Democratic mayoral candidate Mary-Jane Foster says she will file a formal complaint with the state Liquor Control Commission to investigate the potential proliferation of adult entertainment clubs in the city. Says Foster: “If the original permit does not include “adult entertainment” and the establishment tries to convert its offerings to adult entertainment, Liquor Control has the right to pull the liquor permit for noncompliance.” From the Foster campaign:
Foster Proposes Solution to Prevent Expansion of Adult Entertainment
Problem: In an effort to try to restrict adult entertainment establishments, Mayor Finch has opened the door for its expansion.
What Finch Has Done: Under Bridgeport’s current Master Plan, strip clubs may only operate in areas zoned as “heavy industrial” and these require a special permit. Mayor Finch’s new proposal will designate specific areas for adult entertainment, requiring no special permit from the City–just a site plan review. There are currently eight such businesses in Bridgeport and Mayor Finch’s new proposal will open the door for another 10.
This month, Angelo’s and Jack Dempsey’s, two establishments that do not currently have permission but are seeking approval to add partial or full nude dancing, have begun advertising such offerings. They are thumbing their noses at the mayor and the residents who do not want to see any further expansion of this industry in our neighborhoods.
The mayor’s plan has led to legal challenges that could take years to settle, costing our already cash-strapped city tens of thousands of dollars and during which time, these establishments may continue to operate as strip clubs. If Mayor Finch loses the court challenge, the potential exists for 10 more strip clubs to open in Bridgeport.
Solution: The mayor must think outside the box and short circuit the strip clubs’ legal shenanigans.
What Mary-Jane Foster Will Do As Mayor: “There is more than one way to skin a cat and being mayor means developing creative solutions to age old problems. Clearly the mayor and his high-priced outside legal team haven’t been able to solve this problem so far. The best way to end-run this issue is to send a letter of complaint to the Connecticut Liquor Control Commission. All establishments seeking a liquor permit must indicate what type of service they will offer at the time of application. If the original permit does not include “adult entertainment” and the establishment tries to convert its offerings to adult entertainment, Liquor Control has the right to pull the liquor permit for noncompliance. Today I will be lodging a formal complaint with Liquor Control to begin this process and I call on Mayor Finch to join me in bringing this expensive and ill-advised charade to an end.”
Earlier this month, Foster submitted a letter to the City Council in support of the Walsh-Baker ordinance aimed at limiting and regulating sexually oriented businesses in Bridgeport.
“What Mary-Jane Foster Will Do As Mayor: ‘There is more than one way to skin a cat and being mayor means developing creative solutions to age old problems. Clearly the mayor and his high priced outside legal team haven’t been able to solve this problem so far. The best way to end-run this issue is to send a letter of complaint to the Connecticut Liquor Control Commission.'”
Maybe Finch needs to spend some more money on legal fees. I guess you could say MJF isn’t pussyfooting around on this issue.
Paging John Gomes!
When I came up to bat with three men on and two outs in the ninth, I looked in the other team’s dugout and they were already in street clothes.” Source: Baseball Digest (June 1972) Bob Uecker
Is that a Foul Tip? Nellie Fox could always hit it out of the park.
Jimmy Foxx too.
This is another Foster Care Package Delivery. Adopt Foster! She Cares!!!
Finch is really getting Flinched today!
Is that Lennie in the hat checking out the dancer’s ankle bracelet?
Yes, I’m trying to snatch an interview!
Lennie, is the guy next to you Pat Crossin?
Finch is too busy acting mayor to actually be mayor!!!
Tim Herbst–Mayor of Bridge-bull
“Bridgeport took the position that since it was our pipe, we need to handle the repair,” Trumbull First Selectman Tim Herbst said. Herbst objected responsibility because he said Trumbull pays a hefty monthly fee to Bridgeport for it to process its sewage and because the accident happened in Bridgeport.
The Trumbull Water and Public Sewer Authority hired another contractor to construct an above-ground, 15-inch pipe to bypass the sewage while repairs were made. “It is our pumping station, so we had to make the fix,” Solomene said. “The bypass, it was a major expense, but it was our responsibility to make sure it got done. Still, Trumbull is the innocent party here.”
Herbst said Bridgeport’s response to the accident concerned him and he is wary of working with Bridgeport to create a regional sewage authority.
Worried that Trumbull will not get a 20-acre parcel of open space and a government building it was promised in exchange for land to build a magnet school, Trumbull First Selectman Tim Herbst is taking legal action to make sure the deal is honored.
“We made a deal in good faith that Trumbull would get a 99-year lease on that land,” Herbst said. “But if I see the deal is not being lived up to, I am going to protect Trumbull’s interests by any means necessary.”
Timmy in the Finch-wood World everything is negotiable and nothing is Bridgeport’s responsibility.
Grin, Nellie Fox was good and a clutch hitter but he didn’t hit it out of the park.
Jimmy Foxx did.
