UPDATE: If the number of campaign headquarters matter in a Democratic primary, Joe Ganim’s in the lead. He has a presence in the North End (2), East End and now the East Side. Could the South End, West Side and Black Rock be in the future? What’s more important, the size of a candidate’s ideas or the size of headquarters? Does Joe have more ideas or more HQ?
The former mayor opened a headquarters this weekend on East Main Street in the heart of the Latino voting population. Ganim is trying to reinvent himself as something of a government reformer, in his comeback following his 2003 conviction on federal corruption charges, calling for campaign finance reform on a local level to eliminate special interests, pilfered from New Haven’s model program.
Ganim has also proposed a Public Integrity Unit suggesting it could be led by the former federal agent Ed Adams who locked him up, although Joe has shared little safeguard details. Ganim announced he will reveal details of that plan on Monday.
Are you buying any of this?
As an answer to your question, the answer is no. Ganim support is limited to the ignorant and self-serving individuals. Ganim can open up headquarters everywhere. It will not change the end results.
His endorsements are limited. His supporters are self-serving, his funds are drying up but hey, here is the comparison. Mayor Finch is like Subway corporation. Ganim is like Quiznos (both went out of business) and Mary-Jane is like Wendy’s. Mayor Finch id like McDonalds and Ganim is Burger King. People prefer McDonalds, you know, the fries.
I guess it helps the morale of those working on his campaign believing there is hope. There is none.
Besides, doesn’t Mayor Finch already have three headquarters?
And speaking about endorsements, congratulations to Mayor Finch for his Carpenters Union endorsement. No surprise there. Downtown and Steelpointe will keep these men and women working for 20 years. That is only the beginning. All good stuff!
Ganim’s support is so limited, that is why there are crowds in every picture with Ganim and Finch recycles the same four people in his commercials about Bridgeport is getting better every day. Finch is like the Arcade Mall, looks nice in pictures but always empty when you are there and Ganim is like the Merritt Canteen, always bustling.
Yes, the Merritt Canteen is always bustling with Sacred Heart students and they don’t support him. Speaking about Sacred Heart, that entire North End neighborhood credits Ganim with the overpowering dormitories that have changed those neighborhoods forever. Heading south in the North End, Ganim is warmly remembered for changing the Madison Avenue neighborhood by filling in the Dewhirst dairy where many ice skated in their youth and his friends built a Stop & Shop even though the residents and local elected officials said no.
One can only wonder what favor he will do for Mario Testa and changing the zoning so Testa can build a highrise? A Sacred Heart dorm?
Speaking about Mayor Finch talking to people, I can attest the Mayor has been walking every neighborhood in Bridgeport and three hours with myself in the North End. The response was excellent!
You know what other university students don’t support Finch? University of Bridgeport students because Finch’s ego is so big, he doesn’t even attend their graduation even though many Bridgeport kids from UB are the first in their families to ever achieve a bachelor’s degree. About Stop & Shop and that big dorm, as I have said before, Finch and Ganim are both full of shit. You know why? Because they are politicians. But I will go for the politician who changed Bridgeport more than anyone else. And besides, Finch was the president of the City Council when the Stop & Shop and dorm construction happened. And guess what, he supported it. Finch and the UI solar panels at Seaside Park, the new Marina Village public housing high rise next to the Harbor Yard Arena, the driveway for his pal at Sikorsky Airport, the new charter schools. Same shit as Ganim except it’s 2015. So pick your poison.
Most of those students are not BPT residents.
Most of those students vote in Iraq, Pakistan and Iran. But we welcome them to UB. And I believe UB is a major force in the South. I was just commending George Estrada for overseeing some major projects and how exciting the Mayor’s endorsement of housing on the waterfront can only enhance the image of Bridgeport.
