“Black And Latino Maggot Politicians, Uncle Toms And Frito Banditos”–Keeley’s Racial Rant Stirs Controversy

Former State Rep. Bob Keeley’s acting like a guy who ate from a dented can of tuna. No wonder he’s lost 10 races in about as many years. Here’s what the attention junkie, so-called youth director wrote on his Facebook page:

Ok, I’ve had it. I kill all you rich white politicians for your collective lack of empathy for poor kids. Now I am calling out all you black and (Latino) maggot politicians who will not stand up to these white decision-makers.. F@&% all you Uncle Toms and Frito Banditos. We will never pay your POLL TAX, in order to get government funding. Come over to Orcutt so I can spit in all your collective faces. Although I am just a youth worker I am also Irish, who was taught by my family to go for the jugular when the odds were against me. Heed my warning, you F’ing assholes, I’m picking up my pace and none of you weasels can outrun me Try me … save our kids!

The classy language above is just great for youth fundraising, right Bob? Keeley’s been playing a stick-up game with city and state government officials for dough for the Orcutt Boys & Girls Club when he can’t even get his own financial house in order.

Keeley’s asking a court to place his name on the August 11 primary ballot for state representative after Democratic Registrar Patricia Howard vetoed his candidacy because he lives out of district. Keeley’s playing political footsies with State Senator Marilyn Moore to primary all the Bridgeport State House incumbents who didn’t support her mayoral run last year. Careful what you wish for Marilyn. Now let’s hear from all the Marilyn Moore supporters defending Keeley’s racial rant.

From Brian Lockhart, CT Post:

Orcutt is located in City Council President Aidee Nieves’ district. She called Keeley’s words “bigoted” and “inflammatory.” Nieves said if that is how Keeley deals with conflict, “How can you be a good role model to youth?”

Councilman Ernie Newton, who is Black, served with Keeley in the state legislature. He said no other nonprofit directors in the city who need to collaborate with local elected officials would “say the kind of things he’s been saying.”

“I took great exception to the calling out (of) ‘Uncle Toms,'” Newton said, adding he in recent years advocated for distributing federal grants to Orcutt. According to the city’s Office of Economic and Community Development, the club has received $875,902 worth of federal aid, passed through Bridgeport, since 2016.

“If he really were for the kids, he would keep his mouth shut. He’s doing more damage than good,” Newton said.

Full story here.



  1. Bob Keeley, you can’t call Bridgeport’s Black politicians Uncle Tom. You don’t have that right no matter how much righteous indignation you might feel!

    Uncle Tom was a man who refused to beat black women.
    Uncle Tom was a man who refused to tell on other slaves.
    Uncle tom was a man who would put cotton in other slaves’ bags at night, so that they wouldn’t get beat!
    Uncle Tom was a man who helped 100 slaves get free long before the underground railroad.
    Uncle Tom was a man, that once free, established the 1st Laborers school for other fugitive slaves!
    Uncle Tom was a man of Character and Integrity!
    His name? Josiah Henson! Josiah Henson was an author, abolitionist, and minister. Born into slavery, in Port Tobacco, Charles County, Maryland, he escaped to Upper Canada in 1830, and founded a settlement and laborer’s school for other fugitive slaves at Dawn, near Dresden, in Kent County, Upper Canada, of British Canada.
    So stop calling these sell-outs Uncle tom! That’s a compliment! Its Sambo that was the sell-out, who would do anything for his slave masters’ approval! It was Sambo who would snitch on his people just to get an atta boy from his handler. Uncle Tom is a man to be respected.

    Bob Kelley, Don’t Ever Call Bridgeport’s Black Politicians Uncle Tom because most haven’t earned that distinction. By the way, you haven’t earned the Right to call Black politicians Sambo either!

    1. Don, thank you, Uncle Tom is the one that you want and need in your corner but if you don’t history….Only In Bridgeport. I don’t know why certain whites who are around blacks a lot feel to comfortable in saying certain things and like Bob Kelley who knows better but as soon as he hit send it was over, now what Bob?

      Its Sambo that was the sell-out, who would do anything for his slave masters’ approval! It was Sambo who would snitch on his people just to get an atta boy from his handler. Well Don, Bridgeport is overloaded with Sambo with both women and men, master Joe and Mario still gets what they want without doing anything for blacks. Bob Kelley, you fucked up big time, you know better but you let your anger bigotry it the best of you and Bob, know else you did, you truly let down a lot of people especially those blacks who you know and played ball with, you hurt them and Bob you let down those kids and you owe them.

