State Senator Marilyn Moore’s recent ascension as Senate chair of the State Bond Commission is paying dividends for Bridgeport in the city-suburban district she represents. Working with Bridgeport’s eight-member legislative delegation Moore shepherded nearly $7 million for infrastructure and repairs for the Barnum Museum that was plagued by a tornado that hit Downtown eight years ago. In addition the Discovery Museum, now led by former Mayor Bill Finch, will receive nearly $2 million from action approved on Wednesday by the State Bond Commission.
News release from Moore:
Senate Chair of the State Bond Commission Senator Marilyn Moore (D-Bridgeport) today voted to approve more than $16.6 million in state bond funding for several projects in Bridgeport and Trumbull.
“As Senate Chair of the Bond Commission, I am proud to secure funding for these excellent projects in my district and across the state,” Sen. Moore said. “Thanks to this funding, our local museums, schools, and senior housing facilities can now move forward with making much-needed improvements so that residents of Bridgeport and Trumbull may continue to enjoy their services for many more years.”
— $6,900,100 grant-in-aid to the Barnum Museum to assist with design and construction of infrastructure repairs and improvements, ongoing building stabilization and site improvements.
— $1,854,000 grant-in-aid to the Discovery Museum to assist with renovations including upgrades to the planetarium, improvements to exhibit, classroom and theater spaces, HVAC and energy conservation improvements, elevator upgrades and replacement of the roof on the Wonder Workshop building.
The Barnum Museum and the Discovery Museum and Planetarium can now go forward with long-awaited renovations and improvements. Bond Commission Senate Chair Sen. Moore and Bridgeport delegation members submitted a request for the funds in April. These projects will result in 55 construction and other temporary jobs at the Barnum Museum while retaining 50 full and part-time positions at the Discovery Museum.
The Barnum Museum’s executive director, Kathy Maher, credited Bridgeport’s legislators for their unflagging advocacy. “This grant is a testament to our delegation’s efforts, and the unyielding work they’ve done in support of the Barnum Museum. We are truly grateful.”
CT State Historian, Walter Woodward responded, “This investment solidly advances the bold and spectacular vision of a Barnum Museum that will be a “must see” tourist attraction and an economic engine for all of downtown Bridgeport. It is the needed catalyst for the kind of future Barnum himself would have created for the city and state he loved above all others.”
— $850,000 grant-in-aid to assist Achievement First Bridgeport Academy with capital improvements and repayment of debt.
— 850,000 grant-in-aid to assist Capital Prep Harbor with window, HVAC/electrical replacement
— $775,592 grant-in-aid for improvements to Barnum, Batalla, Geraldine Johnson and Waltersville schools, which are Commissioner’s Network Schools. Projects will include alterations, repairs, improvements, technology and equipment to help address building and site deficiencies, and to promote the health, safety, and learning of the students.
— 175,869 grant-in-aid to assist The Bridge Academy with exterior improvements and oil tank removal
— $5,286,139 grant-in-aid to the Housing Authority of the Town of Trumbull to assist with improvements to the Stern Village elderly rental development. Stern Village has 186 units for residents 62 and older, and also for disabled residents 18 and older.
Where are you Moore haters that constantly asked what has she done for Bridgeport, that asked is she doing for Bridgeport, that asked why is she in Hartford? Any questions?
I know it’s about time, but I heard there is considerably more money coming for Bridgeport because of Senator Marilyn Moore and her commitment to excellence and to Bridgeport. Thank you Mayor Moore, I mean thank you Senator Moore.
Don, Steve is having his diapers changed then he’ll be back. Steve hates Senator Moore because she kicked his boy’s ass Musto and he can’t get over it.
Mayor Marilyn Moore,
Ron Mackey you are an ass– I do not hate Marilyn Moore. Actually you and Day her 2 main ass kissers beat me to the punch – I was also going to thank Marilyn Moore but as usual you are her worst to Pubic relations people. I will say this Mayor Moore? I am laughing my fucking ass off and thats all I have to say about Mayor Moore. I am curious as to the amount of money Bridgeport receieved compared to a tiny rural suburb. It is almost a little laughabe and further Mackey and Day , What Moore did was commendable it is her job. That’s what she does No? Isn’t that what Finch did? Isn’t that what Gomes is supposed to do? Why are you shocked? That a Black Woman was able to deliver? It is what I expected as the Senator that I voted for and wore her Moore Sweatshirt in front of Winthrop School for 6 hours you dumb ass. You and Day are rely 2 dumb asses and again- thank you for bringing my name up. It gives me the opportunity to say that I stood in front of Winthrop School for 6 hours. But gentemen, Thats ok. Rick Deecken looks like a candidate I could vote for. Afterall, If you support Moore than she supports your agenda and that is very disturbing to me. If she is not supporting Ganim she doesn’t deserve the votes from Bridgeport and we will see how that plays out.
