The State Senate seat of a retiring Ed Gomes is among the hottest legislative races this election cycle. The presumed Democratic primary in August features school board member Dennis Bradley who lost a 2016 primary to Gomes, Gomes’ former legislative aide Aaron Turner and Carolyn Vermont, former local NAACP leader. Connecticut’s 23rd Senate District covers roughly two thirds of Bridgeport and a portion of western Stratford. Coming off her formal announcement and first major fundraising event Vermont provides this biography:
Carolyn Vermont is currently running for State Senator in the 23rd Senatorial District covering parts of Bridgeport and Stratford. She has lived in the district for over 40 years. She has been involved in volunteerism just as long for the betterment of the community. She was invited as a ChangeMaker to the 2016 White House United States of Women Summit in Washington D’ which focused on gender equality in the United States. The summit was hosted by the White House, the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Department of Labor, and the Aspen Institute. She also served as Bridgeport Campaign Manager for CT State Treasurer Denise Nappier. She previously served as an Ethics & Charter Revision Commissioner for the City of Bridgeport. She was the local Chair for the National Political Congress of Black Women.
Public Safety is an issue that is near and dear to Carolyn’s heart. She lost a 23-year-old niece to gun violence. Carolyn currently serves as Director of Urban Initiatives for CT Against Gun Violence. In this capacity, she promotes CAGV’s mission of identifying, developing and promoting passage of legislation designed to enhance gun safety at the local, state, and national levels through the political process. Through her work with CAGV, Carolyn has developed a relationship with CT Legislators. Her work requires her to interact with the legislators at public hearings, press conferences and community forums. She served as a CT representative at CT in The Capital Seminars in DC during the last two sessions.
Quality education for all children, regardless of their zip code, is very important to Carolyn. She is a former Board of Trustees Member of Fairfield University. She serves as a Workshop & Retreat Facilitator for the Parent Leadership Training Institute. CT Commission on Women, Children & Seniors PLTI goals are to help parents become the leaders they would like to be for children and families; expand the capacity of parents as change agents for children and families; develop communities of parents within regions of the state that will support one another in skills development and successful parent action for children; facilitate systems change for parental involvement with increased utilization of parents in policy and process decisions; and increase parent-child interactions and improve child outcomes through parent involvement.
Job creation has always been a key issue for Carolyn. Her work experience has entailed preparing individuals for employment opportunities. Each Summer, she provides career readiness training for Bridgeport youth. Previously, she served as a Manager for INROADS New England Region, Inc., Community Relations Consultant for Action for Bridgeport Community Development, Inc (A.B.C.D., Inc.) and Diversity Recruitment Consultant for University College at Fairfield University. Past professional positions include serving as the Director for the Employment Training Division of A.B.C.D., Inc., Loaned Executive for the United Way of Eastern Fairfield County, Youth Violence Prevention Coordinator for the City of Bridgeport, Coordinator of an Upward Bound Program, Case Manager for State of CT Department of Social Services, and consulting assignments with various non-profit agencies.
Carolyn received her Master’s and Bachelor’s Degrees from Fairfield University. She also pursued doctoral studies in Educational Leadership at the University of Bridgeport. She is certified in the areas of Positive Youth Development, Ethics Education and as a Marriage Educator. She is also a Grants Reviewer for the Workplace, Inc., The Prosperity Foundation & Rotary Club of Bridgeport. Carolyn has served on the interviewing committee for Bridgeport Police Department applicants and provides workshops on community relations for the Department.
Carolyn currently volunteers as President-Elect of Rotary Club of Bridgeport; Board Member of The Prosperity Foundation; Public Relations Chair for the West Indian American Association of Greater Bridgeport (WIAAGB); Community Advisor for the Daily Voice Newspaper; Member of Association of Black Foundation Executives; Member of the Workplace, Inc. Workforce Investment Act Youth Council; Board Secretary for Habitat For Humanity; WIBO Alumni Association; Bridgeport PLTI Design Team; and as a Shepherd’s Mentor.
