Do You Guys Talk? Plus: Squeaker Of The House

Ah, and you thought we were done writing about the Bridgeport Port Authority?

Okay, last week city resident Nancy Hadley, former Bridgeport director of economic development, fired off an email letter to state officials including State Senator Don DeFronzo, chairman of the Transportation Committee, expressing concern about a potential legislative override of Gov. Jodi Rell’s veto of a bill that placed the BPA under the umbrella of the state Department of Transportation.

Legislative passage had set off a panic by the City Council over loss of home rule. In response, the council abolished the port authority, but sanity prevailed when Rell vetoed the state measure and Mayor Bill Finch did the same of the council action. Executive Director Joe Riccio, who failed to tell his bosses the BPA commisioners about his intentions to lobby the state legislation, was severed from the agency.

Hadley shared with OIB the email letter response to her from DeFronzo because she believes that she had mischaracterized Riccio in her letter to DeFronzo as a rogue operator of the bill. DeFronzo, according to the letter below, says Finch (through his legislative liaison) knew all about the legislative action and, in fact, sanctioned placing the BPA under the state DOT. See DeFronzo’s letter to Hadley below:

Thank you for your e-mail concerning the DOT bill and specifically, the Port Authority provision.

While I understand your concerns, your assumptions relating to the process are not quite accurate. I hope this will set the record straight.

Roughly two weeks before the session ended (not at the “very last minute”) this issue was brought to the leadership of the Transportation Committee by the CEO of the Bridgeport Port Authority (BPA) and his lobbyist. Following that meeting I discussed the proposal with Mayor Finch’s legislative liaison at the capitol and was told that the mayor fully supported the change.

Subsequently we asked DOT’s position on this proposal and was told that the Department supported the measure and that their Deputy Commissioner had discussed this topic with the BPA and the city. In that the state is preparing to make a sizable financial commitment for port improvements, DOT officials reportedly favored the change so as to assure a stable and reliable fiduciary agent and partner. Therefore, your assumption that Governor Rell’s administration was unaware of this proposal is inaccurate.

You also need to be aware that the BPA and the city share the same lobbyist, so any suggestion the the administration in Bridgeport was unaware of the request is not plausible. In addition, I personally discussed this issue with several members (but not all) of the city’s delegation who were aware of the request and deferred to the city’s interest in the matter.

I can assure you that had not the city supported the request, and had not the DOT vetted the proposal and indicated its support, the proposal would not have been included in the DOT bill.

Again, I appreciate your comments, but I do want you to know we don’t arbitrarily insert provisions into a major bill without consulting the key decision makers well in advance.

Don DeFronzo

Now, if DeFronzo’s version is correct (the city does not dispute his position), the city could have saved itself a lot of time, effort, yelling, screaming, special meetings, etc. Or maybe there was just a little miscommunication? Or perhaps the most cynical among us (not me) believes a trap was set for Riccio? Or perhaps at the time the mayor did not fully understand the ramifications for dissolving the BPA?

Am I reaching here to give hizzoner the benefit of the doubt? The bottom line is Finch did the right thing vetoing the council ordinance after Rell vetoed the state legislation. The city, through the BPA commissioners, can now recast the agency with a new director.

The city’s legislative liaison Tyrone McClain is empowered with representing the mayor’s position to state legislative officials. Perhaps Tyrone got it wrong when he told DeFronzo the mayor was on board. Was there miscommunication? Shit happens.

Viva Puerto Rico

The Puerto Rican Day parade is on Sunday. Check this out:

Mouse In The House

Three times a week or so I receive news releases from the National Republican Campaign Committee blistering Congressman Jim Himes about this or that. I usually ignore them. But this one is just too funny to pass up. Get a load of this:

Thanks to Himes, Pelosi’s House Mouse Gets Stimulated After All

Despite Dem Claims to the Contrary, Squeaker of the House Benefits from ‘Stimulus’ Funds at Expense of Middle Class Americans

Washington- After Nancy Pelosi pledged on national television that the so-called stimulus bill would be free of pork, a well-known project that epitomizes stimulus waste will receive taxpayer funds. A total of $16 million will be released for projects to improve mouse habitats in San Francisco, thanks to Jim Himes’ support for the $787 billion monstrosity:

“The tiny mouse that became a hotly disputed symbol of wasteful spending in the congressional debate over the $787 billion economic stimulus bill has returned to pester House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“The Obama administration quietly announced last week that as much as $16.1 million from the stimulus program is going to save the San Francisco Bay area habitat of, among other things, the endangered salt marsh harvest mouse.” (S.A. Miller, “Agency Funds Pelosi’s Mouse Project,” Washington Times, 7/9/09)

Characteristically, Democrats offered false assurances to taxpayers that stimulus funds specifically would not be dedicated to San Francisco mice. According to a Pelosi spokesman:

“There are no federal wetland restoration projects in line to get funded in San Francisco … The idea that $30 million will be spent to save mice is a total fabrication.” (Greg Sargent, “Pelosi’s Office: Conservative Talking Point About $30 Million For Mice Is ‘Fabrication,'” The Plum Line, 2/12/09)

“Jim Himes and his fellow Democrats promised to create jobs get the economy back on track, but Connecticut families have taken a back seat to a rat living in San Francisco,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “Democrats are giving a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘pet project.’ Jim Himes might think that throwing taxpayer dollars down a rat-hole is a priority, but Connecticut voters only want to know one thing: Where are the jobs?”


Democrats claimed that money for mouse habitats wasn’t in the stimulus bill even though millions of dollars were clearly marked for allocation by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA):

“On Thursday, Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-Colo.) took to the House floor to make a different point: the money for the restoration isn’t actually in the bill.

“‘There are no earmarks in this bill. There is no earmark for rats in San Francisco. There is money that goes to the EPA and the Department of the Interior for cleanup of wetlands and maintaining of wetlands and apparently this is on a list of ready-to-go projects but it, like many others, must compete within the departments for that money. It is not a specific earmark within the bill,’ he said.” (Ryan Grim, “Pelosi’s Mouse Explained: What’s Actually In The Stimulus Bill,” Huffington Post, 2/12/09)

Pelosi herself pledged no pork in the stimulus bill:

CNN’S WOLF BLITZER: Can you assure the American people that there will be no pork barrel spending, none of these earmarks, these bridges to nowhere, these phony deals that are going on – that legislators won’t be able to bury stuff for their districts – the stuff that’s been so highly publicized?