Steve, I know you remember this. Jackie Cocco, former State Representative, fought with all her might and influence to stop a funeral parlor from relocating to that North End area, and she won. It wasn’t long after that SHU began expanding on the very spot she left open for reuse. If you also remember, she fought to have a Little League in the North End. She got the ball running on that and then it took on a life of its own. She stopped the Little League while Bucci was in office, and I’m not sure who was in office for the SHU debacle.
Joe Ganim, silly!
Okay, I really couldn’t remember.
Everyone who supports Ganim is ignorant? Does this include Rev. McBride who fought for civil rights? Or maybe you are right because as Finch said, “Democracy doesn’t always work.” I wish Finch would say that to our men and women in uniform, “Democracy doesn’t always work.”
The biggest problem with Finch is respect. He shows no respect for what the citizens of Bridgeport want. He does too much talking and not enough listening. It’s the Finch way or no way. Blacks fought for civil rights and Finch tried to take away their right to vote. The people of Bridgeport are tired of elected officials having city jobs but Finch doesn’t care. People are tired of the shady charter school politics but he still pushes the agenda. People didn’t want solar panels at Seaside Park but he didn’t care.
I just watched Mayor Finch on Channel 12 News. He had the nerve to speak at a black church today about the Voting Rights Act and how important that everyone has the right to vote.
I’m sorry. Wasn’t it Mayor Finch who tried to take our right to vote away? Wasn’t it Mayor Finch who stated “democracy doesn’t always work?” Wasn’t it Mayor Finch who organized this coup with a white billionaire from Greenwich and Malloy? Wasn’t it Finch who could have cared less about recognizing the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Voting Rights Act and the recognition of Reverend Lee who marched at Selma because his only concerns was his political life?
If this isn’t PURE hypocrisy, I don’t know what is.
Maria, right on!
Bill Finch and the cabal of advisers he has surrounded himself with are petty, self-absorbed and racist. The Reverend Mary McBride-Lee is a revered civil rights figure in the city of Bridgeport. She is also a supporter of Joe Ganim, the man Finch’s re-election campaign fears most. So Finch had his chief of staff, Adam “Pecker” Wood, try to put the kibosh on an event at East End Tabernacle Baptist Church, an event that was scheduled by Denise Merrill, Connecticut Secretary of State, to fête Reverend McBride-Lee. It should be noted the Reverend McBride-Lee and the Reverend Charles Stallworth, the pastor of East End Tabernacle Baptist, are both African American, and supporters of Joe Ganim for mayor.
Is it a surprise a man who said “Democracy doesn’t always work” would try to shut down an event honoring a woman who marched in protest for voting rights? Seems to me the right to vote and the right to protest for rights is what democracy is all about.
Okay, add the $600 rebate we did not receive and this is posted about Finch consistently, which is fine as it is true, but why get so annoyed when Finch fires back every time Ganim was convicted and served time in prison during his term as mayor?
Why wouldn’t people mind solar panels on top of a dump? Sorry, I’m so pro solar panels.
Because in the contract with UI it was written in a way that would hold UI harmless forever. So if one of their workers were to get hurt it would be the city, I mean the TAXPAYERS, paying for this. It was the worse contract ever and Bridgeport would get only a few million from the deal in I think 20 years. And on top of that people were upset it would be in Seaside which is a beautiful beach. People feel really strongly about protecting Seaside Park. But Finch didn’t give a shit about the people. I am sure he will get a nice job with UI someday.
You do know they turned Seaside into a dump, right? They brought in garbage and dumped it in Seaside Park. I would think Bridgeport residents would be upset having a mountain of garbage being dumped in Seaside Park. Where were the protests when they were truckloading garbage in for years and stinking up the place? This is crazy, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I would concur with your and the people’s outrage if Finch wanted to place windmills in the mountain of garbage in Seaside Park. Windmills are stupid.
I agree Robert, windmills look worse but it was about how bad the contract is. It doesn’t help Bridgeport, it does gives the land away for pennies and puts a lot of legal risk for Bridgeport because of the hold harmless clause.
