Honestly, I can’t see Moore pulling a ninth-inning win as a write-in candidate. One debate, a lack-luster campaign from both sides. Practically no campaigning noise by Moore after the primary. Which should have been leading up to the general with all the moment and wind at her back. But instead, her election was blindside on the eve of the primary relegating her to a write-n candidacy. Knocking all the momentum and wind out of her campaign leading up to the general. Were the mayorship is won. A lawsuit overshadowing her campaign leading up to the eve of the general election. And her statement regarding the AB’s abuse was, she was happy it exposed just how deeply corrupt the absentee ballot harvesting operation of the Democratic Town Committee runs.
Ever since she entered Port politics she was fights Mario and the DTC, not to mention we just had two primary elections overturned by the courts. That statement was disingenuous as Mario standing in a Black Church at election time.
This election was so rigged from the onset even Joe Grit$ “anti” Joe Ganim song has Russian subtitles.
PS. but to be fair (JML is correct. we could wake up to a Trump moment and find out Moore) we just won’t know the outcome of this ridden election until Nov 6.
Blumenthal, Murray, and Hime while you are endorsing the Democrat ticket look into the collusion. LOL
Honestly I dont see her winning even though I will vote for her. Have not heard or got any mailings from her campaign since september. The average voter will not even know they can vote for her…. hopefully something gets done with the absentee ballot issues in the city its disgusting .
Kind of curious how the Mayor would respond or if the Mayor would respond to getting blow torched by the CT Post who again endorsed Marilyn Moore even with her hap hazard campaign and all the mistakes. Let’s say Mayor wins, will it be, we won anyway without your endorsement? or We are going to do better and prove you wrong about us? Mike Daley in his editorial today does not seem to believe Moore has a chance, Thoughts Lenny? Thought the Post made a strong statement , Not sure if this has ever happened before where the Newspaper in a major city endorsed a write in candidate. Only in Bridgeport for sure.
John, for me, newspaper endorsements are ego-driven prattle. The Post’s endorsement of Moore, if you can call it that, was an exercise in futility. The endorsement screamed we’re endorsing her because we don’t like Joe Ganim. What a revelation. https://www.ctpost.com/opinion/article/Editorial-Marilyn-Moore-for-mayor-of-Bridgeport-14571664.php
Endorsements can cut both ways. They are only really as good as what a campaign does with an endorsement. Four years ago The Post endorsed Bill Finch in the primary. Ganim won. The Post endorsed Mary-Jane Foster in the general election. Ganim nearly doubled her vote total. In reality The Post’s hard-copy circulation has been reduced to just a few thousand papers, mostly in areas where Moore enjoys large support such as Black Rock and Brooklawn. Are readers finding these endorsements on websites? Newspaper endorsements create oddities for beat reporters who have no influence over them but face the specter of their agenda-driven bosses peering over their shoulders. We had a nice give-and-take here the other day about human bias. Every reporter on the planet has bias: The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN, FOX News and more. News organization have become far more opinion driven in straight news stories. That’s okay. What matters in the larger picture is fairness. If the other side has a bitch do you let them have their say? Does the organization vet the candidate they support as much as the candidate they oppose? To their credit, some of the Post’s beat reporters and editors did push back on the recently fired chief editor Matt DeRienzo who iced stories he felt would be unflattering to Moore. Eventually, Moore’s campaign gaffes surfaced and the paper was forced to point some of them out. But research was put into potential Moore stories that never saw the light of day, and others were watered down, because DeRienzo said so. As for how I think Moore will perform on Tuesday, she will do well in some of the areas that came out strong for her in the primary, particularly Black Rock and West Side. Most of her support will come, not because they truly embrace her but they don’t like Ganim. The other side of the city that she does not represent in the State Senate is a different story, the areas where Ganim ran up numbers in the primary. Ganim has advantages in spending power, retail campaigning and absentee ballots. Is Moore’s write-in communication resonating in The Hollow, East Side, East End, etc., a two-step process of filling in the bubble and writing in her name? Or will they support Ganim strongly? What’s really changed in Moore’s outreach and messaging since the primary? A newspaper endorsement will not get her there. Only her campaign organization and contrast with the incumbent can do that.
