Emphasizing her relationships in Hartford as well as her friendship with Governor Ned Lamont to get things done, State Senator Marilyn Moore opened her Downtown campaign headquarters for mayor Friday night attended by family, friends, supporters, former Connecticut House Speaker Chris Donovan and leaders of the Carpenters Union that has endorsed her candidacy. See video from opening night above.

Moore’s headquarters is located at 360 Fairfield Avenue above Joseph’s Steakhouse.

From Moore’s Facebook page:
Sending love and gratitude out to our friends and supporters for a wonderful opening night at our campaign headquarters last night! Thank you, Sauda Baraka, for live streaming this moment for us yesterday. Reposting for anyone who missed it or could not attend.
We’re ready to get campaigning this summer–who’s with us?
A good time was had by all. And Stevie A was in the house. Thanks for the support and donation.
I am stunned that Marilyn Moore is unaware that the Dalio funds CANNOT be used for the School Volunteer Association.
It can only be used for high schools, secondary education, and more..
I don’t doubt that Marilyn is honest and ethical and is not entrenched in the corrupt DT,,however she has really done nothing of significance regarding the funding of the BPS innher 5 years in the senate.
For decades, law enforcement in Bridgeport and all over Connecticut have gathered facts regarding the proliferation of firearms in our community. There is no need to put together a Task Force to figure out where from and how firearms are obtained. Try contacting Bridgeport Police Chief AJ Perez and open a line of communication with local law enforcement, you’ll be amazed how much you’ll learn.
When was the last time any state elected official established an open line of communication, information and education? How about going out on a patrol car with a cop for at least 1 shift? Ask AJ for a tour of the Property Room, ask cops and detectives what hinders their efforts to prevent and fight crime and how you as a state elected official can help change that.
Thank you Joel. But if we have known for decades where these guns are coming from then what do we need to stem the tide? Or maybe we need to update this info because it doesn’t seem to be getting us anywhere.
And I am sure you think a tour of the property room would be helpful but it seems to me that that is the last place to look not the first.
You are welcome asshole Bob Walsh. Sorry for you and the very very low unenthusiastic turnout.
Just a reminder – Next Thursday June 20 6 pm The DTC Annual Fundraiser at Testo;s This is for the Democratic Party and Friends of the Democratic party. All Party affiliations are welcome to join us . Contributions- 50-100-250-500-1000. Should be a fantastic very very well attended event.
Steve is very proud to work for Cosa di Mario…
So Stevie, were you or weren’t you there.
How would you know about the turnout if you weren’t there or would you lie just like your hero the Trumpster??
Or it it let me pay my dues to his highness Mario for letting me work for the city. How many times does that trick work? Until they dry out the $1,000? I guess that’s what a no show job costs now-a-days.
So pathetic…..
Bob, besides Steve A. being Ganim and Mario’s biggest ass kisser he also a paid agent for the City with the job that he was “given” was out taking a test, his test was how good of a ass kisser he was and his post above shows how good he is. Steve A book “Ass Kissing 101 for Dummies” will on sale at the fundraiser for Ganim and Steve will gladly sign books that our purchase.
Bob Walsh- you are as pathetic as they come.
So again, this Thursday is the Democratic Town Committee Annual Fundraiser. For Democrats and friends of Democrats . All are welcome to attend this yearly fundraiser. 50-100-250-500-1000. Always a great time for those that support the Democratic party. We don’t always agree but in the end we always come together for the good of the city and the Country. You were all invited. Life is a series of choices.Go or don’t. We continue to move forward.
I’ve got a $1000 donation to either Senator Moore or Rev. Stallworth, if you let me fire his punk ass if you win! Hell I’ll give you a $1000 Mayor Ganim if you let me fire him.
Donald Day you are a sad loser. Give your Donation now and make your requests. You are calling me a punk ass? honestly you are a joke. Ron Mackey is a joke. I am only a joke because I continue to respond to the Marilyn Moore losers. Mr. Day I must really intimidate you and Walsh. Seriously. Do you feel you are in Bondage living in Stratford. Does Walsh feel he is living in Bondage in Branford. Does Ron Mackey feel he is living in Bondage living in Seaside village. Maybe you do- Maybe Jim Fox he is living in bondage in Blackrock. That “Bondage” Buzzword can only resonate with the ignorant.