PELOSI [raising right hand]: I can pledge to you that no earmark – or any of that, any description you want to make of it – will be in the bill that passes the house.

According to a NOAA press release, the agency has dedicated $16.1 million in stimulus funds to two separate San Francisco wetlands restoration projects:

· San Francisco South Salt Pond Restoration (San Francisco, Calif.) – $7.6 million

· American Canyon Salt Pond Restoration (San Francisco, Calif.) – $8.5 million

News release from Jim Himes

Himes Welcomes Pastor Bennett for Congressional Invocation

Bridgeport pastor provided opening prayer for United States House of Representatives this morning

Washington, DC-Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) welcomed Pastor Anthony L. Bennett, D. Min, of the Mount Aery Baptist Church in Bridgeport, Connecticut to Washington today (July 9). Serving as the Guest Chaplain, the pastor provided this morning’s invocation for the United States House of Representatives.

“I’m honored to have a local leader of Pastor Bennett’s stature represent Connecticut on the national stage,” said Congressman Himes. “His prayer reminded us of the fundamental values that all of us, regardless of party, must serve.”

Pastor Bennett is the Senior Pastor of the Mount Aery Baptist Church. In addition to his work with the church, he is an Adjunct Professor at Hartford Seminary and Guest Lecturer at Fairfield University and Yale Divinity School. Pastor Bennett is also active in the greater Bridgeport community and has led the church to create an extensive network of personalized ministries to meet the growing needs of the congregation and community of Bridgeport. In addition to his work with various religious organizations throughout Southwest Connecticut, Pastor Bennett has served on the boards of local organizations such as the Music & Arts Center for Humanity, the United Way of Eastern Fairfield County, and the Bridgeport Child Advocacy Coalition.

“I hope the words I shared today will help lead the Members of Congress to make wise and thoughtful decisions,” said Pastor Bennett. “The initiatives they consider will have a significant impact on families, communities, and even countries.”

Pastor Bennett is a graduate of Morehouse College. He earned his Master of Divinity at the Union Theological Seminary in New York, New York and completed doctorate studies at the United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. He lives in Bridgeport with his wife Donna and their children Brittany and Ahmad.



  1. In my effort to encourage folks to join me in providing the Senators with reasons not to override the Governor’s veto, I found out from Senator DeFronzo I didn’t know the whole story. Therefore I apologized to the Senator and renewed my plea to him that the Senate not move to override the Governor’s veto. In my opinion, the Port Authority is an important financing mechanism for Bridgeport and needs to survive, albeit restructured and redirected.

  2. What has been written today about the port authority situation illustrates the total unprofessional behavior of this administration.
    I believe what you wrote is true. They wanted to get rid of Riccio and knowing this administration they really did want the state to take over the port.
    It seems that the administration kept the majority of the council out of the loop. I wonder if Curwen knew what was going on in Hartford? If he did shame on him. If he did not then shame on him also.
    People wonder why nothing gets done in Bridgeport, here is a great example.

    1. *** Everyone can’t be as sharp & have all the answers like you & your running partner! You guys are sure going to make that city council “shine” should you win the primary. Where have you guys been hiding while the city’s politics have been going astray in the 138th? ***

  3. TC said this morning:

    CHS: Ann & I will work to rid the city of the political appointments and created jobs that cost the professional civil service employee jobs. Ann & I will lobby other council people and point out why this is wrong. We will bring these matters to the public so that they can truly understand what is taking place. Right now the council with the exception of Walsh, Lyons and Vizzo are quiet on these subjects.
    Ann & I both feel that the career civil service employees are the backbone of this city. We feel that what has taken place to date illustrates this as the city is falling into disarray and no one appointed to city jobs by this administration knows what the hell they are doing. Services to the public have suffered as a result of this administration’s meddling.
    We know we can’t work miracles but we can be a voice for what is right. I hope I have answered your question.

    Good luck, TC. I hope you and Ann win. Everything you said is absolutely true.

  4. Regarding the PA story, this is typical Nancy Hadley. She fired off an email, albeit she didn’t have the whole story, that forced the truth to come out. She doesn’t mince words; I like that about her. But now Bridgeport looks stupid again. Here’s my take: 1) Either Tyrone fucked up big time or 2) This was a brilliant scheme to get rid of Joe Riccio and give the job to Curwen. Either way, the council looks like a bunch of buffoons for going along with the chaos. They need to hire their own independent person to research these things so that they don’t continue to look like jerks. In any event, if I were on the council I would never trust the word of Tyrone or the mayor again. Seriously.

  5. Every day something happens that proves my point. This administration does not have one competent person who knows what’s going on. It is a fucking joke.

  6. One last thing. My goal for today. I’m going to gather a list of every employee who either resigned or was forced out under Alanna Kabel. The list is considerable and includes some loyal, experienced employees. Why is this woman allowed to mistreat her employees and massacre not one–but two depts and no one does anything?

    One example is Joe Wince, Fair Housing Director for 30+ years. Joe did an outstanding job, helped people that had nowhere else to go, and was highly respected by the community, courts and Legal Aide. He was paid through CDBG yet Alanna laid him off, eliminated his position and now people who have problems with their landlords have nowhere to go. WHY? Because Joe didn’t kiss her ass. More to come this weekend. Adios.

    1. *** While you’re gathering your info. on city time, see if you can find time to do the job you’ve been overpaid all these years to do there, “stalker”! ***

  7. I’m still scared over the last few days on this blog and the idiots who would vote for a convicted thief named Ganim; scares me to be a taxpayer living in this city and have 2 kids in the public school system. Ganim was and will always be a thief and Fabrizi a self-absorbed coke sniffer. Andres Ayala should come out and run for mayor, he can be trusted!

  8. In the CT Post today it was reported that Andy Nunn will temporarily run the Port Authority. These people never stop. A few weeks ago there was a move to eliminates Nunn’s job from the budget. This is great now there are 2 areas that Nunn knows nothing about.
    Going to one of the budget hearings it was a treat to watch Nunn and Feeney text each other when being asked questions by the budget committee. Neither knew their ass from their elbow.
    Finch continues to show that he knows zip about running this city. Where the hell are the council people on this and the rest of the BS goes on in this city?
    The council by their silence is complicit in the city going in the tank. For gods sake get your head out of your asses, grow a pair and stand up to this bullshit.

  9. Lennie,
    A political operative that I know recently shared with me that he can always tell when Finch or his closest advisers are lying. Their lips move.

