Foster Shares Education Priorities

Democratic mayoral candidate Mary-Jane Foster issued a news release today focused on education initiatives.

From Foster:

Bridgeport students deserve better. For too long, mayors have promised much and delivered little. Unlike the other candidates in this race, I will never underfund our school budget. Our Board of Education and Superintendent of Schools deserve respect and support from the mayor’s office. Our students deserve not just shiny new buildings but the resources within them to succeed. It is time to support smaller class sizes, provide the paraprofessional assistance teachers need and support our children with services they need to succeed. Here are ten critical actions needed I will take as mayor:

1. I will fully fund our school budget and exceed the Minimum Budget Requirement. I will not play games with In-kind services that rob our schools of the funding they require.

2. I will make our school budget a larger share of the City’s budget, and the comprehensive audit I will conduct will ensure the money is going to education.

3. Smaller class sizes that are staffed by teachers and the paraprofessionals they need.

4. I will support our students with the services they need by providing guidance counselors, social workers, home school coordinators and family resource centers in all our schools to ensure our students succeed.

5. I will implement new programs including: vocational skill building, partnerships with the local colleges and universities to help prepare our students for college, and an internship program with local businesses and nonprofit organizations.

6. I will implement afterschool programming that gives more children more options to learn, play sports or participate in the arts.

7. I will aggressively pursue a jobs placement program that includes local businesses, nonprofits as well as all new development projects. I will work to implement skillbased jobs in programs such as Build On.

8. I will demand transparency, inclusion and accountability to our school budget and any money spent on charter schools in Bridgeport.

9. I will aggressively seek additional funding for our school system from the state. When Hartford knows that Bridgeport has an honest budget process, we will more effectively advocate for our fair share. I will also seek new grants to support the work we must do.

10. I will ensure that Democracy does work in our city and schools through increasing parent citizen involvement. I will never attempt to take away our citizen’s right to vote. I will develop a campaign to encourage far greater parent involvement in our children’s schools and activities.

There is nowhere more important than in our schools when it comes to needing an honest choice for change for Bridgeport voters. As mother, grandmother, and educational professional I understand the importance of our children’s future and that is why I am running for mayor.



  1. Ms. Foster will not be sharing these sentiments at the education debate on September 3rd at Cathedral of Faith on Gregory Street. She cited “scheduling conflicts” as did Joseph P. Ganim. Both of them are copping out on the issue of public education by not participating in this important forum. Bill Finch is not attending; in his case it is to avoid castigation.

    The parents of children attending Bridgeport public schools have a right to know what ALL the candidates are planning to do to correct the sad state of public education in the city of Bridgeport. here is an opportunity to be heard and all Ms. Foster is willing to do is issue a press release. That’s great, that’s just great.

      1. Because the primary will not decide the election. God Almighty, everything is much different this year than past mayoral elections. There is more at stake. None of the prominent Dems are going to show up. That says a lot.

  2. Such great ideas. Until you look as the cause/effect:
    1-tax increase
    2-tax increase or reduced services
    3-more teachers = tax increase
    4-more workers = tax increase
    5-we already have 3-4 of those
    6-more BOE OT = tax increase
    7-like jobs at Bass Pro
    8-this is actually long overdue. The BOE squashed the last independent audit.
    9-Finch and Vallas got millions of ‘extra’ dollars for the BOE. Kudos to them both. PS, the state is now broke. Good luck with that.
    10-even for charter school parents?

    She says ‘an honest choice for change for Bridgeport voters.’ Sounds like charter school talk to me. All hail privatization. The cash cow for all business people. After all, she is a business woman.

    1. Charter schools are succeeding where the public schools are failing. If the public ed system in Bridgeport weren’t FUBAR, charter schools would not be so attractive to parents who want the best for their children. You are correct, many of Ms. Foster’s ideas will require additional funding. An increase in taxes is not the only place to find the needed bucks. Bridgeport’s payroll is bloated with too many employees who owe their jobs to Mario Testa, Bill Finch or someone else with juice.