Just a reminder that there is a HUGE fundraiser for the Democratic Town Committee of which I am a proud member of the 134th district. Please join us at Testo’s at 6pm June 20th Thursday Evening. I look forward to seeing all of you there.
Including Republicans, Independents, Libertarians and of course members of the Working Class Party. Just bring a check and enjoy a positive experience with nice people that all believe in the future of our great city..
He’s so far up Mario’s and Joe’s Ass, he can do a Double Tonsillectomy!!!
Are you kidding? Stevie A’s head is so far up his own ass he can see Narnia.
Some supporter of Joe Stevie is. Joe, watch this guy, he is a user, not a “friend”.Evidence is right here.
Yeah, that was back in the day when he kissing Anthony Musto ass until Marilyn Moore kicked Musto ass and cause Steve to find another piece of ass to kiss and with luck there was Mario and Ganim just watching for Steve A.
Ron Mackey- Marilyn Moore is going to win by a landslide- Whatever am I going to do. She has a heavy weight like you on her side need I say Moore? No!
I am still a super star on this blog- even if I post once in a blue moon. Thank you for holding on to every word I say and every action I make. You guys make me feel extremely special. Seriously, very special. Not as special as Maria Pereira but still Thank you . It is always nice to watch un-involved people sitting on the sidelines with their commentary. It is even nicer being criticized when not provoked. It is a major character flaw but I would want to stop your good time at my expense.
One last time- This Thursday is our Annual Fundraiser for the Democratic Town Committee. Please join us 50-100-250-500 and 1000 donations. We look forward to a very exciting event. Thursday, June 20 at 6 pm. Of course It would have been nice to be at the spectacular new Boca Oyster Bar that has a 12.00 dollar raw bar from 3- 6 daily and a nice Lunch menu.
Back to the Fundraiser. Thursday 6 pm , June 20th Testo’s on Madison Ave. It will be a great party 🙂
And don’t forget that Steve A book “Ass Kissing 101 for Dummies” will on sale at the fundraiser for Ganim and Steve will gladly sign books that are purchase.
And don’t forget Ron Mackey will get off his fat ass and work his ass off for that other candidate or Charles Stallworth. Write the check Ronnie boy. It takes money to win not a big mouth with a fat ass. Write the check !!!
Steve, you are completely out-of-line.
And most important- Thursday 6 pm Testo’s DTC Annual Fundraiser. June 20th. Thank you to those that have sent regrets along with their checks. 50-100-250-500-1000. Hope to see everybody there. I am certain Lennie Grimaldi will be there- 50-100-250-500-1000 . It is the Annual Fundraiser and the food will be excellent as always! 🙂
Hey Stevie
Why don’t you go to bed and dream that you are significant. That’s about the only place where it could come true.
Bob, Stevie boy is in his glory when he’s spreading the news about any type of fundraisers for Ganim just like he spreads his lips on Ganim and Mario’s ass. “Ass Kissing 101 for Dummies” will be available at the fundraiser.
I am sure Stevie will tell anyone who listens that he posted 20 or 30 times on OIB about the fundraiser this Thursday at MARIOS RESTAURANT and tickets are any amount between Free and $1,000 or more.
And he will take credit for all of the people who show up not realizing Mario gets credit for keeping a tab on who’s there and how much they gave up to $1,000.
But let Stevie believe his constant posting had something to do with it. As long as he gives his 10% of his salary.
Bob, of course Mario will wet his beak from the sales of Stevie’s book “Ass Kissing 101 for Dummies” that will be available for sale at the fundraiser.
Steven Auerbach says:
August 6, 2015 at 5:38 pm
I think medical science now uses the term “Genetic congenital Liar” and there is a picture of Joe Ganim next to the medical term.
So by Steve’s beliefs,anyone who goes to Joe’s fundraiser Thursday,is supporting a Genetic congenital Liar??
Harvey Weintraub. There is nothing you have ever posted that anyone would care to remember. You are a most forgettable character. I am going to try and be nice to you but I can’t. You are just a sad and pathetic punk that has a need to belong to a club of losers. I think it is very special of you to go through Lennies blog and find my posts from 4 years ago. May make Lenny feel good that you go to his archives. As you see the only action on this thread is me. It is sad because I am just not that important.