  10. Finch is claiming in the Conn Post today that Bridgeport is not a deep-water port. I guess he’s finally woken up after years of feeding us years of shit on the feeder barge concept. Too bad Tyrone McPlain wasn’t on the same page with Finch and our painfully silent delegation. NO comments ever heard from the Blonde Banshee, Enrico Caruso, The Great Black Hope Clemons, et al.?

    Was everybody off the reservation on this issue?


    No lo se!

  11. Up On Bridgeport
    Glad to hear you; I wonder what Bridgeport Kid has to say on this. I miss those old slugfests with you 2. City Hall smoker is someone going to challenge D Roach’s wife for the position? That’s just nuts that he thinks his wife can just get the position like that. Don’t get me wrong she is a nice lady but I would love to see someone challenge her for it. Ganim for mayor 2011.

  12. Bob Walsh
    How do people elect a councilman like you? You seem to reject everything the mayor does. You seem like you would want to be mayor. This is what’s wrong with the city we have people with their own Agenda. If it were up to me I would get all new council members who actually want to get something done. If it’s one thing I liked what Caruso said was to get rid of the town committee. Too bad he lost because Finch has done a bad job so far my property tax is out the roof my car tax is out the roof. Do they think people like me make enough money to pay all of this it’s like the city does not want anybody to have money in their pockets. I remember when Ganim was Mayor people wanted to move into the city but now people want to move out and I am one of them; these taxes are crazy. Whatever happened to that tax cut Finch talked about??? Ganim in 2011 or else I’m moving out of this place.

    1. Caruso is in bed with the DTC. He’d never get rid of it. For Christ’s sake he was the Chairman of it. Had his chance and all he did was be a crooked grub.

  13. Where is Anthony Musto; I haven’t heard him say anything to our City. I want to take away my vote for him now. I always liked Russo but just couldn’t vote for him in November because of these bad bad bad Republicans in 2008. At least Russo wanted to do something with education. I have not heard one thing from Musto since he’s been in office. Musto was never my favorite because I voted for Moore in the Primary too bad those people in trouble voted for the do-nothing Musto.

  14. Well Ann and I have a new (old) competitor for the council seats in the 138th. Rich Paoletto is now Bob Curwen’s running mate. Kevin Monks decided to step aside so Rich could run. Ann and I would welcome Kevin to our camp. I like Kevin and thought what these two did to him was wrong. As we all know these two have been wrong before.
    Bob, either you knew Finch favored the change in the state law and still decided to act like you did not know or Finch played you like a banjo. In either case you led the council down the glory road and again Bridgeport looked foolish. All those late-morning visits to the annex and you still did not know what this administration did in Hartford? How can this be?
    Now we have Nunn temporarily in charge of the PA. What have you got to say about that?

    1. *** Negative campaigning, the art of making up or using neg. rumors as facts to promote one’s self in a political setting. *** Past history has shown that those who pass themselves off as the political real deal usually are just the opposite! ***

  15. All of those people over at the Annex are all snakes. The city is on the balls of its ass and they are taking disciplinary actions on employees who took possession of their own property albeit on loan to the city. Disgusting.

    Nunn got a raise, Charlie’s squeeze got a raise, employees in oped got a raise. Tax bills are late (stop blaming the “holiday” you should have sent them out earlier bitch), the tax system doesn’t work, the economic development director is always sleeping and trashing the administration behind their backs. As a matter of fact …

  16. Thanks Lennie. If you want to see good ol’ city employees wasting taxpayer dime come take a ride by the course and you will see three-quarters of the public works department hitting the links.

  17. All You who wanted to see the November election precinct for precinct in Bridgeport 2008. The numbers are huge. Democrats kicked butt all across the city. From Black Rock to the East End Democrats Won Big here are the results:

    I will post the 2006 results too if anyone needs them; the dems did ok but not great in Bridgeport. 2008 was a big improver for democrats in Bridgeport. Black Rock has to have made the biggest turnaround from 2006 to 2008. In 2006 republicans ran strong in every race 2008 Black Rock was Solid democrat. Obama carried about 70% of the vote and Himes beat Shays by over 370 votes. If you want the 2006 results let me know enjoy my people. Thanks to Matt W from mln.

  18. The only way Finch gets a 2nd term would be if the administration had a bit more of a Mario look to it. Expect Charlie to be Chief of Staff and Wood would be the Federal Lobbyist for the city.

  19. Town Committee–Kevin Monks was a long-standing member of the 138th TC. When do people know that enough is enough? When the city was hurting Rich P and Bob C used their stipends to the max limit. That’s 18k!!!

    Hell they can’t even keep it in their pants let alone know what the hell is going on in Hartford. I hope Kevin Monks does join your team and clean the 138th of the filth and inadequate leadership in that part of town.

  20. Fairchild Squealer: I have a call into Kevin and plan on asking him to join our team. Kevin agreed to run with Curwen when no one else would. Now Paoletto has finally made up his mind he will run and somehow they got Kevin to drop out. This is after Kevin took photos with Curwen and walked the neighborhood with Curwen as his running mate.
    I can tell you and anyone else that’s interested Ann and I will not be using the stipend and that money will be saved by the city. $18,000 may not save anyone’s job but it will help.

  21. Town Committee–You should FOI the Hotels that they stay in during these conferences and put them on your campaign literature. Don’t fall for that BS that the Mil Rate dropped. Taxes still went up. As a matter of fact Bob and Rich voted to raise taxes every year they have been on the council. Why haven’t they dropped a dime on Tony’s Huntington Inn? Forget the east end. Lots of snow in there and it isn’t February.

    1. They sure played Kevin dirty. I am very surprised at district leader Martha Santiago. She probably got her marching orders from Mario because he didn’t want to deal with a three-way primary. TC, seems like you have plenty of ammunition against these guys. The fact that Curwen is working for DiNardo who owes all those back taxes should be enough to give you the seat.

      Fairchild–welcome to OIB. It’s nice to have another city employee who isn’t afraid to speak the truth. When I heard about Nunn taking over the PA this morning I wanted to puke. Haven’t these people learned their lesson? These are real jobs that require real expertise. Nunn doesn’t even know what most city depts do. He never bothers to leave the 2nd floor of the annex. The man is a waste and so is his admin asst.

