Coviello Urges Geothermal

From Democratic mayoral candidate Charlie Coviello:

Using the potential to heat buildings with geothermal heat which is a renewable energy source, Charlie Coviello has been in discussions with a large geothermal energy firm which will provide financing for property owners who want to eliminate buying gas or oil to heat their homes.

These systems, when installed, will pay themselves off in about 10 years and will give the property owner continuous heat, and also cooling with additional equipment, for at least 30 years from installation.

“We are getting killed by the cost of heating our homes, whether we are owners or renters. It is bad enough that the price of gasoline is over $4.00 per gallon, but the cost of heating oil and natural gas is only going up.

“Here is another example of a way, under a Coviello administration, Bridgeport residents will have new business opportunities and jobs that pay good wages. As the mayor, my role responsibility is to hit the ground running by having new concepts developed and jobs created for our people who want to work. While others are telling you that when they get the job as mayor they will fix our problems (our current mayor is still trying), I have started the process of bringing jobs here because we can’t wait 4 years for them to figure out a solution,” said Coviello.



  1. Once again Coviello has thrown the gauntlet into the faces of his opposition. Fuck you, here I am making realistic proposal to our very realistic problems. This guy may be a diamond in the rough, but he is proving himself to be a diamond none the less. Charlie is boldly making investments in our future. Once again I must ask the question to the other contenders, what are your plans for our future?

  2. Charlie Coviello wouldn’t know geothermal from a good bowel movement. Bridgeport needs someone who is going to run Connecticut’s largest city to lower the absurdly high mil rate, get rid of the leeches and flies who are paid by the city, re-organize the hierarchy to be an effective entity, and to entice and promote economic recovery. All of this is way beyond Coviello’s limited intellect.

  3. Charlie,
    With fuel at $4.00 per gallon or more going forward geothermal is an idea that is in use in Bridgeport already today. Didn’t the City Trust renovation include geothermal as part of their mechanical plan? So is this idea for individual homeowners, owners of clustered housing, BHA units? The economics of each project are different and I am not quibbling with any good idea, but Bridgeport has been approached with too many plans that don’t work out period. Geothermal is a reality in the City already. Do you have a new or broader application that benefits taxpayers relative to lowering City costs or controlling personal fuel costs at home?

    Is it a coincidence that OIB posts two “heat issues” today: Coviello’s reference to geothermal heating and Badda Bing about where we will offer “hot times in the old town tonight?”


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