Afternoon UPDATE: John Gomes withdrew as a mayoral candidate Monday morning and threw his support behind Mary-Jane Foster, setting the stage for a one-on-one Democratic primary showdown against Mayor Bill Finch September 13, assuming Foster’s petition signatures are certified to make the ballot. Wednesday is the deadline to submit signatures from at least five percent of Democratic primary voters.
Gomes was the first to enter the race for mayor more than a year ago after a falling-out with the mayor from his removal as chief of the government-efficiency CitiStat Department. Gomes says he and the mayor knocked heads when Gomes tried to take on some of the city’s political sacred cows. Gomes’ removal came shortly after a confrontation he had with a city police officer at a Cape Verdean social club. Gomes says that had nothing to do with his dismissal.

Following the announcement at City Hall Annex, Foster and Gomes supporters headed over to Gomes’ popular deli the Red Rooster off North Avenue.
With five weeks left before the primary this race promises to be a volcanic mudslinger between Finch and Foster. Stay tuned. From Foster:
John Gomes Withdraws from Bridgeport Mayor’s Race; Endorses Mary-Jane Foster
Gomes: “Fight must continue–until victory is won”
Foster files 2000+ signatures with Registrars office
Democratic candidates for mayor of Bridgeport John M. Gomes and Mary-Jane Foster joined forces in a partnership today with the announcement that Mr. Gomes is withdrawing from the race and will fully support Ms. Foster’s candidacy for mayor. Gomes and Foster addressed an enthusiastic midday crowd at City Hall Annex just prior to entering the Registrar’s office, where Gomes submitted the paperwork to withdraw his candidacy. Foster also submitted more than 2000 signed petitions for her citywide slate to be placed on the ballot for the September 13th primary.
“Mary-Jane and I come from different backgrounds, but we share the same deep passion for this community and its people. It is imperative that one of us be elected,” stated Gomes. “After a year on the campaign trail, visiting hundreds of businesses, knocking on thousands of doors, and collecting the necessary number of signatures to qualify for the ballot, I will no longer be a candidate for mayor but am partnering with Mary-Jane and asking my supporters to join me to help us create a new partnership for a new Bridgeport.”
“I have the highest regard for John and the campaign he has led with passion and conviction over the last year and I appreciate his endorsement. He has worked tirelessly to reach voters, sharing his passionate call for change and governmental reform, and activating new voters to exercise their voice in the democratic process,” Foster said. “We agree on many of the issues challenging Bridgeport and both of us have been calling for wholesale change in Bridgeport’s leadership. It is our belief that by joining forces, we will take back City Hall on September 13th. Bridgeport deserves better and by unifying our forces, aligning our efforts, and solidifying our collective base of support, we are sending the clear message that we are stronger together than we are divided.
I am pleased to submit more than 2,000 signatures to the Registrar’s office today and call on all of our supporters–anyone who believes the Finch administration has failed–to add their names to our petition,” urged Foster. “Call or visit my campaign headquarters to volunteer to help us get more signatures or simply add your name to the petition. We will continue collecting signatures right up to the deadline on Wednesday.”
Over the last few weeks, Foster for Bridgeport has made great strides toward ensuring a victory on Sept. 13th. The Foster team has filed a lawsuit challenging the reconstitution of the Bridgeport Board of Education, Mary-Jane has outlined her vision for education reform, taken out petitions for a citywide slate, and filed an ethics complaint against Mayor Finch with the Bridgeport Ethics Commission and also with the SEEC.
A transcript of Mr. Gomes’ statement follows:
Good morning. When I announced my candidacy for mayor over a year ago, I said then that this isn’t about me. This is about Bridgeport and the desperate need for change and reform in this city.
The political machine that props up Bill Finch is hurting our people and blocking progress. We are never going to fix our schools, rebuild the economy, lower taxes, or change the culture at City Hall as long as Bill Finch and his machine are in control.
My campaign has been about bringing real reform and transparency to city government and breaking the machine. Those are the issues that matter most.
Without defeating Bill Finch, this will never happen. In this race, we have two reform candidates and Finch. In order to avoid a split of the reform votes, which could inadvertently re-elect Finch, I have decided to end my campaign and to partner with Mary-Jane Foster to ensure a reform victory in the primary. As committed as I am and as hard as I’ve worked, I cannot let the status quo remain in charge.
Mary-Jane and I come from different backgrounds, but we share the same deep passion for this community and its people. It is imperative that one of us be elected.
