Finch Announces Interviews For Police Recruits

From city Communications Director Brett Broesder:

Hundreds of police candidates will complete oral interviews this week as the city moves toward hiring a new police academy class.

“Bridgeport is a very diverse and inclusive community so we want diverse and inclusive panels to conduct the interviews. That is why we invited community members to participate in the interview process,” said Mayor Bill Finch. “They are stakeholders in Bridgeport and deserve to be part of the process.

“I look forward to swearing in a new academy class and even more so administering the oath of office early next year when these men and women graduate as Bridgeport police officers,” Mayor Finch added.

The candidates already have completed the written portion of the civil service exam as well as he physical agility exam. More than 800 candidates are scheduled to complete oral interviews this week with one of 14 three-person panels. Each panel will include one city official, one ranking police officer and one community member.

Carmen Colon, the District Executive Director under the Central Connecticut Coast YMCA, will sit on one of the panels.

“I’m really excited to be here because as a resident of the City of Bridgeport, I’ve lived in the City of Bridgeport my entire life and I am a product of the Bridgeport Public School system,” Colon said. “I’m really excited that our Mayor’s Office and the Civil Service office have taken the time to have us as part of the process. It’s also my understanding that this is the first time in the history of the City of Bridgeport that the process is being done this way.”

Carolyn Vermont, the Director of Urban Initiatives for Connecticut Against Gun Violence, believed that a diverse group of people on panels that includes members of the community members will create public confidence in the process.

“As community leaders, each day we are out there in the community,” said Vermont. “We know what some of the needs are. We know that we need to strengthen the relationship between police officers and the community. So, this gives us an opportunity to be a part of the solution to ensure that we are hiring applicants that can truly relate to the community, respect the community, treat all the residents with dignity.”

Mayor Finch said, “We want not only to hire the best candidates but have an academy class that reflects the diversity of our city. The men and women will be working in our neighborhoods for the next 20 to 30 years.”

The interviews will take place over three days at the Webster Bank Arena.

Once the oral interviews are completed, the testing company will calculate each candidate’s score. Bridgeport residents will  receive an additional 15 percent of their score for residency.

The goal is to seat up to 40 police recruits this fall. They would graduate in the spring.



  1. What is the racial and gender breakdown of the candidates? This process should have started a year ago in anticipation of the retirements.

  2. Steve,
    Right on, my friend, this is necessary and to be expected, yes? It sounds well organized but isn’t that how things should be run routinely?
    And timing may seem perfect but in what way is it perfect? With the retirees already gone and those able to retire, aren’t we behind about three such classes, assuming they all complete and enter their service in Bridgeport? So timing is very necessary but short of perfect, imo.
    And the only GREAT NEWS about this is it has not caused the City to expend money on multiple green signs for what the City is supposed to do for its public. Do you see how far we have come from normal expectations when you lead the cheers on this issue? Enough said? Time will tell.

  3. JML, I will always cheer good news. In a parallel universe the headline across Connecticut could read “Mayor arrested for corruption, the curse continues.” It did not, this is good news and stops the opposition from a vain attempt at mass hysteria.

    There are 800 applicants. The Mayor will pick 40 and perhaps have a backup for additional hires. This is great news. I hope the mix of candidates reflects the city but most importantly I want smart educated individuals on the force and not guys who want to play with guns. 800 applicants is better than most of us thought. The question is do we have woman and minorities? If not, too bad, smart and educated works for me. Bridgeport is so much more than white, black and Hispanic but I am sure the opposition in a vain attempt to paint Finch as a racist plantation owner will pray minorities are left out of the mix. I am certain it will not happen as I am sure patrons to Bridgeport Free Shakespeare this summer as well as The Summer concert series will be amazed at the downtown transformation and a few more Steelpointe announcements. I could do all of Bridgeport’s commercials, Its getting better every day!

    Was great running into Gage, from Mary-Jane Foster’s campaign today during a break from Luis Marin. Of course I wished her well. As always!

    Ran into three of my favorite people from Ganim’s camp. One asked me to go to a Ganim fundraiser. We laughed and his jaw dropped when I said I will see you at O’Manel’s one of these best Portuguese Restaurants besides Solomar and Dolphin’s cove. When it comes to seafood I have always been addicted to the way the Portuguese prepare. When I was young there was an amazing little hole in the wall on Kossuth street, does anyone remember?

  4. More than 800 candidates are scheduled to complete oral interviews this week with one of 14 three-person panels. Each panel will include one city official, one ranking police officer and one community member. Trust me, this brand-new process will be challenged and so will the breakdown of the list for failure to comply with U.S. Federal Employee Guidelines for Hiring and Selection Procedure.

  5. I have written and administered oral exams for the fire service. I don’t understand why we are using untrained city workers to be part of the interview process. The same goes for the community rep. This is nothing more than a capitulation to certain city groups and will not help the process. I wonder who made up the test.

  6. What will these city workers, community reps and Bridgeport police officers do when their sons, daughters, nieces, nephews and neighbors come before them during the interview process? Oh I know, they will all say I know this person and send them to another panel. Did I say I have a bridge to Pleasure Beach for sale?

  7. DD, I know someone named Steve A who would buy the bridge. You may ask how do I know this. I figure anyone who believes as much Finch BS as Steve does might be interested in buying a bridge.


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