What do you think about Ned Lamont jumping into the race for governor?
The candidate sensation from 2006 who defeated U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman in a Democratic primary only to lose to Joe’s independent candidacy thanks to the entire GOP state establishment including Governor Jodi Rell tanking the Republican candidate Alan Schlesinger (wonder if they’d do that again) is giving it some thought.
Veteran reporter Mark Pazniokas, a casualty of the Hartford Courant’s layoff chainsaw last week, wrote a revealing piece for The New York Times on Thursday in which Ned signaled his interest to run for the state’s top spot. Ned would add a whole new dimension to the race, someone with potent union support and, in fact, Ned crowed about bringing the unions to the table as a solution to the state’s budget woes.
Really? Ned may be a successful business dude but at heart he’s an old-time liberal’s liberal. I don’t see him calling on unions to reach deep into their pockets to help close the state budget deficit while he’s courting their support for a primary battle. We’ll see.
The Democratic lineup thus far for 2010 is Connecticut Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz, former House Speaker and Bridgeport native Jim Amann and Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy, the 2006 endorsed candidate for governor who was knocked off in a primary by New Haven Mayor John DeStefano who was croaked by Governor Rell.
I see SuBy taking this thing to the convention and waging a primary if she’s not the endorsed candidate. She’s a relentless campaigner with a history of primary success. Ned may be another in a line of Democratic ultra libs (Bill Curry, DeStefano) that perform well in a primary only to drown in a sea of Connecticut independent voters.
Of course, this assumes Jodi Rell will seek reelection. If she doesn’t, new ball game.
But I wonder what OIB friends such as John from Black Rock think of Ned getting into this thing. John is a pretty good barometer.
Party With OIB
I’m excited, less than a week until the first anniversary OIB party. Join us next Thursday, 6 p.m. at Matty’s Corner at Fairfield Avenue and Brewster Street in that cool hamlet we call Black Rock. The first cocktail is on OIB. Better yet, 6 to 7 p.m. is happy hour. More better yet, proprietor Danny Roach is throwing us a spread. Yeah baby, free food. Please, someone tell State Rep. Chris Caruso about this. Will Chris be stuck in Hartford?
Since we’re turning the clocks ahead this weekend and advancing toward spring, we can actually take advantage of natural light inside Matty’s. Vitamin D, that’s what we need, to complement the proprietor’s spirits.
When you’re done with us, or before you join us that night, check out OIB friend Eileen Walsh’s artist reception at The Gallery at Black Rock for the work of Jessica Bajoros. The Gallery at Black Rock is 2861 Fairfield Avenue. Let’s support Eileen and her new gallery. See Jessica’s work below.

Marty Wants You
On Monday, at 5:15 p.m. the Bridgeport Film Club will screen Golden Door, a multiple-award-winning feature film about Sicilian immigration to America. The free showing is at Bridgeport Public Library, north branch, 3455 Madison Avenue.
I’m told that Martin Scorsese thinks so highly of this film that he personally sponsored the release of it on DVD.
News release from Congressman Himes
Himes Announces Recovery Funding for Public Safety, Crime Prevention
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) today announced $2.4 million in funding for local law enforcement and crime prevention for communities in Connecticut’s 4th District, including $1.6 million for the City of Bridgeport, through the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program. The funding is part of a national Department of Justice investment including more than $4 billion for state and local law enforcement and other criminal and juvenile justice activities. Connecticut will receive a total $20.5 million. A complete list of community-specific grants follows this release, and an additional $12.5 million will go directly to the state of Connecticut.
“Just weeks after President Obama signed the Recovery Act into law, money is flowing into our communities to improve our safety and create jobs,” said Congressman Himes. “Step by step, we’re improving the quality of life in our cities and towns.”
The JAG Program, administered by OJP’s Bureau of Justice Assistance, allows states and local governments to support a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime and improve the criminal justice system. The procedure for allocating JAG grants is based on a formula of population and violent crime statistics, in combination with a minimum allocation to ensure that each state and territory receives an appropriate share of funding. Sixty percent of the allocation is awarded to the state and 40 percent is set aside for units of local governments.
“I want to thank President Obama and Congressman Himes for securing these funds for the citizens of Bridgeport,” said Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch. “Maintaining public safety is a top priority of my administration and this funding will enable our Police Department to continue to enhance our community policing efforts, especially in the area of education and training.”