After a year on the campaign trail, visiting hundreds of businesses, knocking on thousands of doors and collecting the necessary number of signatures to qualify for the ballot, I will no longer be a candidate for mayor but am partnering with Mary-Jane and asking my supporters to join me to help us create a new partnership for a new Bridgeport.
Janet and I are very grateful to our supporters who have given so much and asked for nothing in return. We are forever humbled and thankful. To my supporters I say that our fight must continue–until victory is won. Thank you.
A transcript of Mary-Jane’s remarks follows:
Good morning! I’d like to begin by stating that I have the highest regard for John and I thank him for his endorsement today. He has worked tirelessly for over a year to reach voters, sharing his passionate call for change and governmental reform, and activating new voters to exercise their voice in the democratic process. I agree with John that together we can create a new partnership for a renewed Bridgeport. A Bridgeport that works for everyone–not just the fortunate few who are politically connected.
We both agree that Bridgeport cannot continue on the dead-end path we’re on. Our taxes are too high; our crime rate is too high; our unemployment rate is too high. We are $1.4 billion in debt, City Hall is for sale, and Mayor Finch is playing politics with our children’s education. The mayor is beating up unions for concessions while he and his staff get raises and get rich thanks to his PAC. Bridgeport cannot take another four years of missed opportunities, questionable cronyism, and failed leadership. Enough is enough!
I’ve said from the beginning of my candidacy that politics trumps policy in Bridgeport. Well, today marks an important turning point in the history of the race for mayor of Bridgeport. To my knowledge, reform candidates have never joined forces to align their message and their supporters to send one clear signal to City Hall. Today, John is putting his city first, the voters first, and partnering with me to bring positive, forward-thinking leadership to Bridgeport. Our message is clear: The time for change is NOW!
Both of us have been calling for fresh, transparent leadership and it is our belief that by joining forces, we will take back City Hall on September 13th. By unifying our forces, aligning our efforts, and solidifying our collective base of support, we are sending the clear message that we are stronger together than we are divided.
I look forward to working with John, Janet and John’s many supporters over the coming weeks as we continue to ask the tough questions, demand honest answers from City Hall. I will continue to share my vision for Bridgeport and welcome everyone who believes Bridgeport deserves better to join me as we work toward victory on September 13th!
Thank you!
It’ll take a talented team to master the challenges facing Bridgeport. This is a giant step forward in putting that team together.
Congratulations to John and to Mary-Jane. Competence, character and commitment: I’ll vote for that!
Word around the campfire is Adam “Pecker” Wood confronted Mary-Jane Foster and told her “We’re coming after you when the election is over!”
Coming after her with what, “Pecker” Wood, a water pistol?
I supported Gomes, now Foster. I now have her back–be very careful making threats–Words are cheap, actions can be very painful.
Wood had better be careful about what he threatens to do. I’m sure–very sure–there is a lot of “stuff” buried in what he’s doing that will make its way to the surface–and come back to bite him on the behind!
Good for John.
Good for Mary-Jane.
Best of all … good for Bridgeport.
These are two people who will finally put the focus on reform on the best possible way for this great city, Bridgeport.
I hope everyone who has a part in OIB puts action to words.
Join me in getting a new mayor. Remember the sign: Anybody but Finch. Now we have a really good somebody … Mary-Jane Foster.
You remain a class act.
I am grateful to all the players great and small who brought this about. It takes a lot of heart to concede a battle you feel you could easily win. To make alliances for the greater good is the mark of a hero and is recognized & respected.
This partnership will soon become a friendship. BPT will finally be rid of the “Machine” and the influence that has had our beautiful city in a stranglehold for decades. I wish to congratulate Gomes, Foster, and most importantly Bridgeport.
Looks Like We’re Stuck With Finch!!!
Huh? How do you figure these two together don’t blow him away?
hAVe YOUR eYES CHeCked, dOC.
Stuck with Finch? You must be on glue. Looks like Finch is going to learn new promotional slogans like “Would you like fries with your order?”
Local Eyes is going around saying you overcharge your patients.
No doubt this marriage destroys the “machine.” Finally a team that will better Bpt.
“And somewhere men are laughing;
and little children shout,
There is much joy in Bridgeport,
Finch & Testa just struck out.”
I was there for the announcement on the steps of the City Hall Annex. The location was rich in symbolism, the palace gates as it were. I was there when John Gomes submitted the paperwork to withdraw his candidacy for mayor. I was there when the petitions were submitted to Santa Ayala for certification. Now we have THE PACKAGE that has been causing yahooy to drool.
