The numbers are staggering. Democrats in Bridgeport outnumber Republicans by about 11 to 1. Still, this didn’t deter Republican Ethan Book from taking on his own party’s establishment defeating the endorsed GOP candidate in an August primary to pursue the super long shot odds of defeating Democratic incumbent Chris Rosario in the 128th State House seat that covers the East Side and Hollow neighborhoods. Judging by his voter performance Rosario is popular in his district. Book claims that’s a bunch of hooey.
Book asserts, in this commentary, that Republicans are unfairly dismissed by the media simply based on the numbers. Numbers, he says, possess deeper meaning when you drill down. Book is not someone who just shows up every other year to place his name on the ballot. He frequently attends City Council meetings and engages on a variety of issues. When it comes to the numbers does he raise good points about media dismissiveness or does he wear rose-colored glasses? Perhaps not such a bad thing under the circumstances.
The Sunday Post article on possible candidates for the Bridgeport 2019 mayoral campaign discussed only Democrat candidates. There was mention of the expected probable candidate incumbent Joe Ganim, several plausible candidates and then some possible candidates. Regarding possible Republican candidates, the article by Brian Lockhart said merely, “With Republicans seriously outnumbered in Bridgeport, Ganim’s concern would be a foe from within the Democratic Party.” That statement is not a mere reporting of facts. It’s an editorial comment. It also needs to be challenged.
On August 10th, the Post reported that in Bridgeport, there are 46,509 Democrats and 4,096 Republicans. That’s slightly over an 11 to 1 ratio.
In Ansonia, the Democrat to Republican ratio is 8 to 1. Slightly less than in Bridgeport but nonetheless substantial. Yet, Republican Ansonia Mayor David Casetti typically wins.
And then, if we factor in unaffiliated and Independent voters, the ratio gets down to about 2 to 1.
Then further, when we factor in Mayor Ganim’s track record of a major property tax increase in 2016, just after he assured us in his 2015 campaign that he would do his best not to increase taxes, also his action of bridging his employment and additionally the patronage employments, among other issues, he has set up a large target where various good Republican candidates could be serious contenders in 2019.
Post reporters should be more careful to refrain from making reckless statements which can tend to mislead the electorate and potentially adversely impact the electoral processes!
*** NO new Republican’s on the local or fed. level should be voted for till Trump & his admin. is history in the W/H. Also, not till current republican Pols stop hiding their heads in the sand & stand-up for the “real” republican party of Lincoln & not what Trump & his supporters have turned the party to! If not then change the name of the republican party to the nationalist party, no? ***WHAT SAY YOU?***
Mojo, you raise three key issues. First, on Trump, I have said that although I don’t always like his style, what he has been doing has had some good positive effects. A female legal immigrant in my district who works in a factory tells me that her work level has improved significantly under Trump. Second, the logic behind the idea that no new Republicans should be elected until Trump and his administration are gone is ridiculous. If you want to challenge his election legally, then go ahead. But your present suggestion is a non-starter. But if you would like to continue the theme, Trump’s popularity ratings are higher than Malloy’s. Christopher Rosario is a puppet of Malloy. As just one key point, in 2015, he voted in favor of the second largest tax increase in state history, increasing taxes a whopping 25%, causing many companies and workers to move out of the state, thereby resulting in reduced state tax revenues which are not even offset by the large tax increases. Another issue for review is why,shortly after he lost his City position as Blight Director. in early 2016, he was hired by Republican Mayor of Shelton Mark Lauretta to work in that City’s Police Departmenr for a no stress position which allows him to make numerous appearances at public events. Third, as should be apparent from what had been said here and what I can show with a new campaign flyer which is near ready for publication, simply put, I am the best candidate for State Representative in the 128th District. Beyond all that, the real issue is the General dismissiveness of the media to the real value and potential of the local Republican Party. Mere consideration of differences in numbers of registered voters does not afford a good analysis. Also, those numbers can change!
I really wasn’t going to say anything and just give you a pass but your reply to Mojo shows why he was right.
Ron, please explain!