So again I remind everyone that there is an exciting Annual Fundraiser coming up this Thursday at 6 pm . Testo’s Restaurant- all are invited 50-100-250-500 and 100o contributions for those that support the Democratic Party
Harvey Weintraub- Everyone on this blog will be watching to see whose campaign you have contributed or are you just a cheap Bastard . Time will tell in a few weeks. You can talk about me until you are blue in the face. After this thread is done I’ve done my promotions . Life is good. For me anyway , The rest of you are just miserable individuals and you all deserve each other. Can’t wait to go tio the archives and start printing the Fardy,Mackey Day commentaries- Nah- I wouldn’t waste my time. Always the same redundant crap. Mr. Weintraub you are a follower and contribute nothing- No person comes on this blog to see what you have to say. You are invisible! Thank you for your attacks . You are one serious loser. Now I will finish my Lunch. Enjoy ! Come mierda muere…
Steven Auerbach remains a Superstar on this blog- Ron Mackey and Bob Walsh– Surely you both realize how ridiculous you sound right? Of course I am contributing to the DTC you idiots! I am a member and it is a Fundraiser. You are both invited as we do not discriminate. Marilyn Moore may also want to attend and contribute after all I thought she was a Democrat! Oh well– I will not be conversing with you guys regarding the election. She will go the way of Mary Jane Foster. I do appreciate you raising me as Ganim and Testo’s number 1 sychophant. Imagine how special it makes me feel. People will believe I am so important i the administration and that is just fine by me. 🙂
Reminder Thursday : Huge DTC Annual Fundraiser – Donations of 50-100-250-500-1000. June 20 Tursday 6 til 9. Should be a very exciting event.
I will be happy to work the door and accept the donations from OIB readers. 🙂 See y’all Thursday. Some very exciting Fundraisers coming around the corner. Should be a fun election cycle .
And remember boys and girls of all ages you too can get to be a super star just like Stevie A by purchasing Stevie’s newest edition of “Ass Kissing 101 for Dummies” that will be available at the fundraiser with a portion of the sales going to Mario and Ganim. This is a paid political ad for “Ass Kissing for Dummies.”
Is Ass Kissing for Dummies available on Amazon because I would like a copy, but I don’t wish to be around a large contingent of Ass Kissers or a Genetic Congenital Liar??
I understand. But those seeking the book you want will find themselves surrounded by a coterie of like-minded individuals anxious to demonstrate their talents at the skills you admire most.
Donald Day you can’t help yourself- you are a joke in your own community- but at least you know that . Nothing left to say about that. I know that with you , Mackie and Walsh – Moore is destined to have the same future as Mary Jane Foster. She will have you to thank. She is lucky to have you- at least to be driving Ms. Daisy. It will give purpose to your otherwise pathetic existence. Talk amongst yourselves- Weintraub- Mackey, Walsh,Brown and Fox . That has become Only in Bridgeport. and please remember even you are invited to the DTC Annual Fundraiser event Thursday June 20 6pm at Testo’s. I do want to Thank you all for elevating me to a high position in the Ganim administration and my extremely close relationship with the Chairmen of the DTC. Makes me feel very special. I appreciate that. Thank you all so much. 🙂 I am really not that important- But thank you for thinking I am .
Don, Stevie A. is legend in his own mind, he thinks because he eats in different communities around the city that he’s down with him and that except him, please, that shows what a joke he is. He’s NO “Larry Legend,” the great Larry Bird from the Boston Celtics, no this is Stevie A. the legend in his own mind. Stevie A. true legend is in his book “Ass Kissing 101 for Dummies” and you too boys and girls can also become a “ass kisser” by purchasing Stevie A. book at Ganim’s fundraiser and those who attend the fundraiser there’s a special surprise for you, yes you will be able to see Stevie A. kissing Ganim’s and Mario’s ass in person.
Strike up the band. I think Ron Mackey should throw a parade in Steven A’s honor!
LOL..Stevie,calm down,you’re going to have a stroke…Better watch what you say about Miss Moore this summer,or I’ll be quoting your disparaging remarks about her in December, when she is Mayor and you plant your lips on her ass.You would have thought you would have learned your lesson 4 years ago,Bill Finch was wonderful,and Joe was a “Genetic congenital Liar”in your eyes.
Right Harvey, right, right! Like when he had to go back and kiss the ass of Rev. Mary Lee when he said, ” Rev. McBride is a poor excuse for a minister and an embarrassment to her community and why politics and religion do not mix. This is a racist effort on Ganim and McBride’s part to divide the community. She has no shame. She is a bad politician hiding under the cloak of a minister.”