  22. This must kill Curwen since he thinks the PA job is his. There’s no love lost between Nunn and Curwen. During the budget meetings, Nunn showed no respect at all. Sat there texting and goofing on Curwen.

  23. As promised, here’s Alanna’s hit list, all the employees she forced out over the last 3 years. I am omitting last names to protect their privacy but city hallers know who they are:

    CDBG Office:

    Chris K.
    Joe W.
    Bob H.
    Bernie F.
    Aida F.
    George E.
    Aisha D.

    Central Grants:

    Rebecca H.
    Christine K.

    Nine people in 3 years. She first destroyed the CDBG office. Then she was given Central Grants and began her reign of terror there. Two outstanding grantwriters left and don’t be surprised if others leave soon too. In the CDBG office, the employees with longevity retired and those with a few years said “I’m not taking this shit” and they left. No other dept has experienced this kind of turnover anywhere in the city.

    Now anywhere else, if a manager had a turnover of this many people, someone would wonder what the fuck was going on. Could all these possibly be bad employees or could there be a problem with the supervisor? But who’s going to investigate cousin Alanna? Certainly not cousin Tom.

  24. chs: I believe Martha received her marching orders from Finch & Company. Quite frankly she has done things recently that totally surprised me. She really pushed for Curwen & Monks only because at the time Paoletto was not running.
    Her backing of Curwen is surprising only in the respect he constantly talks of replacing her as the district leader. This has been going on for a few years. Martha knows this because I told her what was coming down the pike. So much for loyalty.
    I spoke to Kevin Monks last night and invited him to join the Fardy-Barney team. I told Kevin I thought he was a stand-up guy for stepping into the void when no one else would run with Curwen. Kevin stated he needed a few days to digest what happened. I told Kevin I would respect what he decided and when this is over we would still be friends.
    The culprit in all this is Paoletto. He could have come out earlier and saved a lot of people a lot of grief. In either case Ann and I welcome Paoletto to the fray.

  25. CHS: The person I am going to talk about does not work for Alanna. She is a city employee 9 months away from 25 years of service to the city. I spoke to her the other day and she said “I dont know if I can make it through the next 9 months”. I asked her what she meant and she stated the work atmosphere is horrible and that the civil service employees are being harassed and threatened by the Finch appointees and the friends of Finch and Company.
    This lady said that in all her years working for the city and with all the different administrations she has never seen anything like what is going on now.
    Finch has bought himself some temporary support by these hirings but he will pay in the end. Unfortunately it’s the citizens of Bridgeport that are paying now.

  26. Hmmm … I can make detective on this one … ann.omminous and donj are the same person … two names, no brain. CHS … I’m surprised you are a Ganim supporter, you seem so against evil in city hall … Ganim spelled backwards is evil.
    SOB … Ayala is to be trusted, good call.
    TC … best of luck, you seem as if you really do care
    Mr. Mojo … keep on typing!

  27. Bpt Finest: I do care. I came up the hard way in this city. I worked at some tough jobs at Carpenter Steel before I went on the BFD. I have coached 100s of inner-city kids in both Little League and Babe Ruth Baseball. I knew all of the parents, many of them single parents. I watched their day-to-day struggles to make ends meet and to save their children. I bought baseball gloves for kids that had no gloves and these kids remember 20 years later in fact some are coaching baseball.
    The one thing I came away with is that the majority of people in Bridgeport are good people and whether you are poor, middle class or rich we all wanted the same thing. We want peace & quiet, we want our kids to have a better life than we did and we our kids to get a good education. We want a good quality of life.
    Look Ann & I know that we can’t change the world but if we can make 1 person’s life better by caring, listening and giving a damn then we did what we will be elected to do.

    1. *** Where in Bpt. were the little league & Babe Ruth baseball teams based out of? *** A comment on council stipends, $2,250. check given every 3 months if requested by individual council member. From that check, S.S, medicare, state & fed. taxes, etc. are taken out leaving about $1,825. in actual money. In order to receive the next quarterly stipend check, the council member must submit to the controller’s office ($2,250) council business-related receipts, some which may be tax-credited or not after only really receiving $1825. after state & fed. deductions! So basically you really have to watch & be aware of your stipend spending or you may end up owing the city money and getting negative press if a reporter decides to do a story on the council’s stipend history. So it’s up to the individual whether to ask or not ask for the city stipend benefit! You would be surprised how much phone calls, literature, training lectures, etc. add up to, if you’re really trying to keep in touch with your constituents, current political events, and overall political & business issues in general. Some members use the stipends wisely, some don’t & some don’t use it at all. However it does not make you any better or worse of a council member either way you choose! *** Promises, promises, is just an empty political bottomless wishing well that in the end really helps no one! ***

  28. Thank you REDWHITEANDBLUE for reminding me about Kathy H. That brings Alanna’s hit list up to an even 10 and climbing. I don’t know how I forgot about Kathy because she went through hell. She had a perfect work record for over 20 years. Then her little boy gets mysteriously ill and Alanna writes her up under the sick policy. Even though the policy gives the supervisor discretion with good, long-term employees, Alanna wrote her up anyway. And when Kathy left and tried to get another job, Alanna tried to blackball her. Fucking witch.

    Yeah BF, I would vote for Ganim again. He created a spirit in city hall of people working together. We didn’t have these nasty Hitler-like dept heads. Ganim knew that the way you treat people is what you get back. When you treat your employees fairly, you get their loyalty and productivity in return. Finch should take a lesson from Ganim.

  29. tc,
    Word on the street is HUD will be penalizing the city for misuse of CBGD funds anywhere between $750K – $1.5M for using these funds for Housing Code Enforcement Officers.
    And that the city has already illegally transferred these people of grants onto city payroll without doing a budget transfer. This is why Paoletto is running and no longer needs clarification on the Hatch Act issue.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if the city or Paoletto shot itself in the foot trying to avoid the Hatch Act and opened up the can of worms over block grant funds.
    Another great issue for you to run on.

  30. Grin, this is being whispered throughout the halls of the annex. You have to be careful though, because Alanna warned her employees not to discuss it. HUD is penalizing the city for misuse of funds for Housing Code AND anti-blight employees. Alanna was told of this awhile back but did nothing to correct the problem. I mentioned this in previous posts. Will she be investigated and disciplined accordingly? NOT!

    Interesting how she got rid of Joe W. and the Fair Housing office, a program that HUD loved, because she didn’t like Joe. Then she continues to fund anti blight and Tom Coble even when she is told not to.