Funding that is awarded directly to the state will be administered by a State Administering Agency (SAA) which will then set priorities and allocate funds within that state. Additional information about SAAs can be found at www.ojp.usdoj.gov/saa/index.htm.
Communities in the 4th district receiving direct JAG grants include:
Bridgeport $1,612,284
Darien $17,798
Fairfield $36,992
Greenwich $23,033
Norwalk $328,390
Shelton $21,288
Stamford $374,106
Trumbull $17,100
Westport $13,959
*** That picture by Jess Bajoros about the bird fight seems as though 2 artists contributed to the painting? The birds look realistic enough, but some of the flowers in the painting seem amateur like, especially the pink daisy-like ones! *** OIB readers take a good look & see, or maybe it’s the wine and time of night that’s affecting my vision? *** Night-Night! ***
The title of Jessica Bajoros’ upcoming Gallery at Black Rock exhibition is “Portraits and Mutations”.
I’d attribute the realistic nature of the birds to the “portrait” part of the title, and the stylistically flat and cartoonish nature of the pink flowers to the “Mutations” part of the show title.
BTW, kudos to Lennie for helping to promote Eileen Walsh and her great new gallery. Every show at the gallery is another important building block in bringing and maintaining high quality art in Bridgeport.
Actually, the addition of the pink flowers in Jessica’s piece reminds me of the work of the great Chicago outsider artist, Henry Darger. Darger was possibly the second greatest unknown American artist of the 20th century.
Of course, the greatest unknown artist of the 20th century was the great Delman Mangrove, author of “The Layman’s Guide To Perspicacity”. It was Mangrove who wrote of the visual and written work of Darger, “I don’t know if it’s art, but I know it makes me want to set fire to my eyelids, because nothing I see after Darger will ever burn so bright.”
Of course, if Mangrove actually burned off his eyelids, wouldn’t everything appear really, really bright because he could no longer close his eyes?
Hmmm … once again, the great Mangrove makes the mind reel with the large questions of life.
I’m confused.
You’re confused? I’m confused, too. And I wrote it!
But in the work of the true genius–like that of Darger and Mangrove–confusion may be the path to true enlightenment–or at least one hell of a sense of falling off a tricycle in heavy traffic.
Lamont–just who we need to go along with the Liberal we have leading the country. We are being led down the road to financial ruin by Obama so adding Lamont into the mix would just be great. Lamont can help bankrupt Connecticut. He can tax everyone making $250K or more; that seems to be the democratic mantra. Since Obama has taken office I have lost 45% of my 401(k) and it is still falling. A lifetime of saving for my old age up in smoke. Obama is worried about everyone but the people that played by the rules. People don’t or can’t pay their inflated mortgage, don’t worry the government will bail you out. Companies and banks that screwed up, don’t worry we will bail you out. On unemployment here is an extra $25 per week, Don’t have the greatest medical, don’t worry the government is taking that over also.
Played by the rules, paid your mortgage, took care of your medical coverage, did not drown yourself in credit card debt? The government has something for you also. IT’S THE MIDDLE FINGER.
*** There are always other countries besides America to ponder if life burdens you so from “always doing the right thing” here in America & getting screwed? ***
Did you ever notice that “Wondering” purports to be an authority on absolutely every topic that is raised on OIB? Will Lee once told me that such behavior is a sign of a consummate bullshitter. I think Will may be right.
Ned had a meeting in Norwalk Wednesday night. I was planning on attending but was sidetracked by a 4-hour coffee break with Judith. I definitely made the right decision. But Ned is up to something. Maybe John from BR was there.
What’s wrong with SuBy as our new Governor? BTW … Jodi isn’t doing too bad a job keeping house and home together in these troubled times. If she chooses to run for an additional term, I will vote for her. As far as the guy from Stamford, DeStefano and (God help us all) Amann, we could do far better with either SuBy or Jodi. But … if Bloomie gets interested, it’s a whole new ball game. Frankly, I would rather see Bloomie replace Dodd.
Stone; Never said I was an expert on anything. I spend a lot of time reading 6 newspapers and watching news shows. No cartoons. The last time I checked we were still the USA and had freedom of speech. BTW where am I wrong in my last post? If I were the consummate bullshit artist I would have been a politician.