Mayor Popeye let all those trees be cut down in Black Rock. That’s how green this mayor is!
BptPorter, why don’t you turn everything into a racist scenario? Ignorance in this election will not prevail. Ganim is quickly losing steam. It has nothing to do with me or yourself. Bridgeporters will do the right thing. Rev McBride may not be ignorant but perhaps has her hand out. Why else would an ordained woman of G-d support a convicted felon over a hard-working honest Mayor? Why would she support a man who never sent his kids to a public school as opposed to a Mayor who has had four kids in public schools? Why support a Mayor who lives in EASTON but rented an apartment in Bridgeport over a Mayor who has lived in the city and pays nearly $10,000 a year in property taxes? Why would she support a Mayor who has champagne tastes when her own constituents can’t afford beer? You may be able to rationalize anyone’s behavior but trust me, in the East End it doesn’t resonate. People just do not love Joe like you do.
I don’t know Steve, you should probably ask McBride. But I have a guess. Maybe McBride supports a felon because she is a Reverend and is forgiving just like the Lord Jesus forgave our sins. That is hard for people to understand. She practices what she preaches.
And how is Ganim losing steam? He just opened a THIRD campaign station. You can read about it here:
Yeah, so he wrote a check. Big deal. I could open a headquarters in an empty storefront if I wanted. The only person who benefits is the landlord.
BptPorter, Joe just opened his fourth headquarters. 🙂
So in other words that Jew from Nazareth punishes the righteous and supports the damned? Okay I get it, or is that Satan? We all forgive, but do not endorse. Ganim wants to return to the scene of the crime and wants the uninformed to put him there. That’s how Stallworth and McBride derive their power. Under the veil of religiosity and an uniformed crowd. Let’s not compare Reverend McBride of 1964 to the Ganim asskisser of 2015. It is embarrassing. Thank you, Jesus.
I have to agree with BptPorter here. To quote Mary-Jane Foster,
“After eight long years of Mayor Finch and his cronies’ congenital lying to our people, he is now engaging in what is, effectively, fraud in the electorate. This is a mayor who lied about a $600 tax rebate, who continued to double dip in salary, who failed at a stealth conspiracy to take over our schools, who tried to cover up an obstruction of crime information and statistics, and now puts up a straw man in the general election …”
Let’s not forget Adam “Pecker” Wood, Finch’s chief of staff, endeavored to cancel an event honoring a local civil rights figure on the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act. The Reverend Mary McBride-Lee, a revered figure in the city of Bridgeport, marched hand in hand with the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, that state’s capital. It was not an easy thing to do: The marchers were met by hostile Alabama State Troopers armed with billy clubs, tear gas, guns and dogs. There were casualties: activist and church deacon Jimmie Lee Jackson died after being mortally shot several days earlier by a state trooper during a peaceful march in nearby Marion, Alabama; a white group beat and murdered civil rights activist James Reeb, a Unitarian Universalist minister from Boston, Massachusetts. This brave woman risked life and limb and family to stand up for what is right. She, as well as the Reverend Charles Stallworth, pastor of East End Tabernacle Baptist Church where the event was held, are both African American supporters of Joseph P. Ganim for mayor. Mr. Wood’s efforts to discredit Mr. Ganim’s campaign backfired and resulted in exposing the Finch cabal for what it is: petty, insensitive and racist.
Steve, you should never post on this blog you are able to articulate your opinions in a respectful and professional way because it is a complete lie. Because others support a candidate you are not supporting, you refer to them as “ignorant” and “self-serving.” You constantly post insulting and disparaging comments about those who don’t agree with your choice for mayor.
These insults are just over the top. Cut it out, Steve.