  31. BF I think you’re just mad because a lot of people still love and would vote for Ganim again. So wake up and smell the coffee and know that 90% of the city supports Ganim and your little opinion means nothing at all. Ganim 2011.

  32. “Sweet Joe Ganim.” “Beloved Joe Ganim.” “Savior of the City Joe Ganim.” “City Hall was such a nice place to work when he was mayor.”

    No … Joe Ganim is a degenerate thief who screwed each and everyone of you.

    You dumb bastards who think that he should run again for office should seriously reconsider. It’s like putting Dillinger in charge of a bank.

    If we only could motivate smart, well-experienced people with demonstrated records of success in management, every square inch of developable land in this town would be turned from blight to producing revenue.

    Finch is only doing what he is told; just like Fabrizi, Bucci, Tedesco, Mandacini et al. Only when Don Calamari is dethroned will we see any progress.

    As to all of you who support a Ganim resurgence … you’re nothing but a bunch of Philistine Ph#cks. Dumb too!!!

  33. How about Charlie’s Acting District Supervisor of Operations? Whose both sons got hired in the P.F.D. One Civil Service the other seasonal. HELLO! That’s right Bob Kennedy is his Boss. That explains things! Guys over in P.F.D. already fed up with the nepotism and favoritism that’s been thriving there forever! Hey, How about Mr.Tony DePrimo for Director of the Port Authority, he can already walk on water! LOL!!!

  34. From the Connecticut Post website:

    School nurses angered by pay schedule change
    By Linda Conner Lambeck
    Updated: 07/10/2009 09:20:40 PM EDT

    BRIDGEPORT — Union representatives for 26 school nurses plan to file an unfair labor practice charge against the city and school board after learning they won’t get paid over the summer.

    This is the BS that has become the hallmark of the Finch Administration. They negotiate a new contract with the school nurses. They get them to agree to 0% increases for four years and in return they will receive the same pay but work only the school calendar and have the summer off.
    And after they send the contract to the council and the BOE, the city breaks the deal and tells them they will not get paid for the next two months.
    This is outrageous. And I might go as far as to say it may be criminal as far as state labor laws go. Let’s see if the council grows a set of balls and tells the mayor we will not accept this type of low life, greedy mean-spirited treatment of city employees or if they will roll over and play dead.
    And let’s see what happens when you have the Director of Labor Relations serving as the City Council President.
    Lets see what Tommy Mac will say and do with this one.

  35. Bob Walsh–Instead of finding a problem with everything try to work with the mayor and get things going. Don’t you have anything better to do than post here? Get in the office and find ways to improve the city. Idk how people can vote for you. All I hear you do is talk bad about things.

    As far as it goes to yahooy who knows nothing about the city I wonder which side of the city you’re from and wonder if you even lived in Bridgeport in 1990 because in 1988 to about 1991 this city was a mess it was going bankrupt and was just horrible; crime was bad everything was bad but Ganim won and when he took office there came a big change, the city was getting back on its feet less crime everything was nicer people moving in streets getting cleaner and safer. And Ganim was behind this. I live on the East Side and I tell you there was such a positive atmosphere he did a whole lot. You cannot have lived here for too long if you do not know that, you sound like an idiot, yahooy. Ganim is the only Mayor in our history to have gotten the biggest percent of votes it was almost near 90% so wake up and do your research of where the city has come from, you dummy.

    1. I was there in 89-93. Gamin would have gotten nowhere except for all the state money that Lowell Weicker pumped into the City. Thank David Carson not Joe Ganim.

    2. Dummy??? Is that what you think I am … a dummy? I would never vote for Ganim. Why??? He’s a convicted felon who violated my trust and took money out of my pocket so that he could live a lifestyle that was beyond his ability to achieve legitimately. He is a bum of the first order and complete idiots like you who support him deserve to get fleeced again and again. Marion Berry, Adam Clayton Powell, Buddy the guy from Providence reelected upon his release from federal prison indicted and convicted again. All extremely popular with the people, so was Gotti. Well, Ganim is not popular with me … never will be. It’s you and those like you that I’m sorry for. You just seem to lavish in detritus your politicians dish out. So, I guess it’s you who is the dummy. You’d put the prick back into office. Amazing.

  36. And this all goes back to 1199 endorsing Caruso over Finch in their last primary. Petty, mean-spirited politics once again rules supreme in the city of Bridgeport and in the minds of the Finch Administration.

  37. S.O.B-Let’s talk about the here and now. 2011 is an animal onto its own and the picture isn’t clear on who will run. I think Ayala is focused on the Senate not the Mayor’s office. Finch and Wood still haven’t given him what they promised him so who knows.

    Bob Walsh–This goes for you and for Mayor Finch. We elect leaders to fix problems and not whine about them. If you aren’t going to do anything but blog and keep council meetings going until the break of dawn pack it up and hit the road.

    Ganim Fans–We are in the mess we are in because there was no reval during the Ganim years. You guys should be at the vibes smoking up the peace pipe if you think Ganim was the savior. The last time I checked he was a convicted felon. He is a trivia question for you. What do Paul Ganim and Chris Brown have in common???

    CHS–I think the new No Smoking law on City Property was targeting you. The funny thing is that you don’t even smoke. I know who you are. You have a good heart and a good soul. You are bitter and I understand where you are coming from. Did you hear about a certain director’s month long vacation/suspension?

    1. Hey Squealer, you may think you know who I am but I appreciate you not insinuating anything on this blog. I won’t try to guess who you are either. You know how vindictive these people are. Look what happened to 1199 and they had a signed contract. I have no doubt it’s because of their support of Caruso. People’s anonymity is important on this blog and that’s why city employees feel free to write and expose all the shit. If someone is exposed, our blogging will stop and then no one will hear what is really going on.

      So who is the director who was suspended–I’m assuming with pay?

      1. *** Yes “Squealer” for god’s sake do not insinuate anything that might reveal C.H.S. real I.D. Because he’s said many disrespectful things about other city employees & it could be curtains if the truth is known about him and his evil ways! However, inquiring minds would like to know? ***

      2. “People’s anonymity is important on this blog and that’s why city employees feel free to write and expose all the shit. If someone is exposed, our blogging will stop and then no one will hear what is really going on.”

        I disagree; Life is about taking chances.