  2. Bob Keeley, I would remiss if I didn’t call attention to the hypocrisy of your rant when you leave out the white politicians of Bridgeport that are also maggot politicians who will not stand up to these white decision-makers.. You sound as if the white politicans of Bridgeport are independent thinkers whose heads aren’t up the ass of Mayor Ganim, Mario and the DTC! I don’t know what racist terminology you would use to describe the white politicians, but in the future if your anger is to dress down Sorry Ass Bridgeport politicians, don’t forget your own people. From a purely Black perspective, the white politicians of Bridgeport aren’t fearing any better than Black and Latino politicians.

  3. ““If he really were for the kids, he would keep his mouth shut. He’s doing more damage than good,” Newton said.”…………………….
    I don’t often agree with Ernie Newton, but this is right on the money.

    In these uncertain times, Keeley’s words could shut down the money flow for Orcutt.

    You won’t hear one word from this Marilyn Moore supporter in support of Keeley’s rant.

  4. City Council President Aidee Nieves and Councilman Ernie Newton, I read your comments concerning the ugly comments by Bob Keeley and as far as I know at this time it was a one time statement. Now let me ask you, what do you know about former Bridgeport, CT mayor who serve from 1875 – 1876 and who was known around the world as “The Geatest Showman,” Phineas Taylor (P.T.) Barnum? Did you know that Barnum owned slaves and that he took his racism show around the world and it showed that blacks were the lowest form of a human and were to be looked at as an animal? Well, the time is now for the Bridgeport Park Commission take action remove PT Barnum’s statute from its location in Seaside Park, it’s also time for Mayor Joe Ganim and the Bridgeport City Council express their agreement with the removal of the PT Barnum’s statute from its location in Seaside Park because of PT Barnum going around America denigrate blacks as being less than human and becoming rich. It is clear that the foundation of his career was built upon the systemic exploitation of non-white people, who were exhibited and paraded in front of large audiences in a variety of degrading ways. Again City Council President Aidee Nieves and Councilman Ernie Newton, I ask you what are you going to do about PT Barnum seeing you both have spoken out about Bob Keeley and what he said, then what about PT Barnum and what he did to blacks all around America?

    1. Ron
      I wasn’t born when P.T Barnum did what he did. I can only speak for today. Bob Keeley had no right what so every to say what he said. Just because you have black friends doesn’t give you the right to say what a Black person my say. When Steve call Sen Moore a Black Bitch I told him he was wrong and he owe her a apology. It’s all about White privilege that Donald Trump has signal it’s all right to keep black people in there place and use other black people to say it’s all right. Thanks for explaining the difference between a Uncle Tom and Being a Sambo

      1. Ernie, are you for real, there protest marchers out in the street right now and they have out there for 33 straight days since the police killing of George Floyd and they are demanding those monuments and statues to be taken down because of the involvement that they had with slavery and of owning blacks.
        In New Haven this week there was the removal of the Columbus Monument in Wooster Square. Ernie, those protestors in New Haven were not born when Columbus was born, I see that you are TOTALLY out of touch with what Black Lives Matter are doing all over America. PT Barnum has done more to blacks with his owning slaves and denigrating blacks all over America for years and he is honored with a statue in Seaside Park and a museum on Main Street and you don’t see anything wrong. Leaders lead and they and they demand change and that’s what Black Lives Matter is doing. When people ask why things remand the same in Bridgeport it’s because people like Ernie Newton and all of the other Democrats who eat at the table of Joe Ganim and Mario Testa for their positions.

      2. Ernest Newton– First to be clear- You can enjoy Ronnie and Donnie kicking your ass but to be clear I Have never ever ever ever ever ever ever referred to any Senator as a “Blk Bitxx”. To be clear when her main supporter, NAACP like your self tried to make that a racially charged issue, There would have been a very expensive lawsuit for do nothing group that I am sadly a member of.

        There was never n apology issued and of course there would never be an apology issued. Her supporters that did a screen shop of my post did her a diservice. I removed my post immediately but her supporters felt it was worth embarrassing her by reposting the screen shot. Sad for her . Sad for the mentality of her fan club. That being said.

        There is nothing to say about Keely’s rant. I absolutely agree with Day ( which is difficult and I also thank him for the explanation of a term that is frequently used but always misunderstood).

        I do believe that BOB Keeley has been having issues for some time. It is sad that most of the individuals that have been chosen to run as anti Ganim were all losers. Maybe one is a qualified candidate and they know who they are and shall remain nameless because I am supporting the opposition, the endorsed candidate.

        BOB Walsh and Jim Fox are clearly good friends. THey love Keeley and went to court in support of him.. Then he runs nd doesn’t even Vote. On that note let me congratulate Jack Hennesey. We will be taking his act on the road in the 134th. Keeley is a non -issue.

