City Council Passes Budget, Ganim Has Two Weeks To Approve Or Veto–Watch Meeting

The full City Council Monday night approved the adjustments the Budget & Appropriations Committee made to Mayor Joe Ganim’s spending plan for the budget year starting July 1. Click the link to changes: FY2020 BAC COMMITTEE BUDGET ADOPTED.

Those alterations include adding $1.3 million to city schools and roughly halves the modest tax cut in Ganim’s proposed budget that had called for about $150 savings to the average household in an election year.

The council’s changes return to the mayor who has two weeks to approve or veto the amendments. Ganim enjoys line item veto power that would require a two thirds council vote for an override.

So Ganim has a decision to make in an election year, find a way to cut taxes more or not mess with the changes, balancing the calls for more education dough against pleas for tax relief, albeit small.

Council members Christina Smith, Pete Spain and Kyle Langan were among the council members urging more money for the cash-strapped school system. Several amendments were proposed and rejected to add money beyond what was transferred by the budget committee.

See video above of council meeting courtesy of Spain.



  1. I have never witnessed such an organized meeting to vote on a Budget in my life. It was ridiculous.

    Christina Smith read a beautifully prepared statement about why she would not vote in favor of the Budget that hurts minority children.

    Pete Spain spoke brilliantly in favor of adding funds to the BOE Budget and how the tax cut on his home was only enough for a small coffee from Dunkin Donuts for each week.

    Kyle Langan repeatedly offered amendments to eliminate the .38 mil rate tax cut and to shift funds to the BOE.

    Maria Zambrano and Karen Jackson did not publicly articulate a position, however they repeatedly supported Kyle’s and Pete’s amendments.

    Pete Spain made a motion to delete Jeanette Herron’s and Micharl Defillipo’s push in committee to re-add $175,000 back to Police OT. Only Christina Smith. Pete Spain, Marcus Brown, Kyle Langan, Karen Jackson, and Maria Zambrano voted in favor of the amendment.

    I spoke and closed with asking every single Democrat to vote Joe Ganim out of office in September. I received resounding applause. I also urged every voter to look at City Council challengers, research them, and find out if they will support our public schools.
    Ernie Newton issued a rebuttal repeatedly referring to me as the “lady from the BOE” and urged everyone to remember members of the BOE are up for re-election too. I immediately stood up in the front row , turned to face the attendees, and took a flamboyant courtesy.

    Reverend Lee was attempting to speak, however she is often incoherent and garbled. She did say “we need the polices.’ I so badly wanted to pull her to the side to explaine that the word “police” is both singular and plural, however I realized it would be pointless.

    Let me state here unequivicollay, as I told Nessah Smith as she walked past me, “you are done.” She starting yelling ” don”t talk to me.”. She then told Evette Brantley “she is dumb.” I had to laugh. How can Nessah Smith call me dumb? I would decimate her in a debate on any topic related to Bridgeport.

    Now I can move forward with the fliers I started creating after the Community Conversations were canceled. We will be distributing them at the remaining school campuses featuring Mayor Ganim’s and the respective City Council members’ record on our public schools.

    The fliers will be factual with detailed information on the four budgets presented by Mayor Ganim and the voting record of every city council member.

    Marcus Brow

    1. Ms Smith’s comments were right on the mark. If more people in elected office had her view —there will be change and Bridgeport will become a better place. People need to hear the words that she spoke!!
      I bet Defilippo was more fidgety during her comments than he was at the long budget meeting and I also bet that he wasn’t the only one there that felt like all eyes were upon them- so to speak-when she spoke of political patronage and using the system For personal gain.

  2. I asked the Council in an earlier post, NO tax cuts and send all that money to the education of Bridgeport’s children. Those meager tax cuts aren’t going to get you reelected Mayor so just do right thing for the school children of Bridgeport, fund their education like your children were going to public school in Bridgeport.

    I beseeched the Full Council to send all of that proposed half a tax to educate the children of Bridgeport like you really care about them, even if it is a lie. You must care about the children of Bridgeport more than you want to kiss the ass of Mayor Ganim and Mario.