  38. As someone who worked as the liaison between Hartford and Bridgeport for two years for Fabrizi and Finch, let me say that none of this is surprising. Now I think even Oliver Stone would be confused. Bridgeport runs on more than conspiracy. To paraphrase a quote, “It is a misdirected riddle wrapped inside a transparent mystery inside an enigma, like layers on a smelly onion.”

    I wouldn’t blame Tyrone for this one, he was once again only the messenger. While Wood denied in the CT Post that the Mayor’s office knew nothing about this, that statement is highly suspect. Finch was on the transportation committee in his past life, was friends with DeFronzo and Jay, and has a Senate employee on the City Payroll. Jay would not betray a trust and risk his reputation, because that’s all a Lobbyist has–his network and his word. There is no way the Mayor’s office did not sanction this action. Just look at the result.

    I know this because I had Wood jump down my throat and scream at me because they once thought I missed a piece of legislation re: the FMLA, turned out I knew the legislation had no legs, confirmed by all the right people and was focusing on the trash to energy regulation bill. For two days I was harassed and screamed at even though I was correct. SO trust me when I tell you, there is no way the Mayor’s office didn’t know about this even if Tyrone didn’t.

    In two years the art of managing people, building trust and effectively working with people of equal or greater experience and skill totally escapes this administration. Hindsight is such a wonderful tool if incorporated and used. Friends in politics are rare, it’s usually a “what can you do for me now” attitude, but there are still good, trustworthy people and I will stand behind them as I have in the past. Just because a few didn’t pan out it doesn’t mean that there aren’t any out there.

    PS–I am back, and I am still chronicling our adventures on Facebook.

  39. MCAT,
    Personally, I am totally disappointed with Council President McCarthy and Bob Curwen. We look to their leadership. We look to them to be in clear communication with the Mayor’s team and the State delegation. We look to them to make sure that the Council is going to complete the due diligence before having a council action. We look to them to do what is right. Not only did emotion take over, but it is clear now that there was something else in the room, an elephant in Ferry Boat clothing. The Ferry Boat Company wants to go across the river, leaving the downtown and inter-modal in the dust. The Port Authority would have spearheaded the opposition to that move. There are millions at stake. Millions. The Council leadership needs to restore confidence that they have the economic future and tax base growth of the City as a high priority. Their antics related to this issue have been a total disappointment. Now that the Port Authority is under the full control of the Mayors office, I hope CAO Nunn puts together the leadership to convince the Planning and Zoning Commission on July 27th that approving the petition of the Ferry Boat Company to move their operation to the east side of the river is very premature. Someday there will be a thriving downtown and Steel Point peninsula, and two ferry boat terminals would be logical. The downtown investors and developers are now in place, the zoning regs may be approved in my lifetime, and the growth of the downtown will contribute to new tax revenue to contribute to lowering the City’s tax rate. Now is not the time to abandon that vision. Please, we all have to remained focused on getting the ball over the finish line. Stop all these stupid antics. It’s really embarrassing.

  40. Countdown, I agree with you and I hope you’re right. In the past 3 weeks I have been through dozens of towns with waterfront, mostly slightly smaller, and some much smaller, than Bridgeport. Even in the poorest of areas these waterfronts were developed to the fullest for recreation, and tourist areas which was in turn good for business and housing. I couldn’t help thinking that if these towns of limited resources could do it, why couldn’t Bridgeport? This may seem contradictory right now, in this economic climate but to improve the economy you have to develop the waterfront as an attraction. Money has to be made by pulling in visitors, especially those who are in the Tri-state, New England area. People will drive to destinations instead of fly. It is all a matter of the right development and marketing. Beaches, boardwalks, bicycles, attractions, hotels, convention centers etc. … thrive in the remotest corners of the North and Midwest. Bridgeport is centrally located to a vast population base. If out-of-the-way towns on rivers, coasts and lakes did it so well even in otherwise depressed areas, Bridgeport could do it. (Cleveland has the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, plus museums, recreation, boating, sports teams and a thriving tourist business. Maybe someone should call the Mayor of Cleveland, it all had to get started with a first step.)

    My husband and daughter walked 5 miles out to Pleasure Beach and loved every minute of it. My daughter said she spent the day in a “ghost town,” and wouldn’t it be cool if they set it up as a real ghost town for people to go to visit and go to the beach. That is so simplistic, but there have to be dozens of ideas to draw people in. Remember when people died from Tylenol capsules that were tampered with? Tylenol managed that crisis with transparency and a marketing campaign that showed they had everything under control and so became the most “trusted name in pain relievers,” once again. Countdown you are correct when you say we need a concerted, transparent effort to achieve that goal. No cooperation happens without trust and know that people who have been burned are reluctant to trust, so that makes it a bit of a catch-22 in the city. I would love to see get them get their act together because I love the idea of a healthy, prosperous, vibrant, Bridgeport (and yes you doubters, many suburbanites love their closest city and want to see all its potential developed to the fullest. Don’t discount city employees just because they don’t live in Bridgeport). But until you have true and genuine trust and cooperation it won’t happen locally. I think Jim Himes is a wonderful asset to Bridgeport and has done so much already. I support Dan Malloy and his bid for Governor because of his background developing cities. Stamford was not always what it is today and it would be great for Connecticut cities and towns and the state to have proven leadership at the Capitol. Hopefully federal, state and local leaders will work on this problem because it will improve the economy of the nation, state and the city.

  41. I sit at the Ferry Terminal reading my Sunday morning newspapers. It is a great place, a great view and a great place to listen and learn. Passengers waiting for the ferry sit down and strike up a conversation while waiting for the ferry to arrive. Most do not know that the city has seven major developers/investors working to make the downtown something really special. Most do not know that there are lots of new restaurants, new events at the Playhouse; new events at the Cabaret, the Barnum Museum and Klein. Most cannot believe that people actually live in the downtown. Most know about the Bluefish, the arena and Barnum Museum but wouldn’t be going there on a Sunday morning. Most do not know that they can walk up a beautiful boardwalk, under an overpass (which really needs to be spruced up) and be a block from beautiful McLevy Park and the downtown. Most go to Port Jeff for a day of restaurant and retail hopping or are picked up for events in Long Island.

    I met three couples that were taking the train to New Haven to work for the week, and return to Long Island on the weekend. They work for Yale New Haven Hospital. Do you know that there are no wayfinding signs to lead passengers on a walking tour to and from the downtown? Do you know that there are no kiosks that explain what is possible? Do you know that this ‘stay-vacation’ marketing does nothing to tap into this million-plus passenger opportunity? Do you know that there isn’t a public parking lot on the Port Jeff side and absolutely no marketing of restaurants or events in Bridgeport? Do you know that there is little or no day tripping from Long Island to Bridgeport?

