A gofundme page has been set up to help defray funeral costs of 12-year-old Clinton Howell who was shot Tuesday night on Willow Street. See page here.
Clinton was a very good person. He was loved by everyone that ever encountered him and he was full of life and joy. He loved school and video games specifically Fortnite. He always loved being around his family and being a big uncle to his two year old nephew. Clinton never associated his self with negative peers, he stayed to himself and just started to make friends in Middle School. He was coming from the store when this unfortunate situation took place. He just wanted snacks from the corner store like he does everyday. He was ready for the upcoming holidays and he also was looking forward to his 13th Birthday on January 13. We would love to ask if anyone can give anything we would appreciate. We know it’s the holidays and it may be hard, so anything will contribute. Thank you very much.
There were no comments so I will provide one at least. This can only be called as heartbreaking and tragic. I went to the GoFundMe page and I saw that $9905.00 has been raised with the goal of $20,000.00.
Bear hug your kids Bridgeport!