I’m beginning to think he likes the taste of ass and fecal matter!
Harvey and Don, don’t forget Stevie A. is still pissed off at Senator Moore because she kick Anthony Musto out of the Senate and took the Senate seat from Musto. Stevie A. was a super big ass kisser to Musto. That defeat cause Stevie A. to start writing his book because Marilyn Moore broke Stevie A. ‘s heart by kicking Musto ass so Stevie put his head between his legs to get over the heartache and to find a better way to kiss ass.
Harvey — Donald Day— I am laughing my ass off. seriously laughing my ass off. First, I do not think I have ever said anything very disparaging about Marilyn Moore . Second, Her becoming Mayor, lololololololololollolololololololooooooolololololollolollolololol.Not a concern of mine, Nor is her political career – as it is destined to go the way of Mary Jane Foster. I wonder if Moore even considered how damaging it would be to her racking up the same numbers as MJF. My choices for Mayor in the past have always been my choice of which I am entiteled. I have never worked on a campaign looking for a job. I have been involved in politics for 40 years . Worked on numerous campaigns but spent my entire career in the Private sector, Extremely successful as a single gay man purchased many properties and traveled the world. I am sad for the comments and assaults on me. The good news for me is I am a self actualized individual. And I do not hold grudges. I work for the city and work hard. I have always been a performer in every position I have ever had. Participating in this blog has become so tiresome. I think Bob Walsh started this thread by insinuating I was at a Moore Fundraiser. Everyone on this blog and the city of Bridgeport knows I am supporting Ganim. It is not for the job. It is for the city. The future of the city. The sky did not fall when Ganim was elected. There is a sense of pride coming back to Bridgeport . A little has to do with optimistic people spreading the word, a little has to do 100, 000 bulbs planted throughout the city, a lot has to do with the hope of a Casino, Jobs New Housing downtown and the hope of a 450 million rehab of the Poli Majestic Theater. New plans for the Water front. An exciting waterfront restaurant that will be attracting money lots of it to Steelepointe as well as the Marina. There is so much activity happening downtown daily. You have to be blind not to see it. Of course in a year the new Amphitheater will be open and Moore and Moore people will be loving Bridgeport and grateful that Joe Ganim is the Mayor. He has an excellent relationship with Ned Lamont and the DTC gave Ned Lamont a huge and exciting pre-election kick off and he made a promise to this city . Marilyn Moore of course did not attend. She talks about building relationships she might want to start with her own party. Of course I am not refering to the Working Class Party. In Bridgeport , You are a Democrat or you do not exist. That is politics for Dummies 101.
See you all on Thursday at the annual fundraiser-m Did I mention in all of my numerous invites , I never once
mentioned Mr. Mario Testa or Mayor Joseph Ganim.
Donald Day- I am glad you are Moore’s number 1 supporter. I want you to know that my family and friends appreciate your articulate commentary and as usual I appreciate Lennie’s inability to monitor his own blog- That saddens me even More. You are just beyond sad but it makes Harvey Weintraub feel good. I guess that is a good thing.
I think I might as well just take over the blog as I am the most interesting character on it. But alas, there is campaign coming up. I work long hours and trying to get into fighting shape. Who would have the time to play with a bunch of idiots like yourself.
With your head up your ass you resemble a Trump supporter.
Hey Don, it looks like Stevie A
has befriended you as he attacks Harvey. Stevie is starting to see that people don’t like ass kissers but Stevie can’t help his self and now he’s so much up Ganim’s and Mario’s ass that he has found a new way to help fund them by writing his book “Ass Kissing 101 for Dummies.”
Lennie, Steven Auerbach says:
June 17, 2019 at 12:32 pm
So I guess he didn’t work on Monday? Hatch Act violator?
DD, lunch time?
Alright people after having my repartee being described as, ” I want you to know that my family and friends appreciate your articulate commentary,” I think we’ve misjudged him.
Articulate Commentary, could we be wrong people?
Who wants to read this garbage talk between you guys. My eyes are disgusted by what is called comments and my ears would be on fire. Let’s talk about why this race is good for the City of Bridgeport. If Ganim can make a case, do. Marilyn Moore has something Mayor Ganim doesn’t have and cannot buy no matter how much his June 30 report shows. Does our city want more of the same or is it time for a Mayor who looks like Bridgeports population and was born in this City and who has clean skirts in her closet.