The last person I can remember that used reading several newspapers and magazines was former VP Candidate, Governor Sarah Palin … And we all saw how much of a bullshitter she was … I dunno wondering, not much of a strong defense there …
More Breaking News on The City Hall Bank Deposit Heist!
Another Bridgeport To Nowhere Crime News Exclusive!!!
As the foremost online pseudo-journalist in Fairfield County, I’ve been leaked the video source before the city releases it to the rest of the media.
Read all about it and reach the link to this exclusive news video:
Eat fudge, Matt Drudge!
Mr. Barnum’s Bridgeport To Nowhere
You obviously have never heard of the law of diminishing returns. When one has a comment on everything, the accumulated suggestion is that such commentary opinion is of little value because no one can be expert on all of the topics before the forum. You seem to think you are. A wise man once told me not to waste my arrows on sparrows when there are tigers in the jungle. Perhaps you might better serve the OIB public if you were to pick a topic for which you might be considered “informed”. And yes, we do enjoy freedom of speech. Such freedom does cause us to endure a considerable amount of bullshit. May your day be blessed with goodness.
He who lives in glass house should not throw Stone Barringtons.
Stone: You still don’t get it. The OIB public is free to read or not read what I post. I will tell you again (try to understand), I never claimed to be an EXPERT on the subjects I post but I am informed. Now if you want to debate what I have posted let’s have at it. I guess you want someone to post what you agree with. I am sorry that you feel that you have to endure a considerable amount of BS. You don’t have to endure squat just hit the off button on your computer or don’t dial up OIB or failing that just skip over what I post.
Tell the truth. You are impressed by what I post. A little intimidated. That’s okay. I will try to use smaller words.
Commenting on every post is welcomed … commenting negatively on every post gets boring … a little positive karma goes a hell of a looong way.
While the money is always important to cities and towns, it is not new money. It is a formula block grant program that comes each year automatically. I will agree it is important to keep the program alive.
Paging Mojo.
If this bill passes, your family must get rid of you.
www .connpost.com/ci_11853181
Joel, are you bringing stubby to the party?
Stubby is a minor; I don’t think Danny Roach will sell him any alcohol.
I agree with much of what you parrot back to the OIB community; not all, but a sufficient amount. Yet I think you feel that you are the end of all thought with respect to commentary. I think you write before you think and purport pedantic tendencies. You, like Joel who has similar proclivities for prose floods, are given little attention simply due to the fact that both of you are generally the first responder to EVERY OIB post.
You’re not as smart as you may think. You could not put together a word long enough that I would not understand its meaning.
Some people contribute … others don’t.
Do you consider your post a “contribution”? Your post is a clear example of a contribushit.
You didn’t have a problem with my comments, until you read: “He who lives in glass house should not throw Stone Barringtons.”
Try throwing some more Stone Barringtons this way. The one you threw missed my computer screen and landed in the garbage receptacle instead.
Stone; Nice to hear from you. The reason I am usually the first to post is that I am up at 4:30–5AM every day. Check the times on my early posts. I do not care if there are responses to what I write or not. I do know from the feedback I get that my postings are read at city hall and that’s what I intended for the most part.
You can check my postings and for the most part they are on the money. The figures that I use are pretty close to accurate. Much of what I post is information I get from internal sources at city hall. You will note I do not for the most part denigrate other posters’ comments.
You have to remember I never said that I was the intellectual leader of this blog. What I try to do is get people to think about the issues. If they agree with me, fine; if not, that’s fine also as long as they think about the issues. This is not a pissing contest, the word you might look up is DUH!!!
Wondering, you can post any time you want. Thank you.
You too, Stoner.
You tell ’em, Wondering! Who the hell is Stone Barrington anyway? What gives him the right to label anyone on this blog a bullshitter? This blog is full of bullshitters in one way or another. That’s why Lenny thinks it’s successful.
Yes. Wondering can be counted upon to comment on virtually everything claiming informed commentary resulting from reading six newspapers every day and watching myriad cable newscasts. Who among we bloggers can claim such diligence to current events?
It really gets under my skin when one OIBer claims intellectual superiority over another.
I certainly read this blog on a daily basis. But Stone, I don’t recall any significant contributions on your part; intellectual or otherwise.