    So what does the Ferry Boat company want to do? They have developed a set of pretty pictures of a new terminal building with a stacking area for lots of cars for the East side of the harbor. All of this is aimed at getting folks to I-95 in the quickest way possible. No day tripping to increase the economy of Bridgeport. No marketing of the Bridgeport assets. I bet they have their eyes on the 14-acre parcel that the Port Authority owns and is out for RFP. They could create a mini Port Jeff I guess though I don’t think the market will support it. I actually think that site will be another big-box retail operation along I-95 like Lowe’s. This Ferry Boat Company has not invested in a simple parking lot on the Long Island side. How can we believe that they will plop down $10 million to build a new terminal across the river? All they need is to pave that lot, put up port-o-potties and a ticket booth to achieve their business goals. Then all those cars and trucks will have an easy way to jump on I-95 and get out of Dodge. It is the PZC and the City that have to fight for Bridgeport’s downtown to grow its fantastic waterfront asset.

    All this crap diverts the main agenda and I fear that Bridgeport will punt another opportunity. We have 22 miles of waterfront in Bridgeport. We have a Master Plan that focuses on the development of the waterfront and incentivizes all the best practices of the best waterfront cities in the country. Now the Master Plan; new map and zoning regs are held up for reasons that I still don’t understand. The huge elephant in the room … the Ferry Boat Company’s move to the other side of the river. All in opposition to what the new Master Plan and zoning would allow.

    1. Countdown

      “Someday My Prince Will Come!”

      Markets have to mature naturally. If all these people sitting on this side of the pond don’t know about all you were referring to, don’t blame the Ferry Company. Blame the Mayor, former Mayor and OPED and former OPED leaders. I’ve been reading, seeing, hearing and living this B.S. for 30 years.

      Meanwhile the Grand Poobahs running the city raised the out-of-town seasonal parking pass to our parks from $30.00 to $125.00. What would you and your ULI have to say about that?

      I hate to burst your bubble about downtown. “Joseph’s State Street Bistro” is now the Joseph’s State Street Busto. Épernay is closed for lunch. Cafe Roma is is going down the tubes–like musciad’ pasta. Until we develop major office buildings with a major workforce all you write about is a pipedream. And if you think that the Ferry or the Gathering of the Vibes is going to attract any spin-off for Downtown, you better eat some hash-brown brownies. ‘Cause you are trippin’. Get off the pipe or you are going to end up taking the pipe.

      If you want to make one difference for downtown eateries, your Downtown Task Force should petition the city for a moratorium on parking from 11: 00 am -2:30 pm. Ralph ‘n Riches have a busy lunch because of their product and dedicated parking lot which makes it an attractive luncheon meeting destination. Joseph’s to a lesser degree, but high-ticket lunch also has dedicated parking that is being redesigned. I refuse to come to downtown for lunch and get a ticket because I was ten minutes over the meter. Also while I am at it get the Library to get a dedicated parking lot that will attract people to the library and have some lunch without getting tagged.

      Tag! You’re It!!!

  42. Council Leadership? Countdown are you kidding me or what? There is no leadership. Remember McCarthy is the same guy that bent when pressure was put on him by ACORN and the SIEU union. Next time you are at a council meeting watch the leadership. There is none.
    What did you expect from Curwen? He has been meeting on the sly with the Ferry Boat people for over a year.
    Is it possible Finch and company pulled the wool over their eyes? I doubt it. I think both were players in this latest escapade of disbanding the PA. The council with a few exceptions fell in line like they do on every vote.
    They have muddied the waters so much you need a scorecard to keep track.
    Andy Nunn running the Port Authority, what a joke. Finch said he will change all of the PA commissioners. That’s another joke. Is he going to replace them with the type he put on the Zoning Board? If he does that then the harbor will end up as a wading pond for kids and frogs.

  43. Two relevant quotes by Thomas Jefferson–
    1 —
    1. Those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes.

    2. Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe, although not the most wise, depository of the public interests.

    In every country these two parties exist, and in every one where they are free to think, speak, and write, they will declare themselves. Call them, therefore, Liberals and Serviles, Jacobins and Ultras, Whigs and Tories, Republicans and Federalists, Aristocrats and Democrats, or by whatever name you please, they are the same parties still, and pursue the same object.

    2 — When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

  44. *** Local politics in Bpt. starts @ the district level, change some of the D.T.C members & have the State elections committee have a little more control on do’s & don’ts over the individual district committees & the system might start to improve! Otherwise its the same old song with most of the same dancers either working for the city, related or close friends, & present political official’s making the decisions on who’s running for what! Topping it off with Bpt. voters that either don’t vote or don’t care till its too late. Then its time for the same old complaints year after year! *** Forget about it! *** This city’s going no where anytime soon! *** Talk is cheap. ***

    1. Mojo, I actually agree with you. As long as the same old politicos control our city, nothing will change. And to reply to your earlier post, yes I have blogged about other city employees but for the most part they were political appointees who are not worthy of the jobs they hold. I am a huge advocate for the hard-working civil service workers who keep this city running. I have no use for the others including the incompetent and/or no-show management. Gotta run. See you at the parade.

  45. TC,
    I don’t think Andy Nunn running the Port Authority is a joke. I think it is the plan. The Mayor’s office now controls the Port Authority at least for the month of July, which is the month that the PZC hears the Ferry Boat company petition to move across the river. The Ferry Boat company has not closed on the property over there, and won’t until they get their land-use approvals. The Master Plan is in limbo so its unclear whether the new or old master plan is in effect.

    Did you see whether the OPED Director testified at the Council public hearing on the resolution to dissolve the Port Authority? No, I don’t think he did. The city administration did not go on record. That train was totally out of control. When the hearing ended, councilpersons stated that they were disappointed that there weren’t residents speaking at the hearing. Somehow, the investors and developers that appeared, testified, owned property and pay huge property tax and DSSD tax in the downtown weren’t important enough. All of the speakers spoke against the dissolution. All of them.

