State’s Attorney Maureen Platt on Friday is expected to release the findings of a state law enforcement probe into the May 2017 police-involved shooting death of 15-year-old Jayson Negron.
According to police Negron and 21-year-old Julian Fyffe were in a stolen car pursued by police near Fairfield and Park Avenues. The two were shot by Police Officer James Boulay. The state probe, as is protocol for a police-involved shooting, is examining the conduct of the officer be it justified or culpable.
Several community groups have protested the shooting. According to the Facebook page Justice for Jayson a gathering will take place at “Jayson Negron’s Memorial Site at the 1000 Park Avenue in Bridgeport after State’s Attorney Maureen Platt releases her decision on James Boulay on January 26th. We will use this gathering site to remember Jayson Negron in this crucial moment and mobilize the community to continue the fight for Jayson until we win. The only outcome we will accept is a murder charge. Stand with us. Stand in solidarity with Jayson’s family.”
State law enforcement officials are expected to meet with Negron family members prior to the public announcement scheduled for Friday afternoon. Local law enforcement is bracing for added police presence following the announcement.
“The Bridgeport Police Department will be here to ensure public safety,” says Chief AJ Perez.
Justice delays is justice denied.
The state’s attorney’s report is not going to assuage community anger. Too many have taken this up as a mantel, a cause celebré.
Friday may be a very sobering day for the city and put us in the national spotlight. All of the facts are in. I will wait patiently to hear the complete report. I do hope justice will be served. So many people on both sides of the opinion will be affected. I believe in the system, but sometimes the system does not work. This is just a reminder of that very very sad day in Bridgeport.
“All of the facts are in.”
Actually, allot of the facts were in plain-view as seen in the photos taken by the CtPost minutes following the shooting. The driver’s side door of the Subaru bent forward is pretty telling.
Someone was murdered. Whether it was justifiable or not, someone was murdered.
Secondly, we need to do review this report and determine what could have been done differently. All too often it is just was the cop at fault or not. We need as a society to examine any of these tragic events and determine was EVERYTHING done to avert this murdering this child.
Whether its a cause celebre or not the basic rule is this is not acceptable
First off Bob you do not know if this is a murder if the court finds the police officer acted correctly it would at most be justifiable homicide. Lets not throw the word murder around,
Bob you are right maybe things would have and could have been done to lead this 16 year old down the right path.
A young man is dead, killed by a policemn’s bullet.
Perhaps the story needs a telling with more facts, something we may find from the State’s Attorney release?
And the story might be expanded to three lines (or more) in telling:
A young man lived.
A young man is dead,
Killed by a policeman’s bullet.
Up until today we have used our sense of the telling and colored it with our own mental and emotional processes. We have also attempted to “read between the lines” with little or no guidance or success. Finally, when we look at our community we see at too many intersections of people, power, governance and responsibility weakness, error and exploitation by a few to control the many.
Examples abound but how do you sit with:
**Civilian review or control over police behavior has been traded away along with Plan B in 2015 for the 2012-16 contract years. Why did this happen? Why was the Police Commission quiet on this matter? Why have they not sought a return to a fuller role in discipline instead of leaving almost all of it in the hands of the Police Chief?
**The Chief has been a friend of many in the community for years. As a matter of fact, his friendliness may undercut his need for more professional detachment and objectivity than has occurred in the couple years of his interim appointment. Where is the nationwide search? Where is testing that is mentioned often? In the hands of a Civil Service department, also suffering from a decade long “acting director”? How current is this department with the variety of activities which justify its existence? Does the Civil Service Commission suffer one or more flaws in its membership?
**Is anyone so confident of the behavior of the members of the Police Commission that they should be re-appointed wholesale? Is there an evaluation process for Mayoral re-appointments, or a term limit? What are the criteria for re-appointment, when so many folks might bring more independence, experience, and vocational experience to service on Boards and Commissions? Is Danny Roach avoiding scheduling a meeting he can attend and lead, as his title calls for?
Time will tell.
JML, I kind of agree with you. Chief Perez is a nice guy but the sooner the better that a nationwide search and appointment of a new Police Chief the better the city and the department will be. The City wanted the police and fire chief to act immediately in discipline and to fired workers.
*** Is it possible that the kid was just trying to get away & panicked since he was so young & not really a career criminal to understand the situation & whats the better way to react to avoid further charges & a possible beat-down! Or did the rookie officer panic in those split seconds of the actions taking place & just drew and fired? The State Police Invest. should hopefully shed some lite on the P/O’s actions under that situation and if he was indeed within his departmental guidelines & personal safety, to use deadly force? Certainly no winners in that all too often urban outcome that seems to be another American tragic story.***
However this goes there is no winner here either way you look at it.
I am sure that Officer didn’t wake up that morning and planned on shooting someone. I am sure Jason Negron did not plan to die at the hands of a cop. Yet Officer Bulay and Jason Negron met and the lives of the Negron family and Boulay families will never be the same again.
I hope people show restraint today, tearing up property and being angry at any cop is not going to change anything if anything is going to make bad matters worse.
Where was the outrage and protest at the last homicide or didn’t Jawuan Green’s life matter? There are a lot of mother’s and other families out there who want justice too. Sadly that day will never come so as long as people sit in silence.
Don’t these mother’s and families deserve justice too?
To quote JML
” Time will tell “
I’m probably going to be taken to the woodshed for my comments, but am I the only one who is tired of these roadside memorials erected to commemorate a relative or friend who met an untimely death on the streets of Bridgeport? I can understand expressing their emotions in the month following the death, but after that most are left untended and become a blight to my eyes. They are scattered all over the city. If you want to honor your dead visit their grave.
Well you can always take them down if they bother you that much.
The verdict is in so what’s next?
One day one of the supporters of Jason or Jason’s family is going to need a cop. Are they going to put their feelings aside or are they going to give the cop or cops some shit over something those Offices we’re not responsible for?
What about the next time a supporter of Jason is pulled over?
What if that cop is Officer Boulay?