Is it possible the State court could put a hold on the Nov 5 election while they hear this appeal? If the election takes place and Ganim wins Nov 5, can the appeal nullify Nov 5 results and cause a do over?
John, I have no clue what the Supremes will do. My guess is they will allow Tuesday’s vote to go forward and then hear the appeal as a matter of course of business. This occurred in 2007 in the Caruso-Finch case when the lower court sided with Finch. Supremes heard the case and issued a decision for the lower court in the winter of 2008. But, yes, your supposition is possible. My sense is Judge Stevens took his time with this case because he wanted his decision to be judgement proof.
The CT Post knows what some of know, even with the mistakes she’s a better candidate for Mayor of Bridgeport than Ganim. If she was unintelligent, inarticulate and dumb she would be a better candidate for Mayor of Bridgeport than Ganim! If she couldn’t walk or talk and crawled on her belly like a reptile she would be a better candidate for Mayor of Bridgeport than Ganim!
Having said that she’s none of those things except one, she’s a better candidate for Mayor than Ganim. Bridgeport has never had Moore, but you deserve Moore so on November 5th vote for Moore because she’s a better candidate for Mayor of Bridgeport than Ganim.
Moore is the most imbecilic candidate to have run a campaign in Bridgeport. She will be remembered for her avoidance and lack of passion, commitment and ability to run her own campaign. Don D, if that’s how you really feel, you don’t have your feet grounded in reality. Barring her cousin getting her into her seat, she wouldn’t be there. She’d be languishing somewhere as a C- level nobody. Which she is. You can say Ganim is a felon, yada yada but it gets old. He’s keeping the city running. I’d far rather see a guy I don’t like personally running the city moderately well over a town idiot literally who cannot manage to cross the start line running the city. I believe the poll reflects that no one has faith in her.
Day, this goes to Lennie’s point. It ‘s more about a dislike of Joe than Moore’s accomplishments. To be frank, from the outside looking in, what has Moore really accomplished in the Senate for the Port. To be fair, what has Joe really accomplished in the last four years?
Moore candidacy is/was riding on the emotion of the era of Trump that has been nothing but racism for the last three years. With the changing demographics of the Port, Moore should have had or will best Joe by just her being black. Which is all she has been running on and considering she has the support of the affluent white districts of the Port. This shouldn’t have ever been a race at all. That is why JML, in my opinion, wants to silence Tony. Not because he might not get blacks to vote for Moore but it might get whites, how are not in the inside and are looking out, to not vote for Moore. Whites are biased like blacks, as well as Puerto Ricans. All things equally who wouldn’t like to see one of their own wins. Of course, things are not all equal.
That being said. In my opinion, Joe only won or had support like Lisa because they thought of it as the good old days of G1. Most of that support, as well as the police support, fled to more. I say that by Frank’s comments here on OIN. Why Officer Frank?
It will be what it will be. However, If I had to pick someone who I thought would be a better candidate for Mayor I would pick Maria. It not because I think you look cute in a hat because if the hat said Make America Great, even though it matches your shirt you would lose instantaneously.
And you why? emotions! Think about it.
P.S Looking out from the outside, or my designated European identification of whiteness, and as an American. What is wrong with wanting America to be great. JS
Moore’s campaign,organizational abilities,are a mess,she welcomed Tony Barr into her inner circle, while,for the most part,ignoring her best asset,Chris Caruso.She stopped the little campaigning she did do the day after the primary.Our city is a mess now,I don’t want to even imagine how she would try to fix it.I’m writing in Jeff’s name,some may say it’s a vote for Joe,I say it’s a vote against Moore.So disappointed in her half-hearted attempt in this cycle.
Harvey, lest we not forget what Senator Moore has done for Bridgeport in Hartford and she can do the same thing for Bridgeport as it’s Mayor. No one running has a proven track record of getting things done for Bridgeport better than Senator Moore! No One Better Harvey, No One.
Senate Chair of the State Bond Commission Senator Marilyn Moore (D-Bridgeport) announced today the expected approval of over $14.6 million for various economic development projects in Bridgeport, including the replacement of the Congress Street Bridge, improvements to Sikorsky Memorial Airport, maintenance of the coastal flood defense system, and preservation of Remington Arms.