Maria, if I could ever be as disrespectful as you are regarding Mayor Finch, let me know. If you walked seven hours today like we did, you would be sick to your stomach as not one household had a comment about Ganim and many requested signs. Maria, again if I ever am as disrespectful to any blogger posting here as you are to Mayor Finch, Kadisha Coates etc., please tell me. I usually apologize when I cross the line. You do not. You are very unforgiving to many individuals but you forgive Ganim for everything. Does that make you hypocritical? You can get off your Rev. McBride obsessive compulsive support. I was the first on this blog to congratulate her on her contribution to the civil rights movement. I have urged every student in the 6, 7 and 8th grade to see the film “Selma.” Maria, I am certain you have not seen the film. I highly recommend it. As you know Maria, although I am not a personal fan of Rev. McBride Lee, I respect her accomplishments. Very disappointed in her keeping the East End down. And Maria, most important, I have a huge problem with ordained ministers being political, it is totally offensive to me.
Steve, I have in no way been over-the-top insulting to Mayor Finch and Kadisha Coates. I post FACTS about Mayor Finch that you do not like. I have seldom seen you post an apology for any of your posts.
By the way, I have seen the movie Selma. I actually learned quite a bit about President Johnson. You are making baseless assumptions.
Reverend Lee does not reside in the East End nor is her church located in the East End.
Steve, please seriously stop posting completely baseless and inaccurate comments about others. It reflects poorly on you.
Oh Maria, btw on an upbeat note I have seen dozens of Joe Ganim signs in the North End. The problem is usually each property has three and four signs. It is a cluster fuck and embarrassing to the candidate as well as a sign of desperation. I think one sign is sufficient,, don’t you? Check out the North End. I can tell you the properties that have three or four and the tenants living there didn’t put them there. They just look sloppy and sign pollution is as annoying as garbage in the streets. Don’t you agree? I think Joe Ganim would be embarrassed seeing homes in lovely neighborhoods assaulted by four Ganim signs on a 40 x 100 lot.
You really need to question your motivations for posting here. Neither Maria nor myself have attacked you personally unless provoked. It is more than obvious your posts are not designed to promote the cause of Bill Finch’s re-election. Rather you go out of your way to insult, heckle and otherwise annoy people. No one gives a rat’s ass about yard signs on vacant lots. No one cares about whom you’ve spoken to. You really ought to tone down your comments. It is you who has been personally attacking everyone who does not support Bill Finch for mayor. We are all entitled to our own opinions, entitled to support whichever candidate we choose to. If you don’t agree with our choices, you are entitled to not agree. It is guaranteed in the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Sorry Derek,
Your problem is I hit a nerve you obviously cannot handle. The difference between my comments to you and Maria P. is we converse and spar face-to-face on this blog. You cannot handle that I am a very effective supporter of Mayor Finch. What you get on this blog isn’t half of it. There is not one neighborhood in Bridgeport where I do not feel at home and to be honest, everyone on this blog who knows me will attest to that. So Derek, Bridgeport kid, your kissing Ganim’s ass may make you feel good but you are not taking your love for Ganim to the streets. If you are a Black Rock resident, you have to know Joe has practically zero support, they are Foster and Finch supporters. How can you stand it? Shout out to Jim Fox, the last person I spoke to on Saturday where I walked for a few hours was your friend Ralph the Barber and he supports Mayor Finch! What a great guy. Bridgeport Kid, little Derek, you may continue to insult me if it makes you feel good. I wouldn’t want to deprive you of joy at my expense. It’s all good. You know how Rev. McBride Lee said she never cried as much as she had with the Finch situation, surely you Bridgeport Kid realize she is full of crap! If that is what saddens her, I’d suggest she get off her medication as there is much pain and suffering in this world and because she easily forgives Ganim and is attempting to embarrass Finch is just about as pathetic as it gets. Don’t you agree? 🙂 Of course not!
Muchos cosas son dignos de elogio, pero solo uno puede ser el mejor. Re-elect Mayor Bill Finch in 2015.
Me piensa que eres un imbécil.
