Foster Event Tuesday

From Mary-Jane Foster:

Please join friends of Mary-Jane Foster for a Cocktail Reception

Bridgeport business woman and social action advocate Mary-Jane Foster has announced that she is exploring a run for the office of Mayor of the City of Bridgeport. We believe Bridgeport deserves better than its current leadership and hope you’ll join us in supporting Mary-Jane’s exploratory committee, Foster for Bridgeport.

Tuesday, March 29 from 5:30 – 7:00 P.M., Viale’s Ristorante, 3171 Fairfield Avenue, Bridgeport. Cash Bar – Hors d’oeuvres by Viale’s

Suggested Donation: Friend: $25 Sponsor: $75 Patron: $150



  1. Mary-Jane Foster is one of several potential mayoral candidates who has a practical approach to the problems facing the people of the city of Bridgeport. It is certainly worth the time to hear what she has to say.

    Incidentally, I have qualified hope that Joe Ganim makes a bid for the Democratic nominations. He would siphon votes away from Bill Finch, Don Mario Corleone’s chosen cutout.

    1. That’s a strong possibility. Ganim would siphon votes away from Finch. There are a few likely candidates that haven’t officially declared their intentions. The primary field could be sort of crowded. When the figurative smoke clears and the exit polls have been tabulated we’ll know how much damage Ganim has done and to whom. IF he decides to run. Methinks his ego will not allow him to sit this one out unless there’s some material benefit for doing so.


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