    To no avail, you chicken shit city council didn’t have the character or integrity to stand up for the children of Bridgeport. Instead as most thought you would, your lips fell right on Mayor Ganim’s and Mario asses like they knew you would.

  3. Aidee Nieves wanted to discuss creating a committee for CBCG Grant’s. She directed every member of the City Council that had a “conflict” to leave the City Council Chambers prior to discussing the item. What was even crazier was that 8 City Council Members actually got up and left.

    No one can be directed to leave a public meeting. Especially members of the City Council. If there is a conflict they should simply recuse themselves by not participating in any discussion and abstaining from any vote on the matter.

    Pure outrageousness

  4. Can ask what Attorney General Tong, Lieutenant Governor Susan Byzeweicz, and State Rep. Cristin McCarthy Vahey are doing in Bridgeport campaigning for non-Bridgeport resident Antonio Felipe?

    We have non-Bridgeport residents trying to help another non-Bridgeport resident get elected to a seat he has no right to serve in.

    They are working against three other Democrats for someone who is not even an incumbent.

    Let’s give them a call to let them know that as actual Bridgeport residents, we don’t appreciate their interference.

    LT. Governor Byzeweicz – 860- 524- 7384

    Attorney General William Tong – 860- 808- 5314

    FAIRFIELD State Rep. Cristin McCarthy Vahey 860- 240-8585

    Light up their phone lines!

    1. Both Tong and McCarthy-Vahy are closely associated with State Rep Steve Strafstrom. Connect the dots and let’s start asking questions,.

    1. Hi Lisa, September, assuming Ganim’s challengers State Senator Marilyn Moore and State Representative Charlie Stallworth go that route and not directly to the general election as petitioning candidates.

  5. I’ve been so busy with real estate, that actually pays, and my clients usually appreciate my skill, that I haven’t been able to focus on daily happenings. However, I can’t resist commenting on Maria. Everyone seems to have a take on her, but if not for her the facts and truth would never be known. She’s relentless and knowledgble, she’s never intimidated and never gives up. Well here’s a fact: I know many are looking forward to Maria facing defeat in the coming election, my question is, “do any of you think that will make her go away?” I don’t happen to think she will lose if she runs. Remember, not only pols vote, there are many who admire her for her truth, they vote. A long time ago I served with the male version of Maria, he was young, smart and honest. We also thought he was a pain in the neck at the time, but in reality, he was right almost all of the time. He proved over and over that he didn’t need the political establishment, and became a legend in his time. So I say to all of you, listen to what she says and researces, you don’t have to call her friend to call her right. I still can’t figure out why the Feds haven’t recruited her to join them, she’s better than most of them, and doesn’t take as long to reveal the facts.

    1. She is hated because she actually does her home work . She is hated because she is usually correct. She does what no other will do …….Actually work and care for the city…..Sad word…no one likes the know it all……I wish Bridgeport had a whole board of Maria’s……..AND NO,I DONT KNOW HER AT ALL..NEVER MEET HER….BUT I ADMIRE HER COJONES

      1. Lol; it’s whats called “the truth hurts!” They hate it when you confront them with the truth and they are there to go against what’s good for the people and to do only they’re own bidding or the bosses bidding.
        Let’s face it, if people think that the DTC chairman’s only agenda is mostly opposite of what would truely benefit the masses and he only wants things done for personal, political, or patronage reasons, then what’s his boy the bartender doing on the council. Council members who are weak or not very smart or not well spoken are there mostly to do the bidding of the person who promises them something. It’s as obvious as anything.
        That’s why I say to vote most of them out!!!
        Oh…and……… pour me another….
        …….and….. no tip for you !!!

  6. Little Joe Ganim floated the possibility of a veto. Imagine that, the public education system in Bridgeport desterately needs a budget increase and the city’s Napoleonic complexity is threatening a veto because the City Council is not bending over.

  7. Joe desperately wants his full tax cut.Let’s face it,alot in our city don’t read the newspaper daily,or read this blog,either because the don’t have internet access(seniors) or,in the case of the newspaper it may be a cost factor to buy it daily.So for alot of people,all they have to go by is word of mouth,or the mailers candidates send out.Joe knows that if he could say he lowered taxes $150 per household in those mailers,he’d get alot of mileage out of it.


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