He has kept us maintaining two City Halls without purposeful study of alternatives, hasn’t he? Big halls, high ceilings, recreation room for limited patrons, tough to heat and cool, escalator broken (or too expensive?). Look at the dollars wasted everywhere. Time will tell.
That was a Joe Ganim scenario, wasn’t it? That annex should be made available for a 20-story luxury highrise. I never understood why Ganim had to take over that huge building.
So you are saying Ganim’s concept of a City Hall has been approved and expanded upon by Finch? Perhaps neither cares about City expenses, wasted space and inefficient process. Time will tell.
Oh JML, I credit Joe Ganim for attempting to fill a vacant building downtown. I believe if there were a developer interested in the Annex, I totally believe the Mayor would make the space available. The bottom line, personally, I say make that available for development, bring all operations back to Lyon terrace.
Btw, has anyone noticed the beautiful police memorial being built with water features between City Hall and the Police Dept? Beautiful!
And Ganim is maintaining four HQ’s. Including, but not limited to, phones, staff, lights, rent, insurance etc. All paid for with campaign donations. Too bad he or his family do not own the buildings. They would be making a mint renting the space to themselves. Ganim is pretty free-wheeling when it comes to spending other people’s money (when he is not stealing it). This is foreshadowing what is yet to come if Ganim is elected mayor.
Just like McDonalds, there is no “real” meat.
Welcome back Hector, you have been missed!
Just another example, everything Finch does, Ganim does better. He has created more election campaign stations, in just two months Ganim raised half the funds Finch took four years to raise, he got almost the same amount of votes from the Democratic Town Committee, which never happens for the non-incumbent, he did not raise taxes, and he brought down crime more than Finch and that was when Bridgeport was really bad. Ganim talks to people on the street while Finch just puts out commercials. The only thing Finch does better is he hasn’t gotten caught for corruption yet. That is why he governs very secretly and is extremely non-transparent and what is up with that driveway that was made for one of his buddies but using taxpayer dollars? And Finch hates Bridgeport’s only four-year University and he talks crap about UB when that is where a lot of Bridgeport students go after high school. He doesn’t know how to let go of personal issues. All I have to say is if Ganim were to run the city like he has run the campaign then good things will happen in Bridgeport and I won’t have to wait eight years to see the outline of a building that will be a Chipotle in another four years.
The fundraising does beg the question, ‘who bought Ganim this time?’
He still did not win the Democratic endorsement, so Finch did that better.
A lot of BPT high school students do not even graduate. Most go to HCC, not UB. Most UB students are foreign exchange students.
Gamin did not turn over one shovelfull of dirt at Steel Point in the 10 years he was Mayor. More construction happened in BPT while Ganim was in prison than when he was mayor. Crime has been lower under Finch. Those crime stats have been posted 3-4 times already.
The mil rate hovered around 65 while Ganim was mayor. But yes, he did not raise taxes. Why would he need to?
Finch has not gotten caught for corruption yet? I guess, so much for innocent until proven guilty. The fact Finch has not been prosecuted for corruption could be a function of him not being guilty. You can make all the accusations you want but until someone goes to jail like Ganim did, it is all just hot air.
Excellent, BptPorter.
I’ve been out getting signatures for my run for Council. I’ve spoken to well over one hundred people of all persuasions and only some people support Finch. Most support Ganim and a significant number speak highly of Torres.
To answer your question, of my own opinion I think Joe is exhibiting a lot of creativity and work ethic, so on a personal level and on the feedback from my constituents, YES, it is sticking.
Bob, of course not one person mentioned Mary-Jane Foster. Do we live in the same city? Only some support Finch and most are Ganim supporters. It seems every time Mayor Finch gets another endorsement, opens another park or makes another development announcement, Joe Ganim gets more support. It is just so amazing.
I do expect to win my bets with Maria Pereira (btw I hit Thomas Hooker next week), Howard Gardner and Come Back Bridgeport.