        Harvey Weintraub /Donna Day– I absolutely agree that Stephanie Thompson is not a real person thou an individual that I am very close to that is also a friend of Mackey says she is. I absolutely agree she is not real. I love her presence here and when I need to go after anyone I could never ever use a fake name or handle. I totlly stand behind everything I say. Given the quick wit and sarcasm I would venture to say that Stehanie Thompson is in fact GAY and definitely African American and not Jewish. That would leave me out of the equation. I also find it humorous that when I started posting Ms. Thompson disappeared. Now- I was at the walk this past Saturday. y friend whom everyone on this blog knows whom I am speaking, Insists she was introduced to Ms. Thompson . I absolutely do not believe it or she would have pointed her out. Just saying. I can only assure you all that I and that individual are not one and the same. But alas- I will sit back and let Stephanie Thompson do her thing. When she goes after DAY , Mackie and Moore you can assume it’s me. But I am being honest it is not. I do well enough when speaking on my own and have never had a need to be shy with my comments.

        I absolutely believe whomever MS. Thompson is , she has become the new star of Lennie’s blog. Picture this- If ever That person posts and I also post- imagine I am a schizophrenic talking to myself.

        Again Ernie, Be careful what you post and get it correct- what you stated was my comment was notand that would be also absolutely reprehensible. I appreciate you thought I should apologize. I always appreciate others opinion. Sometimes you are good and sometimes- not so much. 🙂

        1. Steve
          Let me be clear I kiss nobody’s Ass. Don and Ron I’ve known over 40years We may disagree from time to time but they are my brothers. What they right about me on this blog I’ve never taken it personal. Steve when you call Sen Moore a Bitch I said you were wrong for saying that. Don and Ron asked Why I didn’t say anything when Rev Lee said she wasn’t black enough. Steve stay in your lane when you mention my name or trying to check me back I’ll put you in Checkmate!

          1. Ernie, I’ll let Ron and Don take care of you until you become their little messenger. The adjective I used before that comment was disrespectful and that she is. She never received an apology because she is a politician and I am a constituent and when you are treated that way it comes back at ya. I don’t stay in y lane Ernie for you or anyone. I only treat people the way they treat me and I only Judge people on how they treat me. What they say about me is none of my business. I don’t take any of it personally especially on the blog. Nice that you know Ron and Don for 40 years. Nice to know what they think about you. One thing people can say about me is that I show up, I support and I have also learned sometimes it is not worth showing up . Live and learn.

            Hope everyone had an amazing day.

  5. Speaking of Stevie A,.. Stevie, can you please give your opinion of this but please do it in your “Stephanie Thompson” alter ego..

    1. Harvey, make no mistake about it, Steven Auerbach, little Stevie A (he former superstar of OIB, if you don’t believe me just ask Stevie A,)is Stephanie Thompson. Stevie A needed to get back into the limelife since he’s been banded from posting on OIB during working hours by Mario. Stevie A alter ego Stephanie Thompson pops up but only when there’s something about Rev. Herron Gaston, the way Stephanie Thompson would show so much affection towards Rev. Gaston it makes you wonder about Stevie A.

  6. After looking again what Bob said, the terminology was a little insensitive, but the sentiments were right on point. For the most part, the Black and Latino politicans, for the last three decades as well as today, had/have their heads up the asses of Mayor Ganim, Mario and the DTC. Over the years there have been a few notable exceptions, (Ed Gomes, maybe Andre Baker and Enida) but for the most part all of you have been a slave to the Big Three! No other exceptions whatsoever! So Ernie and Aidee Nieves’, face your truths and accept with submission that you and your ilk are exactly what Bob was taking about!

    1. Don
      Save that bullshit for yourself. I keep telling you Joe Gamin is your issue move back into Bridgeport and you can cast your Vote against him. You know if the FBI didn’t put fear in my heart ❤️ You and everyone on this BLOG don’t stand a chance going up against a warrior. I’m not Mew to this I’m true to this. I’ve always been a man with a plan not a Boy with a Toy 🧸. You and Ron do a great job talking about Joe and Mario and the a DTC. Have a great 👍 Holiday

    2. Don
      Bob Keeley was wrong for what he said. You are something else. The Next time you see Bob Keeley i want you to bow down and say yes sir Master! You have lost your mind. There are two types of negros the House and Field negro. You have shown me you are on the Plantation of you know who stay in the HOUSE!