Carolyn’s past volunteer involvements includes serving as a Member of First Lady Michelle Obama Women’s Roundtable, Ethics & Charter Revision Commissioner for the City of Bridgeport; Fairfield County Community Foundation Beards Teachers Recognition Committee; Bridgeport Federation of Democratic Women; Member of Fairfield University Trustees Advisory Council, Member of Fairfield University President’s Circle and Annual Giving Committee; President of the Greater Bridgeport Branch NAACP; Vice President of Operations for National Black-MBA WGC Chapter; Board Member of CT Against Gun Violence; Member of the Patient/Family Advisory Board at St. Vincent’s Medical Center; Board Member at the Cardinal Shehan Center; Board Member of the United Way of Eastern Fairfield County where she chaired the Allocations Council and Project Blueprint for Diversity; Board Member of Housatonic Girl Scout Council, Board Member of Inner-City Day Care; Member of BCAC Violence Task Force; Board Chair for the Center for Women and Families of Eastern Fairfield County; member of the Greater Bridgeport Latino Network; and Member of the Urban League’s Nominating and Women’s Summit Committee.
Carolyn has received many community awards including Fairfield University Alumni Service Award; Rotarian of the Year; WB-11 Community Service Award; The Chase Award; United Way of Eastern Fairfield County Community Builder’s Award; Cardinal Shehan Center Volunteer of the Year; Girl Scout of Housatonic Council Women of Distinction; West Indian American Association President Award & Community Service Award; Negro Business and Professional Women Community Service Award; National Black MBA-WGC MBA of The Year Award; CT 100 Women of Color Award, Masjid-Al-Aziz Community Service Award; Calvary Seventh Day Adventist Community Service Award; Phenomenal Woman Award; and Sister Girl Foundation Community Leadership Award. She has also been featured in numerous magazines.
In her personal life, Carolyn is the proud mother of Nicole and Noel.
I am sitting here enjoying my lunch until 2 pm. I am eating an amazing salad I bought at Fruta Juice at 10 pm this morning after an early morning meeting at another building. After a pleasant 3 min chat with Mary Bruce, Who did not cause me to pay another 20 dollar ticket, She mentioned CAROLYN VERMONT.
So here I am hours later , enjoying my lunch and eating my salad that is sort of warm now and reading the blog that I enjoy.
This is my time for the record.
I was very impressed with the resume of Carolyn Vermont. It is surprising that nobody commented on how accomplished she is. One does not have to be a supporter or voter. A kind word to a friend of the community that has served and given her time to so many organizations for free. There is no payback. Carolyn Vermont does not get on her soap box telling anyone how wonderful she is.
She is a woman of substance. Whether she is your candidate or not. whether she is your district or not. Her resume is most impressive. She an honest and sincere person.
How lucky the individuals that vote in her district have 3 wonderful candidates. I respect all 3 and I will not be voting for any one of them . Marilyn Moore is in my district.
Good luck to all of the candidates. It is 2 pm and I am officially entering a meeting!
Steve, what did Mary Bruce say?
This is amazing news and long overdue! Carolyn is known for her work ethic and integrity. She has continuously affected positive change for decades. We need more politicians with actual experience and stand-out track records. Mr. Auerbach, I agree, let’s get the word out about this!
Steven Auerbach, you said, “After a pleasant 3 min chat with Mary Bruce, Who did not cause me to pay another 20 dollar ticket, She mentioned CAROLYN VERMONT.” Steve, again what did Mary Bruce say? Steve, then you said, “I was very impressed with the resume of Carolyn Vermont. It is surprising that nobody commented on how accomplished she is.” So Steve, what does that mean if there are no comments?
Ron Mackey, Sorry for getting back to you so late. I just returned home from a party in Wallingford at the Pacific Buffet which used to be amazing- Now it sucks. What it tells me that few people commented is that they have little respect for others accomplishments. They are afraid to acknowledge another candidate for fear it diminishes their support for another. It says to me they are weak in the head and selfish.
Ron Mackey, You made it clear you are supporting Aaeon Turner. A fine young man. Not acknowledging Ms. Vermonts credentials makes it sad because you figure by not acknowledging, it makes Aaron Turners lack of life eperiences an issue. Not to me. I feel there are 3 fine candidates running. Dennis Bradley is another very fine and accomplished candidate. This is not a war. Life or death. This is an election. I am certain they will all put their cards on the table when the time comes. I can not think of anything negative to say about anyone of them .