Ethan Book, let me address your post, you started with, “First, on Trump, I have said that although I don’t always like his style, what he has been doing has had some good positive effects. A female legal immigrant in my district who works in a factory tells me that her work level has improved significantly under Trump,” the example that you give to make your point that President 45 is doing something positive is one immigrant woman but you nothing to say over 500 immigrant mothers who have had their infant children taken from them and tey can’t be found by this government, that’s just one example of the failure of current President. Then you make these false analogies like, “If you want to challenge his election legally” and “Trump’s popularity ratings are higher than Malloy’s.” Thoe are your talking points and Mojo never mention any of those things. The Republican Party no loner exist, it’s now 45’s Party, debt and deficit are oky now, not paying as you go is long gone. So call Republicans are scare to step up and speak out against anything that 45 does never what comes out his mouth. Because of this lack of courage Mojo is 100% right, ” NO new Republican’s on the local or fed. level should be voted for till Trump & his admin. is history in the White House.” Ethan, I’m not even talking about his comments about blacks, the Mueller investigation, the wall, children placed in cages, let me stop, Ethan were is the outrage or maybe I’m wrong and the Republican Party does agree with 45 like you do.
*** Lets not blame one state rep. for voting for the 25% tax increase that came about from years of state republican over-spending in the past admins. Also you can’t compare Malloys Ct. state popularity with Trump’s nation-wide popularity numbers. Trump’s present economic effects are also based with past Obama policy’s & should not be reported as merely a Trump achievement with only 20 months in as the U.S President. His first 100-days in office as President were merely average at best! If you are a Trump supporter & current member of the new republican (pro-nationalist) party, then you sir are not what the urban district of the 128th needs to represent them in Hartford, Ct. The republican party of old; (Party of Lincoln) is in hiding from what men like Sen. McCain stood for. Afraid to be replaced by the new republican (pro-nationalist) party or the Dems. in future elections. Mr. Book being conservative on many political local, state & federal levels is needed however, just like in in life there are always 2-sides to a story or issue with the best possible scenario’s being somewhere in the middle, no? ***WHAT SAY YOU?***
Many people are familiar with the story about Sisyphus, doomed to push a rock up a mountain for eternity and each time he got to the top, and he thought to rest, the rock rolled down the hill. Repetition….purpose….fateful….and many politicians in Book’s position would give up and live elsewhere. But Ethan has purpose in his life, and serving his neighbors with truthful stories is part of that purpose. Do not cry for him. Rather look in your own mirror and see if you have any community task that you ignore, forget, and fail to take up? Time will tell.
JML in some ways you are like Sisyphus pushing the rock of BRIDGEPORT’S TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY, with your red boots. On the bright side you’re not doomed for eternity. 🙂
John, thank you for your comments! To elaborate, this is the third time for me to challenge Christopher Rosario for the 128th. Particularly in 2016, the numbers didn’t well reflect the political dynamic and how close I was to the tipping point. I sensed nervousness on the part of the opposition. I was also told by several that Democrat leaders sometimes laugh at local Republicans for not fully appreciating our potential for winning. In addition, I was told by several observers that they were expecting me to win. Further, there have been various who advise me to simply keep on doing what I’ve been doing. History tells us that two prominent politicians lost more than twice before they eventually won; Abraham
Lincoln and Jasper McLevy. Also, I have the confidence shown by statistics that for my efforts in registering over 100 Republicans since May of 2016, the Demicrat-to-Republican ratio in the 128th has declined by 15%. That’s substantial. Finally for now, as is reflected in over three hours of door-to-door campaigning that I did today in The Hollow, I’m convinced that I’m on the right track. I met some very good people, had good discussions on important issues, and I could readily see the rudder of the big ship gradually turning toward votes for me. One Democrat, who initially said he would never vote Republican, after a brief chat, said he would vote for me. Another, a Mexican woman, a registered Democrat, said she voted for me in 2016 and that she would vote for me again on November 6th. These kinds of experiences keep my motors running and ready for more. For more understanding of why I say realistically that there are good tools to aide in me winning in November, I will have a new revised and powerful campaign flyer ready soon for distribution!