  7. How was that racist? Minus the flamboyant words of “Uncle Toms and Frito Banditos” in context, Bob is only going to spit in their collective faces, while he was going to kill all those whity politicians. 🙂 This Mick threatens to kill all the honkey politicians in the Port and Uncle Tom is the main concern about what this Mick said. 🙂


  8. Ernie Newton, as I look back you first got elected to the Common Council, then you were elected the first black Common Council under a Republican mayor, then you were elected to the State House of Representatives, then elected to State Senate. After not holding elected office for a number of years you ran and got elected to the City Council. Ernie, I bring all of this up to highlight you as a black man and your concern about blacks and the city. I asked you eariler about Phineas Taylor Barnum (PT Barnum) and his past history of being a former mayor of Bridgeport but also Barnum life as the Greatest Showman. Barnum owned slaves and that he took his racism show around the world and it showed that blacks were the lowest form of a human and were to be looked at as an animal, Ernie PT Barnum got rich in part by traveling America showing blacks as subhuman but he never atone for acts against blacks and for being a slave owner. There are no scholarship for blacks, there is no land set a side for blacks, there is no contrition from the Barnum family, the Barnum Festival Committee and the Barnum Museum in fact PT Barnum is celebrated in Bridgeport with a statue in Seaside Park and a parade. Black Lives Matter protesters are marching every day since the police killing of George Floyd by a white police officer demanding that those individuals who were involve with slavery or degrading blacks that their name on public property and statues and monuments be removed and placed in a non public area. Ernie, you say that you are the Moses of your people in a district represent an area of Bridgeport that was one of poorest districts in Connecticut, that you would setup and speakout like those Black Lives Matter protestors and demand change. Even the state of Mississippi removed the Confederate flag from its state flag along with so many over statues and monuments all over America, Ernie there is more than enough information from scholars that have been written about PT Barnum, Ernie, show some leadership as a black man.

    1. Ron
      I don’t understand people have been marching against Columbus statues because of his past history. Where are Black Lives Matter Marching against P.T Barnum’s in america? You and Don need to stop smoking what ever you are smoking.

      1. Ernie, what is the plan to fight and change systemic racism in Bridgeport and especially in City government ? Those protesting and marching against Columbus statues across the country and here in Bridgeport has been lead by the Hispanic community and the same for the Jason Negron protesters who are looking for change and justice n fighting systemic racism in the Bridgeport Police Department. America has been protesting marching against systemic racism lead by Black Lives Matters for 33 days before Bridgeport had it’s big event since the police killing by a white cop of George Floyd, they have been demanding change. Mississippi took off the confederate flag, cities and states are removing confederate statues and monuments or anything that is or has been denigrating towards blacks, NASCAR, the NFL, NBA even Major League Baseball are changing their name and logos, some police departments are making overall changes, these are just a few things that are happening right now in America but what about Bridgeport, there’s nothing.

  9. There’s Black Ron being mainstream media, promoting racism and his commie views. We just had a conversation/discussion about a Mick (who’s people were brought to this land against their free will as “indentured servants”) who use some racial slurs and skipping over the fact he said he was going to kill people. Like PT’s showmanship, racism is the main attraction being promoted here.

    What is that information, Ron? With my limited Wikipedia search? The black slave PT owned and promoted was owned by some other promoters. When PT bought her from them and placed her in his show she was at the end of her life and was blind and almost completely paralyzed. She could talk and had some ability to move her right arm when Barnum started to exhibit her in 1835. She died seven mounts later. Did PT use her and exploited her yes, no more than Tom Thumb or anyone else in his show?

    Ask yourself, who was the actual slave to who when you are blind, and completely paralyzed? His ability as a showman probably saved her life and had a better life in her last seven months with PT because in business people don’t get rid of something of value to them that makes them money, and people who are in business take care of, and protect the things that do, especially if it is irreplaceable. PT was more a product of the times than a racist slave owner (unlike Bob apparently who is deemed a racist for the use of a racial slur) and is overlooked PT championed for black rights. (and also like killer Mick Bob) If he lived today he would have bought her contract out.

    I have no problem with your Marxist, commie views, That’s the culture war taking place. I hope PT service it and hope not all blacks are holding commies views like you, and this thread proved it. A Mick threatens to kill a bunch of people and the media and conversation is focusing on his use of racial slurs. BLM but apparently white lives don’t. 🙂

    Seriously think about the context of that statement and what is being discussed. As well as what Ron is requesting people of the Port do to a man who help build this city and called on CT legislation for black rights. Can’t make this stuff up people. 🙂

    Good luck Port from these commies views. PS is commie a racist word. Asking for a Friend 🙂


  10. My Brother Ernie Newton this is for you.

    Let America Be America Again, Langston Hughes

    Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be. Let it be the pioneer on the plain Seeking a home where he himself is free.