What did Mary Bruce say to me? Hi Steve. Did you get another ticket talking to me? I am supporting Carolyn Vermont. Would you care to make a donation so she can qualify for financing? I said yes. I like Carolyn Vermont. I know how involved she is in the community. I do not think Dennis Bradley or Aaron Turner will think any less of me. She asked me to leave the check with Chris at Fruta Juice in the event she wasn’t there. Did I give you the concise answer? Was I honest? Did I mention it is 12:40 and I am on my own time? I have to make it clear to the selfish self centered haters out there that I do not take advantage of my time with the city and the city gets more of my time than I am compensated for and that is as it always has been. So now my comments will be on my time only and I will not ask for an annonymous handle. I am as authentic as you will get.
As a Lifetime member of the NAACP I am still concerned about this incident that occurred January 2013. It has never been adequately explained to my satisfaction nor to numerous members of the board that were sitting at the time of this incident. I wasn’t active during this time, but I have friend’s that were and without exception they all still have concerns about her tenure as president.
I see why my membership with the NAACP expired and no renewal was ever forward to me. One later I did get renewal form from the national NAACP but I refuse to join.
Bridgeport’s NAACP cited for lack of leadership
[…] Bridgeport’s contingent of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is consumed with reorganizing and emerging from a state takeover in April, 2013. Bryant anticipated new officers will be elected in Bridgeport and the branch “back on their feet, fighting the issues that need to be fought” within the first quarter of 2015. […] other groups will have to fill the void. Bridgeport’s NAACP had already been under fire for failing to fight a redistricting plan that h…
I am so proud of Carolyn and all of her accomplishments. She has been and still is an active person in the community. She has a passion for people and life. Carolyn is the type of person that we need to be our leader and spokesperson.
Judith Bernard, maybe you can tell us what does Carolyn does for a living and what her past employment history.
So thankful for your passion and commitment to our community. You’ve been a powerful role model and leader for years, and I am thrilled that you’re running for State Senate! Go Forward Carolyn! God Bless You!
Carolyn, you are an advocate and a voice to be heard in our communities. Your record not only speaks to your commitment and dedication to service, but also expresses a quality that can be often overlooked. ACTION! Your enthusiam to initiate change and your recognizable pledge to a life of public service is worthy of support. I am so very proud to hear that you have answered the call to run for State Senate.
Tt’s always good to have people to step and run for office and allow the voters to make their choice. In doing so all candidates will be question about everything, where they stand on issues, their past involvement in politics, the employment record their involvement in making positive change and not just talking about change. These are just a few questions that a candidate will be asked and they must be able to take the heat when they are questioned and challenge because in politics you’re playing hardball, it’s not a lovefest with everyone being nice and I’m not even talking about going door to door to get voters to the polls to vote for you. ALL candidates need to be ready to have their record and positions attack and questioned, ALL.
I would have to agree with Mr. Ron Mackey in some respect. It is great to have a platform in which people can let their voices be heard in support of what they believe. It is also a beneficial thing to be informed. For instance, I’m pretty sure both the candidates and commenters alike did not know questioning would be a part of this political process. Thank you Mr. Mackey for your profound enlightenment. I would also suggest to those who comment to correct, to at the very least, use spelling and grammar checks before replying. It should also be a requirement for any educated response to read appropriately.
Darrin Watkins, C’mon Man, you said, “I’m pretty sure both the candidates and commenters alike did not know questioning would be a part of this political process” really? If a resume was the only criteria to elect someone then there would be no need for an election or to have debates, town hall meetings or answering questions editorial boards from the media, that’s not the way electoral process is done in Bridgeport, Fairfield County, Connecticut and the United States. There are three candidates running for the senate position in the 23rd Senatorial District, Dennis Bradley, Aaron Turner and Carolyn Vermont.