(F-bomb deleted) AND this week’s Philistine designation goes to none other than Stone Barrington.
I personally think all posts are valuable; that is the point of the blog isn’t it? A free exchange of opinions and ideas. Everyone should consider the source and check into the facts further before they believe everything they read. However if someone doesn’t believe what is posted or is angered by a post, it is a great opportunity to read the ensuing debate. Public Discourse. It is like the community watering hole. Vetting ideas, opinions, is much better than everyone being of the same mind. I prefer to see it done with respect and humor not vindictive and mean. Maybe sometimes we will all agree, many times though we won’t. I personally like to know all the arguments against my argument; it is much easier then to bolster your side of the issue.
I usually never post jokes, but this one made me laugh; it reminded me of someone I used to know. So I hope you don’t mind:
The IRS decides to audit Grandpa, and summons him to the IRS office.
The IRS auditor was not surprised when Grandpa showed up with his attorney.
The auditor said, ‘Well, sir, you have an extravagant lifestyle and no full-time employment, Which you explain by saying that you win money gambling.
I’m not sure the IRS finds that believable.’
I’m a great gambler, and I can prove it,’ says Grandpa. ‘How about a demonstration?’
The auditor thinks for a moment and said, ‘Okay. Go ahead.’
Grandpa says, ‘I’ll bet you a thousand dollars that I can bite my own eye.’
The auditor thinks a moment and says, ‘It’s a bet.’
Grandpa removes his glass eye and bites it. The auditor’s jaw drops.
Grandpa says, ‘Now, I’ll bet you two thousand dollars that I can bite my other eye.’
Now the auditor can tell that Grandpa isn’t blind, so he takes the bet.
Grandpa removes his dentures and bites his good eye. The stunned auditor now realizes he has wagered and lost three grand, with Grandpa’s attorney as a witness. He starts to get nervous.
‘Want to go double or nothing?’ Grandpa asks ‘I’ll bet you six thousand dollars that I can stand on one side of your desk, and pee into that wastebasket on the other side, and never get a drop anywhere in between.’
The auditor, twice burned, is cautious now, but he looks carefully and decides there’s no way this old guy could possibly manage that stunt, so he agrees again.
Grandpa stands beside the desk and unzips his pants, but although he strains mightily, he can’t make the stream reach the wastebasket on the other side, so he pretty much urinates all over the auditor’s desk.
The auditor leaps with joy, realizing that he has just turned a major loss into a huge win.
But Grandpa’s own attorney moans and puts his head in his hands.
‘Are you okay?’ the auditor asks.
‘Not really,’ says the attorney. ‘This morning, when Grandpa told me he’d been summoned for an audit, he bet me twenty-five thousand dollars that he could come in here and piss all over your desk and that you’d be happy about it!’
It reminds of line from the play “Guys and Dolls” by the great Damon Runyon: Father to a son, “Son, some day you will meet a man who will bet you that he can make the jack of spades jump out of your pocket and squirt cider in your ear. Do not bet this man, son. For as sure as you’re standing there the jack of spades will jump out of your pocket and squirt cider in your ear.”
I have a joke. It may not be specific to things being said here but it is funny just the same.
A man is sitting on his porch as flood waters creep toward his house. A National Guard truck rumbles up the driveway. One of the soldiers implores the man, “Get in the truck! The levies have broken through and you’ll be washed away.”
The man replies, “All my life I’ve been a devout Christian. God will look after me.”
The truckdriver says, “Suit yourself” and drives off.
A little while later the flood waters have reached the house. The man is now on the second floor, hanging out his bedroom window. A National Guard boat putters up and the boat’s operator implores the man, “Get in the boat! The flood waters haven’t crested yet. You’ll be washed away!”
The man replies, “All my life I’ve been a devout Christian. God will look after me.”
After several more entreaties the boat sputters off.
A little while after that the waters have submerged nearly all of the house. The man is stranded on the roof, clinging to the chimney. A National Guard helicopter appears and lowers a rope ladder to the the man. A guardsman shout over the roar of the rotor blades for the man to “climb up the ladder, man, you’ll be swept away by the current.”
The man replies, “All my life I’ve been a devout Christian. God will look after me.”
