News release from FaithActs for Education
FaithActs for Education, a Bridgeport-based nonprofit organization, launched their 2018 get out the vote (GOTV) efforts with a non-partisan candidate meet and greet event. 19 candidates for governor, lieutenant governor, U.S. Senate, treasurer, attorney general, state senate, and state representative offices attended and had the opportunity to address more than 70 FaithActs members and Bridgeport residents on why they deserve their votes.
Earlier this week, the organization launched its 2018 Voter Guide, which features responses to a questionnaire that was sent to all candidates appearing on the ballot for Bridgeport voters. Attendees on Friday received hard copies of the Voter Guide and took notes as candidates spoke.
The voter guide is also available at www.VoteBridgeport.com.
Candidates in attendance included many of those appearing on the ballot for next Tuesday’s Primary, and also some who will appear only on the November General Election ballot. As a nonprofit organization, FaithActs does not endorse any candidate or party, and instead educates their members and Bridgeport residents on how to vote, helps them create voter plans, and provides information about candidates who will appear on the ballot.
Welcoming the room of members and candidates alike, Executive Director Jamilah Prince-Stewart highlighted the “three V’s” of the group’s efforts, asking attendees to vote, volunteer, and voice their opinions. “Your vote is your most powerful influence over elected officials,” said Prince-Stewart, as candidates enthusiastically nodded in agreement.
“Anytime an organization is willing to spread information around about candidates and issues, it’s a good thing. FaithActs has made real strides in the community in educating voters” said Aaron Turner, a Democratic candidate for the 23rd State Senate District.
Highlighting the need for more opportunities like the meet and greet that encourage bipartisanship on critical issues, Republican candidate for Attorney General Susan Hatfield said, “We all need to come together on both sides of the aisle because there’s no place for partisan politics when we’re talking about our children.”
“If you don’t vote, they don’t listen” is FaithAct’s election mantra. In response to these words, Oz Griebel, an Independent candidate for governor said: “the most important thing a governor can do is listen, but it has got to be sustained meetings like this after the election, and not just during the campaign.”
This event served as the kick off to the organization’s GOTV push, which will include phone banking, community canvassing, and church canvassing with the goal of turning out Bridgeporters to vote in the 2018 Primary Election on August 14th.
The full list of candidates in attendance:
Oz Griebel- ILieutenant Governor:
Eva Bermudez Zimmerman- D
Susan Bysiewicz- DUS Senate:
Matthew Corey- R
Dominic Rapini- RTreasurer:
Dita Bhargava- D
Shawn Wooden- DAttorney General:
Peter Goselin- G
Susan Hatfield- R
William Tong- DState Senate 23rd District:
Dennis Bradley- D
Caz Mizera- R
John Rodriguez- R
Aaron Turner- DState House 124th District:
Andre Baker- DState House 126th District:
Manuel Bataguas-R
Shante Hanks- D
Charles Stallworth- DState House 130th District:
Terrance Sullivan- R
“FaithActs for Education is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that does not endorse any candidate or party. Candidates’ views are presented for educational purposes only. Responses were limited to 75 words per question. Aside from editing for length, candidates’ responses are presented exactly as submitted.” Yet not one Republican candidate for Governor would even respond to an inquiry for basic background information for a profile. Declined to respond. A jesus based group, attempting to profile all candidates so voters can learn about them in the candidates own words and not even the phony-faithful Republicans will respond. Class acts. Now we gotta decide between the lying 1% and the criminal? CT is in great shape!!
Perhaps it is when one party who has their way basically for years and taken most of the rewards for itself without acknowledging the broader public interest to be served…..like educating the young?…perhaps that is a time when women, young and old, of different faiths and skin colors march……or folks of color who are receiving disservice or no-service from their elected officers or City employees and show up at City Council to complain……or find ‘common cause’ in protecting City history important to the community where folks from so many backgrounds have passed through on their road to prosperity or peril…..and we have so many cameras in Bridgeport that can capture behavior by adults that they would not wish in their personnel file nor on the front page of the CT Post? Isn’t progress wonderful? Time will tell.
The Republican candidates were wise to ignore this organization.
A 501(c)3 IRS designation allows tax-deductible donations but requires that an organization is non-partisan.
Clearly, (most of) the republican candidates are aware that ‘FaithActs’ is far from non-partisan.
Sure. Because profiling yourself, in your own words is definitely a trap. Nobody said you had to show for the event.
I find it strange that the Republican Party keeps telling America that they are a faith base organization but it has nothing to do with a faith organization and that they are scare to share their knowledge of what education means to the Republican Party.