For the record, “both” implies Candidates and Commenters as a whole. Secondly, the sentence that immediately follows your quoted excerpt, “Thank you Mr. Mackey for your profound enlightenment”, was to suggest it was not profound at all. That most, if not all, ARE informed of the politcal process of Q&A. As you suggest, there will be a time for town hall debates and questioning but in this instance I take the time to hightlight a resume of public service that deserves recognition and my support. Carolyn Vermont for State Senate!
Darrin Watkins, for the record I didn’t see anything about Carolyn Vermont’s employment now and in the past, perhaps you could provide that information. If a candidate places a press release that they are running for elective office then on a blog like OIB people will praise or criticize candidates, that’s how the game is played but of course you know that, right?
Then for the record I suggest you do your due diligence sir. Afterall, that is how the discovery process in politics works, but of course you know that too, right? If you didn’t, do your homework sir and if you can’t find the answer, did deeper, you’ll get there.
Hey, I have no skin in this game, I’m just one person with one vote so if you Carolyn Vermont feel that it’s not important to the voters to know what Carolyn Vermont’s employment record is now and in the past is okay with me but let me assure that this question will come from the other candidates and from certain voters.
It’s intersting how often you refer to the word “game” in your posts. Sounds like you have more skin then you letting on. I have no skin in your game either sir. I’m just a voter leaving a comment. If you have questions by all means ask. It is your right, but in a forum such as this when you address every commenter, we call that trolling. Your pretty good at that game too.
I’m just asking questions concerning a candidate who would like to be a state senator, going back and forth with me does nothing. Just a simple answer to my questions would resolve this but you and other don’t care to reply so I continue to asked questions.
Mr. Watkins there are questions more relevant about Carolyn than the skin in Mackey’s game, like this article would illustrate. And further, what constitutes trolling, what you post or that of Mr. Mackey? I had originally planned to leave this topic alone until I read your comments, so.
Wow!!! Here we go again, this is the third article that’s on this topic about the Carolyn Vermont and the NAACP. Again there are questions with no answers, this new article states, “It’s been going downhill for two decades,” Vermont says of the disputes and ferocious personal feuds that have fractured her branch.
The Bridgeport feuding apparently centered on disputes over financial and membership records and control. Vermont has denied claims she failed to file proper reports. Four Bridgeport members tried to remove Vermont and her treasurer from access to the Bridgeport branch’s bank account.
“I support national [officials] making a clean sweep of the organization,” Vermont now says. “This takeover, I support it 100 percent… My hope is to get some young blood in here.” The Bridgeport chapter of the NAACP lost it’s charter under the leadership of Ms Vermont because the issues the chapter had could not be resolve by Ms Vermont. Now maybe there are answers for this questions but I can’t seem to find the answers so maybe Ms Vermont or one of her supporters could clear all of this up. I mean let’s be real here, someone running for the state senate should be able to clear up issues like this because if they can’t how in the hell can they deal with 35 other state senators in resolving bigger issues.
Darrin Watkins, maybe you could enlighten us all with some clarity on this issue and it might assist Ms Vermont.
As much as I enjoy being the sounding board for the opportunist, I would refer readers of this site to my original comments.
“Carolyn, you are an advocate and a voice to be heard in our communities. Your record not only speaks to your commitment and dedication to service, but also expresses a quality that can be often overlooked. ACTION! Your enthusiam to initiate change and your recognizable pledge to a life of public service is worthy of support. I am so very proud to hear that you have answered the call to run for State Senate”.
Ms.Vermont, your resume outlined here speaks exactly to that. I am excited to read of your announcement to run for public office and look forward to hearing more concerning the issues you deem important to your campaign.
Darrin Watkins, thank you for your reply and I’m glad you decided to stay in your lane as a cheerleader for Ms. Vermont. It’s sad that Ms Vermont and her supporters can not provide answers to questions that are being posted on Only In Bridgeport. Ms Vermont resume doesn’t tell anyone about her current and past employment and it definitely doesn’t answer any questions concerning the NAACP losing their charter during the time of Ms Vermont leadership as the President of the local NAACP. Failure to provide answers demonstrates a lack of leadership, transparency and openness for someone to hold the position of a state senator.