Foster Thanks Supporters, Looks Forward To Next Chapter

From Mary-Jane Foster:

Dear friends and supporters –

I am writing to share my deepest gratitude with each and every one of you who worked your hearts out with me and contributed to my campaign. While we did not achieve the outcome we had hoped for, we forged friendships that will last well beyond primary day and we stood up, together, to challenge the status quo.

Irrespective of what you may have heard or read, I am not going to be on the sidelines or rule out any future options. I look forward to the next chapter.

In case you did not see yesterday’s Connecticut Post, the following open letter is my way of publicly thanking you. I am deeply humbled by your support.


Mary-Jane Foster

Dear Bridgeport –

Thank you. Over the last nine months, it has been my honor and privilege to campaign throughout this city I love so much, seeking the opportunity to serve as your mayor. As I’ve said from the beginning, I’m not a politician and it was never my lifelong dream to run for office. Yet, after careful consideration, I felt that Bridgeport deserved better from its elected officials. The time was right for me to step forward to share my vision for how to build a Bridgeport that works for everyone.

Together, we raised important issues that still need to be addressed, not the least of which are real education reform and coming to grips with the financial quagmire the city is in. We not only focused attention on problems facing the city, we also proposed positive solutions, because is it not enough to criticize. Leadership requires vision and the ability to turn vision into reality; words into action.

I want to thank everyone who opened their doors to me – residents and business owners alike – as I walked every neighborhood of this city … everyone who invited me in to address their community organization … every religious institution that welcomed me into their congregations. What an incredible gift you have given me, sharing your frustrations and hopes for our beloved city.

To the countless volunteers, donors, my campaign staff, and my family, I am grateful beyond words. Your energy and enthusiasm – not only for my candidacy but also for the greater good of wanting to propel Bridgeport into a new era of prosperity – were contagious. You inspired me every day and I am deeply thankful.

It is my great hope that when the election cycle is over, all of us will continue to ask the tough questions, demand honest answers, require greater transparency, and remain engaged in the ongoing dialogue about how to help Bridgeport achieve its full potential.

At the end of the day, all of us are committed to building a better Bridgeport. This campaign – and every campaign, in fact – engages the public in a debate about the best way to achieve that goal. Let us put the campaign rhetoric behind us and come together to do what’s best for our city and let us hold those in charge accountable if and when they fail to do so.



  1. *** Thanks Mary-Jane for running & bringing many residents together toward a just cause & movement that will hopefully continue pushing towards real political change in Bpt. *** BEST OF LUCK! ***

    1. BPT. // Oct 4, 2011 at 6:47 am
      To your posting

      Hasn’t this campaign taught you numbers count, not wishful thinking? Whether it is the number of dollars or the number of votes, at the end of the day, take a lesson to heart.


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