      Before the next mayor even daydreams about raising taxes to finance increased BOE funding, an efficiency audit of the city’s finances must be conducted. It may result in a few layoffs but the dead wood has to be pruned. For way too long, connected pols have been using the municipal payroll to hand out jobs for political favors.

      The buildings department needs an overhaul as well. Instead of facilitating businesses, the employees there actively discourage it. That department, like most city departments, is in dire need of an overhaul. City government is designed to work for the people, not the elected officials and their cronies.

        1. BOE SPY,
          I don’t approve of ANY tax increases. Don’t project that sort of claptrap onto me. The way property values are assessed in this town is totally FUBAR. Every mayor wannabe is saying “tax relief, tax relief!” It’s a cliche. Every candidate running for the state legislature uses the same tired campaign slogan. No one really means it. No one wants to do anything about it because it is not a problem that can be easily and quickly fixed. No band-aids or Neosporin will do the trick; it’s not a boo boo on a child’s knee.

          The mayor’s office is contaminated by a cynical virus colloquially referred to as “the Fuckits.”

    2. Reprioritizing spending does not a tax increase make. Breaking down the internal walls built during the Ganim years and continued under Fabrizi and Finch only guarantees wasteful spending.
      Fighting over whose favorite contractor gets to do work for the BOE does not improve efficiencies as is often the case with in-kind services.
      Spending wisely, long-term planning, cooperation not confrontation; all these ideas and actions can get more money into the BOE without having to institute a tax increase.
      BOE offers senseless arguments against a sensible plan.

  3. Bridgeport Kid and BOE SPY. I have to agree almost completely with both of your back and forth banter. BOE, I am usually impressed by your input.

    Bridgeport Kid, though it pains me to agree with you, I found both your posts on the money. I was under the impression Mayor Finch was going to attend. I think it is a missed opportunity for both Foster and Ganim. This will be Friday’s news. I am looking forward to hearing David Daniels and Charlie Coviello. I am hoping to attend.

    1. Steve–the EDU summit is a waste of time. The mayor cannot do anything to change the BOE. Regardless of who that mayor is. The mayor cannot fire or hire BOE employees, affect their budget allocations or influence policies. All the mayor does for the BOE is sign over $250 million. The BOE could simply tell the mayor to F off. That is another problem with MJF’s education plan. The BOE does not have to follow it. Even if she gives them the money. The BOE could use it to hire teachers or use it to buy magic beans. Nothing MJF could do about it.

  4. Steven–I know TBK is posting Finch is not attending. I have read in two places he is going. In the CT Post article I reference above, and on the Faith Acts Facebook page, they have him as confirmed as of last night. Is there info he is planning to not show up?

    TBK–I agree about charters, they only seem to go to places (i.e. inner city) where they can take advantage of poor existing school conditions. Parents see them as a better alternative. Many of them care less about how they are funded, private or other. They just want what they think is best for their child. It is a shame those parents (charter) are almost treated as outcasts or the enemy (by other parents and members of the BBOE), just for wanting what they believe is best for their child.

  5. Note–the candidates should realize Charter School parents and those on the Magnet waiting lists do vote as well. At least listen to them, don’t just shut them out.

    1. Finch is attending only because Ms. Foster and Mr. Ganim announced they will not be there. Ganim went so far as to imply the debate is not being sponsored by an “important” group. 

      I’ve boned up on Faith Acts; it is a nonprofit focused on education issues. I have no problem with their faith-based leadership. I was brought up Baptist. One of the things I learned in Sunday school was to make life holy not by aggressively trying to win converts but by working to make the world a better place for everyone regardless of race, creed, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, favorite sports teams, whatever. So Faith Acts is trying to improve the quality of education in Bridgeport schools. 

      Education is important. The smarter children become the less likely they are to see criminal activities as a practical career option.
      Religious beliefs are addressed on Fridays and Sundays at the local synagogue, mosque or church. Not the schoolhouse.

    2. Lifelong, I totally agree with you. I support Charter schools and more Magnet schools. I do not feel we need to hold young families hostage to a failing school system. Future economic growth depends on it. Both Ganim and Foster have no plan for economic development so it is easy to deny children and families an alternative when their own children went to private schools.

      I will be attending and I am expecting our mayor to be there.


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