Steve, who are the elected official that are publicly supporting Joe Ganim and especially those outside of Bridgeport?
Does it matter what elected officials are supporting Joe? they represent one vote.
Steve of course it matters because to able to get legislation written and to pass through the State House and Senate with backing of mayors and first selectmen. It’s also important that voters know that person they voted for has the ability to coalesce elected officials across the state. There is no one out there who is willing to publicly support Ganim for governor.
No mention of how she voted on the toll study. Don’t forget it’s and election year. At the record rate this state has been going as far a deficits go (5 billion and counting) how will the state pay for the ever increasing debt obligation?
Lennie, how much did Moore’s cousin Senator Ed Gomes District get in bonding? Did Moore take more money for her district at the expense of her cousins district?
“In addition the Discovery Museum, now led by former Mayor Bill Finch, will receive nearly $2 million from action approved on Wednesday by the State Bond Commission.”
The last person I expected to make a deal with Bill Finch for his endorsement was Mary Jane Foster. Pretty revealing way of ending your post with, “Thank you Mayor Moore, I mean thank you Senator Moore.” Senator Moore made a $2 million deal with Bill Finch in return for his endorsement in the near future and we just read it from her driver and close friend. For the record I don’t hate Senator Moore and in fact you seem to hate her by by exposing her in a corrupt act.
When you check the historical record you will most frequently find those who “bring home the bacon” holding up the benefit to their district alone. What I noticed about Moore’s publicity is that the Barnum Museum, which received the largest amount IS A Bridgeport institution, but not in her district specifically. Barnum and Discovery serve Bridgeport citizens as well as folks from all over. They help to indicate the City can be a DESTINATION worthy of a visit, at least.And the capital funding for the schools likewise serves youth from the entire City because of the way we have strayed from neighborhood public schools through the years. What would you have suggested instead of these funding beneficiaries, Steve? Time will tell.
Great job Mayor Moore!
Usually, I only accept challenges from people I admire, but in Donald Day’s case, I will make an exception.
Bond money is the most expensive money there is!
All it takes is $560 million in investment income to ELIMINATE Bridgeport taxes for one year.
IF that income derives from Bridgeport’s $8 billion fund balance, taxes would disappear for a long time.
Assets not debt. That’s the culture of tomorrow.
The best way to lower taxes in Bridgeport is to develop a second source of income besides taxes. Bonds are a temporary solution that borrows tomorrow’s earnings to pay for today’s luxuries. It adds to expenses and supports the idea that Connecticut has a spending problem and not a revenue problem.
Though I was on vacation for a couple weeks, I do not think that the City of Bridgeport’s fiscal position had changed so much since June 30.
Will you please provide some detail to your statement about “$8,000,000,000 fund balance”? Our taxable Grand List is less than that. As are our pension and OPEB balances. Our non-restricted non-reserve City fund balance actually is much closer to $15 Million, isn’t it?
If you are saying that borrowing has an expense, often ignored by politicians, you are correct. Where do you see signs of governmental asset creation strategies to provide income? Is the City printing office generating a profit these days? Time will tell.
Change can never be predicted. I was careful to put an “if” in there. I am getting adept at telling my “Bridgeport story”, which is about the city that suffered the most from 60’s-style deficit spending and the industrial base it destroyed. 1965 is the starting point of my worldview. That’s when the world changed. The ears I preach to were young at the time but their pockets and sympathies are deep.
I don’t see “government asset creation strategies” anywhere outside the Federal Reserve but I do see signs today’s big money wants to be near the places where yesterday’s money failed.
Thank you for your explanation of the “if” conditional you used in your posting. As a practical matter, how does any community move from a low credit rating with less than 2% fund balance to a place many decimal places greater, which if they reached it might allow the capital position to earn necessary revenue rather than tax the property owners?? How successful are government bodies anyway in controlling expenses, managing activities to yield a steady surplus, and containing current wants patiently?? Time will tell.
It is what it is and what’s doe is done
I actually did the tour of the inside the dome at the Barnum and myself actually having spent a successful career restoring old historic buildings was wondering where the problem was because I did not see one
On the other hand we have a Leonard Asheim masterpiece at the other end of State and Fairfield, in perfect condition on the inside, having had a $1 million approximate, renovation with State Bonding in the mid nineties, a community focal point, loosely modeled after Monticello, the former JA and Aspira Building Rabat is slated for demolition to make rom for what is reported to be through City Zoning Office memoranda- a gas station!
The former Sanborn Branch of the Bridgeport Public Library, situated between Park City Prepand the West End TrianglePark, donated by Andree Carnegie in 1921
The Mayor has not appointed an Historian. There is supposed to be one. The Historian is obligated to coordinate this process that is rumored to be in process now but I question its legitimacy because it has not been properly noticed
Step in please!