Maybe the P&Z Board needs to establish an “Erogenous Zone” for these clubs.
The city and State are sinking in a financial sinkhole and you are worried about Adult ENTERTAINMENT? Where the hell are your priorities? I am more offended by political thieves and incompetent financial planning which boarders on the criminal, rather than strip joints!!!
I am with you about “political thieves” and “incompetent financial planning which borders on the criminal” but you know what, lots of people could care less, until the music stops. And then they will look up and say, WHAT HAPPENED?
So we are part of the electorate who will vote and we will be looking to move the incumbents out of office and find those who talk our language to favor with our vote. But there are others probably who live in neighborhood environments where these establishments are present. Perhaps for them the negative quality of life issues loom larger than financials? Perhaps they do not pay taxes? Perhaps they are beneficiaries of City programs? And this moral or quality of life issue may get them to the polls and vote the incumbents out?
Citywide issues are important to be raised especially if they have traction. This may be one of those. Just take a look at the two guys leaning on the bar … would you say they are broad-minded or would you think something more specific?
Minorities Account for Nearly All U.S. Population Growth | Pew Research Center
By Daniel Miessler on May 12th, 2011: Tagged as Culture | Politics
From 2000 to 2010, the population growth in the United States was driven almost exclusively by racial and ethnic minorities. Overall, racial and ethnic minorities accounted for 91.7% of the nation’s population growth over the past 10 years. The non-Hispanic white population has accounted for only the remaining 8.3% of the nation’s growth. Hispanics were responsible for 56% of the nation’s population growth over the past decade. There are now 50.5 million Latinos living in the U.S. according to the 2010 Census, up from 35.3 million in 2000, making Latinos the nation’s largest minority group and 16.3% of the total population. There are 196.8 million whites in the U.S. (accounting for 63.7% of the total population), 37.7 million blacks (12.2%) and 14.5 million Asians (4.7%). Six million non-Hispanics, or 1.9% of the U.S. population.
I agree there are those who have or will have no skin in the game, whose concern is very myopic and care only about what they can see. This would require a candidate to focus their attention on that which is important, in the short term as well as the long term. If the candidate cannot do this then one of their close advisers should. A person be it them or their advisers should have this ability. This is not a hard task at all. At least I do not believe it to be.
It is called multitasking; something Finch is not familiar with. Yes the city has financial difficulties and pension woes. But that does not mean you stop taking care of all of the other things that should still make Bridgeport a desirable place to live.
That is exactly what Finch has done and the city has returned to being the hellhole it was under Mary Moran.
Bill Finch believes he has done a good job extracting union concessions and should be re-elected mayor for that.
Sorry charlie!
I think a priority for Bridgeport should be a quality of life. Two of these operations are illegal and their operators are in a four-corner stall. I’m no prude but don’t like Skip and Go Naked operations where they are not permitted.
charlie, it’s called “quality of life.”
What kind of life quality will exist when the taxes go up and the jobs vanish? Services will be cut or reduced to the point where the city will resemble Newark.
Another question for MJF or follow the money is: Why page Gomes? Last thing I would do is throw darts at the man you need to win. Like the billboard says, anyone but Finch.
As you point out, the Bill Bored says ANY “ONE” BUT FINCH.
I know you think Gomes is the “ONE” but every day it looks less and less so.
Grin and 2011, clearly you are not in tune … Actually, MJF is doing a lot better with voters than Gomes … I saw her at some events Saturday and she worked the crowd quite well …
Several people I talk to don’t have a good first impression of Gomes … So I guess he ain’t getting my salsa … Or vote, that is …
CC, back it up or shut up!
If your Salsa smells like your Post, keep it.
Only In Bridgeport, great name, Lennie!
I’m sorry; if your Salsa smells anything like your Post, keep it between your legs.
Wow CC, Gomes musta had a good day on the campaign trail to attack him with what you know are vicious lies.
Remember, people in glass houses should not throw stones. There is plenty of dirt to go around. Could your tirade be due to a big guy at your charity? You couldn’t have thought no one would know. Keep it clean.
Allure on East Main St. has a big sign–“We want to move, but the Mayor won’t let us.”
A quick Google search found this:
Dumbfounded with Celia’s personal blast of Mr. Gomes. Why would Ms, Curry be so devoted to him if he was such a bad boss? As for the other rubbish, 2011 said it best, keep it clean.
2011 // Jun 20, 2011 at 12:33 pm
Not sure what the troll’s endorsement really means, but word is out all over the old city hall a 5013C non-profit fundraiser was used by Mary-Jane and her people to solicit donations and sign up support. Now now, tsk tsk.
2011 started this food fight. Moore or Less?
A fact was stated about a charity event, no names were used nor the charity revealed.
Your attacks started and the only reveal was a large gentleman and there were no denials after that … of course as it was true. Nothing personal, until CC went personal with total lies about affairs … keep it clean and leash your puppies.