The ‘copter flies off, leaving the man to his fate: he drowns, and finds himself standing before God on His throne. He addresses the Almighty, “God, I’ve been a devout Christian my whole life; I thought You would take care of me.”
God answers, “I sent a truck, a boat and a helicopter, you moron; what more did you want?!”
I read a couple of things myself.
I’m getting a little fed up with the Republican bashing of the stimulus package that OB pushed into law. McCain is bitching about the 9000+ earmarks that are part of the the program.
What McCain fails to tell is that these earmarks are largely the brain farts of his own party. This stimulus package was born long before the election. The connivers in Congress were front-loading for weeks. I believe OB sacrificed the earmarks in order to get the meat on the table.
The litmus will be proved if subsequent OB economic stimulus legislation contains any pork at all. I think it won’t.
Oh Yeah!!!
Look at it this way.
Who would you rather have orchestrating our economic recovery … Obama or George W. Bush?
Latest Saturday Morning City Hall Robbery Breaking News!
I’ve posted the latest breaking news on the City Hall bank deposit robbery of last Tuesday. My city hall source “Gag Reflex” has just provided me with the exclusive link to the video of the first suspect!
See it here before the rest of your neighbors even know it’s happened! And I’m sure that developments are yet to come! I smell a conspiracy cooking in the city hall kitchen.
Here’s the link:
Mr. Barnum’s Bridgeport To Nowhere
Andrew Nunn should think twice about who he gives incriminating documents to put through the shredder. Especially when that person’s smarter than him!
Nunn should stop walking around the annex thinking he is the Lord Almighty himself. I hear he has the “do you know who I am” complex and has no problem dishing the words to the poor little people who work twice as hard for half the pay {especially if you have anything to do with CitiStat}.
Latest Sunday Morning City Hall Robbery Breaking News!
I’ve posted the latest breaking news on last Tuesday’s City Hall bank deposit robbery. My city hall source “Gag Reflex” has just provided me with today’s exclusive link to the video of the second suspect in police custody!
Here’s the link:
And by the way, I’m sick of the growing crime in this town. Last night, someone stole an hour from me. Where will it end?
Mr. Barnum’s Bridgeport To Nowhere
This day started out rather well. Didn’t have to eat breakfast at 7:00 and be out the door by 7:30. Got to take a nice hot shower, nosh o few doughnuts, drink some halfway decent coffee and head to Faith Gospel Assembly on Lafayette Street for a leisurely breakfast. I met with a couple of people shooting a documentary video on homelessness in Bridgeport. We made our way to the I-95 bridge on John Street. There was a Puerto Rican woman handing out bread, rolls and pastries. My associates interviewed her. She’s been doing this for years. Another woman, a Gringa, handed out bananas and shell peanuts. Then representatives from local churches (including the Salvation Army) arrived to pass out soup, pasta and sauce, and other hot foods. Dave and Josh interviewed several people including the homeless and the people feeding them. All of them said the problem is worse than it’s ever been. The homeless men were universal in their proposed solution: create jobs.
This issue won’t pass muster among Bridgeport’s delegation: they’re all just too self-absorbed to give a shit about much of anything else. Homeless people don’t have fixed addresses, and because they don’t have fixed addresses they aren’t registered to vote. End of story. Or is it? Many of these people are unemployed. Many suffer from grave emotional and/or mental disorders, making it impossible for them to hold a job. There are many that have a strong desire to work, but once a man ends up at a homeless shelter he becomes unemployable, because no one wants to hire a person with a transcient lifestyle, no matter how temporary it might be. The men suffering from emotional and mental disorders would’ve had a place to live if John Rowland, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and the rest of the GOP egomaniacs hadn’t eliminated the funding for mental hospitals.
Sorry to say Kid, in this time of unemployment and high taxes and hoping to have your longtime job next week, you are barking up the wrong tree wanted anyone to feel sorry for the homeless when most people are struggling to pay their mortgage and send their kids to college. It’s every man and women for themselves at this point and when a homeless person begs for change I ask them why should I give it to you when I have two young children at home who I brought into this world?
I’m not asking anyone to feel sorry for the homeless (or feel sorry for themselves, for that matter). If a homeless man asks you for spare change, you have two choices: give it to him, or not. He’s not asking why you should give it up. If you don’t want to give a homeless guy your spare change, then don’t give it to him. The reasoning you employ to rationalize not giving it is your business, your cross to bear.