$3,700,000 grant-in-aid to the City of Bridgeport to assist with the replacement of the Congress Street Bridge.
$2,273,231 from the Department of Housing Shoreline Resiliency Fund to fund the required non-federal match for the Resilient Bridgeport project funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development National Disaster Resilience Competition. The matching funds will contribute to construction, operations, maintenance and related costs of the coastal flood defense system being constructed as a result of Super Storm Sandy.
$1,000,000 grant-in-aid to the City of Bridgeport to assist with ongoing demolition, site remediation and historic preservation at the abandoned and blighted Remington Arms complex.
$7,000,000 grant-in-aid to the City of Bridgeport to provide a match to private investment for “Phase 1” of improvements to Sikorsky Memorial Airport. The project includes improvements to the airport’s roadways and parking areas, construction of a terminal building and the rehabilitation of an existing abandoned structure to be reused as an operations center. All necessary financial commitments and assurances must be in place prior to any state funds being disbursed.
$353,654 grant-in-aid to the McGivney Community Center, Inc. to finance demolition of the adjacent former Saint Charles Church School for parking and outdoor recreation space.
$262,840 to finance alterations, improvements and technology equipment at Technical Education and Career Schools in Bridgeport.
$100,000 grant-in-aid to match private funding in communities where Martin Luther King, Jr. corridors are established. The funds will be available for streetscape improvements, signage and way finding enhancements and façade improvements.
what many on this page literally fail to ever take into account is, There are a lot of people who love Ganim. And they will vote for him again. On this page you get this myopic view that everybody in the world agrees with you. Even without a little bit of hanky-panky he wins elections. people like to blame every single thing on the machine and tester and it’s insulting to the fact that the posters here refuse to acknowledge that people do the voting in that there are a lot of people who vote for him. People like him. They really like him. The fact that it’s impossible for you to grasp this shows how myopic you are.
Marilyn Moore with the Skirt Party for the BBoE!
Maria Pereira, JoAnn Kennedy and Helen Olga Losak
Honestly, I can’t see Moore pulling a ninth-inning win as a write-in candidate. One debate, a lack-luster campaign from both sides. Practically no campaigning noise by Moore after the primary. Which should have been leading up to the general with all the moment and wind at her back. But instead, her election was blindside on the eve of the primary relegating her to a write-n candidacy. Knocking all the momentum and wind out of her campaign leading up to the general. Were the mayorship is won. A lawsuit overshadowing her campaign leading up to the eve of the general election. And her statement regarding the AB’s abuse was, she was happy it exposed just how deeply corrupt the absentee ballot harvesting operation of the Democratic Town Committee runs.
Ever since she entered Port politics she was fights Mario and the DTC, not to mention we just had two primary elections overturned by the courts. That statement was disingenuous as Mario standing in a Black Church at election time.
This election was so rigged from the onset even Joe Grit$ “anti” Joe Ganim song has Russian subtitles.
PS. but to be fair (JML is correct. we could wake up to a Trump moment and find out Moore) we just won’t know the outcome of this ridden election until Nov 6.
Blumenthal, Murray, and Hime while you are endorsing the Democrat ticket look into the collusion.
Rigged election.
Honestly I dont see her winning even though I will vote for her. Have not heard or got any mailings from her campaign since september. The average voter will not even know they can vote for her…. hopefully something gets done with the absentee ballot issues in the city its disgusting .
Kind of curious how the Mayor would respond or if the Mayor would respond to getting blow torched by the CT Post who again endorsed Marilyn Moore even with her hap hazard campaign and all the mistakes. Let’s say Mayor wins, will it be, we won anyway without your endorsement? or We are going to do better and prove you wrong about us? Mike Daley in his editorial today does not seem to believe Moore has a chance, Thoughts Lenny? Thought the Post made a strong statement , Not sure if this has ever happened before where the Newspaper in a major city endorsed a write in candidate. Only in Bridgeport for sure.
