Deadline For Ballot Qualification

Today (Wednesday) is the deadline for Democratic mayoral candidate Mary-Jane Foster and her slate to submit final petition signatures to local election officials for ballot approval. Just over 2,000 signatures from Democratic electors must be certified to poise Foster against incumbent Mayor Bill Finch for a September 13 primary. The Foster campaign had submitted well over the signature amount required on Tuesday.

With five weeks left, both camps are making battle plans for the stretch run. Foster supporters say they feel the momentum, coming off a big endorsement from former mayoral candidate John Gomes that will pit Foster against Finch one on one, avoiding a split of the anti-incumbent vote. Foster’s fundraising is also building steam, as well as volunteers showing up at headquarters.

Finch supporters say hold on a minute, we have tons of campaign cash to close the deal in the final weeks. We enjoy power of incumbency, the government candy store and a majority of the Democratic party apparatus to identify absentee ballot voters and yank electors on primary day.

And that’s exactly what primaries are all about: identify friends and drag them to the polls.

So five weeks left, game on.



  1. I will be supporting Mary-Jane Foster. I have a love for Bridgeport and believe in its future. The passion I have for this city and belief in the future with MARY-JANE FOSTER makes it so easy to convince people she is the right choice for now. I will be asking all residents who know my love for the this great City to believe in Mary-Jane Foster. Put her personality in office and promote the City, Economic Development and improved school system. Send a message to the Democratic town committee that their support of Ned Lamont was a huge mistake and we need a Mayor who was a supporter of Dan Malloy to ensure Bridgeport gets all the help possible. The Foster Camp is getting stronger and if it takes a winner to come from behind then surely Mary-Jane Foster will be victorious in the September primary. Money cannot buy the Mayor’s Office and the morale of City Hall workers is at an all-time low. This will not be the first time a Mayor was voted out of office after one term. The only difference is Moran had a two-year term and you had four years Mr. Finch.

    Steven L. AUERBACH

    1. I hope you’re right, Stephen … that money can’t buy the Mayor’s office … street money has been pretty effective in the past. I feel the same way about Mary-Jane and Bridgeport as you. I have known and worked with her and respect her judgement, intelligence, and flexibility greatly. We need to increase the viability of city life for all of us, especially in developing effective education for young families. I believe Mary-Jane can do that.

  2. Yesterday, I went into to volunteer for Ms. Foster’s campaign. I helped give out literature and make phone calls. It was incredible. I haven’t really been involved with too many campaigns, but I could tell I was part of something special. The room was filled with young, older and middle-aged people. Black, White, Latino and Asian! It was like the United Nations. They had such energy and good will toward each other. Everyone sits in a big room mostly facing everyone else and gets to speak with Mary-Jane whenever they need to. They all seemed passionate and friendly, it was very contagious. I am so glad I volunteered; it feels like I am going to be a part of a great victory. Go Foster!

    Also, I spoke to Mayor Finch a couple times when he was running for Mayor last time, I thought he was nice, but after he got in office, I was never able to talk to him again. I know if Mary-Jane gets into office she will be a people’s Mayor and not sit behind a closed door.

  3. MJF:
    You had better start focusing on how many signatures you need to run as an independent. Having no belief in the system, Finch will be declared the winner. This will happen because the lemmings will vote for the party not the person.

  4. The mere fact a person of Mary-Jane Foster’s caliber is running for mayor has created a lot of positive energy in the city. More people are hopeful than I’ve noticed in some time. The people of the city of Bridgeport are tired of being disenfranchised by City Hall and a political machine that serves only its own interests. Bill Finch is motivated by the paycheck and the privileges of the mayor’s office. It’s not about public service with him. Mr. Finch has demonstrated time and again he doesn’t give a shit about the people of the city of Bridgeport. He claimed “democracy doesn’t always work” because many city residents are illegal aliens or have criminal records. Guess what, Mr. Bill? All those criminals had their voting rights restored by John Rowland, another criminal.

  5. BPT right on pro I have not felt so positive to vote for a candidate like this for Bridgeport. The only time since I have been voting I actually was so happy to vote for a candidate was Obama and now it is Foster. Hope you register as a Democrat and vote bpt kid though you already were a Dem because you supported Auden a few years ago.

    1. Auden Grogins is a state representative because it looks good on her résumé. She’s more interested in an appointment to the superior court bench. Just another one of the chosen few the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee looks after. I will never vote for her again.

  6. *** If MJF gets really known among city voters then the ticket for a win will be the ABs. Many a fraud case with these ballots is always present and needs to be watched closely! *** HERE WE GO! ***

  7. Mario is not going to sit idly by and watch the playhouse get torn down. He’s gonna pull out all the stops. I wouldn’t put it past him to try the time-honored method of absentee ballot manipulation to ensure Finch’s victory. Then again, maybe he won’t. Too many people are watching this one.

  8. Lennie can you post the 2007 results by precinct again? I recall the precinct that had the most votes cast was Winthrop with 843 votes cast and we all know Finch has always been popular on the North End. Second precinct was Black Rock which had 635 votes cast.


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