The city released on Friday a list of city employees who were pink-slipped last week, largely developed by acting Chief Administrative Officer John Gomes described in a CT Post article as Mayor Joe Ganim’s hatchet man. Gomes has been called worse than that by some city employees in response to how he goes about things, but so far Gomes does not seem to mind taking the heat for tough decisions. Ganim’s Communications Director Av Harris shared the layoff list that follows less State Rep. Kim Rose who was pulled back from the list.
From Brian Lockart, CT Post:
Lennie Grimaldi, who runs the Only in Bridgeport blog, worked for Ganim during his first administration. Grimaldi said there is no question Ganim is ultimately approving the layoffs. But, Grimaldi said, “Gomes right now is great cover for Joe because he has someone to blame.”
“Joe likes wiggle room. He’s going to let this play out until he decides, ‘Do I want to keep John for the long term’?” Grimaldi said. “In his mind if Gomes is a short term hatchet man, so be it.”
Full story here.
www .youtube.com/watch?v=_9yTFurS6nk
Damn, it seems like most of the posters and readers found the pictures more offensive than the underground Rap Group:
www .youtube.com/watch?v=cXWeVNkr8M0
John Gomes isn’t the only one who is making the tough decisions. It’s The Hatchet Family to blame, not the Hatchet Man. I’d say John Gomes is the ‘Chosen one’ to deliver the bad news to the individuals. I’ve heard quite a few complaints or observations from many who have come in contact with John Gomes. I take it a lot of people expect Gomes to smile more. The article makes it pretty clear Gomes wasn’t celebrating anyone’s loss of employment by smoking a cigar while cruising around (I wonder if he was listening to Hatchet Man). Last week Av Harris pointed the finger of blame at John Gomes as the Hatchet Man and it was clear Av Harris’ intention was to protect Joe Ganim from any potential outcry or fallout. What I found strange was Av Harris refused to answer any more questions from Lockhart despite the fact we are paying him more than we are paying John Gomes to answer questions from the media. The first thing I notice about the picture is John Gomes drives himself. The second thing I noticed is John Gomes sat with Brian Lockhart and answered all his questions himself. John Gomes, why didn’t you let Av Harris handle Lockhart?
Third thing I noticed was it sounded like John Gomes was offended by the Hatchet Man label. There is nothing wrong with labels. Anytime someone proposes to cut anything, others prepare labels for them. I’ve been called the Hatchet Man, Guillotine Man, but I prefer “The Finger Man.” But don’t confuse me with the other finger man (Av Harris).
The fourth and most important thing I learned about the article was John Gomes hasn’t drunk in a month. I wonder how long any of the critics, readers and OIB posters can say that? How long has it been since you had a drink, a smoke or taken your medication? Let the hatchet fall where it may or must. Now go back up and click on the YouTube link.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, this one is worth a million. This photo captures the essence of how most of the
country sees our beautiful City.
Zena Lu, there’s nothing wrong with the photo, what’s wrong are his actions.
I think the photo is in terribly poor taste, Ron.
The photo is in terribly poor taste, how is that poor taste?
Ron, I have the right not to like it. End of discussion.
Zena, he’s wearing a ski cap, a sweater and he’s smoking a cigar, now what’s wrong?
There is nothing “wrong.”
It’s simply a matter of perceived professionalism. That’s it. Nothing more. He wanted the title, now wear it well for it has become your identity, like it or not.
Zena, so what would make the photo professional?
The photo is very unprofessional for a person in his position. What really is upsetting is he seems to enjoy eliminating employees. You know what they say about payback!
I see the point of Godiva and Zena, especially if you recall just two weeks ago we had three elected BPT officials give the middle finger salute. Although I will say his picture from the Post article is more professional and fitting for a man in his position.
This is in the Post.
Let me ask you the same question I asked Zena, why is that photo not professional and what would make it professional? All I see is a ski cap, sweater and a cigar.
John is the one getting the payback! Finch screwed him for uncovering way too much. Go John.
Sorry Zena. In response to you post below, I had not seen the full gallery of photos online.
Keep up the good work, John! Keep gutting Finch’s bloated city hall.
It’s too bad Gomes does not see the writing on the wall. He will do all of Ganim’s dirty work and then be replaced by RB.
RB would be a better fit for the bRBc!
What is Joe Ganim doing about Richard DeParle (R) who sits on the Board of Assessment Appeals? DeParle cut more tax breaks for himself and his friends than Beverly’s Pizza cuts pies!
Andy Valeri was a good manager and got the job done. Went above and beyond most of the time. Took years of getting bit in the ass to learn the game and gain the experience to function at his level. Like Andy Kennedy at the city garage. Dept went downhill when he retired. As which will be the case with the Parks Dept’s 50 or more city parks. Eight civil service employed in Parks Dept. Seasonal employees can only work four months, then unemployment (OBAMA). Ball fields, soccer fields, maintaining municipal grounds, tree trimming! I see this administration outsourcing and privatizing! That was Ganim’s game back in the ’90s.
I heard from someone yesterday that Charles Carroll, the Parks Director retired because the administration was planning to get rid of him.
This article makes him sound like the next Adam Wood! Ha!
Also is anyone else bothered by the fact he chose to be photographed in his BMW the week he laid off all those people? Seems in poor taste.
The game remains the same. Only the players change. Will always have egotistical, intimidating, self-righteous assholes. This is politics in this day and age. A big SHIT BOWL. In four years it will happen all over AGAIN.
Wingnut, look at it from the bright side, the Hatchet Man could have had a wingman watching his back. “In four years,” we will not be having a $20 million deficit. This happens every time there’s a change of administration in all levels of Government. It may make you feel better if you don’t look at those getting laid off as having been hatcheted–look at it as having their wings clipped (with a hatchet).
