Holiday Safety Tips From Police Department

From Public Safety spokesman Bill Kaempffer:

The holiday season is always a special time of year. It is also a time when busy people become careless and vulnerable to theft and other holiday crime.  We can never be too careful, too prepared or too aware. Please share this information with family, friends and neighbors. The Bridgeport Police Department wishes you a safe, happy and peaceful holiday season.

“The holiday shopping is in full swing, and we want people to be safe. People work too hard to make the holidays special for their kids and families. Make sure a careless moment doesn’t spoil your holiday season,” said Mayor Bill Finch.

Shopping takes up a lot of time during the holidays as people make their lists and check them twice.

“Sometimes shoppers are so busy remembering all the things they need to accomplish that they forget to be aware of their surroundings,” said Police Chief Joseph L. Gaudett Jr. “There are simple, common sense precautions that people can take to keep safe and ensure their holidays are happy.”

Here are some things to think about when shopping:

Do NOT leave valuables–gifts, cell phones, purse or clothing–in open view in your car. Take valuables with you, lock them in your trunk, or cover them in an unobtrusive way.

Always park in well-lit areas and park close to the entrance of the store or mall.

Don’t talk on a cell phone when walking to and from your vehicle. Keep your full attention on your surroundings.

Don’t electronically unlock your vehicle until you are within door opening distance. This helps stop a thief from getting into the car and waiting to strike when you least expect it.

If you are ready to leave the store and feel uneasy about entering the parking lot or garage by yourself, stay in the store and ask for a security escort.

Do not open your car door to anyone in a parking lot or garage. If you believe you are in danger, call 911 immediately.

Carry a purse or shoulder bag close to your body, not dangling by straps. Put a wallet in an inside pocket of your coat or front pants pocket.

Don’t fumble for house or car keys. Have them in your hand, ready to use when you reach the door.

Don’t flash large amounts of cash or offer tempting targets for theft such as expensive jewelry or clothing.


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