    (America never was America to me.)

    Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed— Let it be that great strong land of love Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme That any man be crushed by one above.

    (It never was America to me.)
    O, let my land be a land where Liberty Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath, But opportunity is real, and life is free, Equality is in the air we breathe.

    (There’s never been equality for me, Nor freedom in this “homeland of the free.”)

  11. Yes Ron Makes you wonder huh? You have become a very simple obsessive compulsive individual. Did it bother you that I don’t mind that you think I am Ms. Thompson.? Now I need to go back and see everything she had to say about you. Does it make you feel better to believe it is me? Then I am happy because if you think it is me the words will not be as painful. Wanda tells me she met her. Even I don’t believe her. You are her friend. Why not ask her.? On that note , I’ll let Ernie and you continue in your lane. There are so many issues going on in this city , I find it humorous what some people find important. Carry on fellas —

    I will be on hiatus until after the Primary. So if Stephanie Thompson shows up do send her my regards. I am imagining she will not. She has served her purpose I guess. Me I want to take full credit for any comments I make.

    I was hoping she was the superstar of this blog but alas, I am still even when I don’t post. That means people hold on to my words and that is very important when you go door to door. Be well everyone. Life is good. stay safe and remember life is short make it count.

    1. Stevie A, you said, ” That means people hold on to my words and that is very important when you go door to door,” of course people hold to your words because you are living proved to kissing Mario Testa does work and you are the best example because you were GIVEN a high paying City position, now you do have restrictions like you can’t post on OIB during work hours, so everybody knows your comments come late in the evening and on weekends, hmmmmm, just like Stephanie Thompson.

  12. Ernie I love you like a play cousin, but do you really want to go down this street with me on this bullshit? “You and Don need to stop smoking what ever you are smoking.”

    Really my Brother, this is where you want to lay your hat on this bullshit shit about DRUGS? You know it wasn’t I who got caught in the bathroom of the State Capital smoking drugs!
    Do you really want to go down this street with me on this bullshit? I’ll wait!

    1. Don
      First of all I never mention Drugs.Secondly I never was caught smoking drugs coming out the bathroom at the Capitol. I guess you are trying to pull a Maria Peria on me. June 26 2020 I celebrated 25 years clean and Sober. Don never thought you a person I’ve known for Over 40 yrs would ever say something like that. Some people will always remind you of your past. God rips them alway and never brings it up again. I will never respond to you every again. He who is with out sin cast the first Stone. I know your past before you became self righteous, with friends like you who needs enemies.

      1. Ernie, you’re the one that asked, What Was Ron and I smoking, a direct inference to us using drugs. Never have I ever made reference to you and drugs, in fact I even defended you when Maria was blasting you in this forum, on many occasions, did you forget?

        Had you never made that mean spirited insinuation of our drug use we wouldn’t be here, but you took us here and I returned in kind. I thought you were better than that because all I’ve ever said about you had to do with your political ties and responsibilities as a City Councilman, never have I ever casted aspersions on your character until you cast the first stone. If you can insinuate or intimate Publicly that I am smoking drugs then we were never friends.

  13. Ernie, what is the plan to fight and change systemic racism in Bridgeport and especially in City government ? Those protesting and marching against Columbus statues across the country and here in Bridgeport has been lead by the Hispanic community and the same for the Jason Negron protesters who are looking for change and justice n fighting systemic racism in the Bridgeport Police Department. America has been protesting marching against systemic racism lead by Black Lives Matters for 33 days before Bridgeport had it’s big event since the police killing by a white cop of George Floyd, they have been demanding change. Mississippi took off the confederate flag, cities and states are removing confederate statues and monuments or anything that is or has been denigrating towards blacks, NASCAR, the NFL, NBA even Major League Baseball are changing their name and logos, some police departments are making overall changes, these are just a few things that are happening right now in America but what about Bridgeport, there’s nothing.

  14. *** Senor Keeley’s choice of words & some of his comparison’s about local politicians, in his not too thought-out blog-rant is really no-reason to OIB, (blog-bum-rush) the white guy for being up-set over his continued fighting to get real funding for the east-side’s Boys & Girls Club in Bpt. that he’s passionate about. Many of the responding piranha-bloggers here that are without past political or community leader’s sins, should take a good look in the mirror from time to time when they think they have all the “right” answers to Bpt. problems, no? ***JUST-SAYING***

  15. *** Well, Mr. Keeley’s political rant on face-book apparently helped him get the votes & money he needed for the east-side Boys & Girls Club, no? *** Just-Saying ***


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