Bob, same in Thomas Hooker. Vast majority of voters are supporting Joe.
I will be walking Thomas Hooker next week for Mayor Finch and Melanie Jackson. I expect they will both win.
I will especially be talking to every household that has a Ganim sign.
Well Steve, you’d better be prepared to walk for weeks. There are Joe Ganim signs all around Thomas Hooker. Just my street alone, which is two blocks long, has seven signs.
One side street that only has four homes has a sign on every lawn. The fourth is vacant.
Steven will go out in the middle of the night to replace the Ganim signs with Finch signs. Given his juvenile behavior on this blog it would not surprise anyone if he stooped to doing that. He doesn’t even care who wins the election, just posts asinine comments here to piss off other people.
Bridgeport Kid, Derek, I can assure you I would never be that disrespectful to Ganim supporters.
Maria, Maria, Maria. First, I know for a fact you do not believe in lawn signs and feel like they are a waste. Your street is a lovely quiet street with very little traffic. What is the point of seven signs on a quaint street by Beardsley Park? Well I suppose Barney and Fardy knew the neighborhood or thought they did.
Steve. Why don’t you pick up your pacifier and stop trolling for any anti-Finch post to reply to? You are coming off as a petulant child who gets angry and takes his ball and goes home. Why can’t you accept there is you and one or two others on here who are pro-Finch? Many are pro-Foster and the majority seem to be pro-Ganim and it makes for sleepless nights for you like your life depends on it. Grow up, take your ball and go home! It’s pathetic that you grovel for Finch. I can picture you tossing rose petals down on the ground as you walk in front of him. Hopefully you’ll be tossing those petals at the exit to the annex soon as Finch walks out with his boxes and waves like Nixon did on his way out.
Right on, bro!
Phantom, what is pathetic is the pro-Ganim supporters on this blog need their reinforcement from each other because the real world tells a much different story. Unlike yourself, I am not a follower and call it like it is with my real name. Notice Phantom, unlike yourself, I am not finding adjectives and cliches to describe your support of Ganim. That speaks for itself. I am sorry I am a reminder of the real world.
Right on, Steven. We should try that. It is fun. We just keep parroting what each other says and patting each other on the back for doing it. If you are not on at any particular time, I will open a number of different accounts and congratulate myself. We can be an army of one.
I keep asking Steve to provide the pro-Finch sites so he can run over there and bond with like-minded bloggers like himself. Steve needs a friend and maybe staying in his lane so he won’t have to stay up at night responding to those who don’t care for Bill Finch.
Because you have to wake up and smell the coffee, Ron. Did you know this?
There’s nothing new about dumping on Bridgeport. The existence of a 100-foot-tall “Mount Trashmore” on the city’s East Side brought Jesse Jackson to town in the early ’90s for a march against pollution. Illegal dumps are common, as are brownfield sites–the closed and contaminated plants that are the legacy of a once-vibrant manufacturing city. Now the Resco “garbage-to-energy” incinerator dominates the city skyline from its position in the city’s African American and Hispanic West Side, and residents are fighting a huge expansion of the local utility’s mostly coal-fired electric plants. “They call Bridgeport ‘the armpit of the East,'” Percell told a weekend rally in front of his home. “They keep bringing in dirtier and dirtier proposals, and Mayor Joe Ganim [the recipient of both asphalt developers’ campaign largesse] keeps giving them what they want.”
Joe Ganim finally did come out against the asphalt plants–on the day the state Senate voted to impose a two-year statewide moratorium on their construction. Too little, too late, say the asphalt activists, who point out the mayor only took a stand when the plants were politically dead. As for the asphalt developers, both of whom live out of town, Jaree Noblin says “maybe they’d feel differently about it if they had to live here.”
How about this, Ron?
March 30, 1994
An estimated 750 to 800 of Bridgeport’s 2,600 employable welfare recipients will be removed for a 90-day period that ends with the current fiscal year, he said. They will be eligible to reapply when the new fiscal year starts July 1.
