How Will Judge Clark’s Primary Decision Influence General Election?

General election sample ballot

Legal briefs this week will be submitted to Superior Court Judge William Clark who will decide if sufficient evidence exists to overturn Mayor Joe Ganim’s 251-vote victory over Democratic primary opponent John Gomes.

Defense lawyers Rich Buturla and John Kennelly rested their cases without any rebuttal, signaling their belief that Gomes’ lawyer William Bloss failed to meet the legal burden for the judge to order a new primary. Bloss maintains otherwise.

This is the first time in Connecticut court election challenges that video surveillance became the key instrument to question the count of the vote. Bloss asserts that the actions of Ganim campaign supporters stuffing absentee ballot drop boxes impacted the outcome.

No matter how Clark rules the losing party will file an appeal with the Connecticut Supreme Court that will hear the case as an expedited matter. Clark could issue a decision early next week placing the Nov. 7 general election just days away.

What will be the psyche of general election voters if they know a primary redo is forthcoming? Will the wind be at Ganim’s back if the judge denies a new primary? A win provides another four-year term.

Ganim will appear on the Democratic line Nov. 7, Gomes on the Bridgeport Independent Party line. David Herz is the Republican candidate and Lamond Daniels a petitioning candidate.

If Clark orders a new primary and it’s upheld by the Supremes, fire up the snowplows. If Ganim wins the redo he will win another four-year term. If Gomes wins the new primary then another general election will take place because Ganim has a spot on the New Movement Party line.

If Gomes win the general election Nov. 7 the court case becomes moot.

Then there’s Lamond Daniels. What if he wins the general election with the specter of a new primary?

A peculiar set of circumstances.








    1. Jeff, perhaps a new primary will be order, though Lennie’s question poses two different questions based on perspective, but gerneral the same.

      There is no doubt a decision before would have more of an impact on the psyche on the general election itself. Generally speaking though, the court process gives hope to the challenger’s side and anxiety to the other side. The aftermath of the decision is based on the outcome of the election.

      Quick Question, base on the evidents presented and know full well evidents doesn’t really matter in our criminally/civil system, particularly when it comes to politics what kinda shit show for Port poitics well come from the order passed down. 🙂

      Good luck Port Jesus is rooting for you. 🙂


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