknowledging my question. This is her showcase and her opportunity to share her vision. I stand corrected, I apparently assumed you were on her election committee.
“I was hoping this blog would be a venue to extract information.”
Steve, you can always “extract information” from the wonderful candidates you worship and turn OIB around into the venue most bloggers and readers prefer.
*** DUMP MUSTO! ***
I am happy my sign-off “time will tell” pleases you. As a matter of fact, waiting to see how things develop or having patience to look, listen and perhaps learn is what “twt” is about.
I try to write about financial issues, questions and concerns rather than people. You seem to be hung up on her position on Steel Point. I do not understand why this is such a sticking point with you. Whatever happens at Steel Point, and I hope it will be great for the City and positive for our economy, it will not assist our operating budget for years to come, I have come to understand. So why the big interest? It seems to me she could provide info on how she, as a Democrat from the City, will differ in her representation for issues that are important to me (and many others) like the legislation Jack Hennessy sponsored to help mend conflicts of interest in the City Council, or provide funds to active stakeholders in neighborhoods who have formed NRZs under CT statutes during the past 10 years, but have been starved to fund neighborhood ideas at the expense of other decision makers using up HUD CDBG funds first. Grassroots activity needs to be rewarded and that does not mean a big green sign with the Mayor’s name on it come election day. Building bridges through work in common has not been something Mayor Finch has spent time doing for the past six years. Having representation at the State level as we have come to appreciate in Rep Auden Grogins (and other NRZs may appreciate in the person of Sen. Andres Ayala) that is active, knows what is happening in their districts and helps the local issues is vastly important. In this regard, Senator Musto has not paid attention to his Bridgeport constituents in the past two years. Report cards are coming. Time will tell.
JML … I am sorry my being hung up on Steelepointe is such a small unimportant issue. I will support the candidate who makes Bridgeport Development an urgent issue. Jack Hennessy’s bill is not my number-one issue. Political patronage is a fact you and everyone else will have to deal with. It is a fact of life. Just ask nearly anyone who works on any campaign (except for fools like myself). It may be disturbing to many, but some of the patronage jobs are filled by very qualified individuals. It is the nature of the beast. I can remember when Moran was running for reelection, Joe Ganim had his sycophants working on his campaign from nearly every city department. I can personally envision a completed BILLION PLUS Steelepointe before a Hennessy bill passing. That being said John Marshall Lee, I am still waiting for Marilyn, Lennie, Mary-Jane, Ron, Bob and Mustang to answer just one specific question. What will she do to promote Bridgeport Development?
Go to the Fundraiser. I don’t know why you think I have the answer to your question, Steve. I would not expect to hear from MJF either, at least not on this blog. I have never seen her post under her own name, so that tells me if she does post, it’s under a handle. Same for Marilyn. I will, however, try to put you in touch with Marilyn via email. You could email MJF as well.
This is the type of thing meet and greets are for, though.
Well I guess Mustang it is too bad Mary-Jane and Marilyn Moore do not post on the blog. The candidate and the treasurer and assistant treasurer missed an opportunity. I will be watching the Olympics.
One thing you ignore when you provide a pass for political patronage is a City job or desired Board or Commission appointment is one thing but a City job, where your compensation including benefits compromises you directly, not just an appearance, and the municipal table of organization can be used to further influence employees to champion administration policy. The Council is meant to be a ‘check and balance.’ Patronage should have nothing to do with it. Decision making is compromised when the deck is stacked that way. Look at the Sikorsky scandal … the director is fired though the record would support he got the LOW bid … the purchasing procedure was followed though not in the usual order because of SPECIAL considerations … but the Council never was provided with the details when it approved Airport funding … and that is how things have come to be in Bridgeport because the Council for a variety of reasons has become a grease slide rather than a force for independent, objective consideration, oversight, monitoring and decisions.
If there are more people on the Council willing to ask questions and expect full answers with substantial financial detail, then we may be turning the corner; but there is such a long way to travel. Time will tell.
Well, 26 hours have passed. If there are more than six people who read this blog, it is clear none of Moore’s supporters including Marlyn Moore herself has chosen to address a simple question. I was hopeful at least one individual connected to this attempted run would have taken advantage of this venue to address my concerns.
Btw … isn’t Monday evening the vote for the replacement housing of Marina Village across from the Arena and Harbor Yard?
Here’s your boy, Steve.
www .senatedems.ct.gov/pr/musto-120404.php
Musto sent a crappily put together mailer out this week in which he immediately took some credit for the Nuisance Abatement bill. This, my friends, is a bald-faced lie. He did not lift a finger to push that effort through. The folks in his district in Bridgeport, for the most part know this. That mailer did not help you down here, Anthony. Contrarily, it made you look much worse.
But hey, 31 whole jobs in Bridgeport should even the score, right? 😉
Paging Marilyn. The people in the 22nd Senatorial District deserves to know Moore facts as to what happened to $350,000 state loan and grant and 31 jobs. It seem like Solar Change had a change of plans after receiving the money in question and no one seems to have an answer as to what happened here. Google all the names of company officials as they appear in the articles. One of them seems to have moved to Florida and one won’t return calls. The Lenox Avenue building was just loaned space (the parking lot on the side of building) and a few months after Musto left the building, the solar equipment display was removed. Later, only a sign reading Solar Change was placed on the building adjacent to Modern Plastics on Howard Avenue. During the months the sign was displayed at the Howard Avenue building, I never saw any kind of activity at the location–not a vehicle in sight. One day, the sign disappeared or was possibly melted down by the sun.
www .ctpost.com/news/article/Bridgeport-s-SolarChange-to-hire-31-3459648.php
Well, I tried to do what I do best, communicate. This was definitely a missed opportunity for all of Moore’s supporters to set the record straight. THEY DID NOT.
Actually Steve, your pursuit of info on Moore may prove counterproductive because it allowed some of the inaction or non-productive actions on the part of the incumbent to come to light or be reprised.
You know the song that shares when it is time to hold or time to fold? I know what it is to ask questions and receive no sought answers and often no response at all. However, I also know what it is to move around the City and have people say to me: I know you. I saw you on television when you addressed the City Council! Keep it up. Thank you man! Somebody is paying attention to some of the message some of the time … and I believe that has a cumulative effect. Keep pushing your hot buttons and others will do their own. Results? Time will tell.
THANK YOU, JOHN MARSHALL LEE. BTW–A YOUNG ATTORNEY FRIEND OF MINE, AN ATTORNEY BY BEARDSLEY PARK THINKS YOU ARE AMAZING. SHE THINKS YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO GETS IT. I HAD TO SET HER STRAIGHT. 🙂 Tyisha, if you are reading this I think the 138th is missing out on a great talent by not running you on the slate. Melanie Jackson, good luck to you–what an asset. These slates change daily. Pat Fardy, Ann Barney–you need these two ladies. They know how to get out the vote. I still spend three days a week in your neighborhood as I have a personal interest in that district.