*** RIP-Sen. John McCain *** Member of the past “real republican party”! ***
About Judging a book by it cover. Moses, if you read the very next passage about Jesus’s hair being “white” like wool, it says “In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.” Revelation 1:16 I Googled what color is the sun and this is what it said. “However, the Sun is essentially all colors mixed together, which appear to our eyes as white. This is easy to see in pictures taken from space. Rainbows are light from the Sun, separated into its colors. Each color in the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet) has a different wavelength.” You are cool with an old hair white Jesus with sunburned feet? Let me know when the East End gets its Stop and Shop, not to mention all the employment that comes with a large size grocery store the East End residents.
Ron, I never said Trump was perfect! I have spoken about the separation of immigrant children from mothers (which was also done under Obama and Bush) and I have spoken against deficit spending (which was done under Obama and Bush) and I have spoken about his style which covers other matters of which you spoke. The fact that I didn’t specifically comment on each of these in my counter comment does not mean that they exist. My point is that some good things are happening under President Trump. No President has been perfect. Overall, what Trump is doing is good. My suggestion that you challenge Trump legally is not a false analogy. Also, while Moho didn’t discuss approval ratings does not mean that the subject is not relevant. Have you ever heard Republicans say that no Democrat should be elected until he’s out of office? You may not like the idea of a wall but there is some logic to it, a matter which would be a matter for Congress to vote on. The best immigration policy is a good balance between order and compassion. On matters of investigations, there were some investigations under the Obama administration. Each of these points deserve some discussion at some time and place, but my point remains that none of what you have raised justifies a position of no new Republicans to be elected until the Trump administration is history. Also, nothing of what you say overshadows the point that I am a much better candidate for the 128th State Assembly District than the puppet Christopher Rosario and that the way to evaluate my candidacy is not to simply micro-focus on numbers of voter registrations.
Ethan, sad, all you do is what kids do in school or at home with their brothers and sisters, they blame the other person when they get caught. Again, nobody said the word perfect. You don’t have to speak out about anything but just watch how bad you and other Republicans lose in November but you keep blaming Obama and Bush.
Ron, I wasn’t blaming Obama and Bush, I was putting your comments in a fuller context. Again, the more important issues for now are state issues, that I am a far better candidate than Puppet Rosario and that the media should not micromanage in evaluating the prospects of Republican candidates!
State issues involve State dollars going to Washington with little to comeback to Connecticut. Why are debt and deficit no problem to the President and the Republican Congress where both the House and Senate are in control but nothing from Connecticut State Republicans about that misuse of taxpayers money. Why should Connecticut residents have any trust and faith in State Republicans when they see no problems debt and deficit in D.C.
Ron, please read what I wrote above!
Ethan Book..investigate what Trump and DC Republicans did with the Federal Budget. Then come back to us and talk about the “Republican Party.”
Frank, Ethan Book doesn’t want to talk about the run awy spending of President 45 and the Republican Congress but now we are suppose to trust State House and Senate Republican who all support 45.
Unfairly dismissed because of the numbers. Really. You must be on glue. The GOP is beholden to obsolete political ideology that benefits the wealthy few at the expense of the many. If you want to improve the party’s image get rid of the asshole taking up space in the White House.
*** Mr. Book & his political ideology for the 128th district is the usual side-show of (out-side the box) ideas that turn out to be something completely different or nothing at all after the elections are over. Voters need to take some time before the election dates arrive & do some political homework on the actual candidates that are running for a political seat. In this day & age alot of information can be found easily right @ your finger tips on a personal computer or @ a public library. You cannot rely on political mail, flyers, posters or commercials alone these days. You must seek out political & personal info on the candidates that you or family members might be interested in possibly voting for! In these days of false political promises, their political parties, members & candidates, along with their under-lining secret agendas. Voters need to be really conscience about life & the political parties & candidates they decide to vote for! Many world negative historical events that have happen in the past started from mere political ideology or window dressing designed to cover-up the real intentions for political & military power. As the power increases, more & more of the R-wing nationalist personal agendas start to really show & democracy as we know it is not part of the agendas! Voting, political parties & who you vote for is becoming a very important part in this day & age as American citizens & children of GOD! ***VOTE***