Thug Life
The cigar picture was pulled from his personal Facebook page where he was celebrating 30 days without alcohol or soda during Lent. That has absolutely nothing to do with the layoffs or the City’s image. Stop taking things out of context. How many of you have Facebook pictures you’d rather not see on the cover of the Post? Get a grip, people.
Actually, this Fb picture of mine came out on the post. The Finger Man:
Yup, it’s from a personal page. Nope, there is nothing wrong with it.
The game change is it was available to the Post.
Agreed, but shame on the Post for choosing this particular picture, making it seem like John was somehow celebrating the loss of people’s jobs. And people are dumb enough to believe it!
I don’t care about the picture. I think what Gomes and Ganim are doing is wrong. There are true political jobs and changes with election is normal. However, this whole business of re-organizing city government is just a big ruse. They are making a mockery of the City Charter. The Police Department has been damaged by turning it into a political fiefdom. The same thing is happening with other City Departments. This is called BAD GOVERNANCE. We will have to wait four years until Ganim and his thugs are kicked out and maybe return to a semblance of a city government that serves the residents of the City of Bridgeport and does not first serve the needs of the occupant of the Mayor’s office.
Ganim did away with jobs where people had 25-30 years of service. Yet he keeps some bar owner who is making $91K a year checking on pot holes. There you go Jim Fox, how did this guy miss the old trolley tracks coming up through the roadway on Fairfield Ave?
Andy, because they’re in front of someone else’s bar!
Where are the copies of his advanced degrees?
At Testo’s Restaurant.
I checked with Mario, they are not there.
Bloggers are missing the point. Hatchet men are noted for their short duration. There’s no such thing as a career hatchet man.
That cigar is a symbol of a job completed, maybe a victory cruise. Expect an early retirement or a new position soon.
You know what the pathetic part of this whole article is? We glorify this moron like he’s some kind of bad-ass superhero, and a Mayor who shows who he really is. I note a trend of making comments that have no worth, a lot of you here at one point or another were people of influence, who stood for something and had a righteous attitude. WHAT HAPPENED? What we need to do is expose the CORRUPTION IN THIS GREAT CITY OF OURS AND CLEAN HOUSE. WE TALK THE TALK BUT NO ONE WALKS THE WALK. WHY ARE PEOPLE SCARED OF BRINGING DOWN LEADERS WHO DON’T HAVE THE BEST INTEREST OF THIS CITY IN MIND? You know the players, let’s get them OUT. Form a alliance just as big as theirs. That picture showed satisfaction through corruption. This BULLSHIT has to end!
And to my friend Lifelong Bpt, your comment regarding the middle finger, let me explain something and it’s not that I owe ANYONE ANY EXPLANATION, but so you can sleep at night, I will say that middle finger was a joke. People like yourself can corrupt it through allegations with NO VALIDITY, in addition I will speak for MYSELF when I say that middle finger that’s become of concern to you goes to all those DICK-TATERS who corrupt our city politics, who offered me positions of Fire Dept Commission, Police Dept Commission, and Park Commission so I can step down from running for Town Committee of Bridgeport, because they knew I was strong in JFK, and after I told them to take their offers and shove them, because I’m not a sellout, and you can’t buy me or take over my choices and decisions, you see I’m not a PUPPET, who anyone can pull strings on me, and when I declined they brought their dirt out to try to win, AND I STILL WON! BECAUSE I’M AN INDEPENDENT THINKER WITH MY OWN CHOICES. GET IT? GOT IT? GOOD. So now that you know Mr. Lifelong Bpt, maybe now you can rest easy and not worry, just sit back and watch the show, and if you need me, my name is ANGEL FIGUEROA, NEW TOWN COMMITTEE MEMBER FOR THE 138TH!!!
Angel, we welcome you to the Donald Trump Train, where politicians will be exposed and corporations will not be the influence on America’s direction. Your views on corrupt and corporate-owned politicians are awesome.
Angel, I sleep well at night. Thank you.
Not sure what allegations I made other than it looked childish, but that’s fine. I’m sure you will make a fine committee member.
Unlikely I would ever need you for anything, but thanks for the offer.
Gary, thank you, and I’m looking forward to riding this Express train.
What I find particularly incredible is the fact this person (hatchet man) readily admits to having a list of 20 names of people who could be next, in essence threatening every city employee. This is wrong on many levels not to mention thoroughly unprofessional. I’ve never seen anything close to this ever happening in the private sector. Never.
WOW. Disturbing is the correct word Mr.Phil and this is things we know about, imagine what’s kept under lock and key, and this so-called Hatchet Man going around threatening people’s livelihood, again under Ganim’s regime. I guess he’s not as innocent as he portrays himself. Little by little it’s all going to come out. I wish those victims who were affected by Ganim would come out and let’s combine forces to expose what’s really going on under Ganim’s torture chamber, I mean Town Hall.
Business decisions like this are made every day for cities, states, the federal government and the private sector. They have backup plans to cut the cost of running their operation base health and safety, budget shortfall, emergencies and other issues. The City has plans to close fire companies and fire houses in order to save money and Mr. Gomes is doing his job, he was given direction by higher-ups.
Ron–of course business decisions are made every day that affect the lives of the employees, but you missed my point regarding the threatening nature of this particular assertion. It is way out of bounds.
Phil, not only is it out of bounds, it causes emotional terror and fear. The loss of a job falls into the category of the three most tragic events that happens to us. I understand jobs are eliminated or cut off for many reasons, but isn’t there a more humane way to deliver this devastating news?