A federal judge on Wednesday ruled that the State Elections Enforcement Commission decision to ban Mayor Joe Ganim from participating in the state’s public financing program “doesn’t burden or penalize” his first amendment rights because he’s still free to seek state office outside of the Citizens Election Program.
Ganim, in an exploratory stage for governor, challenged the declaratory decision by the SEEC stemming from his conviction on federal corruption charges in 2003. The state legislature passed an amendment to the state public financing program in 2013–following campaign finance charges against former State Senator Ernie Newton–that bans convicted public officials from access to public campaign cash.
Under the program, gubernatorial candidates must raise $250,000 in donations of $100 and less to trigger a public campaign grant of roughly $1.4 million for a primary and $6.5 million for a general election. Ganim may still run for statewide office, but he now must raise money outside of the program the old-fashioned way through big-dollar donations with a maximum personal contribution of $3,500 if he forms a full-blown candidacy for governor. As an exploratory candidate he’s limited to a personal maximum contribution of $375.
The Democratic field for governor is wide open with no high-profile names in the race. Ganim has the ability to raise a serviceable amount of campaign cash in a primary, but even if his long-shot candidacy managed to take flight to a primary win, his campaign cash would be zeroed out with the Republican opponent sitting with a cool $6.5 million for the general election. He no doubt would be outspent heavily. Not a narrative to build political support.
The Hartford Courant’s Ed Mahony files this report:
A federal judge Wednesday ruled against Bridgeport Mayor Joseph P. Ganim in the mayor’s effort to overturn a state law that bars anyone guilty of a public corruption felony from getting public campaign financing.
Ganim, who served nearly seven years in prison on federal corruption charges, filed a lawsuit challenging a decision by the state Elections Enforcement Commission to deny his request for public funding for his Democratic candidacy for governor. Ganim claimed the ban violated his free speech right by putting him at a disadvantage to other candidates who would have a financing advantage of millions of dollars.
The commission ruled against Ganim in April, and Ganim said at the time he was contemplating legal action. This is only the latest chapter in an extraordinary political career that has included electoral success, bitter humiliation and incarceration, and a remarkable return to political prominence.
Full story here.
The judiciary comes to the rescue of the law (and the public good) once again.
Will funding from “all of the people Joe Ganim has invited to sit at the table with him” as he told a group of African American women in Hartford recently be enough to enable his desires? Will Joe remain with the gubernatorial goal as central? Will he have interest in trimming his sails and come around to bailing out the future for Bridgeport residents, especially the young people in school with their “first chances” ahead of them? Time will tell.
What is the world coming to????
The Constitutional Attorney, Joe Ganim, failed in his interpretation of the law.
Town Chair, Mario Testa, is in for the battle of his life.
Joey G and Mario T may have lost their ability to work a.k.a. Cheat.
Day it isn’t so Joe!!!
There will be a fundraiser in the mayor’s office this Friday night to help Joe out with the legal bills. I believe the maximum amount of contribution is not capped so please give till it hurts. Then give some more. We will not take this lying down.
The law firm of Ganim & Ganim will be the major beneficiary of all money raised.
Give him hell Joe!!!
As his operating budget will be smaller donors will be given Leroux ( Polish Blackberry Brandy in 5-oz. paper cups to sip while smoking Hava Tampa Sweets…
Hey Joe,
Somebody got the Police Chief to drive around the days before a recent City Council primary to collect Absentee Ballots.
Find out who did it, punish the chief by removing the “Acting” from his title and demote him to whatever grade he was before.
That will score BIG points with the public to show you are a true crime fighting Mayor.
No political welfare for Joe. Should’ve kept to the straight and narrow.
A judge finally got it right!!!
Mayor Ganim was never in an exploratory race for Governor. He was always in an exploratory quest for free cash. Without campaign cash, he’s become a “sanctuary” candidate, meaning he’ll seek protection from The Feds by gaining large contributions from donors.
Speaking of cash http://www.ctpost.com/local/article/City-ordered-to-rehire-Fire-Department-s-12395211.php maybe Joe could hit her up for a loan.
Didn’t even need Bucci’s magic to make her whole for $100,000