In the race for money, Mayor Joe Ganim has outraised primary opponent State Senator Marilyn Moore by roughly 3 to 1, racking up $309,325 in campaign contributions overall to Moore’s $98,805, according to campaign finance reports filed with the Town Clerk’s Office on Wednesday.
For the second quarter report that ended June 30th, Ganim raised $114,920 to Moore’s $30,630. Moore raised roughly $68,000 during the first quarter filing period. The early money is always the easiest money to raise from core supporters, friends and family.
Ganim has $238,270 on hand at the close of the reporting period to Moore’s $77,766.
The other announced Democrat in the race State Rep. Charlie Stallworth raised only $10K for the quarter, bringing his overall amount raised to about $18,000. Based on money, Stallworth is not a factor. Will he stay in or cut a deal with Moore or Ganim? Stallworth on Wednesday met with Moore for breakfast at a city diner. His dubious campaign appears short-lived.
See ganimreport.
See moorereport.
See stallworthreport.
Stallworth, an early supporter of Ganim in 2015, was awarded a $100K city job. Within a year they had a falling-out. Stallworth and Moore have never been particularly close, but will he align with Moore to spite Ganim?
With the September 10 primary two months away Moore’s campaign must find another gear to raise essential funds to position for a potential upset. Barring a major independent expenditure from an organization, money is the largest question mark for her campaign as she prepares to petition her way onto the ballot.
In this type of race it’s not what Ganim spends, it’s what Moore spends to compete. Four years ago then-incumbent Bill Finch spent $600,000 to Ganim’s $300,000 during Ganim’s primary upset on his way to an easy general election win.
On July 23rd Ganim will be endorsed by the Democratic Town Committee for another four-year term. The very next morning Moore’s campaign operatives will sign out the paperwork from the registrar’s office to fan out across the city for the two-week window to bank five percent, or roughly 2,300 verified signatures from registered Democrats in Bridgeport.
Moore brings a base of support from Black Rock, West Side and North End, neighborhoods she represents in the State Senate. Her Senate district covers about one third of the city. She must introduce herself to the other two thirds of Bridgeport where her name recognition is not nearly as high. Money and organization are key factors for explaining why an incumbent should be fired, something Ganim accomplished four years ago.

Pretty sure city employees, hopeful developers& city vendors are required to donate again at the end of this month to Joe too.All those “no bid” vendors who Joe chooses better pony up this time too.
I expect Joe to announce a “ major development deal” very soon as well. I mean it won’t happen of course, but he’ll announce it anyway.
Just reading the Ganim Report
Page 52
Eeanor Guedes RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS 1425 Noble Ave Primrose Companies $200
Isn’t this the same Eleanor Guedes who served illegally on the Bpt Civil Service Commission while living and registered to vote here in Trumbull??????????????????????????
Steven Auerbach Director of Meters and Parking $250. No wonder he’s pissed when tickets are dismissed.
Stevie A. how dare you only donate $250, you need to give that other $750 right away, what a embarrassment, Gamin gives you a high paying City position that you are not qualify to hold and your cheap ass only gave $250.
Yeah, Stevie A. was on here beseeching everyone to pony up a grand for Little Joe’s re-election campaign. All he gave was a comparatively measely $250.00? What in the fucking hell, Stevie? Put you money where you cake hole is.
Wait a minute Mackey that has to be a mistake, you mean $1250 don’t you? He must have donated more under a pseudonym because there’s no way Joe gave him that job which he isn’t qualified to do for a lousy $250. Sumptin wrong.
This is only the 2nd quarter report.
I’ll bet you that if you look at the 1st quarter report Steve made other contribution(s)
Marshall, that could true but he’s Ganim best ass kisser and as such he needs to step up his game especially after being given a high paying position for a position that he doesn’t belong in.
I’m sure Stevie is donating under straw donors. He made such a point about me not donating enough.
Did Red Auerbach donate some money? That’d be Stevie’s sick Spence of humor.
Or maybe Pete Keogh, the man whose job Stevie took. That be another sick joke.
Or maybe see if he gave as Mrs.(Stevie’s mom) Auerbach.
The list goes on.
Leave his Mother out of this. She’s a wonderful woman and he is a great son.
Red Auerbach bled Celtic Green! Marilyn needs some Geritol. Her 2Q report is anemic.
Free Stevie A. free, free Stevie A. free, free Stevie A. free, , free Stevie A. free, , free Stevie A. free, , free Stevie A. free, , free Stevie A. free, Stevie, come back to OIB because you are the true superstar that you said that you are. Mayor Ganim and Mario Testa need to let Stevie A. to post on OIB, again, , Free Stevie A.
Funny how comments mysteriously disappear on this blog when they go against certain people who’s initials are JG…..
Pathetic Lennie! You should be embarrassed….. Especially when the Feds come again!!!!!!! Stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t think that these financial results are any surprise. It “Pay to play” in Bridgeport ( or maybe anywhere). I don’t think any thought that the Moore Campaign would have raised more money than Ganim. The basic precept of the Moore campaign was getting dedicated “Boots on the ground” to make up for the inequality in finances. In retrospect,the Finch $600,000.00 and B
Ganim 300,000.00 campaign amount from Four years ago seems to be a waste of a lot of money.
The issue here is how will Marilyn Moore compete against the money machine called TestaGanim. Forget about SA.
Really good editorial on the state of the police chief..
Harvey, this is a great article on the incompetence of Perez as Chief of the Bridgeport Police Department and the failure of Mayor Ganim to appoint a qualified individual to lead this department. This goes to show every Bridgeport resident that Mayor Ganim doesn’t give a damn about Bridgeport, it’s residents or the perception of Bridgeport to the rest of the State.
Bridgeport, show Mayor Ganim that you don’t give a damn about him and vote his ass out of office. You can’t continue to vote for this man and expect a different result. He has showed you time and time again, that he can’t be trusted and that his only concern is Joe Ganim.
Stevie is giving his tithe in other ways.