Former city employee Richard Paoletto, whose son Anthony currently occupies the City Council seat his father maintained for more than a decade, is back working for the Water Pollution Control Authority, according to a report by CT Post reporter Dan Tepfer.
A former councilman forced to resign and then to retire from a city post following two sexual harassment claims has been rehired by the city’s Water Pollution Control Agency.
The mayor’s office confirmed Monday that Richard Paoletto has been hired as a construction inspector earning $59,763 for the WPCA.Paoletto, a Democrat who was first elected to serve the 138th District in 2001, was hired as a Bridgeport code inspector in 1993 and by 2009 had worked his way up to deputy director of housing and commercial code enforcement.
Full story here.
He is not on the city payroll.
Was this job advertised?,did anyone else get interviewed?..hard to believe a guy who was fired for sexual harrassment that happened twice btw,was the best candidate for the job,unbelievable,same old Bpt…
Just a technicality.
Just like he said he was being romantic.
She said he was talking trash.
Someone going to have to recycle and inspect those used Rubbers coming out of the digesters.
This is an absolute outrage! Every single woman and taxpayer should be livid.
To be clear, there were THREE sexual harassment complaints, one was swept under the rug after the complainant was offered a job with a significant increase.
So the taxpayers are footing the pension for a serial sexual predator, and now they are footing the bill for his $57,000 salary plus benefits.
Joe Ganim and his administration has absolutely NO RESPECT for women.
And yes, we will be using this on doors this summer.
Paoletto must have the dirt on someone,again,he was the best person for this job??
This encapsulates everything wrong with JG2 and the current CC. We will have a chance to fix half the equation this November!
Construction inspector? On the bright side he gone from harassing women to harassing construction companies. Let the extortion begin. Great Job, Where’s my cut. You can’t ask a fish to fly.
Off topic. Great song
WPCA does not have a web site separate from the City. A job opening was not posted on the City web site.
The city Web Site is a joke! The police section especially. Under the community section they show car seat safety check. So I called them, the nice lady said they don’t do that, and haven’t for a while. Or interested in the citizen police academy? Me too, hurry with your application, its due April 2013!
Pardon the pun but this just stinks to high heaven. Every part of the Paoletto story is an example of bad governance in Bridgeport. This story should to every single voter in the upcoming City Council Elections. Truly shameful.
Should be told****
Ganim has taken this second chance BS to the limit. Now Paoletta gets another job after being convicted twice of sexual harassment I guess they figure he cant harass a sewer hole or can he. Looks like uncle Mike marella is at it again. Maybe someone should look into all of this. I will not being voting for Paoletta or Ganim. BTW what does Paoletta know about sewer construction. I hope the city has stopped paying his pension. With all the people looking for work why not leave this women hater on pension and give someone deserving this new made up job. Joe Ganim you suck
Andy, this is what I missed. So glad to have you back. Oops, hope I’m not next!!!!