    So do you think the Administration will get up at the July 27th PZC meeting in opposition to the Ferry Boat’s petition? What do you think the BRBC’s position will be? How many commissioners will have to recuse themselves because of a conflict? One works for the BRBC and in my opinion can’t vote since the Ferry Boat company is a member of the BRBC. One just got appointed, is in litigation with the city over a zoning enforcement issue and owns property on Seaview Avenue, the street where the Ferry Boat company wants to relocate. In my opinion, he shouldn’t vote. Do you think there will be a letter read into the record from either OPED or the Port Authority against the move? I hope so. This City needs strong leadership to grow the city’s economy and tax base. Where is it?

  46. Countdown: I will bet you dinner at the metric that neither Solis nor Tiago will recuse themselves from the vote of the P & Z.
    OPED has spoke in favor of keeping the PA and this was prior to the council vote.
    The council people that expressed disappointment that the general public did not speak at the council meeting on the PA are full of it. You could have had 100 people speaking in favor of keeping the PA and it would not have changed their vote.
    Look for the PA to pull their RFP on leasing or selling the 15 or 20 acres of waterfront property that is next to the proposed Ferry boat docking area.
    LEADERSHIP?????? You are kidding. Right???

  47. Memo to the Police Chief: The 138th has had another armed robbery, that’s 10 in a year. Friday the local liquor store was held up at gunpoint by two holdup men. The workers and patrons were forced to lie on the floor while the money was taken.
    The perps ran down Evers St. If we had a patrol car working here on a regular basis maybe he would have had contacts up here that would have helped catch these 2. Everyone knows we have little or no coverage up here.
    We met with you and really got nowhere. You told us there are 21 street cops on duty at any given time.
    My question is where are the other 350-plus cops we are paying for?
    How about the following:
    1. Disband the horse cops and put them back on the street.
    2. Disband the community cops on Old Town & Sylvan and put them back on the street.
    3. Get the cops doing paperwork out from behind a desk and out on the street.
    4. When the detectives are not detecting get them out on the street.
    5. How about having the set unit up here and start enforcing the quality of life issues and also letting the people up here know they have coverage?

  48. town committee
    For once I agree with you. What are we doing with 350 I rarely even see one. When I go to Fairfield i spot them all over. I can tell you Ganim had them working I tell you I could barely see one. What’s a big annoyance to me right now is seeing all those Fairfield U students come into my neighborhood and go to Black Rock package to buy Booze because some of them don’t even look like they’re 21 and what they do is they have at least 3 people in the car and the one who is 21 goes in there and buys booze meanwhile the other 2 wait in the car and this is a constant thing now where are the cops to stop these spoiled brats from coming into the city and doing this because I sure don’t see UB kids doing this I’m getting sick of this. These spoiled little Fairfield brats come with their BMWs and think they can get away with this. Also a lot of out-of-town residents come here to buy drugs I’ve seen it firsthand on my street but thank god this guy moved from my street I want to see strict penalties for people who come out of town and do this. Shame on you Bill Finch for not bringing this up.

  49. Mojo wrote:

    *** Everyone can’t be as sharp & have all the answers like you & your running partner! You guys are sure going to make that city council “shine” should you win the primary. Where have you guys been hiding while the city’s politics have been going astray in the 138th? ***

    Ann is new to this arena but I have tried to get our council people interested in what is happening up here but to no avail.
    Mojo we never said we have all the answers but we do have opinions. I don’t see anything wrong in expressing them. I don’t think I ever said we would make the council shine but for the people in the 138th we will make the council seats we hold their seats just like it is supposed to be.
    As far as hiding you know me and you know I don’t hide. I worked election after election in the 138th and I worked them for others. Now I am working this election for Ann, myself and the people that live in this district.
    For the first time in a long time they will have a clear choice.
    BTW I spend a lot of time researching the issues I post about. While they might not coincide with other peoples’ views that does not make them wrong. If people want lemmings on the council so be it.

    1. *** Wow, imagine if I had said something negative about the new political wonders in the 138th? You’re going to burn out before the primary if you continue to be so sensitive about local issues that have been around in one form or another in all the districts in Bpt. The 138th problems are not that over the top to be so overly dramatic! Just be yourself, do your best & things should fall in place “if” meant to be! ***

  50. Up on Bridgeport,
    Regarding your comment around noon today:
    The new zoning regs call for a dramatic change in the parking requirements for the downtown and a parking management system that will make sense out of the chaos we now have. I have no idea when they will be adopted.

    I completely agree a $35. parking meter ticket when you are over by 5 minutes is absolutely nuts. The new regs call for a much more pedestrian-friendly system with public parking. In the meantime, know that you have a couple of great options to park downtown. Épernay has a parking lot that you can park in off Elm. Talk to Barbara at Épernay and figure out something. Parking in the Ralph and Rich’s lot could also allow you to walk up and down Main Street. There are four structured garages–Hotel, Transit by the RR, the John street garage behind City Trust and the garage across from Two Boots. I know everyone would rather park on the street with the meters but right now, that system isn’t the choice I would make. It is possible to get in and out of the downtown. Try it you will like it.

    As for the restaurants closing and the need for offices, a couple of comments: first, the downtown needs foot traffic, lots of foot traffic. It is getting better because I see those lunch trucks now. When they show up it means there are more people looking for lunch. My beef is that those lunch trucks park right in front of the restaurants. Not fair. Second, the offices that are here, in particular Peoples United Bank and RBS have interior cafeterias or deli. So, those folks don’t come out of the high rises for the most part. Third, Stamford’s office vacancy rate is over 20% now. Norwalk is also with a rising vacancy rate. Bridgeport’s downtown office vacancy rate appears to be high though I don’t know the specifics. The issue here is the high mil rate. It doesn’t take a genius to know why the offices are still making their pilgrimage to Shelton’s office parks. Bridgeport has to attract dense development in the downtown and the major transit corridors. This small parceling of the downtown is taking the short view. It produces revenue to this year’s budget while losing the long-term higher tax revenue. I personally am disappointed that the M&F building sold by itself. The developer is looking to put a couple dozen housing units in back with a restaurant in the front. Gone would be the high rise that needed to go behind that historic building. Good solution for the short term. Disappointing solution for the long term. In my opinion, the most valuable development is the three-four blocks around the train station. High, green with a historic entrance through the M&F and BOE buildings on main street.

    Finally, as for Joseph’s Bistro–they missed the downtown’s price point from the git go. They were way too expensive. I am very optimistic about Fairfield Avenue around the Bistro. This fall, that place will be hopping even more than it is now.

    Finally, it’s foot traffic, foot traffic, foot traffic for the downtown.


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