‘Fall Victim Takes Laundromat To The Cleaners’

This is one of those headlines you wish you had written! Headline and story by Dan Tepfer, CT Post:

A local man has been awarded a $400,000 settlement for injuries he sustained when he fell in a Black Rock laundromat four years ago.

Black Rock Laundromat and Dry Cleaners, of Fairfield Avenue, agreed to pay the settlement to Travis Kollock as Kollock’s lawsuit against the laundromat was being prepared for trial in Superior Court here.

Full story here.



  1. Well I guess it will behoove the insurance company to hire a $50,000 a year person to observe and film this person to see if he is in fact incapable of doing basic everyday chores. This is what insurance companies do. Worth the settlement and catch them in a fraud case and recoup the money!


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