Advanced age is causing yahooy to drool, but I am excited about THE PACKAGE. Can you imagine this town without Mario Testa and Paul Timpanelli?
Why does yahooy continue to drool about John Gomes’ package?
Why does Ronin never having anything intelligent to add to the conversation?
Yes, very much so.
That’s great, Jimfox. You made me laugh …
I saw Lennie’s running the Finch PAC ad under the MJF banner ad. Seems like they are using those PAC funds for something other than TJ Maxx and Ralph ‘N’ Rich’s. (But you know, Finch says he has a team of lawyers to make sure everything is legit.)
Anyway, this is the nice, big change we’ve all been waiting for in the race. Maybe we can finally be free from the machine politics and the crooks of the past.
All the best to the future of Bridgeport!
The team of lawyers Finch is referring to is also known as the City Attorney’s Office. He and prior mayors always looked at them as their personal attorneys. Time to clean house of these yahoos.
E Pluribus Unum
Out of many come one.
Today, John Gomes showed his love and his leadership for our city. He is a bright young man with a bright future ahead of him. Thank you John for your passion for excellence and your beautiful family.
You know who won’t be The Philistine of the Week this week? John Gomes.
I nominate Adam “Pecker” Wood for Philistine of the Century.
A few of Bill Finch’s major fuck-ups as mayor of the Park City:
• A $600 tax credit that never materialized because it was just so much horseshit, a hollow promise made to appeal to voters.
• Mr. Finch and his chief cook and bottle washer, Adam “Pecker” Wood, nearly sank the land-swap-for-magnet-school deal with Trumbull. They were so difficult and argumentative the other participants asked they not return to the negotiating sessions.
• Asking the State Department of Education to take over Bridgeport’s ailing public education system and a chronically dysfunctional Board of Education. Upon announcing the state takeover there were howls of protest, parents were demanding due process. The mayor’s response was patronizing, racist and bigoted: “I just do want to remind you that … many of my parents who either because of them not being citizens or having done things in their previous life cannot participate in the Democratic process. Democracy doesn’t work. It doesn’t work in all cases.” (It took no time at all for this to bite Mr. Finch on the ass. “It[s very difficult when the mayor goes to state Board of Education,” a parent responded, “and tells them that the majority of parents in Bridgeport can’t vote because they have criminal records.”)
• On August 3rd Tom Kelly, a staffer on the Foster campaign, filed formal complaints against Bill Finch with the city’s ethics commission and the State Elections Enforcement Commission. There is more than a little validity to the allegations. Finch “donated” $46,000 in unspent funds from his 2007 mayoral campaign to a political action committee called People for Excellence in Government. The PAC’s treasurer, William Beccaro, is an attorney who has made some hefty contributions to Mr. Finch’s re-election campaign. Attorney Beccaro has also received a large amount of the city’s outsourced legal work. This amounts to an “I’ll-scratch-your-back-you-scratch-mine” relationship between City Hall and a politically connected suit. (Shame on you, gentlemen. Jumping the broomstick without the benefit of clergy. Shame-shame-shame.)
• The same PAC has been “reimbursing” Mr. Finch and his wife for all sorts of interesting expenses including purchases from Barnes & Noble, Waldenbooks, TJ Maxx and The Big Y. The Finches were also reimbursed for travel and lodging expenses incurred while attending the Democratic National Convention in 2008 and President Obama’s inauguration in 2009, after claiming he paid out of pocket. There is usually plenty of free food and free booze ant those sorts of political events so I have to wonder if the mayor and his wife had to pay for a meal at all. (Mr. Finch called the complaint “A desperate attack from a floundering campaign,” but he did not deny the allegations.)
• Adam “Pecker” Wood, Finch’s notoriously cranky chief of staff, has been reimbursed for meals at some of the city’s finest and priciest restaurants, including Testo’s on Madison Avenue. (To his discredit Mr. Wood never offered anything more than a lame excuse. He also pointed out that the complaint was filed by Tom Kelly, a Foster campaign staffer whom he characterized as a failed restaurateur. Both assertions are correct. Mr. Kelly does work for the Foster campaign, and his restaurant closed. Mr. Wood never denied the allegations listed in the complaint, however.)
Pointing a finger at the other guy’s faults and failings is an excellent way of diverting attention from one’s own wrongdoings, but there are lots and lots of voters who can see right through Wood’s nonsense.
It should also be noted that Michele Mount, an excellent attorney working for the Foster campaign, won a temporary injunction in Waterbury Superior Court today that allows MJF to place her candidates for the BOE on the ballot. Way to go, Michele! Cheers!
