CT Post Pokes At PAC

From Ken Dixon, CT Post:

The political action committee at the center of a complaint against Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch was formed in 1998 as a place where supporters of Democratic state Senate leaders could put money to be spread around during election years.

Read more: www.ctpost.com/local/article/PAC-at-heart-of-complaint-began-as-resource-for-2029887.php



  1. Mr. Dixon used the neutral language of a reporter but he still called the highest ranking elected official in Bridgeport a crook.

    Headline ink just don’t wash off, no matter what kind of soap is used.

  2. *** Enjoy the poking & mudslinging while it last but don’t be surprised if the SEEC & city’s ethics committee issue nothing more than a political infraction notice! ‘Til then, exposing factual city blunders & overspending by this admin. would be beneficial for voter awareness, no? *** Time’s a-ticking, be heard, be seen, be active! ***

  3. Mojo, I don’t think it’s local stuff anymore, I would not be surprised if the Feds were checking out tax return statements, in particular the poor 85-year-old woman who was paid a lot toward a cell phone bill, or at least was said to have, which she did not know she ever had, i.e a cell phone, which lawyer Beccaro claimed he paid her.


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