While he was lining his pockets, Ganim took steps to cut 800 of BPT’s poorest off. He stole $800,000 and did this to save $600,000. Most of these people were black and Hispanic.
Then there’s this:
June 03, 1994
At a press conference during which almost every statement contained the term “world class,” Trump and Mayor Joseph Ganim lavished praise on one another and the development project and spoke of restoring Bridgeport to its glory days.
That is right, Ron. Mayor Joseph Ganim lavished praise on Donald Trump. You know Don T., right? The leading candidate for the Republican nomination for President Don T.?
Ganim sold the Rose, a major BPT attraction, and took Steel Point from CARPENTER TECHNOLOGY CORP. The same Steel Point that stood fallow and nontaxable for 20+ years.
Ron–anything wrong with your pension? Could this be why?
BRIDGEPORT, Conn., July 20–A Connecticut stockbroker who is a longtime friend of Mayor Joseph P. Ganim of Bridgeport pleaded guilty today to a federal conspiracy charge, telling a judge that he had agreed to pay kickbacks to another close friend of Mr. Ganim and to an unnamed elected city official in exchange for winning contracts related to the police and fire department pension funds.
Ron Mackey–you should read BOE posts and educate yourself. I do not need to be surrounded by like minds to feel good about myself. I do not enjoy hanging out with people who enjoy kissing each others’ butts. You share your facts as you see them and I will state mine. I certainly do not need a Ron Mackey to dismiss me from a blog and I certainly have never attempted to dismiss you. You must remember Ron, I am very sensitive. 🙂
Let’s do a GoFundMe campaign for Steve. He needs a “my pillow” and a pacifier. This way he can sleep at night and stop trolling for anti-Finch posts to respond to.
Does this surprise anyone???
Ripped from the Headlines of the CT Post:
Drowning by Chubby’s not officially ruled homicide
The article actually says it was a homicide then it wasn’t a homicide but maybe it will be a homicide later.
And Finch and Gaudett say they don’t play with crime statistics. OK.
It could be manslaughter.
homicide–the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another; murder.
manslaughter–the crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought, or otherwise in circumstances not amounting to murder.
You have to know or be able to prove the killer’s intent to charge someone with homicide. The one guy could have thrown the other into the creek as a joke. Him dying from it was probably an accident.
BOE SPY, Bob Walsh was pointing to whether it was a “homicide” or not.
Again, you might check the dictionary.
You are incorrect in writing, as you do above:
“homicide–the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another”
www .nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/homicide-murder-manslaughter-32637.html
“Homicide is a legal term for any killing of a human being by another human being.”
OK–the one guy could have jumped from the bridge in order to try to escape. My point was, we do not know. It would seem they do not know either. To be honest, I Googled the two words. I guess I was not looking at a legal dictionary. It showed up at the top of the page. Google dictionary, I guess. My bad. And, just because it was a homicide does not mean it was an illegal act. Self-defense is a perfectly legal form of homicide.
So this would not affect the crime stats.
Pete, I do not think everyone is using homicide in its legal definition. I think homicide is used in a layman definition (i.e., homicides=murders) in the crime stats. Say not one homicide occurs but on new year’s, Al-Qaeda USA decides to attack the Hell’s Angels clubhouse on Connecticut Ave. At the time, the club was readying for their annual Beer, Babes and bullets party at the shooting range. Well, all 11 members of Al-Qaeda are shot dead. Would it be fair to say BPT had 11 homicides that year? Would that be an accurate representation of crime in BPT?
BOE SPY–you are absolutely correct. Two intoxicated men fighting and one ends up drowning as a result of falling or even being thrown into the water does not constitute homicide. There has to be intent and under the circumstances it is unlikely that can be proven. It will also be difficult to prove manslaughter since there is no indication at this point the other party threw the victim into the creek. From the looks of this, it was an unfortunate accident.