John, for me, newspaper endorsements are ego-driven prattle. The Post’s endorsement of Moore, if you can call it that, was an exercise in futility. The endorsement screamed we’re endorsing her because we don’t like Joe Ganim. What a revelation. https://www.ctpost.com/opinion/article/Editorial-Marilyn-Moore-for-mayor-of-Bridgeport-14571664.php
Endorsements can cut both ways. They are only really as good as what a campaign does with an endorsement. Four years ago The Post endorsed Bill Finch in the primary. Ganim won. The Post endorsed Mary-Jane Foster in the general election. Ganim nearly doubled her vote total. In reality The Post’s hard-copy circulation has been reduced to just a few thousand papers, mostly in areas where Moore enjoys large support such as Black Rock and Brooklawn. Are readers finding these endorsements on websites? Newspaper endorsements create oddities for beat reporters who have no influence over them but face the specter of their agenda-driven bosses peering over their shoulders. We had a nice give-and-take here the other day about human bias. Every reporter on the planet has bias: The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN, FOX News and more. News organization have become far more opinion driven in straight news stories. That’s okay. What matters in the larger picture is fairness. If the other side has a bitch do you let them have their say? Does the organization vet the candidate they support as much as the candidate they oppose? To their credit, some of the Post’s beat reporters and editors did push back on the recently fired chief editor Matt DeRienzo who iced stories he felt would be unflattering to Moore. Eventually, Moore’s campaign gaffes surfaced and the paper was forced to point some of them out. But research was put into potential Moore stories that never saw the light of day, and others were watered down, because DeRienzo said so. As for how I think Moore will perform on Tuesday, she will do well in some of the areas that came out strong for her in the primary, particularly Black Rock and West Side. Most of her support will come, not because they truly embrace her but they don’t like Ganim. The other side of the city that she does not represent in the State Senate is a different story, the areas where Ganim ran up numbers in the primary. Ganim has advantages in spending power, retail campaigning and absentee ballots. Is Moore’s write-in communication resonating in The Hollow, East Side, East End, etc., a two-step process of filling in the bubble and writing in her name? Or will they support Ganim strongly? What’s really changed in Moore’s outreach and messaging since the primary? A newspaper endorsement will not get her there. Only her campaign organization and contrast with the incumbent can do that.
At least she not Joe Ganim!!!
At least she not Governor Joe Ganim !!!
Is it possible the State court could put a hold on the Nov 5 election while they hear this appeal? If the election takes place and Ganim wins Nov 5, can the appeal nullify Nov 5 results and cause a do over?
John, I have no clue what the Supremes will do. My guess is they will allow Tuesday’s vote to go forward and then hear the appeal as a matter of course of business. This occurred in 2007 in the Caruso-Finch case when the lower court sided with Finch. Supremes heard the case and issued a decision for the lower court in the winter of 2008. But, yes, your supposition is possible. My sense is Judge Stevens took his time with this case because he wanted his decision to be judgement proof.
The CT Post knows what some of know, even with the mistakes she’s a better candidate for Mayor of Bridgeport than Ganim. If she was unintelligent, inarticulate and dumb she would be a better candidate for Mayor of Bridgeport than Ganim! If she couldn’t walk or talk and crawled on her belly like a reptile she would be a better candidate for Mayor of Bridgeport than Ganim!
Having said that she’s none of those things except one, she’s a better candidate for Mayor than Ganim. Bridgeport has never had Moore, but you deserve Moore so on November 5th vote for Moore because she’s a better candidate for Mayor of Bridgeport than Ganim.
No she is not Double D
Moore is the most imbecilic candidate to have run a campaign in Bridgeport. She will be remembered for her avoidance and lack of passion, commitment and ability to run her own campaign. Don D, if that’s how you really feel, you don’t have your feet grounded in reality. Barring her cousin getting her into her seat, she wouldn’t be there. She’d be languishing somewhere as a C- level nobody. Which she is. You can say Ganim is a felon, yada yada but it gets old. He’s keeping the city running. I’d far rather see a guy I don’t like personally running the city moderately well over a town idiot literally who cannot manage to cross the start line running the city. I believe the poll reflects that no one has faith in her.
Day, this goes to Lennie’s point. It ‘s more about a dislike of Joe than Moore’s accomplishments. To be frank, from the outside looking in, what has Moore really accomplished in the Senate for the Port. To be fair, what has Joe really accomplished in the last four years?