Getting back to Andrew Nunn, I’m hearing a lot of strange things going on at the Annex and I’ve been trying to piece them all together.
1. We know that Charlie Carroll had a shit fit all over John Gomes because John exposed the Merit Insurance sweetheart deal.
2. We know that they have been switching license plates on several City cars. They are taking off the municipal plates and putting on regular plates.
3. We know that there’s been a lot of shredding of documents ordered by Andy Nunn.
So my question is: Are these all connected in some way? Is there some kind of insurance scam going on? I’m no expert but it seems to me that it’s illegal to change plates on a vehicle. The registration has the license plate and VIN # on it, right? So could it be that we are not paying the insurance policy on all of the vehicles; we’re just switching the plates?
Something definitely is going on and Andrew Nunn is trying to cover it up. All I can say is I hope Gomes is smart enough to make copies of the documents he’s been ordered to shred. Because the truth always prevails.
I’m touched!
“While that’s where I’m focused, I am going to continue a broad and deep conversation with the people of Connecticut about the future of our state.”
There you have it Lennie, do a pol pod interview with Malloy.
*** Since you’re always crying about Democrats & claim to be a “new”-age Republican, it’s once again “look @ what Joel’s doing about the future of our state” story time! Now you seem to be pushing for Malloy (a Dem.) & P/R interview time for him; only to possibly bash him later in the upcoming governor’s election process ’cause he’s a Dem. You’re the type of person that will see a Red light & drive through, claim out loud it was Yellow, but in the accident report write down it was Green??? *** Go figure! ***
What are you rambling about now?
It’s too hard for you to figure out that Dan and Cathy Malloy sent out the above e-mail to everyone on their e-mail list? It’s even harder for you to figure out that the second comment is a quote from that same e-mail?
Since when does a traffic violator get to write the police report himself? OIMW Only In Mojo’s World.
America votes for “Change” …
www .suntimes.com/business/1465536,CST-NWS-unemploy07.article
If Finchmeister weren’t so oblivious to what his staff (mainly Carroll and Nunn and Sherwood ) were doing, and had some stones to do something about them, Bridgeport would be a better place. They all have “I will vote for Fabrizi” bumper stickers on their personal cars, the ones with missing license plates of course due to they are on their city vehicles.
Joel–I agree with you about Malloy. Also, I think it would be very unwise for anyone to turn a personal issue into a political one.
BPT Consigliere–I agree with the Kid. You were just being nasty. Guess if you have a mortgage you have a house, if you have kids you need to put through college they are getting an education, if you are worried about losing a job at least you have one in the first place. It’s always amazing to me that those with “the everyone for themselves” mentality are usually the ones on the far right claiming moral superiority.
I also get taxed up my ying yang and some of that money goes to the public schools so the kids eat for free two to three meals a day and get babysat during the lighthouse programs; and I get taxed up the ying yang so the homeless can have shelters and food; you can’t tell me that it’s all donations and not funded from some taxes. How about those taxes that go to welfare, so people can have 14 babies and live off the taxpayers??? I work as many hours as I can to give my family as much as I can, and I more than do my part with the taxes I pay. I’m not being nasty, I’m saying what 90% of the people say and feel. There’s nothing to feel guilty about when you provide for your family and am sick of getting half your pay due to taxes and giving to the people who don’t want to work. How many welfare people drive around in nice cars and eat for free on food stamps?
Cover up and City Hall, déjà vu all over again. This so friggin’ frustrating. Will Bridgeport ever get a decent, honest administration? If Nunn’s covering up something it’s probably been ordered by the boy-blunder Wood. Finch may have a short attention span, but can he really be a mushroom sitting in the dark while they shovel bullshit on him? I doubt it. The sharks are swimming in the pool and they smell blood. Hell, I doubt they can even find all the cars the city owns. Fabrizi was a make-things-happen, I-don’t-care-how, don’t-tell-me-no-or-how kind of guy. The Accidental Mayor showed all the plotting going on for a re-election bid behind Stafstrom’s back. I am curious to know what footage got left on the cutting-room floor. Did Stafstrom know and not tell Finch, did Finch know and not care? Finch and his people were too stupid to care. Finch had no clue what he was getting into and didn’t want to listen to anyone who was going to rain on his parade.
