Fire Up The Absentee Ballots, The Passion Of District Politics

So what it’s the middle of winter? Why should that stop city pols from throwing a few primaries? OIB spies tell us a couple of district primaries for Democratic Town Committee seats could take place in March. The process to request the paperwork from the Registrar’s Office and seek petition signatures to qualify for the ballot has begun. Who the hell are town committee people? They’re the party regulars who make up the so-called party machinery, churn out the vote and many end up on the city payroll (or their sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, yadda, yadda). Some are members of the City Council. They also select the town chairman (paging Mario Testa).

The 90-member Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee has nine members in each of 10 districts. Registered Dems in the respective districts are eligible to vote. The top nine vote winners among the slate of candidates represent the political district. The two hot spots appear to be districts 131 and 137 where Latino operatives dominate. You gotta love Latino pols. Fight one day, hug the next and often they’re on the same slate. Ah, the passion of politics. And the personalities abound. Former State Rep. Americo Santiago is a member of the 131st District that includes the South End, West End and downtown. When it comes to city politics Americo has an intriguing spinning-desk act. Sometimes ya just never know what sides he’s on. In fact, Americo has a talent for leveraging the threat of working for this candidate for a better deal with the opponent.

Never was it more evident last year when he committed to Mary-Jane Foster for mayor, actually attended strategy sessions, until he was persuaded to join Mayor Bill Finch’s reelection campaign. Gee, what happened? Americo also suffers from multiple residency disorder. Does he live in Puerto Rico? Bridgeport? Waterbury?

Mitch Robles runs things in the 131st District. Mitch, who’s used to having things his own way, took a spanking in the mayoral primary when Foster won on the machines at Roosevelt School and ran close at City Hall, thanks to voters from the University of Bridgeport where Foster is a vice president and new downtown voters.

The personality makeup in the East Side’s 137th District is just as intriguing where absentee ballot cheat extraordinaire City Councilwoman Lydia Martinez holds court. Lydia was recently fined $500 by the State Elections Enforcement Commission for violating absentee ballot rules. In fact, Lydia admitted to it. Will that stop her from engaging in a little AB abracadabra? Of course not. She doesn’t know any other way.

As soon as we learn names on opposing slates we’ll let you know.

Current 131st District members:

Mitch Robles, Milagrosa Seguinot, Leticia Colon, Americo Santiago, Ashley Wacker, Jose Negron Sr., Walt Flaherty,  Denise Taylor-Moye, Paul Boucher.

Current 137th District members:

Maria Rivera, Gil Hernandez, Vidal Agosto, Manuel Ayala, Alberto “Tito” Ayala, Lydia Martinez, Maria Andino, Janet Walker, Madonna Barnum.



  1. I am in full support of the challenge slate for the 131th district Democratic Town Committee members. I was honored to be asked to be on that slate but I’ve been there, done that 18 years ago and I don’t want to run but I will support and ask others to vote for the challenge slate. There are some really good people involved with this group. There should be challenge slates in EVERY district.

  2. Our slate in the 132nd is probably okay the way it is for now. I helped Lisa get signatures yesterday and there are some fair-minded folks already there for us. But I am in favor of tossing Ameriwheredidya-go? Santiago from the the 131st for sure.

  3. Bam!!!!!!!!! The Finch administration drops another bomb. The Health Department Director has been told her gig is up.
    Acting on orders from his Massas Andy Nunn, Adam Wood and the Plantation owner Finch, Larry “UNCLE TOM” Osborne gave Kristin Duboy-Horten her orders to get out of the bldg, leave your phone and keys, also her computer was taken. Larry the plantation overseer threw Kristin in the boiling pot of grease. Massa Finch thought when he hired Kristin he had a “Yes Massa Slave” instead of the independent-minded Dubey-Horten, seems she had supported Mary-Jane Foster and the “Massa” don’t be liken Slaves to wander off The Plantation during planting season.
    Andy Nunn and Adam wanted to put the whip to her but instead sent Larry “Step and Fetch” Osborne to do the white devils’ work for them, seein’ they offered Larry 40 acres and a mule when he be retiring.
    So this be the second Black Woman Health Director to be run off the plantation by the Massa.
    Now we be gettin’ Alanna Kabel to be the Health Dept director, a position she does not have the credentials to do by State of Connecticut requirements, they figure we can throw BOE elected officials out, we can run health dept any which way we want. They almost gave Charlie Carroll the Job but he is already f***in’ up three other depts he be havin’ his hands full right now.
    Massa Finch be goin’ afta other slaves too, he be demotin’ peoples all over the plantation white, black and brown, Massa be equal opportunity Massa. All this info brought to you by my fellow slave spies in the city halls, so you all better get back to pickin’ don’t you be wandering too far from the plantation. Pardon my gramma, went to school in B’Port. This is my view of plantation life in Bridgeport brought to you by the Annex Klan.

  4. To all my brothers and sisters black, white and brown, these plantation owners have started what you voted them into office to do, rape and pillage. They is gonna get all they want and more because the city council is carrying their scrotum sacks around for them, they are doing the cara de bola to all of you.
    They believe they can do anything they want. They have this smug arrogance, they have that fuck ’em attitude, the we the boss of you attitude, the we don’t give a shit attitude, the we don’t give a rat’s ass attitude because we are “THE MASSAS.”
    Do you think for one minute Ralph Ford, that you matter one rat’s fart, what you think about them for treating a highly educated woman like Kristin like some crack ho on the street? So all you brothers and sisters who make deals with these scumbags remember your turn in the barrel is coming, because when you’re out of the room they are wiping their asses with you, they call Larry ‘ass wipe’ Osborne. He turns on his own for his pieces of gold.
    We need a Muther Fuckin uprising.

  5. I hope the slate challenging Mitch Robles and that bunch of ass-kissing Town Committee members wins the primary. They can do it.
    Americo Santiago is an empty suit, before I became gentrified I would have called him a professional Puerto Rican. He goes to the highest bidder pure and simple. He jumped from MJF to Finch because someone reminded him his son worked for CitiStat and he also could lose the nomination for state rep. Santiago & Robles are a pair that could beat a full house.


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