“There has to be intent …”–Godiva.
You are wrong, as was “BOE SPY” whom you claim is “absolutely correct.” You two work in the same cubicle at City Hall?
Tomorrow marks two months since the Trumbull Gardens shootings.
If the elderly woman taking the bath during the shooting at Trumbull Gardens, who was struck by a stray bullet, had died from being shot, that would have been homicide. Intent or no intent, it would have been a “homicide.” Thank goodness she’s still alive.
Speaking of the Trumbull Gardens homicide that did occur two months ago, what’s happening with that case?
Regarding the death in Ash Creek, soon after a bar brawl that continued into the creek, this is what was reported:
“The two individuals involved fell into the water behind the restaurant as a result of their fight. The other person fled the scene and is still being sought, police said.”–CT Post: Man drowned after bar fight is Bridgeport’s 11th homicide
By Bill Cummings
Updated 8:20 pm, Sunday, August 2, 2015
Underscore “[T]he other person fled the scene” …
Bob Walsh is rightfully raising the “homicide” designation change for the Ash Creek death in light of the highly disturbing CT Post report** Mayor Finch’s office has been toying with the recording and dissemination of police stats in an election year. If we just let the politicians pull this kind of stuff, then it all devolves. But then perhaps that’s what you’re rewarded to do?
**No crime in Bridgeport–until after the election
By Daniel Tepfer
Published 12:00 am, Sunday, August 2, 2015
The police do not determine the crime. They just investigate. The crimes, or charges, are determined by the prosecutor, i.e. a district attorney. If, like you said, the two men were fighting and the fight continued into the creek, it is very possible the drowning was an accident. The fact one man fled is not relevant to it being a homicide. The one man could have fled for any number of reasons, the least of which is to avoid an assault charge, or fear. One man fleeing the scene does not turn an accidental death in to a homicide or a murder.
Your example with the lady in the shower is flawed. She did not shoot herself. The two men fighting is not like that. The one man could have run off and the other slipped, fell and hit his head, knocking himself out, leaving the creek, resulting in him drowning. The dead man could have had a heart attack not related to the creek or the fight. We also do not know if the dead man was the aggressor or the victim of the assault. Pete, you are jumping off half-cocked because it suits your established beliefs. It is nice the way you can determine guilt, innocents, what crime was committed and cast fault on the mayor from a newspaper blurb. You must have gone to the Yale school of psychic law.
Mr. Spain–I am not “wrong,” your interpretation of the law is highly flawed. Just because a reporter referred to this incident as a homicide does not make it such. The key here is absence of malice, which is a determining factor of what constitutes murder/homicide. Since it’s unlikely you passed a bar exam, please leave the law to people who understand it before you make an uninformed, presumptuous statement that only compounds the fact you don’t know what you are talking about. Not that I care what you think but it’s also presumptuous to imply I sit in a cubicle at city hall.
Yeah, what Godiva said. 😛
It’s the sound of crickets from these no-names, nobody cares what they say, cricket.
Mr. Mackey–just because someone opts not to post under their name does not make their statements any less credible.
OIB, although Steve A. and Maria P. disagree on many things, including the right candidate, I have personally witnessed the two of them come together to help the less fortunate. And that’s a lesson we all can learn from.
Quentin, Steve, you and I all disagree on the right candidate, however we did all come together to help a family in need.
Now that’s admirable and impressive!
Thank you, Quentin.
Thank you, Maria.
Hey Bob, just a bit of education on a homicide investigation. The state medical examiner is the one who determines if it is indeed a homicide or other means of death so blaming Finch and Gaudett saying they are screwing with the crime stats on this one is completely wrong. Do your homework next time, all your years on the council and you still do not know anything but of course why would you, you didn’t do anything in all those years including upkeep on your own house which continues to look like shit and making the rest of our neighborhood look bad. Thanks for that, btw!