Hmmm, too early to celebrate, let’s get the job done and vote for MJF. I am sure the machine will get their 4,500 out to the polls to vote for them so we need to get out the vote for MJF as well because driving in other parts of Bridgeport I see Finch signs all over people’s lawns and I just have to smh, what has he done to get elected again?????????
Those signs are on the lawns of people whose jobs, or that of a family member, depends on Finch’s re-election.
Bill Finch didn’t even want the job when he was recruited back in ’07. When he was elected in November of that year he did not give up his seat in the legislature, collecting a paycheck from Hartford on top of a six-figure salary as mayor of Bridgeport. That amounted to about $150,000 a year for the Pepsodent Smile, so he can’t cry poverty when it comes to the “reimbursements” coming from Bill Beccaro’s purse of magic coins.
www .ctpost.com/default/photo/Retiring-Bridgeport-Councilman-Robert-Walsh-1300064.php
Bridgeport needs more guys like Bob Walsh. I’ll miss him–the ol’ curmudgeon.
Who thinks turnout will be higher than 2007?
If Gomes’ supporters remain as motivated to vote for Foster as they were for Gomes, then yes, I believe turnout will be higher. Let’s hope.
You can expect a higher than average turnout, donj. This is going to be a fight to the finish.
What? Seriously, you go to college?
Hahaha, Joel. Ease up. He’s just a kid.
It poured in 2007 and I think that kept a lot of voters away from the polls. It also affected the new voting machines that Bysiewicz insisted upon using despite the lack of preparation for those machines. And last election they ran out of ballots too … wasn’t that a surprise???
Wood lost with Lamont and now will lose with Finch. His stock is lower than the Dow today. It’s over Woody, fill out the unemployment forms.
Don’t forget, he lost with Dianne Farrell as well. And I think Sanchez before her and how many other losses? Finch was his big win and ticket to $$$. He’s a worthless little turd, so smug he makes me want to puke.
It’ll be alright for Finch and Wood. They can always rely on Bill Beccaro’s purse of magic coins to pay the mortgage and the liquor bills.
This should be an exciting finish. The Finchster should prepare his resume for TheLadders.com.
Maybe Mario Testa will hire Mr. Bill as maitre’d at the pasta shack on Madison Avenue …
Sorry. Ladders, Inc. is a job search engine for people worthy of positions that pay in excess of $100,000.
I just read Mark Anastasi swore Bob Trefry in as the Chair of the new reconstituted school board at the Circle Diner. What a Circle Jerk!
What’s wrong with the hotdog cart in front of the courthouse?
www .ctpost.com/news/article/Judge-grants-temporary-order-allowing-Bridgeport-1774908.php
It just keeps getting better!
Way to go, Michele! This is getting better and better.
Looks like One Term Bill and “Pecker” Wood need to spruce up their résumés. I’m sure there are a few used-car lots on the East Side that would be more than happy to hire a couple of experienced snake oil salesmen.
Is it me, or are there the wrong kind of birds at City Hall? We have a Finch and a Woodpecker when what we need is a few more good canaries …
He’s not a woodpecker, Zena Lu. He’s pecker wood.
I’m so friggin happy I don’t know what to say except thank you, John and thank you, Mary-Jane for coming together for the good of our city. There is true hope in City Hall today.
“… this race promises to be a volcanic mudslinger between Finch and Foster …”
Here you go again Lennie with your muddy promises. For how many years have you been announcing mud fights between candidates? The idea doesn’t sound crazy to me. How about we fence in Seaside Park like they do during the Gathering of the Vibes? We can call this event ‘Gathering of the Husbands and Wives.’ We set up a mud ring in the middle of the park. We all know who will be mud fighting in ‘The Main Event’: Bill Finch vs. Mary-Jane Foster. Now, the undercard fight would be the most interesting mud fight: Jack McGregor vs. Sonya C. Finch.
See what I mean?
If Adam “Pecker” Wood got into a bitch fight with himself, who would win?
The only advantage Finch has is his incumbency. He’s a weak, lying and self-important administrator. He was a weak, lying and empty suited state senator.
He is style with absolutely no substance!!!
Perhaps now Bridgeport will have a leader of consequence who can rid this city of the cronyism and nepotism. If MJF can’t do it I suggest a mass exodus …
Bill Finch has about as much sizzle as the microwaveable breakfast sandwiches available at Cumberland Farms.
Finch is being exposed for the fraud he is.