Moore candidacy is/was riding on the emotion of the era of Trump that has been nothing but racism for the last three years. With the changing demographics of the Port, Moore should have had or will best Joe by just her being black. Which is all she has been running on and considering she has the support of the affluent white districts of the Port. This shouldn’t have ever been a race at all. That is why JML, in my opinion, wants to silence Tony. Not because he might not get blacks to vote for Moore but it might get whites, how are not in the inside and are looking out, to not vote for Moore. Whites are biased like blacks, as well as Puerto Ricans. All things equally who wouldn’t like to see one of their own wins. Of course, things are not all equal.
That being said. In my opinion, Joe only won or had support like Lisa because they thought of it as the good old days of G1. Most of that support, as well as the police support, fled to more. I say that by Frank’s comments here on OIN. Why Officer Frank?
It will be what it will be. However, If I had to pick someone who I thought would be a better candidate for Mayor I would pick Maria. It not because I think you look cute in a hat because if the hat said Make America Great, even though it matches your shirt you would lose instantaneously.
And you why? emotions! Think about it.
P.S Looking out from the outside, or my designated European identification of whiteness, and as an American. What is wrong with wanting America to be great. JS
Moore’s campaign,organizational abilities,are a mess,she welcomed Tony Barr into her inner circle, while,for the most part,ignoring her best asset,Chris Caruso.She stopped the little campaigning she did do the day after the primary.Our city is a mess now,I don’t want to even imagine how she would try to fix it.I’m writing in Jeff’s name,some may say it’s a vote for Joe,I say it’s a vote against Moore.So disappointed in her half-hearted attempt in this cycle.
Harvey, lest we not forget what Senator Moore has done for Bridgeport in Hartford and she can do the same thing for Bridgeport as it’s Mayor. No one running has a proven track record of getting things done for Bridgeport better than Senator Moore! No One Better Harvey, No One.
Senate Chair of the State Bond Commission Senator Marilyn Moore (D-Bridgeport) announced today the expected approval of over $14.6 million for various economic development projects in Bridgeport, including the replacement of the Congress Street Bridge, improvements to Sikorsky Memorial Airport, maintenance of the coastal flood defense system, and preservation of Remington Arms.
$3,700,000 grant-in-aid to the City of Bridgeport to assist with the replacement of the Congress Street Bridge.
$2,273,231 from the Department of Housing Shoreline Resiliency Fund to fund the required non-federal match for the Resilient Bridgeport project funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development National Disaster Resilience Competition. The matching funds will contribute to construction, operations, maintenance and related costs of the coastal flood defense system being constructed as a result of Super Storm Sandy.
$1,000,000 grant-in-aid to the City of Bridgeport to assist with ongoing demolition, site remediation and historic preservation at the abandoned and blighted Remington Arms complex.
$7,000,000 grant-in-aid to the City of Bridgeport to provide a match to private investment for “Phase 1” of improvements to Sikorsky Memorial Airport. The project includes improvements to the airport’s roadways and parking areas, construction of a terminal building and the rehabilitation of an existing abandoned structure to be reused as an operations center. All necessary financial commitments and assurances must be in place prior to any state funds being disbursed.
$353,654 grant-in-aid to the McGivney Community Center, Inc. to finance demolition of the adjacent former Saint Charles Church School for parking and outdoor recreation space.
$262,840 to finance alterations, improvements and technology equipment at Technical Education and Career Schools in Bridgeport.
$100,000 grant-in-aid to match private funding in communities where Martin Luther King, Jr. corridors are established. The funds will be available for streetscape improvements, signage and way finding enhancements and façade improvements.
BS from Double D
Don, hopefully she will continue to help Bpt when she is back in Hartford,where she prefers to be.
what many on this page literally fail to ever take into account is, There are a lot of people who love Ganim. And they will vote for him again. On this page you get this myopic view that everybody in the world agrees with you. Even without a little bit of hanky-panky he wins elections. people like to blame every single thing on the machine and tester and it’s insulting to the fact that the posters here refuse to acknowledge that people do the voting in that there are a lot of people who vote for him. People like him. They really like him. The fact that it’s impossible for you to grasp this shows how myopic you are.