Bpt Consigliere–Oh yeah, Thanks to your taxes, the Bpt. Kid and the rest of the homeless here in Bridgeport are really living high on the hog.
Right now times are tough and we are all having a hard time. Lashing out at someone who’s having an even harder time than most of the rest of us on this forum strikes me as being particularly mean-spirited and unhelpful.
Just my opinion. Take it for what it’s worth.
It is clear this City needs to replace Nunn, Sherwood, Wood, Carroll and Feeney in order to operate effectively and HONESTLY. These folks all lack integrity and passion for improving the City of Bridgeport …
Your pieces on the homeless in Bridgeport are moving indeed, especially the one where you describe getting up late on Sunday presumably at a shelter, take a hot shower and get cleaned up nice so you could “wander” over to a local church for a leisurely breakfast.
This past Sunday I too got to sleep in a little later than normal. I rose and got cleaned up and went out for a nice breakfast. I, of course, had to pay the check when it arrived. I’m fortunate to be employed and attending to my financial responsibilities and have a little extra each week so that I can occasionally take my family out for breakfast.
Bridgeport is not unlike most big urban communities. There is a large homeless faction that is unable or unwilling to assimilate into productive society thereby necessitating costly “entitlement” assistance. Whether that assistance comes in the form of a municipal handout or by the grace of caring citizenry it still enables the downtrodden to live in status quo.
I think the entitlements should be given to the unable. But the unwilling must take affirmative steps daily to find work and remediate their place in life.
I often prepared sandwiches and fruits and coffee and took them to the homeless hot spots. I see many who desperately need help to live. Yet some, perhaps most of these people aggressively refuse to leave their little underbridge “homes” to go where heat, sanitation, food, counseling, clothes etc. are available. Some are truly desperate suffering from considerable mental deficiency. But most, if cleaned up, could get into the workforce taking up all those jobs we hear about filled by illegals because Americans don’t want to do them.
As I said … I am employed. My employer requires random drug testing. A failed test requires treatment. A second failed test causes termination. No more paycheck.
Someone recently suggested that those on entitlements be tested randomly before they are given monies. I think it’s a good idea. I won’t be able to get my paycheck if I use drugs … why should a person on entitlement be given money while impaired by drugs? These times are tough. Only the clean and sober are likely to get and retain jobs. Should we not ensure that the entitlement-takers are free from drugs and therefore in an improved state to get a job before we continue to allow them to live on the dole?
The bridge people are a sad group indeed. Nightly, support groups bring them food, drink and blankets. There is no incentive to seek improved lifestyle. Need a new coat? Ask. Hungry? The truck will be here about 6. Cold? Ask for a blanket.
There is a church off of Madison Avenue where illegals form each morning awaiting locals who need day labor. There is quite a large number standing around ready with tools. Most, not as many as before, are picked up and given a day’s pay for a days work. We need to prepare the entitled so that they might go to this street corner and get work.
I think most of the illegal immigrants are fine and they contribute is some ways to our society but all of them drain us big time in many other ways. The devil regarding illegal immigration is not in the immigrant but in the employer who pays a low wage for hard work and has no employment cost burdens which affect profits. That employer is a criminal of the highest order and should be caught and punished publicly so as to deter other unscrupulous employers from similar practice. At a time when jobs for Americans have become more and more scarce, illegals must not be employed when that job could be taken by an out-of-work American.
Back to my views on enabling the homeless. I recognize that there are countless homeless people who are so mentally ill that normal life shall never happen. It is these folks on whom our benevolence should focus. To the hale and hearty but impaired, I’m not so generous.
This afternoon, I will be taking a bunch of my clothes to a local shelter. Sadly, there is a gentleman in residence who has been there for at least five years. He comes from a prominent legal family in Bridgeport. I socialized with him nearly 20 years ago. Now, each time I bring things to this shelter, my old friend assists me in bringing the clothes to the sorting room. There is always an offer of coffee which I frequently take advantage of with my friend. The manager of the shelter joins us and extols the virtues of how hard my friend works cleaning, maintaining, sometimes cooking, always busing tables. There is no mandate at the shelter that my friend work to sustain his existence there. I often wonder why this fellow does not venture to the diner next door and offer his services for pay. I think it is because the shelter provides for all of his needs so why bother.